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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM diplomacy stresses importance of referendum law

October 9, 2009 (WASHINGTON) – With the Comprehensive Peace Agreement set to expire in January 2011, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement is trying to stress to the international community the importance of the terms of the proposed referendum law, which would govern the vote on popular determination in 2011.

SPLM_ministers_at_USIP.jpgWhen the CPA expires, the oil-sharing provisions will be terminated. Part of planning for the post-referendum period involves not only how to conduct the vote for separation, but how to run the oil economy after the outcome of the vote.

An official delegation was sent last week by the President of South Sudan, first to attend the UN General Assembly Meeting. The delegation was led by GOSS Minister of Cabinet Affairs, H. E. Dr. Luka Tombekana Monoja and the GOSS Minister of Regional Cooperation, H. E. Gen. Oyai Deng Ajak.

The two ministers, both SPLM members, met with diplomats and supporters of the CPA. They went to New York “to remind them [world leaders] that the CPA is coming to an end; we have only one year left, we need to be focused,” said the GOSS Head of Mission in Washington, D.C. While in New York, the two ministers met with Special Envoy Scott Gration. They then traveled to Washington, D.C. and gave a briefing to the members of Mr. Gration’s team at the State Department.

During the latest round of talks on the CPA mediated by Mr. Gration, no compromise was reached between Sudan’s two dominant parties. Gen. Oyai Deng, speaking at a public event in Washington last Friday, said “The last meeting we conducted in Juba ended up as utter failure.” He therefore called for additional IGAD involvement in the mediation rather than just the United States.

The GOSS Head of Mission Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth said in an interview, “we need to implement the rest of the pending issues peacefully. We remind the international community about the issues that are facing us: the issue of the referendum law, we have not actually agreed yet on who are the voters.” He was referring to one of the disputed provisions of the proposed referendum law: how to determine who can vote, that is, whether the law will allow the ‘citizens’ of Southern Sudan to vote, or the ‘people’.

“There is difference between citizens – anybody can be a citizen – and people. The indigenous people of the South are the ones to vote. Not citizens.” said Mr. Gatkuoth. The definitional issue has partly to do with where the voting will take place. NCP proposed allowing Southerners to vote wherever they are living in Sudan, including in northern states, whereas SPLM rejects South Sudanese voting in northern states except in Khartoum and Damazin, according to Gen. Oyai Deng.

Mr. Gatkuoth said that the second major point of contention on the referendum law is the percentage required for unity or separation. The SPLM position is that a simple majority is required, but NCP has also demanded a baseline of 75 or 90 percent.

“Now there is a possibility that the NCP will agree to a simple majority,” Mr. Gatkuoth said of the negotiations, “but they are saying a simple majority of what? There are three categories that they are trying to say: simple majority of the eligible voters, those who are 18 and up. Or is it simple majority of those who are registered? Or is it simple majority of those who voted?”

The SPLM position is that a simple majority should be taken out of those who voted. The issue will be discussed again at a new round of talks, but there is not yet any agreed venue.

In Washington, Gen. Oyai Deng — who was until this summer the SPLA chief of staff — also met with White House and Pentagon officials. During a separate visit last month, Kiir’s private secretary and another senior SPLM figure met with White House officials, to deliver a message to President Obama on behalf of Kiir.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM diplomacy stresses importance of referendum law
    Splm need to opened their eyes widely for this CPA.
    The year almost come to an end, so Arabs are thinking on how to fools SPLM. But that will be difficult tasked for them because we southerners can not afford another deception this time like what Jefrey Nimere did in Addiss Ababa in 1972.
    This time if NCP did not agree with SPLM for the proposal of the refrencedum law that all North and South agree before 2011,then I believed Southerners will be ready to stop North from taking oil in the South by any forceful means.
    Dear brothers, NCP are not interested to be with Southerners, they are only like us because of the oil and others resources in the South.
    My Advise to those food lovers who like bribe to killed their Southerners must stop that stupid mentality and give fresh opportunity to SPLM to fight Arabs for the aggression.
    I hate those Militias who love foods from the North.

  • thieleling

    SPLM diplomacy stresses importance of referendum law

    What is utter failure is SPLM not uniting & rallying its constuents in south sudan or the whole country on clear stance, whether what to do if Referendum fails. Declaring independence unilaterally require a united south sudan. South sudan population is bitterly divided as of right now.

    “The indigenous people of the south are the one to vote, not the citizens”. This is very funny!! This is like saying only the indigenous people of America are to vote if there is a referendum on any given region in America. This is not far & democratic. Remember! Democracy & human rights are not only for self-interests! sometimes, they can be ugly.

    Therefore, any proper registered citizens should be allowed to vote in south sudan referendum. The SPLM has to defeat the NCP on a different front on their negotiations, not on this particular indigenous v. citizens issue.

  • The Best Generation
    The Best Generation

    SPLM diplomacy stresses importance of referendum law
    It is of great importance this time that the courageous Oyai takes the lead, to aware the international community,about what South Sudan are contemplating at.

    And any one opposing to the south Sudanese’s right of self determination must understand it that it is do or die and nothing less.

  • longo pi
    longo pi

    SPLM diplomacy stresses importance of referendum law
    Dear the writer.

    Please don’t make this silly mistake. Chech your eyes, and directions Luka Tombekana is in the middle, Oyai(Left), and Ezakel Lol (Right.

    Washington-DC will not give any money unless they saw
    1- Decentralizations is taking place in the South.
    2-Democracy in practice is taking place on the ground.
    3-Accountability, Transparency, Human rights, Elections.
    4-Land grabbing, oppressions, lawlessnes must be stopped.
    5-Recycling in the name of reshaffling is totally wrong by Kiir.
    5-Tribalism, Nepotism, sectionism, corruption, thefts of public fans(money).
    6-Dinka must not take all the keys positions, and give to the others decorative positions.
    7- Change of leadership (ALTERNATINGLY). Among ALL the tribes of the South.
    8-Kiir must stop this street language, ALL SOUTHERNERS PARTICIPATE IN THE LIBERATIONS WAR SINCE 1955.
    9-The language that says “where were you when we are in war time” is absolutely street, and cheap language to come from the mouth of someone as president of GOSS.
    10-War can be fought in a different ways, just like “JIHAAD” NOT NECESSERILLY WITH GUNS.

  • Deng Wel Deng
    Deng Wel Deng

    SPLM diplomacy stresses importance of referendum law
    PLease you don’t need to consults any more. Any thing that will remain unimplemented by that day will be declared implemented.So what you needs is the defends against who ever might have to hijack, what ever your government will declear any time from now to that date with impunity.

  • Arthur

    SPLM diplomacy stresses importance of referendum law
    I think this is another important issue that CPA didn’t address properly and its very important. Now after the referendum we are gonna have another condition either the United Sudan or the seperated Sudan and CPA failed to have points conerning these two options which am sure is gonna raise another tensions in both cases of unity or seperation. But its good that people took ware of this thing and address from now so that when the time comes we can have asolution at hand and hope that people may reach and peaceful soultion in both cases so as to avoid the blood….

  • raanaguachraan

    SPLM diplomacy stresses importance of referendum law
    Dear pi,

    to get freedom is not somethings easily like getting
    food from somebody whom you don’t known.
    freedom is come when you struggle lot rather than claimed it.

    brother pi, you sound like something very strength from southern Sudan according the way you express your views.
    southern Sudan is already being shallow by Arabs before you were not born yet by your parents.

    but, the coursed of SPLM/A Army struggle is were Arab vomit
    southern Sudan out now from were the have shallow it.
    without SPLM/A, you could not even talks they way you vomit out your nonsenses in this website.
    if you want every citizens to vote then you are pure Arab.
    you should reasonable before you take a comments on this website.

    and thanks all of you, God bless you and southern Sudan.

    by RED ARMY OFFICER, seed of CUSH with universal visions.

  • ngor martyn jok
    ngor martyn jok

    SPLM diplomacy stresses importance of referendum law
    Guess what!
    Here,we got to appreciate such a wonderful move on stressing the importance of the Southern Sudan referendum to the members of washington DC.
    Mere reason behind it being that,move by these fellows as of the like of Gration’s lacks subtantial outcome.they ‘re just too soft and naive on digging out a mature possible outcome that will push for ‘things’ really needed currently.

    It looks as if ‘incentives and pressures’ ‘re not going to push for either democratic transformatoin or referendum that rings every each day in our minds.

    However,referendum has become a partner for us here,should it be hijacked then quick decisions ‘re underway to curb any negative intended-move.That’s just ‘unilateral independence.Just assuring the world that,we won’t cowardice like Taiwanese who have failed to declare independence from the republic of China.

    Issues of who can take part in the referendum ‘re ‘clear in our eyes’.The better definition of voters has to be ‘the indeginous people of southern sudan’.Not interested in them as being citizens.’Any character can be a citizen and bring in ramifications on pushing for real destiny of southerners’.

    But,SPLM SHOULD keep informing the world and the the characters of NCP,THE unionists that…sorry we ‘re gone,we just can’t make it together just in a more literal way’.
    We got to go for the referendum clock ‘s ticking.Hah,it’s just a ticker timer now!

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    SPLM diplomacy stresses importance of referendum law
    Thanks to Minister Dr.Luka Monoja and Minister Oyai Deng Ajak for travelling a long way to USA and taking their time to rally international support for the full implementation of the CPA to its logical end, especially the right of the people of Southern Sudan for Self-determination through a referendum.

    It is said that if you you move the world will move with you but if you sleep you be sleeping alone. Let the few patriotic good leaders within the SPLM like Mr. Oyai Deng Ajak keep moving the interest of South Sudan internationally and surely the world will move with them towards the successful end.

    However, rallying the USA alone behind the interest of South Sudan is not enough as rightly highlighted by H.E. Minister Oyai; we need to rally behind us other international players too. Who knows, may be the USA government is not for the secession and independence of South Sudan and so we might lose out if we put all our eggs in that one basket.

    Long live the aspirations of the people of Southern Sudan for independece and long live all those good Southern leaders who work tirelessly for the common good rather than selfish or tribal interests.

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