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Sudan Tribune

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Upper Nile calls for no military intervention after bloody fighting

By Ngor Arol Garang

September 5, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The upper Nile State government today called for no military intervention saying it would extend to more killing of innocent civilians.

An armed fighter of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) stands guard in 2006 in Ri-Kwamba, southern Sudan. (AFP)
An armed fighter of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) stands guard in 2006 in Ri-Kwamba, southern Sudan. (AFP)
A Dinka settlement in Bony-Thiang, North West of the Upper Nile capital Malakal, was attacked by armed fighters early on Friday over border issue. The assailants, who burnt down the village, killed 20 people including the paramount chief, Thon Wai, his two wives and three children. Further, they have stolen many cattle.

Speaking from Malakal by phone, Thon M. Kejok, State Minister of information and communications, said the fight, which started on Friday 4, claimed to have been initiated by elements believed to be supporter of Dr. Lam Akol, the Chairman of SPLM-DC.

As the state authorities got this information late, Dinka launched retaliatory attack killing five more people and wounding many others.

However, he confirmed that state authorities have dispatched a joint force to restore law and order in the area.

He further revealed that the dead included a baby, whose parents living in the region were caught up in the middle of a political motivated tribal conflict.

“This is again another unfortunate fight between these tribes, it is a tragedy and a fight without meaning,” he stressed.

The unarmed and defenseless innocent civilians who have no way of protecting themselves from such atrocities becomes the victims of politic differences often extended to villages by enemies of peace stability in the south, the minister said adding that the brutality of this murder grabbed nationwide attention.

This is something that deserves absolute, definitive and unanimous condemnation from all the people of Upper Nile State adds the minister who sounded angered by the clash.

He went on to say we are once again feeling pain in front of the world regarding the shame felt from this progressive extermination of our indigenous populations

This killing is not an isolated case. It is a continuation of January and March clash between these tribes, said Gatkek Gathoth, a student at Upper Nile University from Nuer tribe.

I’m told that Around 100 families have fled their ancestral homelands following the murders and 300 more could follow them out of fear of further attacks, he adds.

UN officials in the semi-autonomous region say over 2,000 people have died and 250,000 been displaced in tribal fighting across southern Sudan since January. They warn that tribal violence could mar the next year general election.

Major General Kuol Diem Kuol, spokesperson of the southern Sudan army (SPLA), said the survivors of the attack said the attackers were led by an officer belonging to SPLM-DC of Dr Lam Akol.

“The wounded said the militia were led by an officer who has defected to the SPLM-DC,” Kuol said. “They saw these men with their own eyes.” He stressed.

However Akol dismissed today the accusation saying as registered party the SPLM-DC has no any military wing or militia adding that his party is committed to political action only.

“The purpose of these accusations is to distort the image of our party after a successful founding convention,” said Akol in an interview with Al-Jazeera TV.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Upper Nile calls for no military intervention after bloody fighting
    Lam Akol is almost going to Die if he is starting attacking SPLA/M citizens.
    The eveident was that the wounded said that DC leaders was the lead of the Attack in the Upper Nile.
    Its is really true because the agents in that area are Lam, Ganya.
    SPLA will send troop very soon because Lam problem is not simple case in our history.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Upper Nile calls for no military intervention after bloody fighting

    When will the GoSS officials stop pointing their fingers to the wrong direction for their own mess? Civilians are killing each other across the region because the GoSS failed to disarm the civil population. Yet they blame Dr. Lam Akol who was left jobless after he was kicked out from the SPLM party.

    The GoSS has failed to bring security and stability in the region. Therefore, the only mean for any ethnic group to be secure is to use force and protect itself, otherwise it members will be slaughtered daily like goats.

    Expect more bad news within the South in coming days not weeks let alone mothns.

  • julius mowanga
    julius mowanga

    Upper Nile calls for no military intervention after bloody fighting
    Africa and Africans never learnt from the near-past history of internal conflicts,as we are following the lead,as SouthernSudan People.Tribal authorities managed through the modern history of Sudan,all the inter-clan clashes and tribal conflicts,peacefully and away from the media lights.GOSS had neglected the important socio-political role that,the tribes’ chieves play .The Coucil of the South-Sudan Salatins is out of budget and has no logistical mandate to intervene in such tribal conflicts,like the resent one in UpperNile State.The civic discord has defragmented terribly due to GOSS negligence,which resulted in what we can call Tribal Political Profiling,similiar to the Yemen one then.

    SPLM/A showed its weakness and inability to protect its citizens from outlaw bandits,and from the enemy of peace,failed to disarm a certain tribes,reserving them as a backup to repress any potential opposition to SPLM authority or a revolt against its imbalanced social policies,where its political influece is copromised .Accusing SPLA/DC by SPLM,being behind this attrocities for political gain,whill not stop the barbaric behaviour by this tribes,once the marginalized tribes seeing their political-elites deprived from their rights to represent and serve them.Politically,our people are very immature to comprehend the political aspect of finger pointing in this dirty political games,that most of our SPLM cadres has adopted it as a contra-propaganda,despite their aknowledgement,that the ordinary citizens of South-Sudan are very sensetive to tribal political profilation.

    I do call upon all the tribes’ leaders and chieves to reckon to the wisdom and noble Sudanese tradition,when to deal with this kind of manipulations.

    UpperNile State authorities have to be vigilant,to restore peace and harmonic coexistence between its various tribes,and enhance the law enforcement man-power in the areas of altercations.

    Peace out

  • Kur

    Upper Nile calls for no military intervention after bloody fighting
    That is the face of Mr. Lam. The only intetion he has is to gain power through the back door, but I think he has come to the end of his political road.


  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Upper Nile calls for no military intervention after bloody fighting
    “This grabbed attention of nation wide and minister sound anger”
    That is good if this is the language or behaviour people want in south Sudan. When Dinka tribe attacked Shilluk tribe many time,did SPLA spokesman talk about that? Now SPLA want to intervene so that they could attack Shilluk through indirectly. If there is any intervention of SPLM in case then Shilluk have to know that Dinka armies are coming to fight them. Also do not point your finger to SPLM-DC or Dr Lam Akol.Lam dose not have any relatiship with what is going on in south. Also Did you said SPLM-DC attacked People in Anhkder, when Dinka killed civilians in Anhkder and Malakal? Please,please do not portend that you are government of all southerns in south while you are really Dinka tribal armies. Would you have talked if you have not tested bloody.

  • Africano

    Upper Nile calls for no military intervention after bloody fighting
    The Dinka in Malakal are behaving like Lords. They have taken SPLM/A as their private affairs. What happened in Abaniem (which Dinka took during the war and called it Biny Thaing) was a retaliation of the killing of a Shilluk notable Nyereth Akic in Pamath Village, in July. SPLM-DC is in no way involved. Thon M Kejok is the militia leader of Dinka Ngong in Malakal. He maintains militias in his house and the same time call himself an SPLM. I hope the honorable the Militia Thon Mum knows, yesterday a family of five was killed by Dinka in Bol Village. No worry let us go on to see who will surrender. The Shilluk are fighting for their land. The next target probably will be Thon Mum.

  • Abok Kiir Dau
    Abok Kiir Dau

    Upper Nile calls for no military intervention after bloody fighting
    My condolence to the Dongjol Dinka families who lost their love one, may God rest their soul in peace.

    Dear Oduck, Africano and Okuch.

    First to Oduck, you did deny that you are not shulluk/shilluk in your comment on 5/09/09. While you are by those name and being supporter of Lam Akol, no one will harm you if you are but telling lies isn’t good enough for educated person like you and encouraging war among civilian will not help us to be better nation in Southern Sudan. Now to both of you, you people mention about Dinka Ngok Lual Yak started the fight first, which is totally wrong, you just want to grap the puplic attention by convincing them or to let them believe you that you are telling the truth, Which is not. Dinka Ngok Lual Yak,Dinka Dongjol, Shulluk, Nuer Lou and Nuer Nasser have been good neighbours for long time but when Lam Akol step in, he came with destruction and bribery to demolish the relationship that was between this tribes.

    How can the SPLM-DC bring change while is being led by primitive professor who kill civilians while they are his backborne if he really want to create change. No way he could be, Lam is a pretender who deceive himself to be a friend of anyone but there is some things concealment about him. That is so call stupidity, a foreign misnister who have poor ability to understand or to profit from experience. On the other hand one of you did mention about shulluk land, and how it is invaded. Which land is your? Malakal is not your, your place is on the other side of the Nile, the owners are Dinka Ngok Lual Yak, but Ngok allowed everyone to be there since it’s bring Southern together.

    To assure you, Malakal name was (Mat a kael) in Dinka, meaning gerthering of all cattle (people) of Sudan together because it is the centre. But when arab came as traders the change it as Malakal as the change Panthou to heglig. Also Khartuom name in Dinka was (Kier-tuom) meaning joining of all rivers but traders change it as well, so historically all those part belong to Dinka, but since Dinkas are freedom fighters, the went to the bush to fight for the truth but coward peopl like shulluk remain in those areas to share that plate (Luol Akiel) with arabs. Addition to that, Anakdiar belong to Ngok lual yak but due to inter-marriaged between Ngok and Shulluk, Ngok lual yak offer one of their inlaw small area to stay since he was homeless and chase a way with his family by his own people within Shulluk. Look! How good Ngok Lual Yak peopl are, that’s how shulluk occupy or invaded Anakdiar but the were given small place to stay for a while, therefore Ngok didn’t chase them when many of them come and build their houses because Dinkas respect inlaws. And now shulluk claim it as their without shame.

    On top of that, Okuch you also talked about Georgi Athor on your comment on 05/09/09. Disarming shulluk, my friend not only shulluk was disarm, all Dinkas on that side of upper nile were disarm too, that led to massive killing because DC party know that civilian have no protection, his party or NCP who are betrayer, bribe weak tribe to cause trouble or insecurity

    Otherwise we are still coexisting peacefully, as of nations. I believe holly village of Mak is condemming what is happening between the two tribe, so let join our hand and aim for better future of our kids instead of supporting evil act.

    Ms Abok

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