Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

The failure of SPLM-DC convention

By Luk Kuth Dak

September 8, 2009 — Last week, the Southern Sudanese people have exposed to the world their true color. They downrightly and bravely had spoken to rebuff the plot to segregate them, by the disgraced founder of the so-called Sudan People’s Liberation Movement for Democratic Change (SPLM- DC) Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin.

By all accounts, the convention was a total malfunction even by the admission of some of Islamic news media outlets known for their compulsive support of anything and everything Dr. Akol does. However, by some estimates as many as 80% of the participants were apparently from Northern Sudan and some Arabs countries well known for their dislike of South Sudanese and black people in general.

Indeed, apart from some flunkies ( whom we all know), it was virtually clear that South Sudan’s presence and participation were pure symbolic and apparent to anyone who entered the Khartoum Friendship Hall– and much to disappointment of the founder, who appeared panic, and worried like never been seen before.

If there was one thing noteworthy out of the convention, it was the fact that everyone agreed that the convention was lavishly financed and beautifully produced. However, the heavy NCP/NIF representation headed by one of the regime’s bigots, Muhammad Mandour al Mahedi and two of the “Jalaba golden boys” Ali Tamim Fartak and Reik Gai Kok, to name just a few, confirmed what Southerners were ambivalent about, that the SPLM-DC is nothing but a planted virus to undermine the unity of South Sudan.

Yet, to this day, it remanied a mystery how on earth a party that was founded only a few months ago could have possibly mange to have such incredibly huge sums amounts of money, that any major political party ( the likes of al Umma , UDP and SCP) would only dream about.

So, yes, the real question is where all the money came from? Simply, the answer is; the NCP/NIF and indeed some Arabs countries– Qatar and Syria Bahrain and Eritrea were all behind the financial influx to Dr. Lam’s party.

The same cannot be said of the Sudan peoples Liberation Movement’s historical and monumental convention in Juba, which brought together Southerners Sudanese people from all from all walks of life.

It’s anyone guesses- after the rough landing- of the convention, what Dr. Akol’s next move will be. Most people who know him very well, did not dismiss the idea that he might now make his return to NIF official for better or worse. Some even went further by suggesting that he might be well on his way back to the SPLM using the same ole deceptive tactics of repentance.

But Ustaz Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth, the SPLM/NLC National Liberation Council Member, and South Sudan Government Representative to the United States, had a stronger tone on the convention. ” The so-called Sudan People’s Liberation Movement – Democratic Change (SPLM-DC) convention held in the friendship Hall and financed by the NCP, was nothing but a cover up by the NCP to destroy the Comprehensive agreement ( CPA) using Dr. Lam Akol, he said.”

” The SPLM-DC is the same name as NCP and was manufactured in the factory of NCP in Kennana last year. The so-called SPLM-DC was created and financed by the NCP to destroy the CPA, especially to deny the referendum for the people South Sudan and Abyie, and create hindrance to the complete implementation of the CPA. Dr. Lam Akol is well known for allowing himself to be used by the NCP/INF particularly when we are almost crossing the bridge. The people of South Sudan as well the overall marginalized population will not allow him to be an obstacle this time around. The convention was a way for Dr. Lam to get money from the NCP/INF and to divert attention from the dire challenges facing the CPA, he added.”

In conclusion, it was very clear that the so-called SPLM-DC was indeed founded to lash out not only on the SPLM, but also on anyone and everyone who supports the right of Southerners for self determination.
And so, yes, Dr. Lam’s party should be allowed to practice politics in South Sudan. It’s democratically entitled to, but under only two conditions: first, to refrain diffusion hatred among our tribes, and second, to divulge their financial sources.
That’s not too much to ask.

Luk Kuth Dak is former Juba anchorman/ reporter. He can be reach@[email protected]


  • Michael Madit Magot
    Michael Madit Magot

    The failure of SPLM-DC convention
    Luk Dak,

    Thanks for that piece of writing which sharply criticise splm-dc.
    This is a sick party which will not harm SPLM even though it was purposely formed to destroy the CPA.
    NCP would provide them with all the necessary things they need to bring SPLM to its knees but they will fail miserably.
    Dr Okuk and his uncle Lam will soon rejoin SPLM ashamed.

    Keep writing those noble articles brother Luk Dak.
    We need to expose the SPLM-DC weaknesses to southsudan masses.


  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    The failure of SPLM-DC convention
    Dear Luke,

    Can you add my answer to the list of answers for the question “what will be Lam Akol next move”?

    My answer; I strongly believed that Lam Akol next move is defection from SPLM-DC and his new organisation will be Khalid Mashal organisation.

    Those who may think my answer is irrelevant should tell me the reasons for Lam Akol Visit to Damascus shortly after forming NIF-DC under the cover of SPLM-DC.

    All options are possible for Lam Akol except coming back to SPLM because the man who nominated and appointed him as foreign minister has learnt something too.

  • Africano

    The failure of SPLM-DC convention
    Mr. Luk Kuth Dak, the transformed disciple of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. if he is a genuine SPLM member as he claims than he should concentrate on party agenda than wasting his time criticizing Dr. Lam and SPLM-DC convention. No one employed him to be an evaluator of the convention. He should know his boss Pagan Amum used a lot of SPLM money to spoil the convention but failed.
    Mr. Luk should concentrate on how to eradicate corruption, looting, tribalism existing in his party. SPLM and his boss Salvatore Kiir is failed government. He is usually putting nonsense on the web. I know you were a dull person. Your articles are not worth reading.

  • Markoni

    The failure of SPLM-DC convention
    Dear Dr. Lam,
    your party is not well known and we southerners donot like
    your activities to be practiced in the South.
    You are just leading your party into nowhere and it will ends nowhere. You better unite with SPLM instead of cracking people’s mind that you have your own party shame on you!
    your party will only survive if you positioned yourself in the south and we like our freedom party to be used in meaningful way not in such manner please try to think twice
    either to dissolve your so-called SPLM-DC or join SPLM party.

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