Friday, July 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Lou Nuer say no organized militia behind Jonglei’s attack

September 25, 2009 (JUBA) — The Lou Nuer Youth today denied that recent attack on Dinka Duk in Jonglei state had been carried out by organized militia saying armed civilians were behind it. They also accused the southern Sudan army of taking Dink’s side

Armed civilians and some women near the market area of the southern Sudanese village of Duk-Padiet which suffered recent attack by Lou Nuer, Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2009 (Timothy Mckulka-UNMIS)
Armed civilians and some women near the market area of the southern Sudanese village of Duk-Padiet which suffered recent attack by Lou Nuer, Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2009 (Timothy Mckulka-UNMIS)
Armed men from the Lou Nuer attacked the positions of southern Sudan army and police in the locality killing a significant number of regular troops in addition to the civilians. The attack has left over 160 people dead and more than 80 wounded according to the latest figure released by authorities in Juba on Friday.

Southern Sudan officials were alarmed by the escalation of violence in Jonglei. Following a visit to the affected area on Monday, the southern Sudan interior minister, Jonglei governor and UN coordinator for the semi-autonomous region agreed they attack had been directed to the government forces and institutions. They all also spoke about a structured and heavily armed militia.

In a strong statement released in Juba on Friday the Lou Nuer Youth Association (LNYA) which advocates the cause of the tribe, said the attack on Duk Padiet last Sunday had been carried by “ordinary civilians” in retaliation to previous attacks they suffered.

The tribal group condemned statements by southern Sudan officials who described the attackers as militia saying “the Greater Akobo is in full control of the SPLA forces and if there are militias in the area we believe their first attack would have been on the SPLA forces at Renk the way to Malakal.”

They also said they had been preaching for southern Sudan unity and peaceful coexistence but warned they would now take the side of their tribe accusing the southern Sudan officials of favoring the Dinka ethnic group.

“This time we are going to write differently because the Jonglei State Government (JSG) and the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) have taken side with the Dinka Bor, and we also have right to take side with our community in whatever cost. ”

The Lou Nuer association also said opposed to a probable decision to disarm them first in a disarmament campaign that the government plans to implement in the restive state of Jonglei.

“The LNYA would like to make it clear to the JSG and the GoSS under the 1st Lt. General Salva Kiir Mayardiit that if the Lou-Nuer is going to be disarmed first as we have heard then please expect a full resistance from our civilians.”

The Lou Nuer had been attacked in the past by their neighbors in the past following after their disarmament in 2006. They accused Juba of retrieving their arms while Dinka and Murle tribes kept their weapons at hand.

The two latest attacks by Lou Nuer on Dinka ethnic group in Twic East and Duk Padiet pushed some southern Sudan officials to point blaming finger to their peace partner, National Congress Party and also speak about the emergence of organized militias supported by Khartoum.

On the other hand, there are people, particularly from Nuer ethnic group who say the causes of the surge of violence are local and can be explained by the control of land, water and pasturages as well as cattle. They also stress that the Lou Nuer attacks on Twic and Duk are retaliatory.

On Sunday’s attack on Duk County they say it was to revenge an attack on Lou Nuer around Poktap in January 2009 that had been carried out by armed men hailing from Holl and Nyarweng. They accuse the local authorities of mistreating them and speak about looting and killing of their people by the regular forces in the area.

To explain their attack on Twic East, another Dinka locality in Jonglei, where over 40 people were killed on August 28, they accuse the Twic of looting their cows after their disarmament in January 2006.

Lou Nuer Counties of Ayod, Uror and Nyirol signed a peace accord with Dinka of Greater Bor Counties of Duk and Twic East on May 14, 2009 at John Garang Institute of Science and Technology in Bor Town.

Village chiefs who attended the peace conference are also accused of catalyzing violence. Paramount chiefs complained during peace negotiation that Government failed to arrest chiefs who encourage conflicts.

May’s deal is the fourth signed between Lou Nuer and Jieng Bor (Dinka Bor) since the 1991 split which set Jonglei’s major tribes against each other. The other three dishonoured agreements already were made in 1994, 2004 and 2007 in Poktap, Duk County Headquarters.



  • Gatwech

    Lou Nuer say no organized militia behind Jonglei’s attack
    This is nothing more than a honest appeal by the Lou-Nuer youth. The GOSS and SPLA should take it into consideration. Favoring one community against the other is irresponsible behavior by any government. This is why the SPLM has been accusing the NCP of favoring Messriya tribe against Ngok-Dinka in Abyei. Should the SPLM copy the same in the South. All armed civilians must be disarmed. You have seen the picture of Dinka of Duk Padiet holding arms. These are the same kind of civilians from Lou-Nuer who attacked Duk Padiet. They should be treated the same. The attacks are retaliatory as honestly explained by the Lou-Nuer youth. This is throughout South Sudan. Disarm all the communities in Jonglei, Warrap, Lakes, Upper Nile, etc.

    If the Lou-Nuer warriors came in what looked like military formations, this should not be taken as a proof that they were militias. The Nuer traditionally form themselves village by village, section by section when carrying out attacks similar to formation by the military. These to them makes their attack successful and avoid negligence of carrying the wounded by non-colleagues or relatives. We should fairly condemn all the civilian armed conflicts equally in the South and deal with them equally. No favoritism!

  • oshay

    Lou Nuer say no organized militia behind Jonglei’s attack
    Another attempt by the Dinka to demonize a whole ethnic group in order to instill fear into the Southern populace to retain their tyrannical corrupt rule. And now I read statements by Dinka saying the SPLA should forcefully disarm the Nuer as in actually go to war with them and repeat what they did in the 1990s that left 2 million dead.

    This is getting very concerning….

  • murlescrewed

    Lou Nuer say no organized militia behind Jonglei’s attack
    These thugs who are trying to explain away an assault on innocent civilians and authorities in the South should be arrested for inciting violence. This is not an ordinary civilians-to-civilians fight. It was an attack against the symbol of government. If they are willing to do this, they have been corrupted and compromised by jallabah.

    Lnya is nothing more than a terror group trying to justify their heinous act. Those who represent it should be the first to be arrested and investigated for their ties to armed organized group in South.

    Southern Sudan is not a land without laws. If there uncivilized cowards can attack civilians just to score political points, then authorities in the South ought to treat them with the most strictest of punishments.

  • James John
    James John

    Lou Nuer say no organized militia behind Jonglei’s attack
    I think this is becoming hard for Dinka people…I just want to take this time to ask these Dinka why this people pick Dinka? In my understanding, I think all Dinka in southern Sudan should have meeting and they should ask them self why people hate them?

    I think people hate you guys be’s of your charater, and the way you guys live with other people…..claiming land da doesn’t belong to you guys. You people think that you’re the only people who fight for Southern Sudan. When we check for reality instead, you people are the scaring people in the world. You people don’t know something and still u want ur people to be in leader ” what de hell?”

    Last, I think there should not be soilder to be send there there to protect Dinka be’s Dinka are trouble maker..

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Lou Nuer say no organized militia behind Jonglei’s attack
    Coward Dinka Boy and likes,

    Looks! your coward youth ran like Deers from Mighty Nuer Warriors while holding their AK47 under their legs. What a shame!!!!!!!!!!! The so called “Disarmament” must be conducted first with coward Jaang/Slaves, 2nd group must be the very dirty ugly Murle, but the Mighty Nuer Warriors/Jiech-in-Bor must the last or else.

    Where were these coward Dinka boys when their dirty Duk Papiet was burned down to ash by Lou Nuer Warriors? Oh yeah, they were hidding somewhere or were running like Deers chased by Lion/Tiger.

    Mr. Reporter, for your info, greater Ayod which was taken away from coward Jaang/Slaves in 1800s by Mighty Naath Warriors is not belong to Lou Nuer, but Gawaar Nuer.

  • James John
    James John

    Lou Nuer say no organized militia behind Jonglei’s attack
    I think this is becoming hard for Dinka people…I just want to take this time to ask these Dinka why this people pick Dinka? In my understanding, I think all Dinka in southern Sudan should have meeting and they should ask them self why people hate them?

    I think people hate you guys be’s of your charater, and the way you guys live with other people…..claiming land da doesn’t belong to you guys. You people think that you’re the only people who fight for Southern Sudan. When we check for reality instead, you people are the scaring people in the world. You people don’t know something and still u want ur people to be in leader ” what de hell?”

    Last, I think there should not be soilder to be send there there to protect Dinka be’s Dinka are trouble maker..

  • Controller

    Lou Nuer say no organized militia behind Jonglei’s attack
    Lou Nuer, Gaajaack Nuers, Jikany Nuers, Gaawar Nuers,Bentiu Nuers, Pangak Nuers, Greater Equatoians, Shuluk, Anuak and Murles can be a Nation in South Sudan.

    They can wipe out Dinka Bors and of Dinkas of Salva kiir who take side against Nuers within only 15 days.

    Nuers can start shasing you from Duk Padiet all the way to Rumbeck within 15 days, like the example, of 1991 warnig against you.

    Lou Nuer or Nuers do not have Militias. Lou Nuer or Nuers have only what is well known call NGunDeng Army Resistance(NGAR).

  • Garang Tiop Ring
    Garang Tiop Ring

    Lou Nuer say no organized militia behind Jonglei’s attack
    Dear Mr.Gatwech.

    You talk about treating civilian equally, is that right.
    If that so. Look since the formation of the SPLA/M Nuer Lou never stop to attack any one. whether across their border to bilpam or they have to attack any community.

    And SPLA/M never aterm to fight them even though they killed some uniform solders. Nowadays Lou became an agent from NCP. people don,t just blaime them. But there is a proves. for instance, Tanginya, Cibitek Mabil, Gordon Koang Choul are been used by the NCP to destroyed CPA.

    Coming to the attack of Dukpadiet. Cibitek Mabil was the one headed the attackers. Now in really sense whom can we blaime here. Even if the GOSS tring help some innocent civilian whom are been attack at their own palce not battle field. The GOSS has right to do so.

    I think one to two months ago, there was peace between 3 Nuer counties and 3 dinka Bor counties. The greement seem to work. But who violet the peace agreement now. I think are your Nuer people you try to defens.

    Nobody against anybody, but lou nuer are not suppose to live in world. They are good enough for for grave,because they love killing. So my friend Gatwech your people are animal. they are not humanbeing at all. go back home and look at them. they become wild henas only after food. even NCP try to avoid people like Riek Gai, Yol Dock to send them to south so that they may have some eat. Because NCP had been feeding them since than and they cannot full.

    Check out your people Not SPLA/M. Thanks

  • paul majok
    paul majok

    Lou Nuer say no organized militia behind Jonglei’s attack

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Lou Nuer say no organized militia behind Jonglei’s attack
    Southerns must be aware of coming genocide in south Sudan. Any person who dose not have AK 47mm now she or must find one for himself/herself to protect their family. There is new born communist in south Sudan.

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Lou Nuer say no organized militia behind Jonglei’s attack
    God have mercy on South Sudan. We are in real troubles under the failed leadership of Lt. Gen.Salva Kiir. The ongoing killings and spiraling of violent conflicts is too much to bear for the future of the South.

    I am almost losing hope if the current failed SPLM leadership continue to rule the South with incomptetence and tribalism. The change must come and it should be a genuine change to save the people of Southhern Sudan from the recurrent massive deaths and insecurities.

  • Tuaks

    Lou Nuer say no organized militia behind Jonglei’s attack
    Oppertunists like are trying to take advantage of the current situations to blame Lt General Silva Kiir,instate of blaming Dr Riek Machar,and Lou Nuer.
    Every one knows that Dr Riek is not capable of leading our nation.
    Remeber when he defected from SPLA , what happen ? he turned Nuer tribe to KILL other Tribes even those who were supported him.
    Not only that but he couldnot control his forces and again Nuer turned to kill themselves , even Lou divided into Mour and GOUN and wide spread killing occured among Nuers as a result of poor leadership.On the other hand Dr Lam Akol surrendered norther Upper Nile to NIF forces , what kind of leadership was that? He sold our land and our People to Arab , he executed young people when they refused to surrended themselves to NIF/NCP,they refused to Dr Lam , DR was responsible for death of Shilluk handredsof youths in North Shilluk Gerr, and southern Shilluk Luak. join NIF through Fasoda Agreemenand he scattered his forced, addition to mass killing amoung the Shilluk for the first Time in the Shilluk Kingdom, Dear friend James OKUK, Dr Lam is not a better option.
    James Okuk, Dr Lam is a fox and you should not follow him.
    I know that Shilluk suffered alot from Nuer, Arab, and Nyagat from Northern Dinka, but you should not isolate shilluk from other tribes. SPLA/M have achieved its sacred goal, and GOSS, New Sudan Marginalized districs ( tree Protocols )addition to Referendom in 2011 are fruits of our success, Dr Lam became Minister of Foreign Affairs because he was amember of SPLA/M, that proved SPLA/M and Dinka are not tribalists that why they call for emancipation of the Marginalized and Unity of the Sudan. Dinka are not bad as you assume but they are good people.
    Dr Lam has right to form a party,or create any political organization it is a legal right, but should not attack SPLA and even to try to destroy it because soon he will back return to the SPLA/M
    . SPLM-DC will die like SPLA United , Fashoda Accord, Khartoum Agreement, and etc.
    We need unity and Solidarity to protect Southern Sudan and the CPA, and Referendum 2011.

  • kuminyandi

    Lou Nuer say no organized militia behind Jonglei’s attack
    Dear Southerners,

    This message is for Nuers And Dinkas. Listen up my beloved people. I’m half Nuer and half Dinka. I don’t agree with either side committing violent acts and killing innocent people. It’s hurting me when I see you guys killing each other.

    To be honest, I think we are the sources of most problems in the south Sudan due to our frequent conflicts. Please tone down your racial hatered for each other and try to communicate them peacfully; preach peace instead of violence and attrocities that will eliminate both of you particularly in the South, and Sudan in general. Hatered is not going to take us anywhere, but it will put burden on our next generation.

    Enough, is enough, a lot has been said and a little is been done to remedy the sittuation, so please stop these tribal rhetorics and clan mongers, and give peace&love a chance.

    As the largest two tribes in the South,we have to understand that there are others tribes live beside us too, we should not disturb them by exporting our problems to them, but to give respect and live with these tribes in peace and harmoney also. Guys,we don’t have to be a southern Sudan nightmares. Instead, we have to be THE peace makers for all people of S.SUDAN, and I think we can do that if we come together.

    My brothers in Dinka side and my brothers in Nuer side take it easy on yourself because of someon like me, who is an offspring of both tribes, I do not like to suffer lonely and disappointed due to your acts. I have hopes for you to lift S.Sudan from its troubles and miseries.

    There are a lot of people like me who got caught hoplessly in the middle. They can’t not take side in this cruial matter, but what can they do? Is it to sit aside and watch, while you guys are dying is the best choice?. Of course the dying choice would be a big NO for me, my choice is peacful resolutions for all our differences. We should have right to agree and to disagree without fighting each other.

    I’m sorry, but I have to let you know how I feel about you guys. I can’t express myself enough in this website because I have alot to say onto you; but if you care “just a little bit” listen to me, preach peace and promote unity.

    Thanks, sincerly Kumi,

  • son of Lou
    son of Lou

    Lou Nuer say no organized militia behind Jonglei’s attack
    Gatwech and Thieling.

    Hand up for you boys, you always do great things, keep up your words.

    Those barking Dinkas do not realize it yet, but let them just understand that this is just the begginning. More will mourn later if they will not justified their attitudes. They kept calling Nuers Militia, while Nuer armies in the SPLA are the ones taking any single step to confront Jalaba.

    Who help the Dinka Abiei when a Dinka Commander ran a way with his force; was it not a Nuer man who defeated Jalaba forces?
    Who Garang hang on when Bergate armies who were mostly Nuer almost defeated SPLA? Was it Not late William Nyuon Bany a Nuer man?

    This time, Nuer have to consider these two words seriously.(Nyagat, and Militia) If they (Jaang) still carrying the old ideologies, they should know that this is not 91, 0r 2000, but it is 2009 where things have changes unexpectely. If Dinkas still consider themselves as the only real armies in the South Sudan, then they should not that the time is near for Nuer Militias to leave them Dinkas with their Dinka real army. But they should know that the Name SPLA was not created by a Dinka Man, and it should infect goes with who ever created it. There after, we will understand who is really Militia and who is not.

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