Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Twic East petition Jonglei assembly over perpetual attacks

By Philip Thon Aleu

September 9, 2009 (BOR TOWN) – Twic East County Youth have written to the speaker of Jonglei state assembly questioning government’s silence to assist victim of August 28, 2009 attack in Wernyol, Lith Payam.

“Surprising enough is why our government keep quite….or is the government unable to help or fearing international criticisms for it weakness to condone the work of militia,” the letter, addressed to Speaker Jodi Jonglei Boyoris, reads in parts.

Repeated attacks in Twic East by armed men from Uror County have left over 50 people dead. The latest incident on August 28 hit an administrative unit of Wernyol left more than 40 people dead. South Sudan army forces are now stationed in Wernyol though the village is deserted by civilians.

Twic East youth leader Daniel Kuir Ajak, who visited the area to access the aftermath of the massacre there, told the Sudan Tribune that “people are counting days of another attack” when asked to speak about the general situation there.

“People are living in fear of new attack. All elderly people, children and women have fled the area and the villages around Wernyol are empty,” Mr. Kuir further stated.

With harvests from this season of farming is still expected, the civilians are exposed to hunger. However, a UN convoy taking food items is said to be reaching there on Tuesday or Wednesday this week.

The youth letter entitled: ‘Devastating militia work in Twic East County, Jonglei state’ talked about past killing of civilians by Lou Nuer including the 1991’s. Since such crimes could be seen as committed with impunity, the youth wondered whether “there shall be a freedom, there shall be a day when the sound of gun shall not be heard…or there will be established government to depends the rights of people” facing death in cool blood. However, the letter warned the government for “not executing the stipulated tasks.”

“Assuming that all the adamant tribes would become privileged and make use of the opportunity by forming and arming their militia to be attacking other sober tribes, there would be greater chances of civil war…hindering 2010 election [and] definitely the referendum,” it worded.

According to the letter which is signed by 15 youth leaders and obtained by the Sudan Tribune, 250 children have being abducted since 2005 – the year when peace returned to Sudan. 300 people allegedly lost their lives and 6,000 cattle are stolen in the same period in Twic East County.

On his part, Speaker Jodi Boyoris says the assembly will discuss the letter and respond in writing to the youths. It’s unlikely that any reply could be expected soon since the assembly is under internal political tumor as chairpersons of specialized committees are relieved.

Southern Sudanese are due to choose in a referendum scheduled for 2011 for united Sudan or separate south. Unity and ability to govern own system by the southerners is being spoiled by enemies of peace as are called the suppliers of ammunitions to armed civilians.



  • Deng Thiak Adut
    Deng Thiak Adut

    Twic East petition Jonglei assembly over perpetual attacks
    We meant to be in peace for “God seek”.I very displeased to see my people taking steps by asking the very government of Jonglei who kept silent over an attack over the civilian. I know the government can’t afford criticism of people, but it clear that the Government of South Sudan and the respective authorities said or done nothings from the past to the preset attacked. The purpose of the ‘rule of law’ is violated or abused by certain communities, and not action so ever been taken. The dummies, which includes the president and his vice continues to be supported by our community but little had been done.

    So what can we do to protect our very precious people? First, I belief that we have a power to arm ourself and leave the stupid SPLA/M alone, incapable of protecting us. Secondly, I suggested that Dinka Bor should form an alliance with NCP so this CPA will not operates or having any substance in its. Kirr and Riak are so answerable for these ongoing crimes. I am not pointing fingers at any individual tribes but to the authorities who spent so much money on materials, which are immaterial in bringing peace to the wider community.

  • liil

    Twic East petition Jonglei assembly over perpetual attacks
    Twic East County Youth:

    It is too late and unacceptable appeal to the goverment of jonglei State to intervene to restore peace and stability in Twic County since you people the Dinka Bor has usually been engaged in negative and brutal compaign against your neighbours specially Murle and Nuer. Lou-Nuer should take this chance to pay back what had been done to them by Dinka as dominant force in southern Sudan.

    Always Dinka Bor claim to have no guns while they keep them in bungkers to see others disarm so that they will come and attack them vulnerable. Always the Dinka Bor people never come to sunlight in protest against the government’s failure to come to rescue of others except their own. therefore you should not suppose to urge the government to come to your rescue when you always celeberate the crisis of other groups. Cut your tongue shot and consider the people around you as brothers and sisters so that these on going problems of killing should not be happened again and again to your masses.

  • mapek

    Twic East petition Jonglei assembly over perpetual attacks
    Congratulation to you the youths of authetic Twich for your greatest condemination and intervention in Twich massacre . Please! please! Twich natives, peace of all sothern’s counties had been signed in Naivasha by your own son Dr John Garang in 2005, but Twich’s peace has not been signed.Our own brothers, sisters, mums and fathers had been suffering a silence dignified death since 1902 during Turkish regime upto now and no even a soft alarm from the government.

    Twich youths, a GOSS’ lower teeth had been removed in 2005, then if you realised and noticed that tribulation change in you .Automatically protect your own people .Militarily, economically and politically beyond reasonable doubt for Twich to bear another sweetest fruit to the marginalised human and have true legacy and diginity being respected.

    GOSS and JONGLEI, do you want Twich nationalists to withdrawn from their liberating positions and secure their kith and kin?.Paradigm of Twich nationalists are Dr Lual Achuek Lual, Dr Chol Daw Diing, Dr Daw Aleer Abit, Dr Majok Daw, Dr Kon Bior, Lawyer Ayual Bul, Malong ALeeng Mayen, Nyendeng Mabior Atem, Atem Garang Deng, Jurkuch Yak Barach, Chagai Atem, Deng daw, Garang Mading Agok, Majak Agoot Atem, Eng Amour Kuol, Atem Aguang Atem, Marol Mangok, Kongoor Aruai and many others who contributed alot in liberation struggle, plus our martyrs .Junubiin try to respect Twich’s natives because our revenge or war can’t last for only two years, it last for decades .For example, Nuers invaded Bor area in 1991-1993 and we retaliated from 1994-2002 till Machar’s regime surrendered and came back to original SPLM in 2002.

    Southerners let join hands and live in peace for the remaining 15 months to referendum .2010 national election and 2011 referendum are the darkest coming evens we ever seen in life full of milestone (Dr Luka Biong, 2009).

    GOSS, protecting civilians by SPLA forces doesn’t means, violation of CPA but killing of Southern civillians by pro- arab malitia, endorsement of Bashir as a candidate for both SPLM and NCP, fialure of NCP to implement referendum laws will lead to dishonering of CPA.

    SPLM, any one who will be in power in 2011 have chances of manipulating and sophisticating the referendum results and referendum itself.Makes sure arabs will ever never implement any agreement in Sudan, simply because arabs have no implementation modality in their tenets, doctrines and in Kuran .Make SPLA forces strong to consolidate CPA and be a solidarity agent in GOSS and creates bilateral relationship with the West, for example, Australia, Britian, America, France and Japan to finance the war and engage Funj, Darfur, Nuba and Angasena in SPLM politics by appointing MALIK AGER as SPLM candidate for presidency in 2010 general election, if SPLA go back to war.


  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Twic East petition Jonglei assembly over perpetual attacks
    dear brothers of Twic East,
    Asking SPLA will not help, the only solution is an eye for an eye, atooth for atooth.
    Those Nuer Lou will really learned through retaliation brothers.
    I am fate up of you Dinka Bor being silent other they will finish you at at all.
    being call acoward is abad thing, and they deserved that because they kill you and you guys don,t revenge.
    i agree that we should fight this foolish tribes.
    acoward cry but no one will help him.
    when brave cry, the get the answer very quick.
    Cpa is not for Dinka bor only, why we worry about it.
    Fuck nuer lou, they are Arab slave because they get food from Arabs riek gai.
    I support fighting this tribes otherwise we will disgrace the Dinka name.

  • Butrus Ajak.
    Butrus Ajak.

    Twic East petition Jonglei assembly over perpetual attacks
    Why do our people talk peace when these neighbours do not want it? Why do people care for referendum when they do not want? Is South Sudan our own? When will you people fight back? Why do you respect the Government that do not care for citizen who are loyal and good to it?

    I can’t see the point of writing for help to this speaker; I do not squarely understand the work of the Goss plus its sectors in Mading Bor. Can they stay calm with their hands fold if attack by these thugs? I hope not!

    This is my message, I once wrote an article of retaliation and was refused by Sudan Tribune Management to publish it that, it calls for war in a Country. Now I want these youth to follow these thugs, you will find your food from them.

    Maguacwum II.

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