Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Macharphobia an Macharmania are unnecessary

By Isaiah Abraham

September 25, 2009 — I have observed with pain the level in which we are taking our nation as we debate on the SPLM Presidential candidature impasse. As a nation and people of this beautiful land called Southern Sudan, we must be careful unless we drift away on matters that are squarely manageable. There is a temptation in the making that we might actually throw away what we already have, through our misguided wrangling, leaving our opponents in Khartoum to regroup. I thought we were debating national issues devoid of our mothers and sisters, an issue that concern one particular individual at the top. The matter has taken a wrong turn had it not that the leadership in Juba- for their credit- have stayed focused in the storm, and are concentrating on big issues of national importance, such as the referendum, security and elections laws. The Vice President is busy on CPA matters with the NCP demagogues, while our President is on consultative push through engagement with other political parties. H. E. Gen. Gier Chuang of the Interior is doing his best along side Jonglei State Authorities to quell tribal unrest around that state.

Let’s quickly get into what is this little letter. I have three messages to two extremists on both side of our current debate on the SPLM Presidential quandary, one of which goes to the Macharmania group and two to Macharphobia group, as well as a word to the party (the SPLM) and a request. To the first group, there is a need to slow down; you aren’t doing any good to Dr. Machar Presidential bid, even if we all seemed to have a strong reasons to cut pieces of our bodies for him. Dr. Machar Presidential drive need no extremism, he has supporters across our communities, the same way Gen. Kiir has supporters among Nuer community. Efforts from extremists will not give him an edge over Gen. Kiir, but collective efforts will do. In simple term, the group needs to cease from taking position on the basis of Nuer vs Dinka. That is not the case. Even among Dinka community the man can beat Kiir hand down. These are one people separately by history. I might be wrong but it look like a good percentage from each side come from the other. Their way of doing things are the same, and see no difference in them. But essentially a leader can be from anywhere, tribe as a background does make someone a leader. In the SPLM to be precise, there are no tribes but SPLM/As; this has been the habits even if we still don’t deny some pockets of tribal gongs and tongs then and there.

Macharphobians on the other hand must not spoil the good intention of pushing out a failed leader called Salva Kiir Mayardit; he must be replaced by a caring and a visionary one. Don’t just caught up in fear when you hear Dr. Machar name, its just too bad for you, there is no basis for doing this. Not at all! For the good of Southern Sudan and the generation to come, the man at the moment is this ‘dhol’ called Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhorgun. He is a quintessence of Singapore Yew Khem Yew, the man who pulled out that country less than forty years ago, from nowhere to somewhere in the world economic and prosperous map. Please let’s try him despite his past records. In fact it wasn’t him but elements at that time, within his group that took advantage of a well to do political course to cause mayhem and destruction to our people.

Someone spoil my day few nights ago, and If I were the God of Ezekiel I would have killed him and breath life back to his bones. By wishing death to this special gifted man, what was in the mind of this fellow Southerner to write something like that? We don’t want to lose a single person in that hierarchy of the SPLM, Garang and other scores of our leaders are enough the price. Please! please! Stop talking like that again! May Almighty God be with each of our leader anywhere he will be! Amen! Perhaps this Kawaja called James Thumber was right when he said: ” don’t look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness”. Its high time to fixed our eyes on big thing, we can’t write our past right, but we can do better today for tomorrow sake.

We are stuck in the middle of nowhere and something must be done. A calibre of Dr. Machar is badly needed in our fertile and virgin land of ours. He has no intention of sidelining anyone, just to assure those who are grip with phobia. Everyone would be treated equally; he is disciplined and if he goes for something he goes for it with all his might. Why fear him? If you are preoccupied on what to do with Mr. Kiir, even me, am also concern about him and respect him given his steadfast contributions to our struggle, but I believe Machar Presidency won’t dump him, he will play his part as a revolutionary founder of our liberation movement. The country is bigger than an individual, we have heard this anywhere, right? Nothing communal just to repeat myself, unless someone would want to drag us there. Its purely patriotic thing we can do as members of our beloved land. Each of our tribe is beautiful with shortcomings notwithstanding. We have paid the brunt of the struggle equally and deserved honor.

The second message, is in the form of a question (s): seriously speaking, what do you have in mind when you say Gen. Kiir must be left alone? Left alone to do what that he didn’t do while in office for the past four years? Do not tell stories here and scapegoat game. Do you want us to count his blunders since he came to power? Its just that people are economical with facts! It defeats me therefore to believe this reason in that stark dent; because we don’t have time for idlers and pretenders. We aren’t going back to elementary of running back to our communities when face with facts, we are almost masters of our own destiny, everything is on our disposal, who stopped us from delivering services.

Some of us are comfortable with the current situation, but surely they are flirting with ignorance; they got to aim high and this is important for national building. So when we talk of Kiir failures we don’t create it out of nothing, the slap dash by GOSS isn’t what people expect. Yes they have something in their drawers, just in papers, but again its insufficient. We want program of action on socio-economic development and services, we want democracy in its true color, we want accountability, transparency and good governance in place today, we want peace across our counties and payams, we want equality and justice and the rule of the law, inter alia That is why change is needed, in case someone would ask why change.

Then now to the SPLM. They got to show leadership and responsibility in the presidential candidature issue. Keeping quiet because its hot potato won’t help but brews the unexpected. In the first place, the matter shouldn’t be allowed to tear the party part, when we know what to do. The party ought to fear none, they must face the Chairman to clear the air. Time isn’t on our side moreover. The apathy of being always dismissive must not be allowed in this particular case. It will be a disaster. Our society will split once again and this will have a catastrophic impact on our future in 2011. Memories of SPLM DC are still fresh, Dr. Akol has perfectly sliced away the counties of Panyikaang, Fashoda, Malakal and Manyo, even if we still being flattered of support there. These people were chased away and this again has to be avoided. Dr. Lam has no personal problem with anyone, even ideologically, his heart is still with the Southern Sudan cause. He was maliciously sidelined for no apparent reasons at all. Even now am still of the opinion that this faction of the SPLM should be returned back. Its good we do so.

To wrap it after that long reading, there is no better way than for the big man to sacrifice for the good of our people; he has few options on his side, to be exact. On both ends nothing will work in his favor. Keeping the Southern Presidency on the expense of the Sudanese Presidency will deprive him of the Chairmanship, but how will he keep it (Southern Presidency) without being the Chairman of the party? If he goes to Khartoum seat, the South shall have its own Presidential contest with his name out of the boxes. Some of colleagues have argued on the same line before. So, what do we do? Well, since the extremists on both side of our society have hijacked the noble objective of peaceful removal of Kiir, and have embarked on sowing machetes seeds instead, the unpopular option is for the SPLM to drop the presidential quest al together, by supporting the NCP party Presidential candidate (not any Northerner opposition group). That is, preservation of the status quo or current arrangement. However Gen. Kiir must be placed on an interim capacity until Jan. 2011 during Referendum, to allow fresh election for a new national leader for a new nation. What are your thoughts on this?

Request: we need a day of prayer for our nation! Are you there Bishop Lukudu, Bishop Deng, Moderator Makuach, Abu sala? God bless us!

Isaiah Abraham lives in Juba; he is on [email protected]


  • Gatwech

    Macharphobia an Macharmania are unnecessary
    Professor Isaiah Abraham,

    “Well, since the extremists on both side of our society have hijacked the noble objective of peaceful removal of Kiir, and have embarked on sowing machetes seeds instead, the unpopular option is for the SPLM to drop the presidential quest al together, by supporting the NCP party Presidential candidate (not any Northerner opposition group). That is, preservation of the status quo or current arrangement. However Gen. Kiir must be placed on an interim capacity until Jan. 2011 during Referendum, to allow fresh election for a new national leader for a new nation.”

    You have said it all in the above quatotion. Since the SPLM is not democratic enough and does not know what to do now with a failed leader like Salva Kiir, it is better that the party should not worry of contesting the presidential elections in both Khartoum and Juba. Let them simply endorse the status quo, and that is confirming the NCP’s Beshir and keeping Salva Kiir in power in Juba until 2011. We may see what to do next. Or does God have a different plan a part from our solutions? I don’t know!

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Macharphobia an Macharmania are unnecessary
    Dear Issaiah,

    You may be more balance in your next article on the issue, but this one though it contains some reverse steps, still the same as that you wrote on 13/09/2009 right here in this web on the same issue.

    Remeber, I closed my comment on that article with “please do not harm Riek Machar.” I was, and still believe that your ideas have damaged Machar’s creditabaility more than those you may have thought of.

    There is nothing wrong for SPLM leaders to select Riek or Malik Agar as their Presidential Candidate. The second thing I found dangerous in your thinking is that; you expressed yourself the same way northern Arab thinkers express themselves when it come to north-south conflict. It is your universal right to express yourself in the way you like, but when it comes to depending someone, you need to put yourself in others and your ideas will help.

    I do not want to go further than that, but the question you asked in your previous article “why a northerner”? still hurting Riek machar more than any other person and you need to revise that question if you want not to be one of those who are not doing good for Riek Machar.

  • thieleling

    Macharphobia an Macharmania are unnecessary
    Prof. Isaiah Abraham,

    Kiir’s ruling by degree is too unbearable!! Keeping kiir beyond April 2010 without democratic contest is so dangerous. You are right about both sides of the extremists. It is not neccessary! But the truth of our judgement is relative to our perspectives. The modern notion of democracy: majority rules! truth cannot defend on opinions, however many people share the same opinion. We can never know for sure. I say no more compromises on status quo. Let go for the public opinion & consent. TRUTH! Democracy NOW!!

  • braveheart

    Macharphobia an Macharmania are unnecessary
    Riek Machar is not a savvy lawyer. He’s just an engineer with no legal expertise. Right now his hurting the referendum process under his leadershipo. It looks like it is going to turn out like Khartuom Peace Agreement (1997). SPLM should remove him from that role and entrust Nhial Deng Nhila to take over . His much qualified to handle the referendum qorum and its implication. Dr. Riek needs to take his stinky butt to facebook with his wives or to Ministry of housing and planning and design programs for the south there. He has no persuasive legal skills. Give that role to a trained lawyer Nhial Deng not a engineer in need of higher gov’t post.

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Macharphobia an Macharmania are unnecessary
    Prof. Isaiah Abraham,

    In your own words: “Gen. Kiir must be placed on an interim capacity until Jan. 2011 during Referendum, to allow fresh election for a new national leader for a new nation. What are your thoughts on this?” But can I ask you for more clarification on your new compromise between Dr. Kiir and Dr. Riek for Southern Sudan presidential candidature:

    1. Who must place Kiir as an interim GoSS president until 2011; the SPLM party or the people of Southern Sudan? If it is the SPLM party then this proposal may work; given the experience of what happened in the SPLM 2nd National Convention in Juba in May/June 2008 where the statues quo of the SPLM highest leadership hierarchy was endorsed. But if it is the people of Southern Sudan who are going to do this, then there is a lot of uncertainties of the success of your proposal since Dr. Kiir has neglected importance of the South-South dialogue and went to North-SPLM dialogue instead with the family dynastic Islamic and Communists Opposition parties of Northern Sudan who are anti self-determination for the independence of Southern Sudan. Unless, there is not going to be elections (which shall be a grave violation of the CPA) or unless the 2010 elections is going to be a sham (lacking freedom, fairness and transparency) I am not very sure whether the disappointed people of Southern Sudan are going to elect Kiir as their president? Go to Murle, Nuer, Dinka, Shilluk, Fratit, Equatorians, Jure, Anuak, etc communities and find out what they say about Salva Kiir and how this can translate negatively on him in the ballot boxes if the SPLM happened to nominate him as the candidate for either President of the Sudan or President of the GoSS in the coming elections (if the took place)?

    2. Are you very sure the Dr. Riek Machar will be alive and kicking in 2011? Please don’t misunderstand me here because I am not wishing death to Dr. Machar but only putting a possibility forward; given his mortal human nature. Remember that we were not ready to think that Dr. John Garang could die in the eve of CPA implementation process. We thought that this great son of the marginalized Sudan could live his dreams to become the president of the New Sudan after the results of the mid-term general elections in 2009; given the popularity and people’s confidence he has generated from different corners of the Sudan. So, if death could surprise and shock us on beloved Dr. Garang what about Dr. Riek?

    3. Are you sure Dr. Salva Kiir will allow Dr. Riek to contest on SPLM platform for South Sudan Presidency in 2011 if we assumed that the South is going to become an independent country by then? If Kiir is preventing Machar now what will make him change his heart to allow him contest for South Sudan Presidency in 2011; recognizing the saying that “the more someone stays in power the more it becomes so sweet and difficult for him to hand it over to someone else?” Is Dr. Machar going to form his own party or is he going to keep on bearing patiently the pains of humiliations within the SPLM party?

  • Ali abdul rehman
    Ali abdul rehman

    Macharphobia an Macharmania are unnecessary
    Nuer or Dinka or Azande or shuluk ia alls under our foots, we the Saaigiya of north sudan we rule all of you non believers. you are under our foot like the president said Ocampo is under his honorable feets, where is your Ocampo now hahahahahaha foolish white man cannot challenge Islam. we will slaps you all with our shoes of islam like Iraqi jounalists is slap gorge bush with his shoes. saigiya is yours masters alls the southerners shut your black mouth.

  • Ali abdul rehman
    Ali abdul rehman

    Macharphobia an Macharmania are unnecessary
    black man world

    you blacks and african can only rule the world after the Arabs and muslims are dead and after we conquer your white masters. a big big nop to south sudan independence, we are ready to die to maintain sudans unity and integrity, we only want one sudan under the banner of islam.

    do you think we shaaigiya will compromise with you like the coward gaaliya and other coward northern tribes now in Juba conferences and meetings which is backed by hidden agendas?

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