Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Toposa disappointed by School closure in E. Equatoria

Toposa community in Diaspora

To: Aloysius Emor Ojetuk

Subject: Open letter H..E Aloysius Emor Ojetuk, GOVERNOR OF EASTERN EQUATORIA STATE –TORIT

Your Excellency, The Toposa community in Diaspora is very disappointed to hear that Kuleu Lights Academy (A Primary school) which is run by Pastor James Lokuuda Kadanya was closed by the army. Such closure has unquestionably deprived our children from enjoying and participating in the Martyrs’ day, an important event in the life of every child from the marginalized regions of Sudan in general and South Sudan, Nuba Mountains and Ingessana in particular.

In other words, the closure of the school disassociated our children from their history. This is disappointing as this implies that these future torchbearers have been unfairly punished. The facts cited for the closure of the school are either raw or just made up. It is alleged that the school was built close or into the former army barracks. Can this be a good reason to shut down the children’s school? Couldn’t the school continue to function while alternatives are being worked out even if this were to be the case?

Another surprising thing for our community is the involvement and deployment of the SPLA in the closure of the school. What does this mean? This is a national army which liberated the very children in order for these children to be free to pursue their education and live their lives like the rest of the children in the world. This is a misuse of the people’s army. The SPLA is there to protect us. It is our people’s lifeline. It is there to promote our security, not curtail it. Furthermore, we have also noticed a disturbing trend and persistent routine subjecting Pastor James Lokuuda Kadanya to harassment. Such harassment has now gone too far.. He is threatened and his life as well as that of the teachers might be in danger. Why all this? Why is such a dangerous situation allowed to happen? What wrong or crime has he and the teachers committed to deserve this kind of treatment?

Your Excelency, you were also in the air in South Sudan Television reporting that the school is build in the military barrack. Those who are giving you such information think that they are populirizing you, instead they causing you to be hated by the people and populirizing your oponents instead. Watchout for such advisors. That school is situated more than 500 metters away from what was army garison.

Your Excellency, being SPLM members and strong supporters of our party, we feel that we must write and inform you about the current developments in Kapoeta town and elsewhere. Something must be done to put an end to such incidents. Kuleu Lights Academy which was closed by the security forces must be reopened. Let’s confront illiteracy through schools and hunger which is affecting our people throughout our State through provisions. Shutting few and ill-served schools is not the solution. Opening more schools and rehabilitating old ones is the solution. The reports we are getting is that people are dying of hunger in the rural areas. That’s where our focus should be.

Your Excellency, another disturbing point worth mentioning relates to the appointment of commissioners throughout Kapoeta counties—-North, East and South respectively. Each County Commissioner has been changed twice without explanation to the community. It is clear that no importance is attached to making consultation with the grassroots so that they could propose new candidates. The trend is that appointments are imposed either from Torit or Juba . We regret and deplore such actions because such actions are alienating the local people from participating in the government. Indeed, they make people feel that they are not part and parcel of the system which may not be the case. We have every right and must enjoy such rights like all the rest of our people.

Your Excelency, the harassment and detention of Toposa students studying in EAST AFRICA at Nadapal border point by security forces should not escape mention. Many have been questioned and detained for some hours before releasing them. We believe misunderstanding may have come from the language which sounds like that of Turkanas and Karamojong. We feel that the language issue should not be a big problem. It can be resolved by employing native people of greater Kapoeta counties so that they can help identify who is and who is not Toposa, Turkana or Karamojong.

Your Excelelncy, finally, we are just very concerned about the situation. No hard feelings. We are part of the system and we would be doing no service if we don’t put our views which we think might help our administration cope with the situation. To that end, the Toposa community is optimistic that our demands shall be met sooner than later. We assure your Excellency of our sincere and mutual co-operation and understanding between your administration and the native of Kapoeta South, Kapoeta North and Kapoeta East counties..

Your faithfully, Lino Lokine Locapio

August 31, 2009


  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Toposa disappointed by School closure in E. Equatoria
    Those who wrote this letter are intellectual. Think twice and react to the closure of that primary school in Eastern Equatoria. Who close the school?, you guys said the army close the school in Eastern Equatoria.
    I am really worry of most tribes in the Southern because some educated peoples just receives unjsutify messege and just react for no reasons.
    NCP is also sending this kind of messege to you guys, NCP went to confuse you to create problem.
    Please the writer have to check the sources before writing emotional that will make others——.

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