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Sudan Tribune

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Bashir not the most qualified to lead Sudan

Mr. Reik Gai Kok: President Al-Bashir’s not the most qualified man to lead Sudan?

By Luk Kuth Dak

October 14, 2009 — Every time you think about Pharmacist Reik Gai Kok hit a new low, he finds another way to go even lower. He claims that President Omar Al Bashir is the symbol of Sudan national unity, and the ONLY one who is qualified to lead the country in the 21st Century.

His comments came in an interview published a couple of weeks ago by a wide range of pro- government news media outlets in the capital Khartoum. Seething with anger and bitterness at the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement (SPLM), Mr. Gai, a member of the “ Jallaba Southern golden boys” exploded: “ We will not hesitate to cut off fingers of those whoever dare pointing them at this national hero, Al Basher, he said.”

Evidently, it didn’t take me by surprise. I have known the predator for quite sometimes, and I have written quite a few articles about the cowardly remarks he made while flanked by Amer Musa, the Secretary General of the Arab League that “ South Sudan will always be a part a parcel of The Arab and Islamic Nation.” And just most recently, I also wrote another piece about his involvement in the massacres his militias have carried out in Torkech and Duk, among others.

As we all know, Mr. Gai, of course, has not denied, denounced or condemned those tragic and gruesome cold blooded murderers of innocent children and women. And most certainly, Mr. Gai’s entitled to extol and worship his mentor – AlBasher, all he wants.

But to suggest that a military junta with only modest qualifications, is the most qualified man to be President of Sudan, a nation with a little under forty million people, is insane and an insult to every Sudanese out there who have worked hard to clime the educational ladder, year after year. In addition, President Al Basher is pretty much a man whose ego is seriously wounded, and his movement is dangerously blunted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant. No man under such debilitating conditions can possibly run a city, much less a country with the size of Sudan.

Hence, there’re three compelling questions: First, what message Mr. Gai is sending to the families of over two million Southerners who have Al Basher’s DNA all over their dead bodies? Second, if he has no involvement in the massacres – mentioned above, then how come he’s never denounced or condemned them? And third, who give him the right to be he spokesman for the Nuer Nation?

Those are legitimate questions. We are waiting for answers.

Furthermore, Mr. Gai must understand that there is a limit for everything. Certainly, there comes a time when the Nuer nation will get fed up with being used and simply walk away from him and all of the other traitors out there. That time is coming sooner than Mr. Gai can envision, and when it does, it will be too late for redemption.

Again, the Lou nation has produced some quality leaders we are so proud of: Late Peter Garkouth Gual, Drs. Michael and Julia Dauny, Dr. Marial Benjamin, Hon. John Luk Jok, Ustaz Hussein Mar, Mabor Luak Kok, Majok Gundowng, and many more. Of course Reik Gai Kok is not one of these people. Now, the question becomes, why then the Lou leadership is not enraged over the damage and the shame Mr.Gai is inflicting on Lou reputation, and that of the Nuer people in general?

Relevant question. We await the answers.

Meanwhile, the SPLM must take charge to hold those responsible for arming militias in South Sudan and who harbor them in Khartoum accountable for their crimes. I realize it might not be easy to bring them to justice since they are under protection of the oppressor, but should they make the mistake of coming to South , their apprehension is a matter of public interest, and the government has to carry it out.

Final thought

The war is not over as many of us believe it has. In time of war, nothing should be off the table to protect the lives of innocent citizens of South Sudan, who have suffered for far too long.

The author is former Juba Radio, and he can be reach at: [email protected].


  • Lado

    Bashir not the most qualified to lead Sudan
    Riek Gai Kok’s slavery heart is what the Nuer Lou are currently having in southsudan.
    Their work is just to please Arabs at the expense of southerners.

    Well let them do their duty to their masters and that will not affect southsudan.
    The slavery way he talked is the same way Riek machar talk when he defected from SPLM.

    If it were not because of you Luk Kuth Dak i would have talk nasty against you people the Nuer.
    You have let us down multiple times.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Bashir not the most qualified to lead Sudan
    Dear Luke,

    Thanks again for rehighlighting on one of Jallaba’s Golden Boys as you called them. I hope the next visit will be Malwal Madut.

    Regarding answers to your question; though I do not have an answer, I would like to underline few things and the intended gusets of the questions may get something to juggle.

    1. A widespread slogan in form of a question says; “What are the ideas in a head of a person sitting on the Tree which another person is cutting it down with a sharpen Axe?, is that person doubting that the one who is cutting the tree is joking, or the Axe will not cut the tree”?

    2. NIF, juornalists such as Dhia-Aldeen Balal, Rahid Abdelrahim and more others apart from Islamic separatists’ spokesperson Atayeb Mustafa always say; where will Yasir Arman go to when Southerners decide to go on their own?

    Well, I have an answer to this question regarding Ustaz Yasir’s destination and this answer is formed by Yasir’s own words.

    Yasir always says; “It is not the Southerners that will decide to go, it is the believers of New Sudan’s Vision that will decide to go on their own leaving those who have chosen to be oppressed, terrorised, deprived of their rights, intimidated and treated as second class citizens in their own country by Islamic Radicals and Arab Sectarian parties in the Hell of Old Sudan.

    The question is not always about Yasir’s future home as Jallaba’s Golden Boys missinterpreted, it is the other way around that NIF thinkers actual want to be understood.

    I do not wish Sudan to disintegrate, this is because “Sudan means Sudan.” The Desert in the North west is a Sudanese Desert, the stones land elsewhere belongs to Sudanese. Arabs have never brought a handful of Sand nor a tiny Stone with them when they came 600 years ago from Arabian Desert, and having spent 600 years in Sudan does not qualify them to get an Acre leave alone 2/3 of the owners’ land.

    But the voice of the majority will over rule everthing in 2010 and 2011 and “Jallaba’s Golden Boys” will have a home work question to answer, not Ustaz Arman who have chosen patriotism over Traitorism, light over dark, freedom over oppression, love over hatred, Paradise over Hell and justice over injustice and deprivation.

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