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Sudan Tribune

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Eights parties hold South South Dialogue conference in November

October 18, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — Eight Southern Sudanese political parties agreed to hold a South- South Dialogue conference in Khartoum next month to discuss on the future of the semi-autonomous region.

The decision has been taken during a meeting held in Khartoum on October 17 attended by SANU; UDSF; United Democratic Party; SPLM-DC; Sudan National Labour Party;USAP-2;South Sudan Democratic Forum; South Sudan Democratic Front.

Sudan will hold first free and fair election since more than twenty years ahead of a referendum on the self-determination of southern Sudan. The two main peace partners agreed the vote in 2011 referendum will require 51% simple majority votes to declare Southern Sudan an independent country as long as two-thirds of voters takes part.

The political formations said in a statement released today they agreed to hold a conference on November 7, to build a southern consensus on the CPA implementation particularly the general election and 2011 referendum.

They also said a committee would be formed to prepare this political event stressing its membership is open to all the Southern political parties.

A similar meeting was held last year in Juba on November 8-13 hosted by the SPLM. But the decision to hold this conference in Khartoum comes after their withdrawal from the All Party Conference organized by the SPLM last month in Juba with the major opposition parties.

The walked out Southern Sudan political parties included the United Democratic Front (UDF), The South Sudan Democratic Forum (SSDF) and the Union of Sudan African Parties 2 (USAP-2).

However the USAP-2 reviewed its initial decision and endorsed the resolutions of the conference.



  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Eights parties hold South South Dialogue conference in November
    That is good move from 8 parties that chose to talk about future of southerns. All parties of south as whole should unit together and people will be glad to hear people to discuss the future of nation of south. People should be talking about how we want south to be look like? How would south be after 2011 if civilians chose to be independent or unity with north? We are not enemies with northern since we have signed CPA with help of others countries unless there are problem makers who will create it in this period of peace. How would southern and northerners see each other if CPA expired in 2011?.

    Oduck Bol

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Eights parties hold South South Dialogue conference in November
    These eight Southern Parties will not pursued better dialogue for Southern Sudan.
    They are all betrayers who fade the back of Bashier.
    The above parties are very much friend to NCP than SPLM.
    Where were they in South- North war?

    Mr. Oduk Bol please just support your SPLM-Dc and make sure you will be foreigner in Khartoum.

  • general Achinbenchien
    general Achinbenchien

    Eights parties hold South South Dialogue conference in November
    SANU and SPLM are the only parties that can and have serve the interest of the people of Southern Sudan. Others are just bunch of traitors.

    The General Achinbenchien.

  • Equal Man
    Equal Man

    Eights parties hold South South Dialogue conference in November
    To the forum participants.
    Can someone expalin what does the 51% simple majority vote mean? Is that 51% of the southern population after they have been determined or 51% of all sudan population?
    Also, the article mentions something about the 51% simple majority to determine southern “independence as long as two third of the voters participate”. What is that two third that is needed to participate exactly? Again, is that two third of population of south sudan or what?

    I’m just trying to understand if what is meant is that two third of population of south is required to participate in voting and if 51% of them chose seperation then it will be so.
    Clarification thanks.

  • peter gatdet
    peter gatdet

    Eights parties hold South South Dialogue conference in November
    Let watch about how 8 South Sudan political parties would be welcome by NCP and others Northern political parties and that will reveal all the secrets behind the south south Dialogue conference.

  • peter gatdet
    peter gatdet

    Eights parties hold South South Dialogue conference in November
    Oduck Bol

    What make South South Dialogue conference to be taken to Khartoum while Juba is the capital for South Sudan?

  • peter gatdet
    peter gatdet

    Eights parties hold South South Dialogue conference in November
    It is exceptional Visit to Khartoum for the militias and enemies of peace who neckname themselves to be called 8 South Sudan political Parties.

    Their aim is, they re hunting for money and the may be lucky if Arab bank(banky Kusara) did not collapse,so it is a profession begging of money from NCP

  • peter gatdet
    peter gatdet

    Eights parties hold South South Dialogue conference in November
    South South Dialogue conference is re-named as professional begging Dialogue conference.

  • Koja Rubi
    Koja Rubi

    Eights parties hold South South Dialogue conference in November
    Hi over there!
    Why should Southern Sudan poliktical parties plan to hold their conference in Khartoum instead of holding it in Juba?

    What is special in khartoum which is not there in Juba?
    Watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there hypocrites are trying to confuse us. They may be brainwashed by the SPLM-DC which will make them lose direction and end up serving the interest of NCP the master of SPLM-DC.

    I advise these political parties to review their plan and change their mind to hold the conference in Juba (Nyokuron). I should also begin pushing the agenda of separation of the South from the rest of Sudan as early as now because SPLM technically can not do it though most of the SPLM are pro seperation.


  • sanduksanduk

    Eights parties hold South South Dialogue conference in November
    What is south -south dialogue and what is it going to achieve that the present mechanisms in place has failed to do? Are we not proud of SSLA? Stop wasting time and resources.

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