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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan says Adada resigned after UN refusal to renew him

September 3, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — Sudanese President said today that the former head of Darfur hybrid peacekeeping mission (UNAMID) resigned to protest UN refusal to renew his contract.

Rodolphe Adada, left, greets members of the Chinese follow-up troop of engineering unit after their arrival in Nyala, the capital of South Darfur state of Sudan, Thursday, July 17, 2008 (AP)
Rodolphe Adada, left, greets members of the Chinese follow-up troop of engineering unit after their arrival in Nyala, the capital of South Darfur state of Sudan, Thursday, July 17, 2008 (AP)
Rodolphe Adada, a former foreign minister of the Republic of Congo, stepped down from his duties as UNAMID chief on August 31. UN Secretary General accepted his resignation and wished him continued success in his “future role with the Government of the Congo.”

Speaking today at a breaking fast ceremony (Iftar) organized Sudanese Copt Church, Al-Bashir said “The enemies of Sudan did not like Adada’s report on Darfur, and this is why they refused to renew him” for another two years. “Adada resigned embodying the dignity of African man.”

Last April, Adada speaking before the UN Security Council described the security situation in Darfur as “low-intensity conflict.” He told the 15 members that around 130-150 people were dying each month due to violence in Darfur, adding the situation has changed from the period of intense hostilities in 2003-2004.

Adada also suggested that the International Criminal Court arrest warrant issued for Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir last month has complicated prospects for a political process.

At the time, Adada remarks caused an outcry.

The US ambassador to the UN Susan Rice questioned the “low intensity conflict” labeling by Adada and suggested that he is contradicting his boss Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s reports. While UK and French delegates echoed the same view and criticized his allusion to a UNSC resolution suspending Bashir’s indictment.

UN figures say the war has claimed at least 300,000 lives from violence, disease and displacement. It also estimates some 2.7 million people were driven from their homes and at its height, in 2003-2005, it was called the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

In an interview with the Associated Press published today, Adada maintained “We can no longer talk of a big conflict, of a war in Darfur.” “I think now everybody understands it. We can no longer speak of this issue. It is over,” he further said.

Nourredine Mezni, the UNAMID spokesperson told Sudan Tribune recently that Adada had resigned due to personal reasons and excluded any political motivations behind his anticipated departure.

Also, Ban Ki-Moon in a letter obtained by Sudan Tribune praised Adada efforts during the last two years. “You have led UNAMID with distinction during its most challenging initial deployment phase and in an environment of unprecedented difficulty,” said the UN chief.

Despite criticisms made by western diplomats on UNAMID’s “ineffectiveness”, it was not clear if Bashir statements reflect a real disaffection between Adada and the UN. Some observers say Sudanese President used to manipulate such situations and turns it for the credit of his government.



  • oshay

    Sudan says Adada resigned after UN refusal to renew him
    This should be a warning to all Africans that if you don’t do the bidding of the West be prepared to face the consequence.

    The conspiracy of Dafur is beginning to unravel.

  • Abu shery Nyang
    Abu shery Nyang

    Sudan says Adada resigned after UN refusal to renew him
    Let him go to, the man was bribed by bashier and you can tells from el bashier comments Adada is usless and let him go back to Congo.

  • malek, 'odili the great'
    malek, 'odili the great'

    Sudan says Adada resigned after UN refusal to renew him
    Adada has a right to resign because there is no justic in khortum,if mr wanted president never stop NIF from war with darfur then who do he thing will end darfur crisis?

    secondly adada had been bribed since he start his work in darfur by bashir to compaign against arrest warranty to bashir but the monkey business never showup in it reality
    Adada is like Juda who betray just, jesus because of handful of money.

  • Kur

    Sudan says Adada resigned after UN refusal to renew him
    We now know that Adada was working for the janjweed regime. So he was the enemy of the victims of war in Darfur. The UN is there to stand up for the women and children of Darfur. But if those in charge of the UN program deviated from their normal duty and become part of the regime, then they have to go.


  • Time1

    Sudan says Adada resigned after UN refusal to renew him
    Adada has been in the paycheck of NCP for sometime now,there is evidence showing the man has been turned into a puppet, he was being given money,gifts,cars and so on by NCP,as a UN diplomat he is not suppose to take such things from a regime already accused of war crimes,this would help Adada to be seen as neutral and serious.You people do not know what is going on here in Khartoum,come here on the ground,we are here monitoring it all everyday,there is massive corruption going on,abuses against civilians and bribing of UN staff.Darfuris are forced to worship the dictator and war criminal el bashir,its a normal talk this days in Khartoum, the Arabs are saying they are the owners of the Darfur people.

    listen to this story if you are seriously concerned with what is going on in Darfur.last week a man told me that his whole family has been massacred by Arabs in the outskirts of geneina in south Darfur, his mother was killed then the Arabs came on camel backs at night and killed his father and sisters, he escaped to khartoum,he is now the only survivor from that family of Abdul gadr el taeb, he lives in a rack shack in um badda omdurman area of khartoum,this is a true story just last week,he says the killing is still going on and that the media is not there ont he ground to see the murders that is going on,he was crying but i told him everything will b e allright,Allah will compensate them.ncp days are numbered,do not get close to them,they do not want to die alone.

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