Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting

October 6, 2009 (JUBA) – Latest reports by state authorities said about 20 Mundari villages have been burnt to ashes and thousands of people are internally displaced as clashes continue into the fifth day with the Dinka Bor armed group.

Destroyed huts are seen in the southern Sudanese village of Duk-Padiet, which suffered recent fighting, in southern Sudan Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2009. (Timothy Mckulka-UNMIS)
Destroyed huts are seen in the southern Sudanese village of Duk-Padiet, which suffered recent fighting, in southern Sudan Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2009. (Timothy Mckulka-UNMIS)
Terekeka County Commissioner, Juma Ali Malou, said 21 people from the Mundari community were confirmed dead. The number of the wounded was not confirmed.

The death toll on the side of Dinka Bor was reported to be around 17 people. 5 SPLA soldiers were also reported killed in the fighting.

The fighting erupted since Thursday between the two communities as authorities struggle to find its cause.

Some say the clashes were sparked by an argument between a Mundari farmer and Dinka Bor cattle keepers after the Dinka Bor cattle destroyed the Mundari farm, who then protested angrily and was shot dead.

Other conflicting reports suggest that it was the Mundari raiders that first attacked the Dinka Bor cattle camps.

A high level delegation from Central Equatoria state headed by Governor Clement Wani Konga and included the state Legislative Assembly Speaker, Zamba Duku Michael on Monday paid an emergency visit to Terekeka County to evaluate the magnitude of the destruction on the innocent civilian population.

They found that in the County headquarters alone the fighting displaced more than 4,000 people mostly women, children and the elderly.

The displaced were congested in the County’s Secondary School compound and exposed to dire conditions, prompting the authorities to appeal for assistance.

The state authority said an investigation will be launched to dig out the root cause of the fighting.

Speaker Duku expressed his disappointment over the incident, saying the perpetrators must be made to face the rigors of the law.

The state minister of Education, Stephen Lokuron Lemi described the perpetrators as the “worst enemies of the people of Southern Sudan.”

Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk of Jonglei state and Clement Wani Konga of Central Equatoria state were summoned on Tuesday by the Government of Southern Sudan’s (GoSS) minister of Internal Affairs, Gier Chuang Aluong and discussed the incident.

Speaking to the press after the meeting, Governor Kuol Manyang said the incident was a result of cattle theft between the two communities.

He explained that the roaming Dinka Bor cattle were moving from Eastern and Central Equatoria states back to Bor County per directive by GoSS.

Juba-Bor road has remained closed to commuters as the armed groups also target vehicles on the road.

On Tuesday morning a boat coming from Adok, north of Bor County, was ambushed on the Nile by unknown gunmen, killing one passenger and wounding some others.



  • Gatwech

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    Dear readers,

    This is very serious! Over 40 people confirmed killed and the killings have not yet stopped. 20 villages destroyed. Thousands displaced. This is not a joke. Why did the GOSS keep quite about this? I hope the SPLA did not side with the Bor-Dinka this time like they did against the Lou-Nuer when they sided with the Nyarweng-Dinka of Duk Padiet. I suspect that the so-called (Dr.) Majak Agoot, the NCP’s Deputy Director for National Security did not rush to send his notorious security forces to rescue the Bor-Dinka against the Mundari. May be this is how 20 villages are destroyed in four days fighting while the GOSS kept quiet and diverted the public attention to the Bentiu incident between two bodyguards that killed only 16 people. The Bor-Dinka and Mundari fighting is potentially dangerous because it occurred close to the GOSS capital, Juba, and can easily spread into the capital. The GOSS is polarizing the situation in South Sudan. Now Kuol Manyang shamelessly called it simply a cattle theft. Why destroy 20 villages if it is a cattle theft? Why target vehicles, boats, etc if it is a cattle theft?

    This is an organized attack on Mundari. I blame GOSS for its conspiracy of silence and to only respond by just summoning the governors after four days of fighting. GOSS should stop being a tribal chieftaincy and engage these tribal wars all over the South through honest, fair and just policies and actions that do not favor certain tribes and target some others. This will only polarize the situation and may get out of control.

    Blaming such incidents on the NCP in Khartoum is a lame excuse and a sign of complete failure by this government which is in charge of its affairs. NCP did not tell Bor-Dinka to let loose their cattle into Mundari farms. And if it is the Mundari who attacked the Bor-Dinka cattle camp, did the NCP tell them to do so? It is purely an internal issue like that of the Duk Padiet with the Lou-Nuer. It might have been caused by the cattle or the farm issue, but the fighting left the cattle or farms and instead targeted innocent civilians and their villages and even government vehicles, and vehicles owned by traders or personally owned. Even boats navigating the river are being targeted.

    But since GOSS has failed in every bit of responsibility, the best and cheapest way it resorts to is to always blame such failures including the looting of public funds and the issue of 6 billion pounds worth of stolen grains all on the NCP. Pathetic indeed! May God help us out of this mess!

  • oshay

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    Look at what the criminal Dinka are doing, repeating the same actions they did to the Nuer in the 1990 when Garang unleashed his beasts and killed 2 million of them to punish Machar.

    The Dinka are out of control and Southerners need to seriously question the status quo, all the other Southern tribes get along well, but the land grabbing dinka are causing trouble everywhere.

  • thieleling

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    It is hard to have intelligence discusion and debate in south sudan when “Dinka-Bor Militia” and SPLA are killing the helpless mundari civilians. In serach of excellence, Salva Kiir resorted to killing south sudanese civilians!! Where are Clement Konga & the rest of Equatorians?

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    Dear brothers and sisters,
    its very destuctive for Southerners to killed themselves while the war is over between South and North.
    I know most of the incidents that are revolving in the South come from NCP agent except this incident of Mundari and Dinka-Bor. The two always raid themsleves years back,so that is simply the cattle rustling.
    I believed that Dinkas are going to responese to any aggression because they are tired of being called Coward.
    I always like people to live in unity and face Arab as our common enemy but not creating chaos to each other. otherwise we will teached others to acted.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    The report is biased and not balanced if one reads between the lines. The writer is just reporting the one side. The reporter is also shy to tell the truth about which arm group is ambushing motor vehicles between Juba and Bor. Distortion won’t work.
    I support no killing of any person or burning of villages. Lack respect and territoriality will not take southerner far.

    Ahmed Chol,the future commander of Anya-nya III

  • Malakal

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    The rules of the game do not change with animals. The Dinkas have been reluctant to deal with these animals ( Mundari, Nuer, Murle) in the past, who always foolishly thought that Bor-Dinka is immune to fighting but momentarily I think we will see who laughs last.

    The Dinkas must acknowledge the fact that they have to yank these monkeys off their backs and then deal with the extreme Northen morons secondarily. Failing to uproot these sub-humans in the South will amount to failure to liberating the South.

  • Joseph Lago
    Joseph Lago

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    I think this fight will not be brought down very soon because Dinka Bor find it cheaper to fight Mandari community compare to ruthless mighty naath nuer of which they beleived their death and fear will not go away with the present of nuer community.they are coronically ill about them and they don’t want to touch nuer community in anyway or other. now Mandari community will pay for Bor lost to Nuer community because there is no way Dinka Bor could recoup all those losses caused by Nuer attack at Dukpadiet.

    Dinka Bor talk as if they are above the law, as if they don’t die but when it come to fight, they are they one to die first, they are they one to retreat and run away with women and they are the one who use cold blood killings to recoup their past losses and cry asking for peace reconciliation. what kind of people are these?

  • voice of junubin
    voice of junubin

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    dear brothers,

    we need to exhibit some objectivity while commenting here..i do not need to be nuer,dinka,,mundari,,anyuak,bari ,,,name it,,to comment on anything here with a biased opinion.we need to squarely put facts as they are.all those dying are southern sudanese and for sure ,we are making it to the pleasure of our enemy,,the arabs.

    we all need to come back to our senses and amicably sovle all these matters.please never should anyone be commenting based on tribe.you blame goss for what it is but not that it may belong to a certain tribe in your opinion.such utterences will take us the rwanda and somali way where aevery small village is run by a warlord,,its so bad.we need soloidarity more than ever now as junubin.AMEN

  • Gatwech

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    My people,

    The whole world and particularly the concerned nations like USA, Britain, Norway, Canada, etc plus our African countries have been monitoring this website daily. GOSS tribal leadership is known world-wide for its failure to apply just and fair policy across the South. Didn’t you read how Eritrean President, Isayas Afowerki expressed his disgust over how GOSS mishandles South Sudan affairs in that long article he posted on this website? It is only wise to be a responsible and fair government that treats all its citizens as equals and exercises the sense and practice of responsibility.

  • south sudan power
    south sudan power

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    Guys lets grow up.. why are we keeping talking trash? if we really wanted to change the condition in southern sudan, let do something about it instead of keep blaming each other. in addition,This is a responsibility of the GOSS to create a security for its cetizens. It doesn’t matter wether the fight started by dinka or Mudari, let work togather and find a solution to this problem.


  • Gatwech

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    Dear Southerners,

    It is very unfortunate that while we should be thinking of what unites us and preach it or implement it, there are others who want to deprive others of their God given rights. And these evil plans began during the war. People should stop pursuing such evil plans for the sake of our unity and peaceful co-existence.

    The Bor-Dinka have almost implemented John Garang’s plan to occupy Madiland. This is manifested in Nimule. They tried it in Mundri but the Muru tribe detected it and kicked out the Bor-Dinka in 2006. They are attempting the same in Acholi land. Newsite is another thing. Now they talk of Mundari land.

    Thieleling, the Bor-Dinka plan was to implant themselves in Nimule, EES, Mundri, WES and Gemeiza or Mangala, CES. Their ultimate goal as exposed so many times last year on ‘southsudannation.com’ is to claim citizenship in these states which would in the long run result in claiming representations in both legislature and executive organs of such states. May be they foresee that they will no longer live in Jonglei state. Don’t worry, the people of Equatoria are already aware of such plans and they will fail them.

    Thieleling, our cousins have the best chance to either make the South united and peaceful or make it disintegrate and destructive for some time. They are not currently utilizing their leadership for the sake of uniting our people. They resort to tribal politics as if they have understood GOSS as their chieftaincy. God is great and may change their minds or else….

  • J.James

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    Mr. Malakal

    Even Bible says that a tongue is dangerous to the body because that small organ can burnt the all body in a minute.

    Good to remember that,all the tribes have been known for raiding each other for centuries and I think its very big mistake to try to add Murle and Nuer on the list of what is going on between you (Dinka Bor)and Mundari because I am 100% sure that some people from your community will strongly hat to see Murle and Nuer being on the list.

    Please and please stop trying to make two tribes’ issue four tribes issue brother. I sometimes feel bad about the way Dinka Bor are targeted but talking that way is automatically going to erased my merciful feeling about my friends of Bor.

    Better also to remind you that, God have given Dinkas chance to study but for whatever reason, God refused to give you acceptable leadership skills and language that a true leader must used. Most of your leaders speak just like nursey kids when it comes to the politics and I wish you reverse your risky political ways of handling things.

    I hope you change because the all suffering lowered to your civilians are all brought about by the limbing and reckless leaderships and comments like the one made by ( you)Mr. Malakal.

    Please let pray for better tommorrow.

    God bless

    The writer is always peace activist.

  • Critic_Ngueny

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    Tit for tat is the only solution to all those problems happening to Dinka Bor,We have tried to turn deaf ears to their day today problems but they don,t want to listen.We must take a revenge against whoever comes our way.Dinka Bor must go a head and destroy more villages.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • Truebor

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting

    Thanks bor youth for fighting back against those useless people.

    Enough is enough.
    Murle killed many of us
    Lou Nuer killed many of u
    now Mudari are trying to do they same thing.
    So we got to fight back and be prepare for whatever.

    Tong tong and Gutwitch and many others are crying over online. Get a life or do something to keep you fools busy.

    I aint gonna say much.

    Rip Kur

  • Truebor

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting

    Thanks bor youth for fighting back against those useless people.

    Enough is enough.
    Murle killed many of us
    Lou Nuer killed many of u
    now Mudari are trying to do they same thing.
    So we got to fight back and be prepare for whatever.

    Tong tong and Gutwitch and many others are crying over online. Get a life or do something to keep you fools busy.

    I aint gonna say much.

    Rip Kur

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting

    Dinkas allover Dinkas’ Lands were mobilized to fight Mundaris, well supplied with Big and small Guns by Commander in Chief of Dinkas Salver Kirr, unknowing that things will turn bad in referendum.
    For me i don’t care about Separation if Dinkas continue to behave in this way.

  • Isaac

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    I think Dinka Bor and Mundari do not have this border, the people are Bari and Dika have the border Magala and Jemetha are for Bari. only Mundari use it for cattle grazing


  • Bush fire
    Bush fire

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    I pay my condolence to the families of those lost their lives in the recent clashes between Mundari and Dinka Bor.
    May Almighty God rest souls in peace.

    To the writter, you are lacking informations. How do you repeat the photo of burnt house in Duk Padiet attack. That can not help you otherwise you deserve to be arrested for such crime. That photo has evidents see the person standing in blue gumboots, coconut trees, the door, the evironment atlarge. If you lack photos better use your rotten mouth intead it will take you to jail.

    Your description of the root causes of the incidents does show any sense. You are not stable in the report. Better leave the ball to analyse or investigation team.

    Get me through,

  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    All you who contribute on this website, whether Dinkas, Nuers, or Equatorians are all a disgrace to the South Sudan and an entity and therefore have nothing to offer. People are dying in Bor and Teregeka and you are all in engage silly game of tribalism. May God curse all of you who contribute negatively on this website. The blood of our dying innocent people in Jonglei, Central Equatoria, Western Upper Nile and in some parts of South Sudan will judge all of you one by one.

    God bless our motherland, South Sudan.

  • Khent

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting

    The Nuer are not 55% of the SPLA- Paulino Matip’s armed forces… forces that were used to clear and protect oil fields for the north, have NOT replaced and transcended the original component of the SPLA.

  • Greater Equatoria
    Greater Equatoria

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    Please the Bari and Mundari forget about the minor conflict you had with each,this war is a serious one.Central Equatorians especailly all speak one language,stop about those minor conflicts.Defend your selves up to the last point.You can see how Kiir is now defending his Dinka Militia.Let’s show them that we can fight if war is necessary;we are not cowards.Keep up Equatorians with this heroism.

  • latjuor Dingyan
    latjuor Dingyan

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    Governor Kuol Manyang has totally failed to provide security for his state, in my point of view Mr Governor Kuol Manyang needs to be reshuffled; there must someone out there that can do the job!! We all appreciate his contributions in the war of liberation but that doesn’t necessarily mean that he can’t be replaced if he is not doing well, many southern Sudanese died during the struggle and their families are still suffering to date, Mr Manyang must be lucky enough to survive the war and occupies a very prominent post as governorship!! but if he not competent for the post there is no point for him not to step down!! If I was in his place I should be considering resigning!!!!!!!!!!

  • Time1

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    South sudan is doomed, if southerners alltogether continue to be stupid, naive and ignorant, south sudan will soon be an empty land with only its enemies and other foriegners taking over due to your stupidity and ignorance of the leaders as same as the citizens.

    Just today the country has been plunged by deadly EBOLA, we do not know whatever deadly diseases are out there waiting to re-surface, meanwhile you have tribes fighting eachother, corruption and poor governance.

    GOSS need to wake up , we do not have much time, the country needs dramatic change is the way things work or else we are all doomed.

  • general Achinbenchien
    general Achinbenchien

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    This Message is to the following garbages:
    Logic Boy
    KimDeng and many other Dinka haters!

    Soon, we all swim in blood! smoke will block the rays of the sun. Rivers of people will be flowing to Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Congo when mighty Dinka respond to your demands.
    Dinka! Sharpen the spears and beat the drum.

  • Nyambur

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting

    October 06/09 (New York) — It is my prediction here that prior to reading the entire article, some readers and commentators, just by a glimpse of the title, are going to rush onto making those inflammatory remarks which serve nothing but widen the deteriorating felicity of peaceful coexistence between or among neighbors, by labeling me, a tribalist. You are herewith granted the permission, just before hand. But unless you are a pessimist, you will come to embrace the truth, and it is only this very truth that will set the history straight. All open-minded readers will overwhelmingly, if not wholesomely, concur with me, that within human tradition and cultural dexterity, there lie one basic thing with reference to how a thief or predator should behave: steal but do not kill the laborer lest you be caught. Thus, a thief who kills is not a survivor, but an annihilator—a real idiot.

    Generalization might not be a good thing, and as it is conceptually understood, is definitely unacceptable, at least in its abstract sense. Nonetheless, with regard to what happened not only recently, but as earlier as in 1980s, in the Mundari-Land, it is worth asserting here that Southern Dinka-Bor is indefensibly a society which lacks ethics, not in the context of how it relates to office, but in the context of how Southern Dinka-Bor behaves towards neighbors, and around the globe. It is never my habit to adopt such a controversial approach, but as far the incidence between Mundari and South-Bor Dinka is concern, I will allow myself to draw the conclusion that they, the South-Bor Dinka, are immoral, arrogant, unappreciative, lazy people, who since time immemorial have been behaving like the “ancient predators.”

    There are numerous periods in which the most accommodative Mundari people have hosted, helped, and provided the neighboring Dinka with at most everything they lacked and wanted ( of course they always lack, even their god, “nHIALIC,” knows), yet the savages ( if I may allow my anger to rule) never reflected on every bit of these special treatments. Instead they ceaselessly pronounced themselves as “Muonjang” while at the same time belittling others as “barbaric.” Well, “Muonjang,” no one would object to whatever accolade you might want to acclaim yourself. However, all you are suppose to do is to portray it through positive actions, honor, and humility— that is, you are not only what you proclaim, but that you are the exact replica of your voluntary, conscientious resolve that had rendered you to be present in almost every hundred square-feet of the earth. You (of course I mean Southern-Dinka) might want to swindle the title of “liberator,” but wait a minute! What is of a liberator if he does not respect and protect the very same environment, together with its constituents? Where on earth do liberators squander, hide, and keep civilian properties in the IDPS camps for over a decade, in the disguise of being civilians? Obviously those murderers are not civilians. If they are then the next question is: where did they obtain cattle yet when they escape in the 1990s, they had nothing?

    A real “Muonjang” lives and keeps his cattle in Marial Bai, in Aweil, in Thiet, in Panyagor, and so forth. What is this “Muojang” (husband of Jienge as so posited) who hovers, fixates, and marauds all over peace-containing territories, bamboozling others’ labor’s sweats, and without being mindful of how painful it is to the laborers watching the products of their industry being trampled over by after all, the very same cattle which were initially stolen from them, but now in the hands of the rackets? In fact, those are not the patriotic, responsible, and honorable “Muonjang” the Mundari people know; those are “wives of Jienge,” or rather the cursed crooks, who are ashamed about their reputations back in the Dinka-Land, thus the reason they are hesitant to going home. Else, why would someone refrains going to his birth place if he knows he is a liberator, a clean, hardworking, entrepreneur who is willing to develop and share his fortunes with his community? Readers, won’t you agree with me that there is a puzzle as to why the Southern-Dinka Bor IDPS do not want to return?

    Although there are as countable explanations as there can be of this puzzle, let me just espouse only two here. First, the Southern-Bor Dinka hold and practice high standard of respect—an ideal I only wish they extend it beyond their boundaries— from within. This is something those cowards, crooks, and excommunicated criminals do not want to live up to. The second espousal stems from the fact that the Mundari had since before the days of Thon Ayii, a notorious swindler who later got fire-squad by Kuol Manyang for expropriating thousands of Mundari cattle, and Panchol Manyang, a tactful Militia and “Magendo” who until the 1991 mutiny against the SPLA, was staged in the very same “Keji Luro” (dinkanized as Wuor-Bar) where the first fighting erupted, been very unreservedly kind and hospitable to their northern neighbors. Specifically, the Mundari had always allowed the Dinka to overgraze their lands, permitted them to inhabit the “Tor/Tikon” (Swamp/Sudd), offered them grains, corns, groundnuts (though at many a times they stole), granted them to use their grounding stone and grounding motor, and welcoming them to share and enjoy their social and cultural entertainments. During natural calamities, the Mundari had always opened their doors to the Dinka since they had no one else to turn to, and perhaps the UN did not know of, or just got fade up with them (the South-Dinka). This hospitality is what had seemingly disoriented the Southern-Dinka to be so lazy that they expect to gobble and guzzle on everything, free of charge. Well, if the Southern-Dinka has assumed to be the slugs of the 21st century, want to wait for free manna from Kaku or Poni, while lingering or sleazing around in “wrong number plate,” then sorry! The patient but “unbwogable” Mundari will not allow themselves to be intimidated on their very rightful land. The Motto is simple: You started against us, we fight to the end. And remember, preemption is not winning. It is crystal clear that the Dinka are now determined to annihilate the goose that lays the golden egg; they don’t need the good farmer anymore, may be Ndugu has shown them some skills and techniques, when they were in Nimule. Let’s wait and see.

    Finally, and as I affirmed earlier, only an ignorant, Southern-Dinka will dare to refute these facts, and again, I won’t be surprised receiving an attempt to do so. But whereas I welcome comments of any kinds, I challenge in advance heretofore any Southern-Dinka who believes that there was ever any such period when the Mundari ever crossed to their borders, for trespassing, begging for anything, disrespecting their culture, stealing from, and/or fighting them, on their locality. The world knows that no single citation is available, save perhaps, dragging in a made-up. Hence, the Southern-Dinka must either reform or should cease naming and pronouncing places, for example, “Gemetha” instead of Gumeiza or “Magala”, instead of Mongalla, as if their teachers were the last stooges the Turkish had ever trained.

    Marko Julius Nyambur

    The author can be reached at [email protected]

  • Leek Edward Chuol
    Leek Edward Chuol

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    My request to all you guys who are living abroad, please try adjust your behaviours, you are all lending to a very wrong direction of tribalism, this is not the way we should lead sudan.

    We need thinks as global leaders but not just as institutional leader, Think outside the box in very compressive manner. Let lift up our demand for the best and limited our own expectation than we will be able to put Southern Sudan or Sudan in better shape and ironed out our indifferences.

    I Remain,

    Leek Edward Son of Southern Sudan

  • mamer kuot
    mamer kuot

    20 villages destroyed, thousands displaced by Mundari – Dinka Bor fighting
    goodnews congratulation for good job done

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