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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM denies CPA renegotiations with Sudanese opposition

By Ngor Arol Garang

September 29, 2009 (JUBA) — The Secretary General of the Sudan people’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) Pagan Amum today denied any negotiations over Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) provisions in the ongoing political parties conference in Juba.

Sudanese opposition leader Sadiq Al-Mahdi welcomed at Juba airport by SPLM SG Pagan Amum and his deputy for southern Sudan Anne Itto on September 3, 2009 (SPLM)
Sudanese opposition leader Sadiq Al-Mahdi welcomed at Juba airport by SPLM SG Pagan Amum and his deputy for southern Sudan Anne Itto on September 3, 2009 (SPLM)
Yesterday leaders of six southern political parties walked out of the conference claiming that the SPLM sponsored meeting is dominated by the northern opposition would renegotiate some CPA provisions.

“The main aim of the conference is the abrogation of the CPA and the annulment of the referendum on the right of Self-determination for the people of Southern Sudan,” they said.

However, the southern Sudan ruling party ignored the move and continued with deliberations saying their pullout should not stop the five-day conference.

“We are not renegotiating CPA with anybody at the conference but gathering relevant ideas and information from well informed participants of how they can help us implement the agreement with our peace partner,” said Pagan Amum in interview with Sudan Tribune on Tuesday.

He further reiterated that his party will not accept any renegotiation of some CPA provisions even if being pressed.

“Our position as SPLM and as read out from chairman’s speech yesterday is clear,” he said adding “speeches from other speakers such as mine did not stress on any issue which could encourage discussions on some CPA amendments”.

People must have heard other participating political parties demanding amendments but those are their opinions which cannot be boycotted but argued against if out conference agendas, he commented.

The leader of the Umma party Sadiq Al-Mahdi in a speech on Sunday before the conference called to develop the CPA and to include four additional protocols: a protocol for coexistence and religious tolerance, a second protocol on multiculturalism, the third protocol on accountability on the causes of injustice since the independence of Sudan and the fourth protocol deals with the qualitative balance.

Pagan confidently continued to say ”we negotiated the peace; we work for its implementation, do not think we can accept any renegotiation over it.”

He further added that the agendas of the conference do not in any way encourage renegotiation of some CPA provisions.

“Currently the conference is deliberating issues on Darfur, national reconciliation, peaceful democratic transformation, popular consultation among citizens of Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile, Population census and indeed extensive discussions on the right of self-determination for Southern Sudanese,” he commented.

The southern parties who pulled out of the conference said the “opposition northern parties attending the conference spoke of having come to support the unionists in SPLM and thereby work against the separatists, whom according to them are a minority.”

However in his remarks to the conference Salva Kiir Mayardit, First Vice President, South Sudan President said the SPLM as party always struggled for the unity of Sudan. But he stressed that only southern Sudanese will determine the future of the semi-autonomous region not the party.

“The final decision on the destiny of the South shall neither be taken by the NCP or the SPLM. It is the people of South Sudan who shall make the decision.”

South Sudan is scheduled to exercise its right of self-determination in 2011 as the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in 2005 stipulates.



  • suffeeyo

    SPLM denies CPA renegotiations with Sudanese opposition
    Splm have done tremendous job. I don really care for those oppositions who walk away during the meeting. I believe the are not just fighting for the interest of Southern Sudan, but the are fighting for the interest of NCP Party which lead by dictaors Bashir, after the walk away SPLM must walk them to Northern Sudan whether the like it or not. Those oppositions are the one who were fighting against SPLM during the war. I love democratic country, but if the don understand Sudan is hold by dictators since, which SPLM fought for years to have this better life and now oppositions are now voices this ugly concern, if you don respect the SPLM at this crucial moment I believe no body in the South will vote for, not just receiving vote but you faces the consequence.

  • izz eldien
    izz eldien

    SPLM denies CPA renegotiations with Sudanese opposition
    what is the need of the conference if you don’t discuss anything about CPA?. guys you are confusing us.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    SPLM denies CPA renegotiations with Sudanese opposition
    Reasons why the NCP demanded Southerners outside the Country to vote in the Referendum.

    1. No one knows exactly how many Southerners are living in

    a) Egypt

    b) all over Kenya

    c) USA

    d) other 5 locations they will hold the referendum in.

    It is clear that that NCP will just fly in lots of boxes from Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Saudia Arabia or any other Arab Country that doesn’t want our independence.

    These boxes will be used to rig the referendum. Neither the SPLM nor the international observers will be able to trace the origin of these boxes.

    And why were these Southerner rejected during the Census which was used to share national resources and now allow to vote in the referendum?

    The logic of the NCP is backward and war is far from over.

    Ahmed Chol, the future commander of Anya-nya III

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM denies CPA renegotiations with Sudanese opposition
    SPLM did excellent duty in Juba confereence as usual.
    Those Southern political Parties preferred to worked away should be allowed to do so because they were demanding to confuse Southerners. Those parties are weaked why not challenge the meeting by sharing their ideas. I doubt about those parties claiming to be Southern Parties because they were all failures in the past.
    Anway, the North Parties are also not pure, SPLM need to scrutized their ideas before sharing it to Northers parties.
    We SPLM encouraged to share our ideas with those Northern Parties, and that will not affect the decision of Southerners whether for unity or separation. The Southerners are keen about the move.
    Dear brothers and sisters, SPLM is strong before and more superior now,but there are fools always tried to waekened SPLM indirectly in the South. If we want to suceed as anation like others, then we have to open our eyes be the product of NCP like what Nuer Lou did to the moment all the time.
    Nuer did this in 1991, and Nuer lou is now disapointed the innocents citizens by killing them unaimingly. You brothers know that human being can live any were as long its is peaceful. I always supported Separation from North ever since.
    SPLM is agovernmnet, its not easy to be tricked simply and that is why i always tell some some that don,t praise Riek Machar yet because those are the kind of people that might bring the element of peace to intrude to Southerners.
    SPLA ooyeeeee, SPLM ooooyeeee.

  • Critic_Ngueny

    SPLM denies CPA renegotiations with Sudanese opposition
    I would like to inform those who have a problem in English language to stop commenting on this website.They should have to read the article before writing.

    I don,t see any problem with Pagan and the SPLA as a party to be blamed.Southern Sudan does not belong to Pagan or the party.It has been stated clearly by Kiir Mayardit that the SPLA as a party is ready for unity of Sudan but the citizens of Southern Sudan are the ones to decide where to go.

    Therefore,it was stated by the late Dr.John Garang de Mabior that, “if you want to be a second class citizen in your own country.”‘You have to quote the word according to its meaning or its literal meaning.Garang was meaning separation.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • Achuil Manyuat Tong
    Achuil Manyuat Tong

    SPLM denies CPA renegotiations with Sudanese opposition
    southerners should not be worried about the puppets of national congress party .i don’t see any reason why some political parties just work .first in the opening speech H.E. did mention clearly that the are not going to amend anything in the CPA secondly the should bear in mind that those meeting was for political parties and each political party has it own it thing sthis country should have been run.thirdly opinions are there to be voiced there fore the should ahav aired the way the think the referendum,election and any other concern for nation.fouthly other political parties have to view SPLM as aparty for all the sudanese people not for the south.The should not expect the SPLM to declare the future of southern sudan though it did fight for the freedOM

  • Critic_Ngueny

    SPLM denies CPA renegotiations with Sudanese opposition
    Dear Douth Nyagian

    Why do you correct a mistake with a mistake?Anyway,your English is died man.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • Time1

    SPLM denies CPA renegotiations with Sudanese opposition
    Salva kirr mayardit you have to focus more on building south sudan institutions in to strong viable and relaible organs, the security system, the intelligence service, the police service, the crime investigation units, the juditiary systems, the armed forces of south sudan. salva really have to put more and more effort in building this very important and key institutions for the survival and stability of any country, so far there has been some progress but it has not reach the required standards. If we have to survive and trive as a strong stable country slava has to stop beating around the bush and persue agressively the development and advancement of this sectors into very strong well equipt well trained institutions, this will lead to the stability and progress that people want in south or sudan in general. blaming others and also pointing fingers while you are sleeping will not help south sudan, this world today has no place for lazy, weak, unknowlegeable, uneducated, ill arm and ill trained people, only the strong,the well organised,the well trained,the well armed,the well educated and the brave will survive, this world is cruel,being very nice will nnot exactly give you what you want.

    salva you have to work hard on this points, make south sudan a success story not a failed state.

    mr president and advisors mark this words carefully and stop sleeping.

  • Dr. Chui
    Dr. Chui

    SPLM denies CPA renegotiations with Sudanese opposition
    Dear Southerners

    I would also like to thank some of you who have already expressed their concerns regarding the issue of CPA ammendment. Mr. Al-Mahdi have nothing to say because this country is beeing run with his policy. why should he irritate when being questioned?. He is responsible for other masacre during his reign. Mr. Pagan Amum is the man who never fear, go go mate. I donn’t care of who pullout they still will come like they uses to do!

    Dear Sudanese, it has been long time without success on the CPA. When will you enjoy the benefit of this agreement? I thanks SPLM for standing firm on their policy over CPA. Renegotiatian over CPA has no room because this the violation of the document.

    Thanks Dr. Chui

  • ahme adam
    ahme adam

    SPLM denies CPA renegotiations with Sudanese opposition
    Please keep alturabi and almahdi with you in the south we dont want them in the north, good riddance

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