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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack

September 30, 2009 (BOR) – Authorities in Twic East County say villagers are fleeing the area following rumors of a new attack from the Lou Nuer who had already attacked the same locality last month.

Armed men from the Lou Nuer in Jonglei on Twic East on August 28 killed 40 people, also more that 160 people were killed by the same tribal elements in another attack on Dok Padiet on September 20.

Southern Sudan officials were alarmed by the escalation of violence in Jonglei. Following a visit to the affected area, the southern Sudan interior minister, Jonglei governor and UN coordinator for the semi-autonomous region agreed they attack had been directed to the government forces and institutions. They all also spoke about a structured and heavily armed militia.

However following the attack, Lou Nuer dismissed the emergence of an organized militia in the area accusing the southern Sudan and Jonglei authorities of taking Dinka’s side. They further said by the attack had been carried out by angry armed civilians who decided to take the law into their own hands as a result of their unresolved grievances that accumulated since 2006.

The southern Sudan army deployed an additional battalion of some 700 soldiers in the area to prevent further escalation of the situation there.

Twic East Commissioner Diing Akol Diing says days are being counted down for possible attack and “there is general fear.” Unconfirmed reports claim the Lou Nuer armed men gave 9 days ultimatum to Twic East citizens in Panyagoor to prepare for war or quit.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune by phone from Panyagoor, Twic East headquarters, Mr. Akol says the situation is tense and there is uncertainty about security situation.

“People are living in fear…and there is general fear of attack,” he said when asked to talk about security situation in the area. Mr. Akol added that such warning messages could not be ignored given experiences of latest attacks in Duk Padiet and Wernyol.

He added that UN staffs operating in the County suspended their activities and decided to leave. This, he says, exaggerated insecurity tumors amount local people. Mr. Akol says County authorities are trying in their capacity to save civilians’ lives.

South Sudan troops heading there to control tension had their trucks stuck in Paliau Payam’s dry season road – a distance of about 12 miles south of Panyagoor.

It’s not immediately clear how the information alerting people of attack was spreaded. Contacted to comment on Tuesday, the incoming speaking of Jonglei State assembly Peter Chol Wal could not scrutinize the source of the threat either but confirmed learning of security danger in Twic East.

Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) pledged to protect civilians being attack last week. During a meeting with Jonglei governor Kuol Manyang Juuk on Thursday September 24 in Juba, Salva Kiir stressed government’s keenness to support the Government of Jonglei to provide security and stability in the restive state.

In a related development, Pibor Commissioner Akot Maze Adikir says armed men attacked a village there but left no casualties last Monday.



  • Kur

    Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack
    These mad demons got to be stopped. They should not be allowed to terrorised innocent people. The work of the government is to punish criminals and keep law and order.


  • Lawrence

    Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack
    Wow, another monsters approaching!, SPLA should not spare any armed civilian coming to kill innocent people this time. The army must be vigilant as politiciants engage the Nuer Lou to dialoque. I really do not understand why this Nuer Lou want to become another LRA in Jongole state. Previously they presented their grievances to authorities, which was a fair come back. Why should they again threaten to come for another attack when authorities are busy working on those grievances!. It is not an overnight duty, it may require the attention of many leaders, investigation of the allegation of their brothers whom they said were killed by Dinka Bor, changes of leadership, establishment of infrastructure, community based rehabilitation and engagement of the youths to keep them busy.

    Nuer Lou intellectuals should now intervene to stop this alleged attack, this is too much.

  • suffeeyo

    Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack
    Nuer are the people who are use for money and other fences items, and I believe this is not the whole entire Nuer community behave like this. I have respect for my brother James Hoth Mai who is Nuer, this man stood with SPLM for so long and he never break away nor did he turn the guns toward south Sudan, unlike this Vice President Riek Machar he is nothing but a betrayed he been use by Arab for the sake of the money. And he fought the war with SPLM which he was defeated by Dr John Garang. I believe this attack is organist by this unpopular vice president of the South Sudan. He failed many way until he have known choices but unless to joint the movement which he fought against. He is like Lam Akol the old man running around with no job until, SPLM gave him opportunity to serves as Foreign Minister which he failed to deliver the values of the Party, after failing this top post, he is now running his mouth around with what he call SPLM-DC, you should call it (Lam Akol-DC) because you need to change.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack
    laughing hyena never eat single cow.
    This time Nuer lou will be finished.
    the youth are ready for primitives.
    your nuer death will reach 300 this time.

  • Wiyual

    Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack
    Another dirty mouth too.

    Mr. Majok, do you think insulting will solve this mess my friend. We need to work collectively as team to tackle it

  • James

    Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack
    Who will finish Lou Nuer? Didn’t you hear that your people (dinka bor) started running away from their land like rats? Do you think that lou nuer are not aware of the presence of SPLA on the ground? my friend, it is not the first time for lou nuer to challeng SPLA. that 700 troop is not enough to resist that attack if it is really planned. my advice to you dinka girl is, you inform you village chief ( salva kiir) to send you more troop to protect your coward bor dinka.

  • James

    Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack
    Who will finish Lou Nuer? Didn’t you hear that your people (dinka bor) started running away from their land like rats? Do you think that lou nuer are not aware of the presence of SPLA on the ground? my friend, it is not the first time for lou nuer to challeng SPLA. that 700 troop is not enough to resist that attack if it is really planned. my advice to you dinka girl is, you inform you village chief ( salva kiir) to send you more troop to protect your coward bor dinka.

  • James

    Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack
    Who will finish Lou Nuer? Didn’t you hear that your people (dinka bor) started running away from their land like rats? Do you think that lou nuer are not aware of the presence of SPLA on the ground? my friend, it is not the first time for lou nuer to challeng SPLA. that 700 troop is not enough to resist that attack if it is really planned. my advice to you dinka girl is, you inform you village chief ( salva kiir) to send you more troop to protect your coward bor dinka.

  • Gatwech

    Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack
    Dear readers,

    It is not helpful for Bor to keep on panicking and spread false rumors of imagined attacks while the issue is being peacefully resolved by the authorities. This is a tactic by the Jonglei authorities to push the SPLA into pre-empting attack on the Lou-Nuer. It is evil rumor!

    Disarmament will be done in November starting with the Bor town, the headquarters moving to Murle and Lou-Nuer areas, etc. So why the panic? Unless the Twic East provoke the Lou-Nuer there is no any reason to panic and live in nightmares. This rumor without a source must be condemned. I can even see the reason why the writer of the article from Bor shied away from putting his name there.

  • Awumtiai

    Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack
    Here we go again. Attack them head-on. They are mad about money, they will come. I am afraid if 83 of them that were

    killed last time in Duk are still being paid by Riak and

    its godfather NCP. This is the right time to kill all of

    them to see if their money will protect them. This threat

    must not be ignored at all. They are being driven by NCP

    money crazily.

    This is just a curse tribe by Ngundeng; they will finish

    all before 2020 trust me.


  • Awumtiai

    Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack
    You shouldn’t talk to Awumtiaidit like that, come on boy! Your people are being driven crazy by a big chuck of money given to them by Riak Gai Khok and his Godfather NCP. What a curse tribe! I tell you that money will finish.

    Unless those of Division eight 8 are bought also. It is some interesting; SPLA should be made aware of your statement. This is a living proof that Dinka Bor and the rest are Nationalists.

    We face Jallaba and its allies even if things go tough. Who does not know that?


  • Critic_Ngueny

    Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack
    I would like to tell my enemies from Nuer community that;for Dinka Bor to run away from Bor town is like hiring of a vehicle to Heaven.It is something normal and usual that we do ignore things but one day one time you will face the music.I am very much sure about that.Let me not talk much.

    I called you my enemies because of so many crimes that you have committed against my community.Dinkas are just dealing with Arab and that is our common enemy.Therefor, we are not coward but we know what we are doing.Instead of tuning to your language we better ignore you for you don,t know what you are doing.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • Bush fire
    Bush fire

    Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack
    It is unwise to panick my dear Twic East Authorities to report rumor that people flee the villages. Are you not men like those in Duk county. You have larger population than they do. This is an unacceptable report, Nuer are people like us. Hearing that news is disappointing. Even this can encourage looters.

    Get me through,

  • Dr. Isaiah M Dau
    Dr. Isaiah M Dau

    Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack
    Let no one fear the pending attack and instead work for peace and reconciliation among our communities. We all need peace whether we are attacking or being attacked. Unless we all take this to heart, we shall simply finish one another because violence always breeds violence and it is an endless circle! May God help us to make peace and make it right now.

  • Sunlight

    Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack
    Ha ha ha

    Where are you running to you coward? Where is this false bravery you are talking about?

    I’ve been saying that Dinka is the most coward tribe in the South but they are alawys denying, now look they are overwhelmed by fear and shaking like rats. But where will they go? they are not welcomed anywhere. They are too offensive than abcsess, where they go trouble will follow them. You have to fight like men you bastard…

  • Atungdiak

    Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack


    This is a rumor with substance and that does not mean being cowards. We know ourselves better and lets not pretend. Sometimes only the numbers make the difference otherwise no tribe is brave than others and others take too long to learn lessons

    Just look at Duk incident. It not the first time the Lou have been battered upon attacking Duk Padiet. It has always been the since 2008.everytime they attackt, they pay the price. This is the forth attack on Duk in 2 years by the way. Today you just want to change the story and say they were killed by the SPLA and national security. Shame on you man. These thugs killed the police/SPLA and national security too

    They are just mad of killing. if there are issues, why can’t they be discussed on the table??

    What about when they massacred your people in Torkec, were they right to do so? i am not calling for lou to be attacked at all but just sick of people like you who today talk like nationalists and tomorrow they change. You are even working hard to make sure Lou keeps on killing and being killed because you have problems with them (Jikany)

    There is nothing you can do to Dinka and other tribes and vice versa. You are just very obsessed and afraid to face them on the table and only using violence because the numbers favor you and make you feel mighty (Pseudo)

    Bol Koang and Hoth Mai are heading a national army. Stop using them to scare others. these are men of integrity and their spirit and determination has taken them to where they are.They are not as tribalist as you are. yes SPLA can’t stand with one side but they have the mandate to defend the civilians, being Lou or Dinka. Remeber, in this case; there is only one side that keeps on attacking others including your mums

    Talking about split?? Hahaha even they would not agree. They can’t destroy what they built in decades (CPA)

    Its common knowledge that Lou have been attacking their neighbours and have never been attacked except the Murle retaliation

    this is not Nuer issue. You guys are not even proper Nuers after all. The Nuers of Ayod, Pangak, Jikany, Bentiu etc are bordering other tribes but have never ever thought of killing women and children. Instead they have been victims of the merciless Lou gangs (not even the whole tribe of Lou)

    You have hearts???

  • Atungdiak

    Jonglei villagers flee after rumors of new attack

    Mr. Wang

    Better go to school first so that you can be understood!!! What bloodshit???? Hhahaha

    You think killing Dinkas will improve your rotten English???

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