Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Peace for Sudan? Yes, says science

By Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Kulwant Singh and Dr. David Leffler

September 1, 2009 — For many years, the military of Sudan has tried and failed to eliminate violent extremism. Conventional approaches to national defense can no longer guarantee peace and security, and a new approach is crucial. Underlying violent extremism is a human problem requiring human solutions, namely, accumulation of intense social stress that fuels terrorism and conflict. Therefore, to protect the civilian population effectively, this collective stress in Sudan must be reduced.


A proven new defense technology exists that can accomplish this goal. Ultimately, it is based on the discovery of the unified field of all the laws of nature – the most fundamental and powerful level of nature’s dynamics. Over 50 research studies confirm its effectiveness. This approach, called Invincible Defense Technology (IDT), is easily applied, cost-effective, and prevents disruption and attack from within or outside a country.

The Invincible Defense Technology involves the creation of large groups of peace-creating experts collectively practicing the non-religious Transcendental Meditation (TM) and TM-Sidhi programs twice a day. Studies show that when the required threshold of IDT experts is crossed, crime rates go down, quality of life indices go up, and terrorism and war abate. The causal mechanism has been postulated to be a field effect of consciousness: enlivenment of the unified field by the peace-creating group produces an effect of collective coherence that extends into the larger population. Scientists refer to this phenomenon as the Maharishi Effect in honor of the late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who first predicted it.


In July-August 1993, a two-month IDT intervention was implemented in Washington, DC. Predictions of specific drops in crime and other indices were lodged in advance with government leaders and newspapers. An independent Project Review Board approved the research protocol. The findings showed that crime fell 24 percent below expected levels when the IDT group size reached its maximum. The study was published in Social Indicators Research (1999, vol. 47, pp. 153-201).

A study in the Journal of Conflict Resolution (1988, vol. 32, #4, pp. 776-812) of a two-month-long coherence-creating assembly in Israel showed that war deaths in neighboring Lebanon decreased by 76%. A composite quality-of-life index showed decreased crime, traffic accidents and fires in Jerusalem, and decreased crime accompanied by improvements in the stock market and national mood throughout Israel. Other possible causes (weather, weekends, holidays, etc.) were statistically controlled for and could not account for the results. A follow-up study in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality (2005, vol. 17, #1, pp. 285-338) showed that during seven different coherence-creating assemblies, war deaths in Lebanon decreased by an average of 71%.

The Maharishi Effect has also been documented worldwide in a study published in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation (2003, vol. 36, #1-4, 283-302) using data provided by the Rand Corporation. When large assemblies of IDT experts exceeded the Maharishi Effect threshold for the world, terrorism decreased globally 72%, international conflict decreased 33%, and violence within nations was reduced without intrusion by other governments.


Extensive research shows that the IDT group size needed to reduce social stress must exceed the square root of 1% of the population size. For Sudan, this threshold is about 628 peace-creating experts. A “Prevention Wing of the Military,” consisting of approximately 2% to 3% of the military trained as IDT experts, could easily achieve this goal.

In the 1990s, the military in Mozambique used IDT to end its civil war. Today, The Netherlands, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago have IDT groups. The United States is close to achieving the requisite number of IDT experts at Maharishi’s university in Iowa. And a group large enough to have a global effect is forming in India. But these are all civilian groups which require financial support.

Since the military is funded by the government and its personnel are paid to perform their duty to protect the country’s citizens, it is not subject to fluctuations of donors, jobs, student graduations, and optional activities. A Prevention Wing of the Military would be a permanent peace-creating IDT group for Sudan.

The military is responsible for protecting the civilian population, and is obligated to thoroughly examine realistic, scientifically validated methods for ending war and terrorism. IDT is such a method. Therefore, we feel it is the military’s duty to create a Prevention Wing of the Military and truly protect Sudan.

About the Authors:

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Kulwant Singh, U.Y.S.M., Ph.D. fought in combat and led India’s fight against India’s intransigent terrorism problem for nearly 30 years. He was awarded the Uttam Yudh Sewa Medal, the second highest decoration for senior officers during operations in Sri Lanka as part of IPKF (Indian Peace Keeping Force). Today he is leading an international group of generals and defense experts that advocates Invincible Defense Technology. A list of Dr. Singh’s publications on the topic of Invincible Defense Technology is available by clicking here.

David Leffler, Ph.D., a veteran of the United States Air Force veteran, is the Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS). Dr. Leffler has published articles about IDT in Aljazeera Magazine, PakTribune, Alarabiya, Pakistan Daily, Arab News, Pakistan Link, Middle East Online, Hi Pakistan, Beirut-Online, The Pakistani Spectator, News From Bangladesh, Muslims, Muslim World Today, Sinhala, Senegambia News1, Senegambia News2, New Age Islam, Haalkhabar, Chowk, and Islam And Muslims. He serves on the Board of Editors for the Journal of Management & Social Sciences (JMSS) Institute of Business & Technology BIZTEK in Pakistan.


  • Inla

    Peace for Sudan? Yes, says science
    Brilliant and intriguing. Thanks for bringing this interesting approach to public attention.

  • wadoman

    Peace for Sudan? Yes, says science
    Invincible Defense Technology is an entirely new concept in the field of national defense. It works on an individual and collective level. Nothing has worked to this point. Billions are being spent on newer, and more destructive weapons and have only resulted in the world becoming more dangerous. It’s time for new ideas and new thinking. We must think outside the box before it is too late. This method offers hope that world stress and tension can be reduced significantly in an easy way. It should be tried on a large scale.

  • Dr. Jean Tobin
    Dr. Jean Tobin

    Peace for Sudan? Yes, says science
    There was a time in the history of the US Military where the debate was whether to invest money in developing what was then the new “radio” technology to send messages or to continue using homing pigeons to send messages. Most of the people involved at the time could not imagine that this new “radio” technology could really work–the idea of being able to send messages thru the “air” that could be received and understood at the other end seemed to be an impractical dream. And so, the decision was made not to invest in the new “radio technology” but to continue to fund homing pigeons. Of course, later they saw the absurd error of their decision. We are now at a similar crossroads. Research has already overwhelmingly validated the Invincible Defense Technology. It is negligent not to implement it.

  • andyshoes

    Peace for Sudan? Yes, says science
    Excellent article, thanks. I have heard a definition of stupidity that reads something like this: “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” I believe that trying to resolve conflict by force falls into this category.

    In this article we are presented with an proven alternative to lowing stress in society and preventing conflict. I urge the political and military leaders of Sudan to seriously consider this new approach to conflict resolution.

  • James

    Peace for Sudan? Yes, says science
    Bravo Man. Such scientific approach is what we have been waiting for.Well done ,we need dynamic people like you.THANKS

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