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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei assembly to question commissioners on insecurity

By Philip Thon Aleu

October 17, 2009 (BOR) – Jonglei state legislative assembly will have “opinion” on county commissioners allowing crimes with impunity, speaker of the house says.

Speaking to reporters here Friday, Hon. Peter Chol Wal also says plans are underway, with the help of United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS), to dispatch parliamentary committees to various counties to embark on comprehensive peace building and good neighborliness among the tribal communities of the state.

“When we ask commissioners once there is problem in their areas, they say ‘we don’t know’”, Hon. Peter Chol said.

“If a commissioner is not able to know who is disturbing that community, we shall have opinion on him,” he added.

According to the Speaker, members of parliament from different constituencies will help finding out reliable information in regards to why it is hard to identify and apprehend perpetrators of insecurity between or among communities of the state.

Jonglei is hooked-up by tribal conflicts and attacks against government forces by armed civilians whose sources of ammunitions has been blamed on Khartoum by Southern government. Despite both state and Juba governments pledges to investigate and apprehend the so call ‘criminals’ the reality is yet to materialize. Counties commissioners have failed to control the youths – who are believed to own better arms than organized forces. However, Speaker Chol Wal degrees that lawlessness can rule.

“How can commissioners fail to know their own people?” he asked. Mr. Chol pledges that the assembly will arm the executive branch to deal with incompetent commissioners in order to bring all the criminals to book.

Speaker Chol Wal took over the assembly top post after the SPLM MPs impeached former Speaker Jodi Boyoris on charges of mismanagement of assembly code of business. Jodi Boyoris, who is now the Governor’s Advisor on health and environmental affairs, resigned paving way for fresh election.

In a related development, students at Dr. John Garang Institute of science and technology challenge UNMIS human rights officers on Saturday in a lecture meant for protection of basic rights.

The students accused UN Right body of protecting armed civilians by advising south Sudan Government against forceful disarmament –accusation UN labeled as “misinformation.”

“Armed civilians abduct children, kill innocent people and loot property and so, any form of disarmament is necessary,” a student said adding “but the UN advises against forceful disarmament. Whose right is being protected?”

UNMIS Human Rgiht officer identified as Eki, based in Bor, dismisses students’ claim that UN opposes disarmament. But when asked, to explain what the Human body thinks, Eki says the government has both responsibilities – to protect the civilians and disarm without committing crimes against other suspected armed groups..



  • Mzalendo Mwema
    Mzalendo Mwema

    Jonglei assembly to question commissioners on insecurity
    Commissioners are the bonds connecting communities to government.If something wrong happen,bonds(commissioners)must know the cause and why ?And they must narrate exactly to the government.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Jonglei assembly to question commissioners on insecurity
    Disarment must be implemented mainly in the State of Jonglei to clear many militia that account for the death of civilians. SPLM must investigate the commissioners and elders so that the Goss root out militia/criminals in the States to facilitate the states development.
    Those Militia of Mabile and Taganyang must be brought to books or forcefully chase to Khartoum because they are disturbing peaceful communities.

  • Gatwech

    Jonglei assembly to question commissioners on insecurity
    Common Honorable Speaker,

    Look at the incompetence of Jonglei state assembly. Does the Speaker really know how to tackle the Jonglei madness with the executive and security organs? What the so-called Speaker should have done is summoning Kuol Manyang Juuk. Commissioners report to Kuol Manyang not to MPs. It is Kuol Manyang that can in turn accuse the commissioners of failing him in the parliament hearings. Or he can bring them along with him to the parliament during his questioning. Scapegoating will never bring to an end the madness in Jonglei. Kuol Manyang himself should know better than the Speaker why the commissioners are not performing well. Some of their county citizens even involve in fighting other communities in different states like what has recently happened between Bor-Dinka and Mundari. Summon Kuol Manyang to answer on behalf of his commissioners. That is the most effective system.

  • Controller

    Jonglei assembly to question commissioners on insecurity
    Dear Readers

    No peace in Jonglei State, if Lou Nuer, Greater Equatoria, Murles, are not yet wipeout this garbage and cowardice tribe of Dinka Bors from map of Jonglei State.

    According to Prophert NGundeng, peace will come in Upper Nile after Nuer, Murles and Equatoria wipeout this garbage tribe of Dinka Bors from the map of Upper Nile. You will not believe it until it happen.
    There is a big fighting on the way coming and the Dinka Bors are not like it.

    Dinka Bors, this message, from Prophert is about you. You better leave Jonglei State before the Almighty Naath Warriors come to wipe you out from the map of Jonglei State.

    Refusal to leave will result in facing serious consequences than 1991 incident.

    This message has been a true from the true foretelling Prophert NGundeng. I am Controller with the Prophert.

    Thank you all.

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