Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza

October 11, 2009 (JUBA) – Seven children were killed on Sunday in a fresh attack suspected to have been carried out by Dinka Bor armed groups in Gemeiza area of Central Equatoria state.

An armed civilian on the airstrip of Dul Padiet standing next to local children (UNMIS- Timothy Mckulka)
An armed civilian on the airstrip of Dul Padiet standing next to local children (UNMIS- Timothy Mckulka)
The head of the Security Committee from the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly, Clement Maring Samuel, who visited the villages devastated by the recent Dinka Bor and Mundari fighting, confirmed the incident.

Clement who was also accompanied to the devastated areas by the Governor of Jonglei State, Kuol Manyang Juuk, said the victims, who were fishing when they met their fate, were children from the Kuku tribe.

“When we returned to Juba in the morning with the delegation, the same people of Dinka Bor who were searching for Mundari crossed the river and found seven kids of Kuku who were fishing and they killed the seven kids,” Clement explained, adding that the situation had remained tense.

Meanwhile the Governor of Jonglei State, Kuol Manyang Juuk, has ordered the commander in charge of the Dinka Bor cattle camps to move all the camps into Jonglei state within seven days.

Fighting erupted since last week between the Mundari and Dinka Bor tribes, leaving about 50 civilians killed, five SPLA soldiers and wounding many more.

Dozens of villages have been burnt down and more than seven thousand people internally displaced.

The attacks also targeted vehicles commuting on Juba-Bor road as well as boats navigating the River Nile.



  • Greater Equatoria
    Greater Equatoria

    7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza
    This is so crazy! Again another fighting.These Dinka Bor have to stop this madness.After fighting the Mundari tribe,now they are going to start another fight with the Kuku tribe.Can’t you get tired of fighting? I pitty you people(Dinka Bor).

  • Lawrence

    7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza
    This is another madness, killing innocent children who were fishing, looking for something to sell and earn their living from. We are in the stone-age era, this is our own making. There is no need to blame Khartoum this time. You mean upto now, there has been no engagement of leaders to dialoque inorder to restore law and order and no deployment of SPLA forces like it was done in Bor when the Lou Nuer attacked Dinka Bor?.

    May Amighty God rests the souls of the innocent children in everlasting life.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza
    Killing is their culture my friend from greater Equatoria, don’t worry about this people, they never care about humans only food is their only valuable thing in life. Big shame on their junglese poor performing government, who deserve a slap from arabs sooner nor later.

  • J.James

    7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza
    Hi guys

    The word of mouth don’t normally tell the truth in our south Sudan, but the action tells who is the men of the men.

    Let fools keep on trying to provok the situation, they don’t know the reaction might be the worst AND POWERFUL THAN YOUR VERBAL WORDS.

    God bless

    The writer is always peace activist.

  • Time1

    7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza
    This is a old story part of what happened last week, the fighting is over now since two week ago.

  • Afredo christiani
    Afredo christiani

    7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza
    Dear Logic and oshay

    Nine (9) years Dinka boy can defeat you guys because of your weak heart and poor feeding of cassava and monkey meat plus continuous drinking difference types of alcohol. By the way all dinkas are not happy with what is taking place in central equatorial, killing burning houses and others inhuman act but don’t generalized dinks, if that is the case than dinka will unite and declare war against Arabs allies in the south especially Big Magic, oshay and the rest. And for your information if you continue to abuse dinka all the time, you will carry them on your neck when they turn their eyes back to you guys. Differentiate things well, government and dinka. ALFREDO CHRISTIANI

  • LodiongWani

    7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza
    Condelence to the families. It’s very sad that these kids died inocently and just victims of circumistances. This area of Gemeza was burnt during the recent clashes and one now wonders where these kids were putting up? Mr. Maring, the MPs speaking as Kuku spokesman, should tell us why these kids where left there? And how can Kuku, who are in interior of Central Equatoria State comes to Gemeza when there is fighting? Or where they reinforcing Mundari against Dinka?

    If we are in Parliament as MPs, we shuold move above tribal lines and tell the truth that kids can not be left to devastaged areas just to be killed?

    Wani, Juba.

  • Gatwech

    7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza
    This is inhumane and cowardic act by non-warriors with inferior culture. Children die in cross-fire but not directly targeted. Finding seven children fishing and killing them can tell you how these people who did the killing with their conscious decision are not real men.

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza

    Your days are numbered and other Dinkas of Rumberk and Kwajoko.

    People are tire of your act and the ways you kill one another.

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • logic Dinka
    logic Dinka

    7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza
    please don’t tell us this propaganda. how did children come to the burned down area where the recent attack took place?if you the Equatorian were not cowards, then how come the report changed from adult warioir to children? you think on your bad memories that reporting your dead raiders to be children will rescue you from killing then the Bor wariors blessed will not stop otherwise God come down.
    prune you to the end unless you leave Gemeza to Bor wariors

  • The Wiseman
    The Wiseman

    7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza
    How did the Kukus cross to Gemeiza while the Mundari are hostile to them. How can these children said to be fishing be there really.

    if there are people killled, then really Wani Clement, who sustains strenous tribal opposition for kuku should not appease them and incite them against Dinka by saying they were the ones killed.


    Clement can not talk like a child by saying the Dinka was looking for Mundari till it crossed a river. This unreasonable talking is what made him to sheet tears when they sat at a round-table talk with Kuol Manyang Juuk of Jonglei state.

    First reason!

    The Wsieman of Sudan

  • Gatwech

    7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza
    Dear readers,

    Who is that Bor-Dinka commander of cattle camps? His he their ring leader who carries out organized militia attacks against the Equatorians in Nimule and Jemeza? How come he gets his orders from Kuol Manyang Juuk. There is something fishy to investigate. Are they Kuol Manyang’s militia group?

  • Real

    7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza
    There is something fishy and smeared politic in this report. Believe me or not. The statements in this article are pure lies.

  • mamer kuot
    mamer kuot

    7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza
    congratulation for good job done.
    you teach them a lesson,because when Dinka Bor community was telling you people that, killing of children is not good then you fails to understand.please my dear watiors try to accomplished your mission,beside they will even fuck your wives in equatoria states.please submit your apology to dinka Bor community which i suggest to be the only solution to the problems otherwise you are going to be finised by dinka Bor community.
    mamer tit

  • The One who Believes in Dr. Garang's Vision, "The New Sudan".
    The One who Believes in Dr. Garang's Vision, "The New Sudan".

    I wish Dr. Garang was alive:
    I wish Dr. Garang was alive:

    It is sad to hear of tribal wars in the Southern Sudan, I was born in the war, grew up in the war and finally thought that after the signing of Peace by Dr.Garang the war will end but it is alive as ever.

    To those who have commented to this incident please note: that you are only commenting to what you hear but not what you see, be reframed from jumping to conclusions because some issued posted by media can be false or misleading and to make it worst espectially this article was posted by someone with no name which will make it sound false and unprofessional, this article could have been created by anyone who is the enemy of the peace and the one whose purpose is to make sure no tribes unite in Sudan.

    Irrespective of any tribe I condemn tribalism in Southern Sudan in whole, GOSS in the first place should fix this inter-tribal problems, for them to win they will have to win the internal war leave alone the external. Me personaly will make sure my house is clean and save before pointing fingers on anyone else, South Sudan is not a dodging game where everyone claims not to be his/her fault. Whose fault is it then if two tribes are fighting and there are people laughing on the Background doing nothing but to merry and sleep. Blood of the innocent will be require of you if you know what do to save them, you have the power, you have the voice, you have us the people of Sudan Backing you up. I wish my hero was alive, if I could have change my life for his I would have but I remains for a purpose which I have to fullfil but what are you here for? are you here just to cause troubles and think about how to get ride of People a head of you so that you can lead, some which are Leading are also trying to think of ways to get ride of followers so that no one will get ride of them in thier sleeps. Shame to they that are forgetting the blood shaded by our fathers, Brothers and Mothers who wailled for thier Children.

    I have had enough, I have been silent for such a long time, I am Fed up by all these blood shed and by comments on this website which does nothin else but harm to our community, please think about your mother and father and The Vision of The New Sudan before you post your comments.

    Please GOSS I believe in you: To all Heroes of Goss: Keep up the good Work.

    To all who are Working Against GOSS: Please think about your soil. To all Lovers of Peace: God Bless you.

    I am by Name Philip, you can seek me but will not find me but one day I will come for my right, my People and my Nation.

  • Khent

    7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza
    My condolences to the families affected by this wretched and injustifiable act.

    I find the self-rightious and sanctimonious reactions by some quite interesting- these wretched acts are to be found in all tribal confrontations in South Sudan; the Murle have killed Nuer children, and the Nuer have also killed Murle children.

  • peace boy
    peace boy

    7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza
    Dinka, Dinka worthless human tribes in the whole universe.
    Now why would you kill innocent kids? what a despicable act? Now i know that this people are the least uncivilised tribe around the world.killing innocent kids , dinka fighting other dinka (clan fight), making trouble all over the world. i wish i have lot of time to talk to this pathetic people.sorry for those unhuman people existing. what a pity. It’s time for change

  • Isaac

    7 children killed in Dinka Bor fresh attack at Gemeiza
    Clement Maring must be crazy, how come Kuku children cross from far south of Juba to come and fish at mundari land? Geimeiza is not a land for Kuku and how can they come and fish at the war time? Please Maring mind your words you were a pastor during SPLA war time and now you became the MP and head of seurity at time of peace. look forward to solve this case beween you Mundari and Dinka you are all cattle raiders.


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