Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Italy ex-PM phones Sudan president

October 6, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir received a phone call today from Italy’s former Prime Minister Romano Prodi, Sudan state media reported.

Italy’s former Prime Minister Romano Prodi
Italy’s former Prime Minister Romano Prodi
Sudan official news agency (SUNA) said that Prodi congratulated Bashir on his recent decision to lift press pre-publication censorship.

Bashir halted a process by which officers from the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) would screen newspapers before they are printed and remove any material they deem inappropriate from a political standpoint.

The Sudanese president said while he eliminated the procedure, he warned the editor in chiefs from exceeding what he described as “red line”.

Prodi told Bashir that this step confirms what he promised to him during his visit to Khartoum a month ago on Sudan’s commitment to democratic transformation through conducting fair and free elections next year and spreading freedom that allow all political forces to complete in the April 2010 elections.

The news agency did not state in what capacity Prodi was making the call except to say that he is former Italian prime minister and ex-President of the European Commission.

Prodi paid a visit to Khartoum in early September as the President of the Foundation for World Wide Cooperation and met with Bashir.

The foundation website quoted Prodi as saying during the visit that he had a “lengthy” discussion with the Sudanese head of state.

“I have been exposed to the description of wide improvements of the situation in Sudan in terms of Democracy and Peace. The conversation with President Bashir has been thorough and open on such issues as the preparation of the political elections, the Referendum for Southern Self Determination, the peace keeping and the humanitarian assistance in Darfur,”

“I have recommended that further improvements be made in freedom of press, elections transparency, and safety of NGO activities in Darfur” he added.



  • tiomdit_maker

    Italy ex-PM phones Sudan president
    Stupid PM, what did he known about sudan.I think that why the government of Italy removed him.He is such an idiot who don’t even reason.What is good about the newspaper being screen by NISS.Fuck you begger.Why you don’t say the truth that you want to barrel for your beer winemaniac.

  • Deng Yak L
    Deng Yak L

    Italy ex-PM phones Sudan president
    Mr. Prodi (Italian Former Prime Minister) don’t congratulate Bishar he is not implementing or transforming from dictatorship to democratic , but he wanted to fool citizens to elect him for the forth coming election and for the citizens to appeal to the international and ICC not to arrest him.

    There is no change and no democratic in Omar regime, so don’t congratulate him for nothing , he is like chamleon which change its colours due to environment in-order to survive , so my President is pretending to survive and get presidential seat that is only his vision Omar is a really criminal and no criminal who like democratic, if it is truth, why did he ordered NISS to preview the news papers before being printed, is it not if there is any thing touching him on the news, then it should be remove before it reachs the public ears H’E don’t congratulate this evil.

    By Mathon Mathon.

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