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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM and NCP resume talks on South Sudan referendum

By James Gatdet Dak

September 13, 2009 (JUBA) – The two partners to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) have resumed talks on referendum law for Southern Sudan amid several remaining contentious issues.

Machar_Taha1.jpgThe Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) and the National Congress Party (NCP) are locked in hot debates trying to iron out their differences in order to pave the way for the exercise of self-determination in the upcoming 2011 referendum.

The Vice President of the Government of Southern Sudan and Deputy Chairperson of the SPLM, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, left Juba for Khartoum on Sunday to co-chair the debate on formulating the bill for the referendum.

Dr. Machar who chairs the SPLM Executive Political Committee will discuss the bill with the NCP committee chaired by the Vice President of Sudan and Deputy Chairman of the party, Ali Osman Mohamed Taha.

The two parties have yet to agree on the percentage of votes required in the referendum to favor declaring the South independent as well as qualification of voters.

The NCP only accepts a simple majority vote of 51% to declare unity confirmed but proposes a different percentage of 75% of votes cast to declare Southern Sudan an independent country.

SPLM rejected the NCP’s proposal saying it is self-contradicting and proposed a simple majority vote of 51% for both choices.

The SPLM Deputy Secretary General for Southern Sector, Dr. Ann Itto said today that the national capital, Khartoum, was already agreed in the CPA to be the seat of the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission, but added that the SPLM demands establishment of a branch office in Juba.

She further said that the two parties will also discuss the sharing composition of the agreed nine membership, nomination and appointment of the membership to the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission.

The two parties have earlier agreed on the definition of eligible voters to be called the ‘people of Southern Sudan’ instead of the ‘citizens of Southern Sudan.’

However, the parties are yet to agree on who should vote in the referendum among these people of Southern Sudan.

The SPLM accepts only those who are residents in the ten states while the NCP wants to expand it to other Southern Sudanese residing in the North and abroad to also participate in the exercise.

Dr. Itto also said the NCP proposes a complicated system of voting which would not go well with the mostly illiterate Southern Sudan population.

“We in the SPLM are saying that the majority of our people do not read and write and [we] wanted to offer the people the simplest possible voting system of two boxes…[for example] one that says ‘Independent Southern Sudan’ and another one that says ‘Unity,” she said.

Some of the SPLM officials warn that the South would opt for unilateral declaration of independence if the NCP will continue to drag its feet on the referendum law.

However, Dr. Ann Itto said such a move is not an immediate option for the South before 2011.

According to the 2005’s peace deal, the people of Southern Sudan shall vote in January 2011 to either confirm the unity of the Sudan or opt to create their own independent country.

The people of Abyei shall also vote at the same time to either join the South or remain in the North while regions of Nuba Mountains and Southern Blue Nile shall exercise their respective popular consultations on their future status within the North.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    SPLM and NCP resume talks on South Sudan referendum
    We all go seperation but the poor junglese/dinkas want unity just to continue licking the drops of sugar from their master Bashir.

  • DOOR!

    SPLM and NCP resume talks on South Sudan referendum
    Unless incompetent Riek machar is removed from the chairmanship of the referendum talk, the talks will not bear any fruit.

    NCP do not respect him since he had been crisscrossing roads between khartoum and spla.
    Kiir mayardit must sack Riek from chairing the talk and replace him with capable people like Wani Igga .
    He is an open way to doom.

    God help us!

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    SPLM and NCP resume talks on South Sudan referendum
    Many thanks to Dr.Riak Machar Teny-Dhurgon for his hard work towards clear vision, “Self-determination” for South Sudan unlike Mr. Salva with Garang’s poor vision so called “New Sudan.”

    NIF: 51% for united Sudan, but 75% for separation, what a joke!!! South Sudan must be a State by all mean necessary.

  • J.James

    SPLM and NCP resume talks on South Sudan referendum
    Hi guys

    The heart-breaking thing is that all northerners need unity while southerners always confuse some favor unity and others pray for separation, what does that mean to some of you?

    To add salt into the wound, the head of electorial committee is our known Arab CIA Mr. Abel Alier, if so where do you think the separation will possibly come from?

    Lastly, our president Mr. Kiir didn’t have clear stand upto today, we don’t even know how is going to run in up coming election, what constituencies are we going to put forward, what is going to guide us through this process CPA, GOSS constitution or old Sudan constitution leave alone what ways are we going to let all our people vote to get more votes, all these are still in the air, so how are we going to get separation?

    For me, there will be no separation if we still continue to follow this offdates principles. People of South Sudan need to find the solution know before everything run out of our hands.

    In my conscience, I think there will be no separation, unless we do something now. If I am going to be wrong, please feel free to ask me after 2011.

    God bless

    The writer is always peace activist.

  • Critic_Ngueny

    SPLM and NCP resume talks on South Sudan referendum
    I would like to inform Leek Edward Chuol that he who does not recognize reason can not be told reason.I will never apologize the general public about what I had written two days ago.When a child cries for razer blade then you have to give it to him or her.Dinkas have turned deaf ears to Equatorians’day today comments but they don’t want to change.The fact remain that without them Southern Sudan won’t collapse.Logic Dog and some of the barking dogs from Equatoria Must stop talking against Dinkas for no good reason.I am ready to fight on behalf Dinkas.

    Anyway Riak Machar is improving but we are still watching at him.Let’s wait for 2011.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • Gatwech

    SPLM and NCP resume talks on South Sudan referendum
    SPLM leaders including Dr. Riek are doing well on referendum law.

    Dear some tribalistic participants,

    Until we liberate ourselves from tribalism, we will never understand real politics that can take us to our final destiny safely. Some make unnecessary attacks on Dr. Riek simply because of allegations that he killed Bor people in 1991.

    While you very well know those who did the revenge killings, you want to lump it on Dr. Riek. My understanding is that because he corrected Dr. Garang, your clan son, that was Dr. Riek’s sin in your heads.

    But I advise you to open your eyes instead of living in past darkness that will not even help you to correctly judge and determine the future as it unfolds in front of your very own eyes.

    I also advise you to read the article on ‘southsudannation.com’, which is entitled, “Is SPLM haunted by bad experiences during the struggle?” And let me see your response to how the SPLM collective leadership judged the late Dr. John Garang’s style of leadership, which you thought was not right for Dr. Riek to correct in 1991.

  • youngdinka

    SPLM and NCP resume talks on South Sudan referendum
    Gatwech.u trash how long r u going to defence your unce or bro i dont give a trash about it. Your uncle might as well appoint u as his vp and himself will be the president of his former party(Nasir).

    99.99% southereners don’t trust/like Reik as VP or real son of Junub (New or southern Sudan.

    Him spoiled his respect and that of being a true son of Southern Sudan but what he did in 1991 to us, killing tons and tons of innocent civilians at greater Bor.

    And later joined Black people big enemies(Arab.

    riek and lam turned against thier own true brothers and weaken SPLM movement in the 1991 or maybe(till currently) when SPLA/M were going to win victory.

    Riek,Lam,Gatwech and SPLM,-DC SUPPORTORS OR MEMBERS.
    I think you people don’t worse to live on junub(SPLA/M) soil.

    Who will respect him(Machar) after all of those negatives thing he did or been traitors of SPLA/M? during the struggle time?

    Go to Where your homeies are in the North and enemies of peace are working day and night to defect the peace are living at south.

    Thanks to Dinka Boy and Oduka/oduko sorry bro if i missed spelt your name. it showed you are proud of being Southerners and being anti to people like Gatwech and many others.

  • Duongchotguar

    SPLM and NCP resume talks on South Sudan referendum
    Hi you Guys,

    Tell the truth , there were people before our respect hero Dr.De Mabior in Bilpam, SPLAs’ headquarter for almost fourteen (14) years. Dr.John is not beginning of our struggle/movement shortly in 1983. He was blessed to drive a boat for short while for his ideology of communism so called New Sudan,but after,Southern Sudan will exercise their right of self-determination which they died for since British communal rule/colonial era,Anyanya 1 up to 1988 when objectives changed to its mess up after cocodam convention between Dr.John and Sudan ex-prime minister Sadiga almahdi.
    The case is finished, our beloved hero is not alive. And the objectives of transforming the old Sudan system to communist country & New Sudan remained incomplete. The question is, who will implement the half-way ideology????? I think our people will go back to our forefathers aims which was adopted by Dr.Machar to his manifesto in 1991 SPLA split.
    The lives and blood of our dear fathers, brothers, sisters, friends and comrades is not in vain and will never never fail.We will win the war.

    Many thanks,

    Somebody in struggle since 1985

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