Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Security’s deteriorating in Jongeli state

By Mayar Mayar Kout

October 1, 2009 — The insecurity in state of Jongeli has took quite long then people expected, all of us have thought that, authority in state concluded to be a temporarily situation and it will be sustain but it’s becoming opposite. All military personnel and (MI); agencies reported, the situation in state has shifted to different stage, and they have accused directly to some previous “militias groups allies of Khartoum’s regime”; for having a role in all recent raiding civilian areas and killing hundreds of people in state of Jongeli.

In fact, the insecurity in Jongeli started early 2009; we have neglected it, assuming that these militant groups will be laying-down their guns in any moment when a time comes. Also public opinion misread the circumstances by saying “these groups have adopted unacceptable behavior of using guns for robbery, and purpose of enriching themselves. (Any-anya Two) and Arms Robbery groups in Mid 80s in the region of Darfur. Both were great examples Once again, those criminality acts, were adopted as a result of the long time war this nation has gone through.

However the things, as far as I know is totally different then our minds thoughts, those groups are not simply a militias or a cows rustlers in between forestry in Jongeli state. But they are becoming a conventional professions army ever with a greatest army’s guns ranging from heavy artillery tanks, Antiaircraft, short range’s missiles and long missiles so a state gov’t and southern Sudan and its military especially SPLA commanders all above forces shouldn’t be in seatback mode. They need to study the situation in ground and act emotionally to terrorize an enemy.

What needed as I am ordinary citizen, is a security of local communities in state to be protected with toughness by gov’t of southern Sudan and its military personnel. The people of southern Sudan are expecting their security to be a first priority for gov’t and also it needs a Commander In-Chief who has ability to protect nation’s territory from Invaders or robbery groups who uses arms to terrorize civilian from their rural and villages.

All of us know that, the insecurity in Jongeli state, is a (NCP); National Congress Party’s manufacturing they are behind whole massive insecurity of state in addition to some southern politicians additional ally to Khartoum’s regime like those of Raik, Gai, Lam Akol and Gogrial, Tany. All of those are on suspect list of gov’t southern Sudan they need to be question for their direct involvement in guns supplying and training of groups but before taking a peaceful accountability approach.

Our Minister of SPLA Affairs, GoSS and state gov’t they have to consider two toughest measures as a discipline for rebellion groups of their lifting firearms against country. And the following military steps will be applied definitely:

A. Commander In –Chief of SPLA and Minister of SPLA his New of Chief of Staff, All must let military action in state of Jongeli by having “National Army of SPLA” to do jobs to protect nation’s sovereignty and its territory. They need to deploy SPLA more brigades to create a military blocks in eastern border at Akobo County with Country of Ethiopia by making a successful military clean-up, it requires collaboration with Addis-Ababa letting them understand that we are maintaining a security on our side as stakes but we will not expand operation beyond boundaries.

B. A Minister of SPLA and his Chief of Staff Commander J, Hoth. Both should held a tough talk with Khartoum’s HQ military to ask them of getting their militias out of south Sudan especially from Upper-Nile state and Jongeli state. And also make it clear, in that meeting SPLA and gov’t of southern Sudan will be considering all options or choices in hands. There those of Dr. Khalil Ibraihim of Justice and Equity Movement (JEM) and Cde Abdel-Wahid El-Nur of the Sudan’s Liberation Movement (SLM); including A Raizzackat militias of southern Kordofan state. All will be potential quests in south Sudan if Khartoum’s regime is refuses to kick-out Lam Akol, Gogrial Tany and Riak Gai to withdrawal their militias from Upper-Nile state and Jongeli

To close, the issue of insecurity in state of Jongeli, it shouldn’t be view as a south Sudan and its ruling party of SPLM problem. It’s a threatening censer to both sides of conflicts in Sudan. Because both partners have association with militias, they could be use by (north – south); which made a usage of militias to be very complicated. But there is chance for reconciliatory, and it requires both sides to show a sincerity and commitment if they wanted to hold on a security issue under control.

The writer is Computer Engineer; he is residing in Juba – southern Sudan, he is reachable at
[email protected]

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