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Sudan Tribune

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US administration reaches consensus on Sudan policy: official

September 4, 2009 (WASHINGTON) — The US administration managed to settle differences within its circles on the long awaited and much delayed Sudan policy review, a senior US official told reporters today.

Gration-2.jpgThe US special envoy to Sudan Scott Gration said that on Thursday night the administration “reached [an] agreement on the overall broad framework on what we call incentives and pressures” as part of the policy review, the Foreign Policy magazine quoted the retired general.

However, Gration suggested that US president Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will have to sign off on the plan for it to become final.

Before taking office, Obama promised the release of a comprehensive strategy on Sudan within the first few months of taking office, but rifts within the administration on “soft” versus “tough” approach, with the former supported by Gration and the latter by US ambassador to the UN Susan Rice.

Gration speaking to US lawmakers last July downplayed any disagreement with Rice.

Darfur advocacy groups in Washington also became increasingly critical and frustrated of what they viewed as downgrading the issue of Sudan on the priority list of the administration and a lenient language in dealing with Khartoum.

An advertising campaign was launched by these groups recently in US newspapers urging Obama to step up pressure with a subtle criticism suggesting that he has backed away from his presidential campaign promises last year.

Gration today defended his efforts and his engagement with the Sudanese government as response to these ads.

“I think it’s probably not as useful when you start saying that we’re not doing anything, because if they were watching me and seeing how many trips I’ve made around the world and there, and what we’re accomplishing,” he said.

The US official said that he has been working around the clock with different agencies within the administration on the policy review including National Security Council, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Treasury.

Gration stressed that it was up to Sudanese people to create their own solutions to their problems.

“What we need to do is be able to do is to bring Sudan along and not force things on them–not to bring our solutions on, but what our approach is is to create an environment where they themselves are part of the process, where when we are done it’s durable, lasting and sustainable without our help and without our money,” he said.

Asked about whether he would meet with Sudanese president Omer Al-Bashir who faces an arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) last March, Gration said he had no plans to but would not rule it out “to move the process forward”.

“We’re the only country right now that has relations, good relations, with the governments of southern Sudan and Khartoum” Gration said.

“We would like to be able to fix Darfur and the South and the Chad conflict, the proxy war, we’d like to bring regional stability without ever having to go to Khartoum. I’m serious, it would be wonderful” he added.

Gration pulled back from his earlier positions on full-blown lifting of sanctions imposed on Sudan saying he favors “creating exceptions” to aid humanitarian and development projects in the East African nation.

The US special envoy will return to Sudan this month primarily to follow up on progress achieved in resolving outstanding issues between the North and the South on the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) including referendum law and using disputed census results in the April 2010 elections.



  • oshay

    US administration reaches consensus on Sudan policy: official
    Great news, I think President Obama wisened up to the extremely difficult job the president of Sudan has to do, especially since he’s dealing with a party of savages in the South.

    I hope for once US policy will be fair to all Sudanese and not just Southerners.

  • Santino Agok Baak
    Santino Agok Baak

    US administration reaches consensus on Sudan policy: official
    Stupid people who smile when they hear lifting of their need and be frowned when they are asked to lift suffering for others, don,t smile USA is not joking with very stupid Muselems who are full of terrorism and cheating.

  • jalabi

    US administration reaches consensus on Sudan policy: official
    We said that many times and times, the west and America will look for their benefit and interest, independent south Sudan under Dinka leadership will cause a fail state and will destory the country and make instability in the whole region! It’s just a matter of time and America Obama will lift sanction against Sudan and remove Sudan from sponsoring terriorists list and play a game with NCP and the referendum result comes infavor of unity, I’m very sure many Dinka will commit suicide in 2011.

    Now on, America will not treat south Sudan as their orphan child anymore, they will turn their back on southerners and open their heart for northerners, estable north with huge resources are waiting for America and west to invest!


  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    US administration reaches consensus on Sudan policy: official
    That is the right ideas from unit States of America. It is good ideas to leave primitive and corruptors who do not have rule of law in their land. They are claiming to be a independent country in future with out trying the rule of law and democracy and know the values of human being. They do not care when civilians killing themselves or dieing every week by diseases, hunger and attacks because they know that death will not get them event their families because their families live out side Sudan. Now they are making useless excuse by says they are busy or they will make a law after independent which dose not make sense. If USA give them the good ideas now,then when they failed in the future, they are going to point their fingers to USA for their failures. So goog idea to leave them alone.

    Oduck Bol

  • Time1

    US administration reaches consensus on Sudan policy: official
    General is doing a great job without a doubt, but let him watch this video and say what he thinks of the human rights situation in Sudan.


  • Wal P Muoranyar Biet
    Wal P Muoranyar Biet

    US administration reaches consensus on Sudan policy: official
    blah, blah and blah Gration and Oshay. The destiny of the people of Southern Sudan is in their hands

  • Kur

    US administration reaches consensus on Sudan policy: official
    I am asking all my brothers and sisters not to respond to this demostic cat called Oshay. I have stopped responding to his hiious insults against the people of South Sudan because his conscience is being guided by the devil. We are fighting the devil and we have no time to talk to him. He will keep saying more if we don’t ignore his claims. When we respond to him, he thinks that he has a point.


  • Ahmed

    US administration reaches consensus on Sudan policy: official
    all u Dinkas are disgrace to Sudan!! why dont u guys just move back to ur country Uganda, I blame the wars in Sudan on Dinkas

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