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Sudan Tribune

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Security forces in W. Equatoria rescue five abductees

By Richard Ruati

October 7, 2009 (GANGURA) — Sudanese People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) soldiers and Arrow boys have rescued 5 abductees, and killed three LRA bandits over the past seven days.

A young fighter of the Lord's Resistance Army
A young fighter of the Lord’s Resistance Army
The abductees arrived at Gangura payam, after four days of terrible experience in the jungle of northern Congo and south of Yambio County.

Speaking to the local radio station Yambio FM, Mr. Joseph Kabila (SPLA) revealed that, “some 15 persons were abducted, among them seven females and eight males at Gangura last week Thursday, subsequently only five have been rescued from the notorious rebels and eleven are still in the hands of LRA rebels.”

Joyce Zapier known to be the wife of the Area chief said the LRA appearance took her by surprise while she was returning from the garden, finding that, her house was occupied by eight LRA fighters. She was apprehended and tied; they (LRA) forced to carry one sack of her own groundnuts and other food items in her back.

Joyce revealed that, “the LRA set them free before the security forces could rescue them as a good gesture that, “they are released to inform the rest of the civil population not to shout on them, adding that LRA encouraged them to cultivate hard and feed their children not to fear from LRA.”

The five women released are identified as Joyce Zapiere, Bibian Poulino, Lucia, Foibe Roto, and Christina Ngabdurezere. LRA had told the ladies that, enduring suffering of WES people will come to an end, but did not indicate when that will happen.

The Commissioner of Ibba County in WES said last week that “the Arrow Boys had killed three of the LRA rebels who abducted two people in Ibba County were ambushed in Gbuo Boma by the vigilant boys under the command of Chief John Zacharia Nzari of Gbuo Boma.”

The Uganda People’s Defense Force has been active within the Central African Republic with the permission of the government there. They have rescued a hundred abductees, most children and mostly from the Central African Republic. Some major breakthroughs have taken place besides the rescue of the abductees.

The Ugandan army said on September 14 that it had killed a notorious senior rebel commander of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) his name was Lt. Col. Santos Alit and he five others were killed 15km north-east of Obo in the Central African Republic.

This comes only two weeks after the army captured Maj. Okot Atiak, a feared senior rebel commander, believed to have led the massacre of 250 civilians at Atiak in Gulu district, Uganda in April 1995.

As the fear level rises of LRA rebels return, LRA of recent has tried to step up its activities in Western Equatoria State. Raids by the Ugandan rebels are becoming more frequent and are sending an alarm to the allied forces in the region.



  • Oduko

    Let me tell you the informition is tatoly wrong that not the way it should be !! those five boy were stolen by LRA but EQuatoria independance movemen/army’s run after them and killed some of LRA how come Kiir and his money lover partner Riek run to madie and said it was SPLA soldiers who rescued the boys!? Equatoria got it own movemen,, SPLA is tatoly declear war against E.Q.I.M.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Security forces in W. Equatoria rescue five abductees
    I would appreciate my brave Equatorians for self determination of rescuing their fellow brothers from the hands of LRA, nothing has been done by the dinkas government toward the barbaric act of LRA in Equatoria, even the abducted people where not rescued by SPLA, it was Arrow boys who put their effort of chasing the LRA. Let’s be specific and straight to the point, using the name of poor dinkas government in positive means does not earn them any credit. As I said bloodshed is our symbol for braveness and we as united Equatorians must adopt it for life. The undercover secret of Kiir supplying his dinkas with arms in order to attack us like ladies is under investigation. People are been slaughter in Greater Equatorians but he (Kiir) was so silent like a demon in his heaven. The hell day for dinkas to run naked across South will take place one day. I don’t even expect any Goss of dinkas to show help for us Equatorians because bloodshed is the only way for us. If that crazy disarming in Juba was carrying on the country side I would recommend that the civilian should open fire to those dinkas criminal who are behind stealing wallets

  • Time1

    Security forces in W. Equatoria rescue five abductees
    Southerners and Sudanese in general

    It cannot be NCP in supporting LRA and now involved in spreading the Ebola virus in south sudan, they NCP do not posses this virus, also they have not used Biological agent as weapon before, may be they had intentions to use Chemical one in the past, nothing can be ruled out, but i strongly believe that this Ebola virus is a results of a threat to south sudan from outside the sudan or EastAfrica region, the biggest suspect here is foreign groups hoping to increase pressure on GOSS by infecting the population to divert focus from their criminals activities near the Central Africa, Congo and Chad borders, they are dispersing the population in that Area to clear space for them to take the minerals like diamonds and uranium, they want to create an ideal situation were they can move freely without a challenge, they used LRA to clear the place but recetly SPLA and UPDF have been crashing the LRA so now they invisible foreign groups which i would like to called hired merceneries (probably from South Africa or Western country) might be behind this Ebola sudden spread in south sudan. (When UPDF, SPLA attacked LRA last time to capture Kony they found out that Kony got information about the attack and escaped, who gave him the information?)

    Do you know about a Oil and Gas company now working in Uganda called Heritage Oil and Gas is owned by someone called Tony Buckingham , this man he is also a co-owner of a mercenery company called Executive outcomes or known as (EO) it has has work in Asia, Africa and South America. Most of it’s personnel are hired from South Africa former special forces commanders.

    The EO was hired by the Sierra Leone government to crush people’s revolt, Heritage received much of the payment in the form of mining rights. also a British MP Sir David Steel is a co-director of Heritage as well as a close friend of Buckingham.

    Heritage has been blindly given a big Oil and Gas drilling contract in Uganda and Congo but this two government seem to have no idea about the real activities of this dodgy companies run by merceneries under the cover of conventional mining companies, they also run many companies from farming, to forest protection, they also have charities and NGOs that work under their companies, so they are well organized and connected, if your do not investigate their background well you end up giving them all your life without knowing, They are believed to be the major force behind the LRA and other rebels in congo and Cenral Africal. ( They are the invisible hand Wanni Iggga was talking about), you cannot see them or know about their opperation because they pose are ordinary companies, in south sudan, it is believed they have entered as the SABMillers brewery, a new company that produce beer and other drinks, but they could be doing other activites int he background. This subject will be discussed more in southsudan.net.

    That is why southerners should not only point fingers towards khartoum while the real enemy might be sleepy with you int he same bed and you do not know because he is smarter than you.

    This people are well organized, have money and backing from top government officials in the western countries, they own many different companies through which they can promote their activities. I can assure you that many of their agents are allover this website now and probably posting comments under different names.

  • kingdom

    Security forces in W. Equatoria rescue five abductees
    This is the right duty the SPLA should be doing,protection of the civil populations from an external attack is their absolute national duty at all cost.

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