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Sudan Tribune

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North and South Sudan armies are in arms race

October 1, 2009 (GENEVA) – Northern and southern Sudan armies are engaged in an arms race since the signing of a peace agreement in 2005, said a new report released by the Small Arms Survey on Thursday.

The report comes amid growing tensions between the parties to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that ended two decades of war in 2005 and fears of a return to North-South armed conflict.

The report also notes the likelihood of additional weapons reaching armed groups and militias fomenting conflict in Darfur and within Southern Sudan.

“With ongoing violence in Southern Sudan and Darfur, and mounting tensions between the Northern and Southern governments, persisting arms flows should be a cause for great concern in the international community,” said Eric Berman, Small Arms Survey Managing Director.

According to the “Key findings of ‘Skirting the Law: Sudan’s Post-CPA Arms Flows”, the SPLA and the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) have escalated their procurement of small arms and light weapons since 2005.

The group said the UN Register indicates Sudan’s ongoing relationships with two key ex-Soviet state suppliers of military vehicles and aircraft, the Russian Federation and Belarus. It also mention China and Iran among the main suppliers of weapons to Khartoum government.

The SAF’s acquisitions are significantly more sophisticated and in greater volume than those of the SPLA. Its supplies of both heavy weapons systems and small arms and light weapons are dominated by likely government-sponsored transfers from the Russian Federation, Belarus, China, and Iran.

The report said the southern Sudan army, SPLA, started stocking light and heavy arms in 2007-08 mainly from Ukraine. These shipments were delivered to Kenya but were destined for Southern Sudan.

It said 33 Soviet-era T-72 tanks and BM-21 multiple rocket launch systems on board a Ukrainian cargo ship that was hijacked by Somali pirates for four months in September 2008 had been destined for southern Sudan via Kenya. Kenya’s government denied it and said the tanks were for its military.

With regard to the rebel groups in the restive region of Darfur in western Sudan, the study says that a significant portion of the arms held by Darfur rebels were supplied by governments in Horn of Africa( Eritrea, central and North Africa (Chad and Libya).

The report also said ” a senior JEM official reported to UN investigators in 2007 that an aircraft controlled by another JEM official had been used to move arms for JEM, including more than 3,000 AK-type weapons and anti-aircraft guns, from Eritrea to Chad in early 2007″

The Small Arms Survey also stressed that neither the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) nor the African Union­United Nations Hybrid operation in Darfur (UNAMID) are currently able to monitor and verify the movement of new arms to Darfur and Southern Sudan, as they are mandated to do.

“UNAMID lacks the necessary procedures and force protection capacity to properly monitor and secure its own weapons imports: the mission now constitutes a growing source of stolen weaponry for non-state groups on all sides in Darfur,” it further added.



  • oshay

    North and South Sudan armies are in arms race
    The Dinka SPLA should not be compared with the Northern Sudanese army, while the Dinka SPLM is robbing Nuer oil, building beer factories and buying spears and AK47s instead of sorting out the mass famine in the South and addressing the rampant corruption they decide to go against the North which has numerous factories that builds Fighter Jets and Tanks as well as having advanced missile defense weapons.

    It’s a true embarrasment for Southerners to defend their actions instead of showing the international community they want peace and development for their people, instead they allowed the land grabbing dinkas turn the South into a communist anti christian military state.

    We all know the Kiir, Amoum and Garang were devout communists and persecuted christians more than the North ever did.

  • thieleling

    North and South Sudan armies are in arms race
    The World needs to wake up NOW!!

    It is obvious the war commences soon between south and the centre of sudan excluding the West, East & other marginalized sudanese. The war will be the Russian Federation, China, Belarus, Egypt, Iran & other fanatics on one hand, and the U.S, EU, Israel, Uganda, Ethiopia, South Sudan & God people on the other hand. Let 3rd world war commences in Sudan. I rather see a 3rd world war coming than United Secular Sudan after 2011.

    We, the south sudanese promise the Multi-national Companies will feed on our abundant oil reserves if they campaign for south sudan Independence including lobbying for world war III if south sudan Independence is hijacked in 2011. China & Russia need to reconsider their positions because siding with terroristic regime of the Day in khartoum is a crime. Russia has its Chechynia & China has its own fanatic region of extremist criminals. The Chinese & Russians would not forgive both Russia & Chinese gov’ts for aiding terrorists in Khartoum.

    The upcoming Israeli war with Iran is a case in point. South Sudan does not support Iran theoricracy regime. We support the Jewish State. EU & U.S should strongly support south sudan seccession with all their might. South Sudan is a frontline in the war against terrorism. Unless our SPLM/A or Salva Kiir doesn’t outsmart the centre and be dumbfounded, this war is over. It is a world war, not even African war. We need to be extremely smart on this!!

    The world needs the oil in the name of democracy!! There is no democracy in this totalitarian regime of Khartoum. And there is a lot of oil out there in Sudan. Now, what is the world waiting for? Democracy NOW!!

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    North and South Sudan armies are in arms race
    Sadiq al-Mahdi and Dr. Turabi,

    You need to create a very strong movement in the North. We can supply you with plenty of our small arms in the South. You don’t need lots of men to start a rebellion. Just few. 30 people(one platoon)can start it. SPLA was started by few and then became very large when those dissatisfy join. The same thing can happen in the north. Let the fight begin at every corner of the country.

    SPLA also needs to keep in touch with Khalil Ibrahim and the JEM leadership or any other arm groups in Sudan that are against Bashir.

    Only after the man(Bashir) who overthrew Sadiq Al-Mahdi and jailed Turabi serval times is overthrown, then afterward can we talk about what to do with Sudan.

    Ahmed Chol, the future commander of Anya-nya III

  • Dr. Chui
    Dr. Chui

    North and South Sudan armies are in arms race
    To Oshay

    is getting armed the pride you ought to have in Southern Sudan or you want to live in harmony?

    You are such a person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers. I think it is better for you to short your mouth in this Web. You don’t have anything to say in term of development of our Country. We meant here to discussion issues that will bring out country to a level of recognition in the world.

    We Sudanese from North to South, East to West were enslaved by Arab travellers who are now claiming to be the Citizen of this Country. SPLA fought for the Freedom and Self-determination of the Marginalised Local right Poeple of the country of Sudan. Its brought peace for all so that your autonomy will heard and your dominated Ideas be brought to light. Please change your attittudes, behavours and acts otherwise you will be block from this website.

    Dear friends, the issue of Armed Millitias is alarming should be condemned by both ruling and the oppositions. Why is it only that the SPLM condemning the Act of militias. I huge for the other parties to STOP this issue. There is no enjoyment of peace if the is Militias. I can say this is major failure of this Gov of Sudan and may lead to another Civil war if not look into it properly.

    There is nothing call militias in the world unless in the Country of Sudan where the native people are used against their own people. how can you kill your brother in-exchange with food in the bowel? You will eat that and still will comeback to South sudan.

    I am really regreting for my brotherene in the Darfur region, I wish they were in the Southern Sudan. This why I am always against separation because those are still vulnerable to enslavery and militia atrocities in the north if we go into separation. they are innocent people being masacred for nothing and the Gov of Sudan is doing nothing to protect them.

    Peace for Development

    Dr. Chui

  • mohammed osman
    mohammed osman

    North and South Sudan armies are in arms race
    northerners are tired of wars and tired of unity with your southerns, please go now and leave us Arabs alone, even if i just found out Arab is considers us black muslims as slave but allah will cursed this criminals.It is the likes of NCP that given the chances to arabs to humiliates us the riginal arabs of north sudan, i also blame the splm and their american backers for destroying sudan, i lost my two cosins and my uncle to this dirty war, we northerns are not going to fight anymore for this criminal omer basher NCP dogs, we lost many of our sons to this war in the middle of the 1990s, who else is going to fight this wars again?unless omer basher is goings to walk to southerners on himself alone. every northern family and households in north sudan has tasted the bitterness of this wars specialy in the 90s, it is not me alone who lost my cosins,i am sure many northerns on this board will bares witnesses to my pains. you southern savages and your savage white masters in america just go now, we will only bow to allah. the great jaaleya tribes of sudan the original Arabs and rulers of all sudan forever after basher is taken by the ICC peoples. We many shuhada in southerns wars against the christian right wings alliances with the pagans in the south, we had all the weapons but we did not win because of omer bashers corruption and oppression, now this savages splm has been buying more weapons than before to kill more muslims. what was this juba conferences about?

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    North and South Sudan armies are in arms race
    The poor junglese are paid by their masters arabs in order to kill the innocent Equatorians and Nuer. But not too far for your storm to start. It is not going be a discipline but removal of the remaining premolar in your mouths.

  • Critic_Ngueny

    North and South Sudan armies are in arms race
    Dear barking dogs from Nuer and Equatoria,

    We must be ruling in Southern Sudan until Jesus comes.And if you are going to change your madness toward your masters(Dinkas);then you may get a chance from us.Anyway,I am proud of my community,do you too?I don’t think so.Why do you bring shame to your people because of papers only.Man made money and money made man bring shame to his community.Let me a sure you please,We are always good when you are kind enough.

    Needless to say,One Dinka’s man is 50 Men from Nuer community in term of everything;what about Equatorians,the slave to Khartoum government.You have to multiply 50 men from Nuer community by 50.According to my analysis,the answer is 2500 Equatorians.Great shame to them.

    Bear in mind that we are burn to rule you because you are already cursed by your ancestors,especially Nuer community.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • joseph Deng De-Mabior
    joseph Deng De-Mabior

    North and South Sudan armies are in arms race
    NO Problem the land of southern Sudan and sudan as whole is belong to Black people ,arabs came in recently as traders and Claim that sudan is Belong to them the kingdom of sudd and the God of Black people will help us so that this facken rusians and others traders die like Flies

    SPLA ooooooooooooooooooooooooyee ,SPLA oooooooooooooooooooyee

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