Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Three killed in suspected LRA attack in Western Equatoria

October 17, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — Three members of the same family have been brutally murdered in what police suspect to be Lord Resistant Army serial killings in Western Equatoria State town of Maridi.

Increasing insecurity in Western equatorial State last August triggered the WFP to stop its humanitarian activities in some parts of the state. The LRA rebels attacked last Wednesday a village in Yambio and killed two people there.

Police in Maridi discovered three female bodies of one family while a fourth family member is missing and feared dead or abducted.

Surur Ali, a community leader currently visiting Khartoum, said he was shocked this morning when he received information of the missing of the three of his close relatives who are reported to have gone visiting relatives outside Maridi town on Thursday but never returned.

He said police were informed of the missing on Wednesday and immediately launched investigations.

Ali said police were tipped of three bodies which were found with missing body parts after they were murdered in unknown circumstances.

“The bodies of the deceased were found partly buried with head exposed,” he said adding that one of the bodies was found with arm cut-off and buried on top of the other.

“Reports from Maridi now say that Police found clothes at the crime scene and the bodies of the deceased lying just in the middle of the road between Mambe and Maridi,” he further said

He said police will not rest until the perpetrators of this crime are brought to book, adding that police intensified the search for culprits and requested members of the public to help.

Surur said there were rumors that elements allegedly believed to be members of the LRA were found between Ibba County and Maridi in the night before incident by local hunters who reported to the county authorities.

However, the county authority did not quickly respond to send in security forces till after incident, he said adding LRA presence in the area affects local movements at the evenings and early morning.

People traveling to Yambio or in any area in the Western Equatoria now plans their travels during mid day because of the fear of attack by LRA, he concluded.



  • Time1

    Three killed in suspected LRA attack in Western Equatoria
    LRA terrorist they are being supported by khartoum and Arab allies governments to destabilize the up coming referendum for independence in south Sudan. They will try but they will not succeed, south Sudan independence has no reverse gear even if you try and murder innocent population,our forces will get you one by one soon, you murderous criminal terrorist organisations. Southerners will hate this Arab muslims all our life even after independence.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Three killed in suspected LRA attack in Western Equatoria
    Brutal but we have to wait till South finished with the North. I believed this LRA will run crazy when we turn our eyes to them.

  • Time1

    Three killed in suspected LRA attack in Western Equatoria
    Why has the webmaster stopped my comments, i was commenting against the LRA and not against sudantribune. What was all this for, to hide something?

  • Time1

    Three killed in suspected LRA attack in Western Equatoria
    Oshit, son of Arab

    Sudantribune has stopped me posting links, or to make tough comments against the LRA as always they do, for some reason only known to them, but read this and see if it is not the khartoum NCP who is behind LRA, Gosh was responsible for LRA directory int he NISS and he still is.

    Go to UK online newspaper of The INDEPENDENT , see the Africa page, see for yourself what is going on with the LRA now in Darfur.

  • thokpiny de Deng de Thokpiny
    thokpiny de Deng de Thokpiny

    Three killed in suspected LRA attack in Western Equatoria
    LRA is a terrorist organisation .they are dancing to hell let them continue to waste us but one day we will remove all the motherfucker assholes and we will hang Kony alive .

    My brothers for Western Equatoria, please donot loose hope .onwhere on Earth is peace full peace is a transition

  • pata mike
    pata mike

    Three killed in suspected LRA attack in Western Equatoria
    This is not an LRA attack: the manner and style of killing is not identical let alone similar to LRA operational practices. This appears to be a ritual murder whereby the murderers beleive they will gain wealth and power. it is more common among the UPDF soldiers wwho attempt to protect themselves from Kony by ritualistic practices and also bbusinessmen who want to acuire more wealth. DO YOUR RESEARCH WELL YOU UNEDUCATED JOURNALISTS

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