Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources

October 3, 2009 (LONDON) — Heavy fighting erupted today afternoon in the capital of Unity State Bentiu between troops of southern Sudan army loyal to the General Paulino Matip and the forces led by Governor Taban Deng Gai.

Gen_Paulino_Matip-4.jpgThe clashes broke out in the oil rich state when soldiers from the SPLA Division 4 under the command of the State Governor attempted to disarm the bodyguards of Lt. Gen Paulino Matib Nhial, Deputy SPLA Commander in Chief.

13 people were killed and some other 19 wounded. During the first round of attack, 8 soldiers from both sides and 3 civilians were killed and 17 of them were seriously wounded. Two soldiers were killed in the second attack and 2 persons were seriously wounded.

The conflict started as an argument between two bodyguards and escalated into confrontation between the two groups.

A statement issued by the office of the Southern Sudan Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar confirmed the fighting saying “soldiers at the headquarters of Gen. Paulino were attacked while the rest was out of the barrack taking pictures for military identifications cards.”

Paulino Matib and his troops evacuated the town to nearby location “for re-organization for good protection” informed sources who requested anonymity told Sudan tribune

However, a delegation from Nuer elders are now seeking to mediate in order to scale down the tension and forestall further escalation

The influential Nuer leader, Gen. Paulino Matip, integrated the SPLA following the signature of Juba Declaration with the southern Sudan leader, Salva Kiir Mayardit on January 8, 2006. However his troops remain aside under his control despite their integration in the southern Sudan army.

General Matip was in favor of the removal of Governor Gai who is contested by many legislators in the state. However, it seems that South Sudan President Salva Kiir declined a request from Gen Matip in this respect.

The deputy SPLA Commander in Chief also has been angered by the defection of two of his close aides who formed their own forces. Sources say Paulino suspects some generals in the southern Sudan army of instigating the moves.

Matip’s nephew, Col. Maluk, who was commander of Matip forces in Juba, left his uncle’s headquarters and formed his own camp within Juba. Again Maj. Gen. Taib Gatluak, also from Bull Nuer, left Matip’s headquarters and formed his own.

Rivalry between Matip and Gai goes back to the 90’s when Taban Deng Gai had been elected by the Unity assembly in accordance of a peace agreement signed in April 1997 between Sudanese government and the former rebel United Democratic Defense Forces (UDSF) but he had been expelled from the governorship of Unity State by Paulino Matip’s militia.



  • Jeremiah Mach
    Jeremiah Mach

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    This is not a surprise.

  • murlescrewed

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    When will our Nuer brothers learn to behave like responsible members of a civilized society and handle things in a peaceful way? This could have been avoided altogether if cooler heads had prevailed. After all, Matip is the deputy commander of SPLA forces but still viewing SPLA with suspicions.

  • Awesome_Echo

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    That’s funny Nuer militia game for leadership.Every clan owned militia group.

  • Malakal

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    Monkey Kim Deng, Nyawitch, and Thieling/leil-Ngoth will blame this on the Goss, but will not even condemn the slave primitive food warriors. More sugar needs to be spread around the Bentiu city in order to quell the situation, as some of them will automitically switch into sugar consumption.

    As usual the fighting is a contest between the two demagogoues for the leadership of the Animal Kingdom/Nuer Kingdom.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    Wow!. come on Nuer!
    Dear Southerners that is awful/nasty.
    Forming many Militia in the South is the destruction and undermining of autonmy/dignity of the country.
    Nuer tribe need to think first like human before escalating fight.
    May God rest the soul of those who lose their lives.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    Mr. Taban Deng,

    You’re the problem of Bentiu (Unity State) since 1997 if you can recall that. This time you want to mess up with Lion Lt. General Paulino Matip one more time, but don’t forget that you’re coward who cannot face Gat-Nhial. You better quit/leave the State and the governorship all together before you see yourself in hell as you did back in 1997 or blame your King Mr. Salva who keep in that position for charing 2% of oil with him.

    There are so many agents within South Sudan army/SPLA who have been trying their ugly dirty tactics to get rid of Mr. Lion General Paulino Matip since 2005 when he joined the movement for the first time ever. But they fail from their poor strategies they may dream of.

    It is up to GoSS especially the rulling party SPLM in Juba to kick Lion Lt. General Paulino Matip out from South Sudan army/SPLA and trash the CPA or leave the Lion King (Lt. General Paulino Matip) alone and keep focus on CPA.

  • Jakok Loakloak
    Jakok Loakloak

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    What a scam. We thought we the sons of Bentiu have outsmarted the instigators by avoiding confrontation between the two camps yet, time had not been our allie. Such conflict was eminent since the forces of both camps were facing off and pointed their muzzles against each other with only 100 meters span (the bentiu police HQs)dividing them. We also know they were not at peace neither nor at war, the two camps fear the reopening of the old wounds specially, many sons and doughters of our state perished when Dr. Riek Machar forcefully emposed Taban as a governor of Bentiu which was resentfully opposed By General Paulino Matib Nhial. Now the same is being repeated by general Salva Kiir only this time with some tribalistic dimentions. Paulino is the power behind Riek Machar. Therefore, weakening him is by proportion, targeting Riek. And such scheme of maneouver is perfected best by the Governor. In actuality the Governor have initiated this policy since Aprill of this year when he managed to lure Col. Maluk Matay and his commander Thaib Galuak out of Matib Nhial Compound in Juba into SPLA. I hope our youth refrain from using force against each other and assume the wisdom of our elders who dared not shed our precious blood because of personal greed.

  • oshay

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    who’s the dinka who removed my comment?

    Again I reiterate, do not mess with the great paulino matip, dinka spla cowboys will get dealt with!

  • Gatwech

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    Dear readers,

    This is a clear result of Salva Kiir’s tactics of fitting the Nuer against each other in Unity state. Governor Taban Deng Gai was voted out in a democratic SPLM state conventions organized by the SPLM leadership all over the South. Salva Kiir refused to replace Taban Deng Gai with Dr. Joseph Nguen, the current GOSS minister of Health who was overwhelmingly elected by the state delegates and defeated Taban Deng Gai. Because Salva Kiir and Taban Deng had their personal interests, Kiir refused to remove Taban against the policy of the very SPLM he is leading. While he has reshuffled Warap state so many times by removing its governor and replacing him with another, he has refused to do the same in Unity state simply to frustrate the citizens and quarell with one another on the matter. Now Taban has gone to the extent of attacking the SPLA Deputy Commander-in-Chief, the second man to Kiir himself in the army. What is next now in this situation of anarchy created by Kiir? What I know for sure is that such a thing can backfire if Kiir doesn’t think twice. The citizens of Unity state already know where Taban’s God father comes from.

  • Free Son
    Free Son

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    This is the wrong time for any kind of unnecessary disarmament. This is exactly what I will do if any one attempt to disarm me wherever I am in Southern Sudan, for security reasons. To be disarmed in this critical time means you will be left a sitting-duck under the mercy of every dog.
    What is needed now is not really disarmament, but a strong government army who are educated with a good liberation culture and not like the current ones who are primitive, tribalists, and drunkards. A foolish leader will try to disarm in the wrong time, and civilians will always pay the price.
    [email protected]

  • Gatwech

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    My cousins,

    Avoid inherited lies by pretending that only Nuer fight against one another. Being a liar is not a fame! Who can believe you that doen’t read news about fightings among the Dinka clans? All your states rank first, second and third in the madness. Who are those Dinkas fighting themselves in Warrap and Lakes states? Are they not your same Dinka clans instigated by your own politicians including Salva Kiir vs Salva Mathok in Warrap and Paul Mayom vs Daniel Awet and David Deng Athorbei in Lakes state? Bor-Dinka have gone on rampage targeting SPLA officers in Bor town, killing even a Colonel in the army. Stop pretending. Just face the real issues here. Unity state has been one of the most peaceful states in the South until Salva Kiir groomed Taban Deng Gai to fight against the SPLA Deputy Commander-in-Chief. And what is next?

  • thieleling

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources

    Dear Readers,

    This intractable little fight threatens wider rifts in SPLA. Kiir overplay his hands by unleashing his decoy, Taban Deng Gai against Matip & Dr. Riek in Unity State. A nervous Kiir would do anything to get to Dr. Riek Machar just because of upcoming election contests in south sudan. He tries to incite Taban Deng Gai, his strategic ally against the other prominent Nuer leaders in Bentiu. This is very interesting!!

    Kiir is trying his power and authority outside the law in Bentiu, south sudan. He just upped the ante by unleashing one of Kiir New Boy In Bentiu, Taban Deng; testing patience of one of the most respected elders in Nuerland, Guandit Matip Nhial. But Kiir’s subversive to GOSS/GONU Constitutions would simply continue South Sudan’s agony even more.

    So, it is funny Kiir behave like the authoritarian he claims John Garang to be in 2004 Rumbek Conference. Unless Kiir does a swift backtracking on his inflammatory tactics in Bentiu, the powerful military tsunami is eminent to follow this unprovoke move against Guandit Matip.

    This has nothing to do with Taban & Guandit Matip, but it has something to do with the cracks within SPLM/A leadership. Taban is Kiir’s decoy to get the job done in Bentiu. The best thing is for Taban to resign instead of being ousted since Kiir imposed him on Unity State citizens after 2008 SPLM caucusus/primary elections. Taban lost, but Kiir wants to keep him to be useful against Matip & Dr. Riek in Bentiu.

    Taban MUST GO NOW!!!This is practical matter. Kiir wants to continue SPLA military rule and he is not interested in upcoming election. So, Kiir & his buddy Taban Deng will be ousted president & governor pretty soon!! A nervous Kiir is south sudan’s agony.

  • babadit

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    Hi southerners, the other time it was Luo Nuer and Dinkas Today Nuer vs Nuer in the rich land of Unity state.
    please southerners, look at these men who are making people lossing their lives in such for power in their own areas.
    Nuer is another problems in southern sudan.

    May God change your heart your Execellency Taban Deng and HE.Gen.Paulino Matib toward the people of the south and Unity State in particular.

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    Too bad for southerns.

    SPLM leader Salava Kiir must go to Benttiu first before going to Lak state to solve the dangerous problem that is between Lt Gen Paulino Matib and Taban Deng Gai.

    This is really mistake from person who gave order to disarm Paulino’s bodyguards whom were already SPLM members.

    Please do not ignore that conflict. It could spoil CPA for all southerns. This is the important issues that SPLM must look at immediately.

    To those who think that it is Nure’s problem and not southerns problem or theirs, you are lying to yourselves. Paulino can get you back to zero point. Those are armies they are not civilians.

    Oduck Bol

  • J.James

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    Hi Brothers

    I have silly question here too if you want to call it that way.

    Please explain to me what was the motive and the nature of the disarmament itself? because what I know so far about disarmamnent was only disarmament campaign against the arms which are loose in the hands of the civilians, I have never thought that there could be a disarmament where one soldier got to disarm another soldier.

    Who is Taban in first place, where in the world do we find a governor who own his own troop? Governor has to be in civilian attairs and he should ask troops from people like Matip if he want military help, I think things are upside dowm in unity state.

    I hope that is corrected and Taban need to leave the governorship if people don’t like him simple.

    God bless

  • maagook

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    Dear Gatwec, Dinka boy and everyone:

    Can’t you guys stop bad comments?? Why don’t you evaluate a situation and then make a comment based on your judgement without empty rants and insults and without tribal bias?? Gatwec, you seem to write logically but I wonder why you always appear to be tribalistic…..you rarely finish a comment without mentioning/accusing the Dinka or anything related to the Dinka. I do believe based on your writings that you are learned but your comments that sometimes seem to support violence make me have a different thought about your judgement (you may find this offensive but I welcome your critisms too). I strongly believe that what has happened between Taban and Matip is a personal RIVALRY (Like rivalries among the Dinka and other tribes but the difference is that the Dinka don’t divide up the SPLA soldiers on clan basis), it has nothing to do with Dinka because his own NEPHEW has defected from him (I base this argument on rationality and common sense). Gatwec, we all know that Matip is Deputy C in C of SPLA (national army). He has to control his men and not allow the national army to divide itself…puting the national interest first.

    Dinka boy, why don’t you read an article and base your judgements on what you have read instead of what you think the Nuers are. Insulting others always shows a deficit in knowledge as you have nothing to convince your opponent (I am sorry to offend you but convince me if I wrong). Generalising the Nuer to be bad people is insane and only insane people would believe that and this applies to Nuers who do the same. I however believe that the frequency of violence is higher among a “rigid few” among the nuer community who believe that bravery is ONLY proved by killing another person which I believe is totally insane too. Dinka boy, this has nothing to do with the whole Nuer community, this is about a personal rivalry between Taban and Matip which dates back to their time on the sudanese government side as already explained by some contributers.

    Finally; you guys should stop unneccessary tribal comments otherwise many readers on this site will believe you to be as bad as your comments. Peace to you all.

    BTW, I am a Dinka.

  • John Boy
    John Boy

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources

    You are bright for not thing ,if mean Naath Nuer are animals please take to know where the man orgin from because of your little knowledge Paulino is the deputy commander in chief of SPLA who can folks you and your mother in OPen area and no body will deny.

  • Dinkamoi

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    This is very serious. I am blaming President Kiir for not ordering SPLA forces to disarm Paulino Matip. Kiir should have never accepted Pualino to remain with his untrained hungry soldiers when joining the Mother SPLA.

    However, I am recommending that SPLA must disarm these bunch of Paulino war-gangs immediately. Otherwise this will encourage formation of individuals armies of other tribes in Southern Sudan. This has to be done as soon as possible before next year or otherwise some of us will not entertain or tolerate nonsense coming every day from Jongolei State

  • ngor martyn jok
    ngor martyn jok

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    The leading man of all proxies…..wishin if Dr Garang were alive,he would still be in his previous role!!!
    It was bad to integrate people like Matip into the SPLA,because they would as well make up heap of burdens as in they ‘re doing now!!
    shame..matip,you could be the leading head of sultans

  • Makol Dhal
    Makol Dhal

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    This son of unity state thinking as the world of South Sudan start with him.how can one had his own private army when he is number two in the rank of South army? what is he intend to do with these army?it has been accepted uniformly that civil population of South Sudan should be disarms to avoid killed of innocene people by cattle rustlers in the region.any body who want to be object it would not be compromised.this unvisionable serious notorus man must to be brought to justic.

  • Joseph

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    I wonder why the SPLA disarming it organ instead of disarming civilian who are killing themselves daily.
    I blame how this disarmament was carryout, it happen people fight several time in different place due to lack of plane for this disarmament. Disarming other government organs can bring clash as it has happened.
    Palino Matip and Taban Deng stop this fighting, Gier Chuang, James Hoth, Deng Nhial and Salva Kiir make another plane for disarmament

  • Gatwech

    BREAKING NEWS: Dozens killed as Dinka Bor and Mundari renew clashes
    BREAKING NEWS: Dozens killed as Dinka Bor and Mundari renew clashes

    October 4, 2009 (JUBA) – Deadly clashes occurred on Friday between Dinka Bor and Mundari tribes that has left dozens killed and several others wounded.

    Juba-Bor road is said to have been closed as a result of the clashes.

    More details are to follow…


  • Tuaks

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    Dear Gatwich, what happened in In unity state has nothing to do with Dr Salva Kiir ,but it is a result of your aggrssive nature, what you need is your teach your people to live like humanbeing, not like animal.
    You look sad and sympathetic because some dosens of armed Nuer have lost their lives, there is no connection between LT Gen Silva Kiir and clashes in Unity state.
    You need to identify and understand your problems.

  • Gatwech

    Fresh clashes erupt in Sudan’s Unity state: sources
    Dear readers,

    Yes, it is true that tribal fighting in the South is widespread in almost every state and it involves many different tribes. GOSS should be doing something about these mad communities in an honest and fair way. It should not apply discriminatory policies that favor certain tribes and negatively target others. The Lou-Nuer incident was interpreted by GOSS leadership to suit its tribal intentions. Yes, the Lou-Nuer revenge attacks on Duk Padiet targeted government institutions. But was it something new? Agaar-Dinka recently targeted SPLA and Police convoys using RPGs and destroyed some of them. Was that not against the government property and forces? The Nyarweng-Dinka of Duk targeted Lou-Nuer Wildlife and Police officers, traders, teachers, agriculturalists, money for salaries, etc in their truck outside Duk county headquarters, killing several of them. Was that not an attack against the government personnel and money? The Bor-Dinka targeted SPLA officers, killing even a Colonel from Lou-Nuer inside Bor town. Was that not a target against the SPLA army?

    It is however funny that the GOSS leadership in Juba has turned tribal. This evening as I was watching South Sudan satellite TV (SSTV) I was surprised that the tribal leadership including the President, Salva Kiir, minister of Information Paul Mayom and the SPLA Spokesman, Kuol Diem Kuol, and someone called Alaak, etc were very busy making noises about the fighting between bodyguards of Paulino Matip and Taban Deng Gai in Bentiu, Unity state. They mobilized the local, national and international media to maximize the incidence because it involved something to do with the Nuer. They wanted the Nuer to be seen as the spoilers of peace in South Sudan. So they got that chance to tell to any body what had happened in Bentiu. Paulino Matip and Taban Deng Gai were not in Bentiu during the incidence. Taban had gone to Europe while Paulino Matip was in Juba. But the tribal leadership wanted it to sound like something directly involving those two Nuer figures despite the fact that it simply started as a quarrel between their two bodyguards in Bentiu.

    And why these unblessed tribal leaders would be only interested in conflicts between Nuer figures in the first place? Why were they not interested in the Warrap state conflict between Salva Kiir Mayardit and Salva Mathok Geng-dit that fitted Aguok and Apuk Dinka clans which fought using heavy artilleries? Why they were not interested to mobilize the Media to magnify the Khorfulus/Atar conflict between General Gier Chuang Aluong and General George Athor? These two Khorfulus/Atar bitter opponents could not be reconciled successfully in that mad Jonglei state of Kuol Manyang. They had to be brought here to Malakal for our state government intervention that gave birth to their successful reconciliation. Also why not interested in conflicts among politicians of Lakes state which involves Daniel Awet Akot, Paul Mayom and Deng Athorbei, etc?

    Unsurprisingly and interestingly, they all kept quiet about this similar deadly fighting between the Bor-Dinka and Mundari communities which killed almost the same number of people as in the Bentiu incidence and happened at the same time (Friday) with that of the Bentiu incidence. This Bor-Dinka and Mundari fighting also occurred close to the capital, Juba, and as reported, resulted to the closure of Juba-Bor road. The tribal leadership did not rush to call it a fighting between communities of Kuol Manyang Juuk and Clement Wani Konga.

    These tribal leaders were ashamed to talk about it because it involved the Bor-Dinka who carried out the attack against Mundaris. They did not want the public to hear about it to avoid the chance of Bor-Dinka community being seen as provocative and spoilers of peace that implements the interests of Khartoum, which is their preferred description of any incidence involving the Nuer. What a tribal incompetent leadership!

    This poor tactic is a cheap propaganda always resorted to by failed ruling tribal cliques every where in the world. They turn into a chieftaincy and that is what happens with the GOSS tribal leadership. They are panicking about the inevitable! They are desperate looking for any means to spoil the name of the Nuer, their most feared adversary, and this has always been both their daydream as well as their nightmare. There was a conspiracy of silence on this ugly and deadly fighting between the Bor-Dinka and Mundari. And this is to save the image of Bor-Dinka, but destroy the image of Bul-Nuer in Bentiu. Very interesting indeed!

    What a tribal incompetent leadership in both GOSS and SPLA! They think the public readers and viewers are fools whom they can just mobilize to hate the Nuer when every body knows which tribe leads GOSS in this corruption, thievery, lack of development, lack of political direction, cowardice to face elections, deterioration of insecurity, tribal conflicts, etc. Even if they want to hide any fighting that does not involve the Nuer and rush to talk about any fighting that involves the Nuer, the public knows them better. They can run but they cannot hide. “Ci wec ku ruac kaap.” Athooow!

    By Tut Gatwech, Malakal, South Sudan

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