Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan minister slams opposition parties over regular attack on SPLM

By Ngor Arol Garang

October 14, 2009 (KHARTOUM)– Spokesperson of the Government of Southern Sudan, Paul Mayom Akech, minister of information and broadcasting service, today strongly slammed some of opposition political parties for their continued attacks on the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement administration.

Mayom said he is disappointed to see that the opposition has continued condemning and alleging that there is “leadership poverty” in the current administration of the semi-autonomous region.

“I have heard this more than one time,” he said adding it is becoming repetitive.

He further said he does not understand why individuals dishonestly accuse government of doing nothing while lots of developmental projects are seen being implemented across the south.

The Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, also said has heard statements alleging that there is leadership poverty in the current administration.

“These statements are nothing but baseless and unfounded because they are a fabrication of the desperate opposition group mainly those that are sponsored by enemies of Southern stability,” he emphasized.

“There is no leadership poverty in Government of Southern Sudan and not even in the ruling party,” he said; adding the people of Southern Sudan are aware that there is leadership poverty in the opposition.

The minister also revealed that Government will soon present the Freedom of Information Bill (FIB) to southern Sudan Legislative Assembly for enactment to enhance access to public information.

He said Southern Sudan will immensely benefit from the FIB, as it will play a crucial role in promoting transparency and democracy in the country.

We shall benefit a great deal as a region from the experiences of other nations that already have freedom of information laws, he adds.

He went on to add that the ministry has recorded tremendous growth in the number of community radio stations that have been licensed since the formation of the government of South in December 2005.

Meanwhile, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Honorable James Wani Igga is also reported to have threatened a one-day closure of the Assembly chambers if members of Parliament (MPs) continue to abrogate the parliamentary regulation on reporting for business of the house.

Igga said that he would one day close the Assembly chambers as it is becoming unacceptable for MPs to be reporting late for business.

He is said to have said this while entering Assembly chambers to find that there was no quorum to enable him resume business after returned from a parliamentary tour to Europe.

The situation is becoming unacceptable for the MPs to be reporting late for business and interrupting parliamentary debates, he said.

This is unacceptable for MPs to be reporting late for business in the house when you are mandated by the law to ensure that you deliberate meaningfully on issues affecting the nation as well as issues that can add value to the development of the nation,” he stressed.

He warned that he will not tolerate MPs who will be seen abrogating the parliamentary law either by passing running commentaries or reporting late for parliamentary business.



  • general Achinbenchien
    general Achinbenchien

    South Sudan minister slams opposition parties over regular attack on SPLM
    Let truth has to be said Mr. Akech, if we have rich leadership, NCP would have not been sneaking arms into our populations to kill themselves. I’m telling this as a member of SPLM, and a veteran of SPLA. Building Hotels and having beer drank in cattle camps is not the development we took up arms for. You guys need to admit your failure and seek changes. Look at markets in Juba, who run them? foreigners, and northen sudanese. Look at hopitals in Rumbek? They are comparable only to where pigs live. I as a member of SPLM and a veteran do not take nonsenses. If you guys thing that you have developed Southern Sudan, enough then, resign, let some one else built bridges across the nile, buy our army military jets, secure our people from NCP, LRA, and declare God damned independence. You are so defensive. Let the people see the credits you proclaim.

    General Achinbenchien

  • Flora Tong
    Flora Tong

    South Sudan minister slams opposition parties over regular attack on SPLM
    If there is development in southern Sudan why does Paul Mayom run to Nairobi when he has headache and back pain? If there is no leadership poverty, why did he report to his work as the minister of information after two months of appointment?

    He should also not talk about SPLM being attacked, this is a political party. He is the spoke person for the GOSS and SPLM.

    The truth is that GOSS had not made schools, hospitals and roads for the people of southern Sudan. Any development happening is from the individuals but nothing from GOSS

  • peter gatdet
    peter gatdet

    South Sudan minister slams opposition parties over regular attack on SPLM
    TO Pual Mayom

    What ve u done when u were the minister for internal afairrs? you has already given the chance to Opposition parties and their armed militias to shake the govt.

  • peter gatdet
    peter gatdet

    South Sudan minister slams opposition parties over regular attack on SPLM
    Dear minister.

    Since the opposition parties r exercising their political views then u must ve to exercise yr powers as a ruling party ,eiher by elimination method or other.

  • Critic_Ngueny

    South Sudan minister slams opposition parties over regular attack on SPLM
    Dear reader and writers from the South and the whole world.

    Matured people have to talk like matured instead.I really stop as if electricity current ran through my body when I hear illiterate guys talking about politics.Dear brothers,you need not to support what you don,t know otherwise you will get into hot water soon very soon.

    Sorry, this not the right time for opposition parties to exercise their political views.We are still in the darkness since the elephant is still standing beside us.

    ‘Beny’ Mayom,you are right 100% whether they like it or not.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • Critic_Ngueny

    South Sudan minister slams opposition parties over regular attack on SPLM
    I would like to inform my day today enemies to be very carful otherwise I will not be having any compromise with enemies of the SPLM/A any more.I am ready with words of most destruction (WMD).I know who they are and what they will do to Southerners.Before they come up with their nonsenses;I have to teach them a lesson that they will never ever forget in their daily lives.

    NCP (none Cristian party)is almost coming to an end since Taha has gone to Arab’s world for treatment of one year and half.Do you think that Taha will be back again.For me I don,t think so.

    Lam Must think big before 2010,otherwise thing will fall apart on his side and on the other side of opposition parties which are collaborating with Arabs.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town.

  • thieleling

    South Sudan minister slams opposition parties over regular attack on SPLM

    Paul Mayom,

    All governments require their citizens to surrender some freedom as part of being governed. But citizens surrender some of their freedom to obtain the benefits of the government, and that is maintaining order to preserve life and protecting property.

    Where is the benefits of GOSS to its citizens in south sudan? The GOSS is only governing over the deaths of its citizens in south sudan. Do you deny the existing of leadership poverty in south sudan after all these killings? The GOSS does not provide public goods like sanitation to its citizens, leave alone promoting equal access to all the public goods.

    Therefore, the citizens are looking to exercise their freedom of actions instead; for personal security because the gov’t is not there to protect their lives, leave alone giving them benefits & services.

    No one can deny this obvious failure of GOSS. But it is amazing how you denying GOSS’s miserable failure. This Goss failure is a public knowledge all over the world Mr. Paul Mayom!! Wake up!!

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