Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Chinese oil firm gets $260 mln contracts for Sudan oilfield expansion

October 9, 2009 (BEIJING) – Chinese builder and engineer China Petroleum Engineering Construction Corporation (CPECC) has won contracts worth 260 million dollar for seven Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) projects located in Sudan’s Oil Block 6.

CPECC is mainly engaged in contracting projects of petroleum industry, petrochemical industry and other related industries. The CNPC led the development of the first oilfield in Sudan.

The contracts in Sudan include the expansion of a power plant and construction of two crude oil tanks with a capacity of 50,000 cubic meters each, China National Petroleum said.

The seven contracts include the expansion of a power station, power grid system installation, oil well development and construction of two oil storage tanks with stockpiling capacity of 50,000 cubic meters each.

Also, CPECC has started design and raw material purchasing for the seven projects.

CPECC is a major oil and gas engineering company in Sudan. It is a full-owned subsidiary of CNPC.
CNPC is the parent company of Petro China.

Sudan had 5 billion barrels of proven oil reserves as of January, the fifth-biggest in Africa, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The majority of the reserves are located in the Muglad and Melut basins.



  • Benywut

    Chinese oil firm gets $260 mln contracts for Sudan oilfield expansion
    That is why we need the referendum bill by yesterday so some idiots stop signing contracts on behave of Southerners. It is a matter of 16months and there will be no more 50:50 share caused South Sudan will enjoy 100% share
    China will soon change its tune and dance Souhthern music or else they pack and go HOME or follow Bashir to ICC

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Chinese oil firm gets $260 mln contracts for Sudan oilfield expansion
    I agree with above comment makers, and the worst thing is that, the deal is all about “Oil for Guns.” So, the Chines with the help of NIF regime has transferred the Tientman Square of Death to Sudan.

    Those killing machines recently displayed in Beijiing’s Tientman Square of death by China on its 60th Anniversary of Communist Rule are so attractive to NIF’ Genocidal regime.

    Oil for Multi Rocket Launchers and Gunships? What a deep grave NIF has digged to bury present and future relationships between Sudanese and the Chines.

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