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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan advocacy groups express concern over US policy

October 9, 2009 (WASHINGTON) – Several Sudan advocacy in Washington expressed concern over the policy that is expected to be rolled out by the Obama administration describing as lacking particularly in challenges related to the South.

File photo showing US Special Envoy for Sudan meeting with President Barack Obama (The White House)
File photo showing US Special Envoy for Sudan meeting with President Barack Obama (The White House)
In a statement the ‘Sudan Now’ campaign group said that while the long awaited policy “appears to be well-calibrated approach of incentives and pressures, it doesn’t address the deeply flawed diplomatic strategy that his administration is already pursuing in response to the multiple crises in Sudan, particularly in Darfur and the South”.

The press release disclosed that endorsement of the new policy is awaiting approval by US president Barack Obama.

The Obama presidential campaign team has promised to release the policy early in the administration term but divisions within the government agencies has slowed down the process.

In particular the US special presidential envoy Scott Gration has been pushing for a softer approach with Sudan’s ruling party, the National Congress Party (NCP) drawing fire from advocacy groups.

In late September the White House hastily rushed to distance itself from remarks made by Gration in the Washington Post reiterating his support for normalizing ties with Khartoum.

‘Sudan Now’ warned that based on their knowledge of the upcoming policy leads them to believe that it is “undermining the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) by floating ideas and alternative approaches to its strict implementation, making the resumption of North-South war more likely”.

The Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) and the NCP trade accusations over lack of CPA implementation.

Both sides are deadlocked over two major items of the CPA including the elections and referendum. It does not appear that any breakthrough has been made.

In recent months tribal violence has escalated in South Sudan making death toll over there higher than that of a separate conflict in Sudan’s western region of Darfur.

“President Obama must be unequivocal in publicly supporting the strict implementation of the CPA. Widespread allegations of support by the ruling National Congress Party for ethnic-based southern militias demand an immediate investigation, and improving the security situation in the South should be prioritized,” John Prendergast, the Enough Project’s Co-founder, said.

“The president should state clearly his support for the referendum as the cornerstone of the CPA, and direct Special Envoy Gration, Secretary Clinton, and Ambassador Rice to forge an international coalition to support this process” Prendergast added.

On Darfur, the ‘Sudan Now’ campaign said that current US policy trying to forge unity among Darfur rebels undertaken by Gration is doomed to fail with possible violent repercussions.

“Negotiators can help Darfuri rebels and civil society reach agreement in their demands rather than trying to micromanage the organizational structure and leadership of rebel groups—which almost never ends well”.

The US role is seen pivotal in forging peace agreement in Sudan, four years after successfully brokering the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that ended the longest civil war in Africa.



  • oshay

    Sudan advocacy groups express concern over US policy
    Jews should stay out of Sudan policy, it has nothing to do with it and they’re not representative of us to America.

  • Greater Equatoria
    Greater Equatoria

    Sudan advocacy groups express concern over US policy
    Dear all,
    Obama’s policy towards Sudan,in particular to South Sudan, is a total failure.Obama’s long awaited policy towards Sudan will not benefit Sudanese at all.

    To worsen matters,today this same Obama has been elected as the noble peace prize winner for this year,yet he has done very little to earn this prestigious title.

    Earning this title will embolden Obama,and even worsen his policies towards other countries,because he will be thinking that he is the best president so far in the world,and so does his actions.

    Instead of taking bold actions towards Sudan’s notorious NCP,Obama’s administration is wasting time talking of providing incentives to Sudan.For how long has incentives been provided to Sudan? yet nothing had been achieved successfully.It will never work.

    Unless Obama changes his policy towards Sudan,the war in Sudan is eminent;as now the NCP has totally refused to implement the CPA protocols. There will be wars at all the corners of Sudan-in South,North,and in Eastern Sudan.

  • thieleling

    Sudan advocacy groups express concern over US policy

    Who stand to gain? We will see soon!!

    The North(center) has unfair prejudices against the south & the rest of marginalized sudanese. I hope Obama Administration has done its homework well and their decisions would be based on pragmaticism.

    Given the diverse opinions over how to effectively and efficiently implement the distinctly lukewarm CPA, I hope this is an inclusive policy. The marginalised sudanese are urging President Obama who is a peace Nobel Laureate to be specific on the cunning genocidaire regime in Khartoum, and not just prefering to speak in general terms to the regime. It has to be the same in tone and substance.

    Otherwise, soft power without any additions may not work with the current NIF. Soft power is not a solution to all problems, but some. Efforts to use soft power got nowhere in attracting the Taliban gov’t away from its supports for Al-Qaeda. Keep this in mind!!

    The NIF cultivated the myth of invincibility and inevitability to manipulate other sudanese to join their bandwagon. Now, Obama has a chance to see the NIF’s bandwagon of tricks & lies in Sudan.

  • Deng Chol Malual
    Deng Chol Malual

    Sudan advocacy groups express concern over US policy
    The USA and Western World should duoble their effort to enhance peace in Sudan before 2011 so that the Sudanese people can understand and internalised the ‘Sudan Now’,compaign and thereafter, correctly decide between New unity and sepperation. All of which will give [New Sudan].

    Kindest Regards,

    Deng Chol.

  • south sudan power
    south sudan power

    Sudan advocacy groups express concern over US policy
    The U.S Envoy to Sudan, Scot, need to understand that decission of wether to normalized a relationship between US and Sudan must only work if there are peace progresses in Sudan. The Envoy should not make a decission based on meetings conducted with NCP in which they prosuaded him to agree on alots of things.

    As far am concern, Southern Sudan is part of the national government and that no decission should be made regarding sudan without their approval.

    Nonetheless, the velionts has escalated in the south and none of these ( so call peace maker)are doing nothing to stop the thugs in Khartoum who are arming the south malitias to kill southerner.

    I think am reading for south indenpendency, so that we can have our own borders, have our own security, and ultimately, make our own decission for betterness of people of southern sudan.

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