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Sudan Tribune

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Doha talks on Darfur to be delayed – mediator

October 13, 2009 (PARIS) — Darfur peace mediator today announced short delay in the consultations and talks scheduled to take place this month in Doha, the venue of the process, involving civil society, government and rebels.

UN African Union mediator Djibril Bassole (AP)
UN African Union mediator Djibril Bassole (AP)
Last month the African Union –UN mediator had announced that the peace talks on Darfur would resume at the end of October. But before it, the mediation also plans to hold two consultative meetings for the civil society and another among the rebels groups.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune from Doha where the mediation hold technical workshop to prepare the upcoming meetings, Mr. Djibril Bassole said the talks would be delayed for “some days” due to an African Union meeting to discuss Mebki’s report on Justice and peace in Darfur.

The African Union Peace and Security Council will hold a special meeting at the presidential level on 28-29 October in Abuja to discuss a report by a panel led by former South Africa’s President Thabo Mbeki.

Bassole said the technical meeting which started yesterday would conclude its works on Wednesday. “This gathering which includes the teams of the mediation and the experts provides us a good opportunity to assess and prepare the upcoming talks,” he said.

Besides, the civil society meeting, the mediation considers the rebels workshop as an important step in order to allow them to better discuss their demands and narrow gaps over their priorities. The mediator supported the reunification initiatives but is not directly involved in these processes.

A number of Darfur rebels who had refused Libyan initiative set another unity forum in Ethiopia last August but it seems they disagreed with the sponsor of the process, UN envoy Scott Gration, over the need to organize the unity meeting inside Darfur.

The next round of direct talks could take place in November where the recently reunited rebels in Libya said they are ready to take part.



  • Deng Yak L
    Deng Yak L

    Doha talks on Darfur to be delayed – mediator
    African union is a part of darfur problem, where were they all these days? Why don’t they met before the negotiating date, the mediator is playing certain game what he is doing with his team is delaying mechanism or tactics, they wanted to push every things till it got no use, the mediator is suppose to be neutral he/she is not suppose to play game in any corner, please be neutral.

    If this talks failed without solution then the mediator have to be questioning with his team and the government of Bishar must be pressurize to come up with the especial solution which will normalize situation in the region , we don’t want Darfurian to face more problem , everything should be finalize before an election period comes , Arab are doing this as a mechanism of boycotting an election which scheduled next year and referendum which will follow the election in 2011 , please Darfurian be serious don’t sleep stand up for your right don’t leave any thing out during negotiation tress out every things.

    But I fearing of you , you like slavery you are the problem to your region/yourselves not Bishar nor NCP, you are collaborator but you are pretending to be against, I don’t believe what you are doing, few of you are doing right thing but majority are Arab followers due to Islamic believe , but you need to know that, religious is different from community right it does not prevent you to worship the same believe if you claim your right , remove this negative mind of slavery stand up for your right and claim your right.


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