Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Who is behind Jonglei attack?

By John Actually

September 21, 2009 — Jonglei state has been grapping tribal clashes between Murle, Dinka Bor and Nuer before and after the Naivasha partners signed comprehensive peace agreement in 2005.

The souring relationship between Lou and Dinka Bor came to a head in 1991 when the SPLM/A split in Nasir and Torit factions. The Nasir faction mobilized and armed Lou Nuer civilians and incited them against the defenseless civilians of Bor using tribal hate sentiments. The Bor were defendless given that youths there were committed in SPLA army. A self-proclaimed prophet called Urnyang also played a role in encouraging the Nuer in general and Lou in particular to massacre their innocent and good neighbors.

He (Urnyang) falsely prophesied that those who would die in the war would resurrect in the centre of their “luak” just a month after their death. This falsehood led the Lou to blindly fight without realizing that they too were destroying themselves. They were also heard citing messages purported to be from Ngundeng as a driving motive to wage war on Bor.

In the last two months Lou Nuers attacked three different payams in Twic East County of Jonglei, a county that does not even share any border with Uror from where the attackers come. About 43 people, including two attackers perished in the last Wernyol attack. In the first one incident, seven people died in Twic East – A Dinka Bor County. In the Baping incident six people were killed. Why should our people die in large numbers likes dogs every hour?

The recent attack of Nuer Lou on Duk County has caused political and socio-economic instability in south Sudan and Jonglei state in particular.

The militias who organized themselves under their leader named Ci-betek Mabil came and attacked administrative centers in Duk, where they killed 76 people and more than 46 people are badly maimed. This may increase the death toll beyond what I may suggest. This attack is very unique the militia group only focuses on towns and other administrative centers with the aim of controlling them unlike the last attack in the same community by Nuer when they came and assault the area only confiscate cattle. If there is no person behind these atrocities, could Nuer do it at this time when we are terribly seeking for peace in our country?

Another reason why I say that these militias are sponsored by somebody is that they always come with heavy machine guns, RPG rockets, and fire arms which are not easy to get. Their leaders (I means chiefs, MPs and others) seem to be too concern in the broadest light in convincing them which has got no ground to be proved right as a good observer could see these events happening every time. These leaders are fond of reporting falsely that those are always militias – militias in large group from one ethnic community generated even from those same bases.

To my own point of view, the militias’ activities in the state are aimless and were only designed to reduce the Dinka Bor’s population. This is because in the state government, all people are represented equally. For instant, in the Jonglei state’s government, Nuer took, the position of deputy governor as a key position. Until the position of governor turns to their side in the next round, I don’t think there doubt here. Moreover, they also head some ministries like ministry of parliamentary affairs ,ministry of social and development, ministry of information and communication.

In the Government of South Sudan, where I think the incorrigible leader of this militias could be hiding , the vice president to the GOSS ,minister for Energy and Mining and may other posts are being headed by Nuer sons. If they are not contended with what the governments have offered them, they have a right to ask for it peacefully.

So, who is backing this aimless group? Which government does Nuer when to get full representation apart from the Government of Southern Sudan?

The writer is a resident of Bor Town. [email protected]


  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Who is behind Jonglei attack?
    Is there another power than the SPLM controled government in the South? If there is, then the SPLM leadership is really in real troubles because it does not have total control of the South. If the SPLM blames the NCP every time somethign goes wrong in the South, it means that the NCP is still powerful in the South in the very face of the SPLM!!!

    When will the NCP compalain one day that the SPLM or SPLA has done such and such in the North where the NCP is in control? This means that the SPLM has no real power in the North too. It means that Mr. Yasser Arman and Mr. Pagan Amum have been making media noises for nothing.

    If this is true, then the SPLM has already lost the 2010 elections and Kiir must prepare himself to go home because he is neither in total control of the South as the GoSS President nor partial control of the North as the GoNU Vice President. What a pity!!! I hate this powerless government power!!! I hate the power that does not control and protect the citizens against each other and against enemies from neighboring countries like Uganda’s LRA!!!

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Who is behind Jonglei attack?
    Coward Jaang/Slaves,

    The Might Nuer Warriors were disarmed back in 2006, but left the other ethnic groups undisarmed, as a result those coward communities received adventages like gifts. The Mighty Nuer Warriors not accept the so called “Disarmament” any more and will never stop slaughtering your coward folks until you evacuate the Eask Bank of the Nile for the other side.

    You always shamelessly claim that Naath have been getting support from the arabized Nubian govt/NIF and Dinka cannot confront the Nuer Jech-in-Bor because almost all the young men are in the army. Are you saying Nuer Warriors cannot retaliat after you elimite their sone in cowardice murder, or are you saying there were/are no young men from Nuer ethnic group who are in the Souh Sudan army/SPLA? Don’t you know one Raan = 10 Jaang? I mean if you elimite one life from Naath expect 10 lives from your side. Get it?

    Where do the same Nuer Warriors get support back in 1800s when they chased coward Jurs like Deers in those years? Your claim is baseless and doesn’t hold any H2O at all.

    Your cowardice strategy always blind you to see the difference between the civilian and political war. If you cannot defend yourselves from Mighty Nuer Warriors invasions/raids, leave the land peacefully as coward Anyuak and Burun did for Akobo and Maiwut respectively. Just as a reminder, Mayom, Fangak, Ayot, Waat, Akobo, Nasir, Maiwut, Gambella and all the surrounding villages which used to be coward Jaang/Slavesland, Anyuakland and Burunland joined the main land (Nuerland) through occupation. Jews’s occpution has been in place, then why not the Mighty Nuer Warrors’s occupation?

    The GoSS failed to disarm the civil population across the region, which mean you have to defend yourselves from any form of enemy. Otherwise, put your baseless blame on GoSS rather than wrong direction.

  • Pilot Malou
    Pilot Malou

    Who is behind Jonglei attack?
    Killing of the civilian population in any form is uncivilize, unmerciful and will not be tolerated should it happen again in any part of the Southern Sudan. Rather than criticizing our leadership I have some few suggestion to offer the GOSS: First, there must be enough combination of both military and civilian intellegences in the bushes as well as the villages and they must be provided with rapid means of communication-setallite phones that will allow them to communicate any movement of the armed insurgents, attackers or militia to the SPLA Headquarterswith so that an appropriate action is taken on the timely basis.
    Secondly, once the suspecious movement of the attackers, militia or insurgents is intercepted, the SPLA Headquarters then send rapid respond forces to the concern area via Hillocopter gunship to attack and destroy those who are responsible for looting and killing of the civilian population in the shortest time posible. The gunship are not cheap, however,the lives of our people be they Nuer,Dinka, Murle or any tribe in Southern Sudan are more precious and therefore, buying the hillo-gunship will do the work better rather than transporting the reinforcement via roads. I can volunteer to fly one of them if called to do so. Finally, the GOSS should train pilots and also should provide each state with hillo-gunships particularly the states that have much problems and those states that are boadering the North must be given the top periority. The effectiveness of the hillocopters can be seen in America where they are used to identify and help the law enforcement agencies bring criminals and thugs into justice.

  • Dily

    Who is behind Jonglei attack?
    I can see why people on this forum are addicted to name calling and such. It is written in bible that “reap what you sow”.
    No one among of us here in the forum, Nuer and Dinkas, who would be chocked or saddenned by these killings.

    But is how the people bring these issues up that normally cause people to be divided. If our objectives are to create a peaceful society, we need to refrain from writtings that we have engaged ourselves in.

    I pray that God will forgive those who kill these innocent lives..

  • thieleling

    Who is behind Jonglei attack?
    Dear Nuer Public,

    Dinkas are always quick to cry treason, appeasing their own fears. ’BETRAYAL’! The Nuers have sold us to Arabs and stabbed us in the back. Your diatribe against the Nuers is well taken. All are baseless accusation meant for political manipulation of judicial process on public mind/opinion of south sudanese against the Nuers. But it terribly failed because it does not based on factual truth.

    But until we agree to resolve our problems with alternative dispute resolution or mediations designed to bring about Peace, the worst is yet to come in south sudan. TRUST ME!! The fact that Dinkas called Lou Nuer civilians militia is dishonest and misguided. The Lou Nuers are legit civilians like every other civilian population in South Sudan.

    Peace begins with TRUST. But our Dinkas brothers are not trusting characters. They are just poisoning the situations with more lies like Philip Thon Aleu feeding this website.

    South Sudan political future does not really look good now based on these sensless, mindless violence among the civilians. But the potential costs of Dinka lies are more apparent. Stop lies and begin conflict resolution process. Begin by honestly telling the truth. You can’t play politics of deaths. Think strategicaly people.

    John Garang killed Gai Tut, Chuol Deang, and displaced Paulino Matip, Gordon Koang Chuol and many others from Bilfam Head Quarter in Nuerland in 1983. Garang also jailed Vincent Kuany latjor and many others. So, John Garang killed, displaced or jailed the above leaders just because they were/are Nuers.

    These Nuer and south sudanese heroes were the founders of new movement before Garang robbed them of it with the help of former communist Ethiopian Dictator. When Garang’s conspiracies succeed against these Nuer heroes, he began to called them militias. He called them militias because he wanted the new SPLA forces to finish them.

    Now, Gier Chuong, Kuol Manyang, Kuol Diem Kuol began to call a legitimate Nuer civilians, the Lou Nuers as militia. They began to call our Nuer civilian population militia because Gier & the two Kuols want to finish the Nuer civilians using the SPLA forces again. They are repeating what John Garang did to Paulino Matip, Gordon Koang, Vincent Kuany, Gai Tut, Chuol Deang and others.

    Unless the Nuers in SPLA forces and GOSS are self-hating Nuers, this should NEVER repeat itself. Our Dinka brothers are not peaceful, fair and honest. The Nuers in the armed forces and Goss need to wake up. and the TIME IS NOW!! “The Nuer is a nation rooted in a history of sacrifice and achievement, and this business of dusting off Nuer reputation can only be explained in the dishonesty and divisiveness in current southern affairs. Many think the qualification of being a tribe is enough credentials to run a national affairs of Southern Sudan”.

    The current dishonest leadership led by Dinkas should NOT be trusted or respected because it does not respect NUER lives. Gier Chuong and the two kuols hypocrisy shuold be enough evidence to any doubting thomas out there. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!

    Don’t play with Nuer lives because of prestige positions or money in GOSS, PERIOD!! There is enough oil in Nuerland, but Nuer lives are PARAMOUNT to protect. Don’t be bought with your own Nuer oil money that comes from Nuerland. It is your land, your oil!! Please protect Nuer lives. Gier Chuong needs a close scrutiny. He seems hastily heading up for something. Be Watchful!!

  • Gatwech

    Who is behind Jonglei attack?
    Dear readers,

    I laughed when I saw the fake name of the author of this article and with this familiar but repeated article. I have never heard any name called John Actually in the Dinka community. This is simply because the writer’s true name is Zechariah Manyok Biar who is known for using multiple names under different articles on sudantribune.com and southsudannation.com. He forgot that he posted almost the same article sometime back with his true name. Well, if he is ashamed of using his true identity, then he can be forgiven and people continue to respond to his article though under false name.

    The most important is that the writer is missing the point about this Jonglei madness. This madness is being facilitated by the governor Kuol Manyang Juuk through his tribal politics of fitting tribes against one another. Until this politics is changed, Jonglei will remain mad.

  • Time1

    Who is behind Jonglei attack?
    John i think it will be waste of time and energy to figure out who is behind this crimes,it is the NCP Arabs terrorists who are arming the tribal militias,what they do is go and spread lies aboput one tribe to another tribe and arm them then SAF officers go with the tribes to attack another tribe,this a strategy used byt he NCP intelligence for a long time,they have just stepped up this attacks they want to discredit the GOSS and to make the south look like its ungovernable and not ready for elections or referendum, their main aim is to caused mistrust hatred and rivalry between the major southern tribes so to make something close to a south-south civil war,for them this make democratic elections and referendum not viable in the region and so will reduce southsudan chance of carrying out a successful referendum,so most of the attacks are actually directly lead by SAF security forces dressed and mingled together with the tribal man. but this is a deperate effort from the Arab NCP party,this are the last kicks of a dying horse, they are doomed to failure and defeat by GOSS.

    The Arabs were defeated in the long war and now they will be defeated inthe referendum haha.

  • Johnny

    Who is behind Jonglei attack?

    Riek Machar Teny and his husband Omer al-bashir are behind this attacked, they know “Dinka Bor is the sources of Knowledge and arab hatred, we must breakup wanted or not. riek will go with his dad.

  • Love your country
    Love your country

    leadership + $$$ – passion for people = bring the country down to ashes
    a simple maths sudanese and their leaders are after.
    a country is torned by war. your people are flying everywhere (if I can say) and a country is lying in ruin but people are running crazily after positions and money. everyone wants to satisfy him/her self.

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