Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Seven people killed in fresh Jonglei ‘revenge attack’

October 18, 2009 (BOR) — Seven people are killed and 12 others injured in a Friday retaliatory raid on Uror County of Lou Nuer by neighboring Duk Dinka youths, Jonglei officials say.

Armed civilians and some women near the market area of the southern Sudanese village of Duk-Padiet which suffered recent attack by Lou Nuer, Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2009 (Timothy Mckulka-UNMIS)
Armed civilians and some women near the market area of the southern Sudanese village of Duk-Padiet which suffered recent attack by Lou Nuer, Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2009 (Timothy Mckulka-UNMIS)
Deputy Gov. Hussein Mar Nyuot confirmed to Sudan Tribune that Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) forces stationed between the two tribal groups have arrested 2 raiders and government efforts are continuing to retake cattle looted during the attack in Rolker, Uror County.

Youths from Uror, a Lou Nuer County were blamed for September 22, 2009 assault on Duk Padiet where some 160 people died on both sides according to officials figures. Since then, the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) dispatched about 700 (SPLA) troops to maintain order between the two foes. However, youth from Duk surprised the government with Friday’s raid.

“Seven people are killed, 12 others wounded and a number of cattle stolen,” Deputy Gov. Hussein Mar said, confirming Friday’s attack in Rolker.

“This is a revenge attack from Duk Padiet youths,” he said when asked to explain who carried out the raid, adding: “The SPLA soldiers intervened and were able to arrest two raiders [from Duk].”

Duk County Commissioner Mayen Ngor Atem could not be reached for comment by press time. However, State government officials say Mr. Mayen, who is based in Poktap — Duk County current headquarters, is due to travel to Duk Padiet on Monday as part of government efforts to contain the situation.

When asked what step the state government could take to avoid a fresh revenge, Mr. Mar asserts that Uror Commissioner and local chiefs have pledged to restrain their armed youth.

Speaking at a youth meeting at Freedom Hotel in Bor Town on Saturday, Gov. Kuol Manyang condemned the attack. He further said the state government could not allow lawlessness, affirming that perpetrators will be brought to book once apprehended.

Tribal conflicts surged this year in Jonglei state and more than 1,000 people died since January, 2009. Efforts by Jonglei State and GoSS to quell tension are challenged by arms rampant at the hands of civilians. Past efforts to disarm civilians by force caused deaths and thus GoSS vowed to disarm civilians by another military campaign, but the exercise is yet to commence.



  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Seven people killed in fresh Jonglei ‘revenge attack’
    Coward Jaang/Slaves,

    Look! your cowardice tactice of hit and run will never protect you from Nuer Warriors’ invasions/raids nor none of your village/town should be used as safe haven this time.

    You must be on the run until Mading Bor is burn down to ash by Mighty Nuer Warriors this time.

  • general Achinbenchien
    general Achinbenchien

    Seven people killed in fresh Jonglei ‘revenge attack’
    I know you pain people of Dud Padiet, but eye for an eyr will make Southern Sudan blind. Good job SPLA for intervening. That is what we expected off you. Nuer Lou and Duk Padiet need to sit down and talk. After all you all are from Jonglei State. No matter what you do, other Southern Sudanese see as people who want to jeopardizes the chance for freedom. Remember, the first set in struggle in 1991 came from you guys. Now, don’t create more troubles. I know the tribal ware fare is in other states, but not comparable to jonglei. Stop hatred. No tribel will ever win this warfare. Remember, when Northern regimes sought war as way to get our land, they failed miserably. Any violence doesn’t lead to any victory. I urge to practice peace

  • oshay

    Seven people killed in fresh Jonglei ‘revenge attack’
    What happened to the old saying “turn the other cheek” or “love your neighbor” oh yes that’s right, these words do not resonate with Dinka nor the Dinka dominated SPLM.

  • Oracle

    Seven people killed in fresh Jonglei ‘revenge attack’
    South Sudanese need to avoid tribalistic ideology and stop ejecting violence. This is a major weakness that will undermine and plague our security to the point of possible civil war in light of the referendum. Furthermore, it is a factor that the west and the northerners will use as a scapegoat for south sudanese instability as they continue to enhance their resource wealth to the loss of the local people who should be benefiting most from their land. Like Martin Luther King said, “we either learn to live like brothers and sisters, or we all die like fools”.

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Seven people killed in fresh Jonglei ‘revenge attack’
    Can you imagine this game. How come this attack happened from people who are under protection of 700 (SPLM) troops? Okay if those Duk-Paddied got the power to revenge than 700 troops who are being pay to protect them should be move where they can protect the whole south instead creating more problems. In my opinion,the governor call Kual Manyang should be change with someone else. Even from his own family is okay because their system of work. The new person may not like to see blood every month.

  • murlescrewed

    Seven people killed in fresh Jonglei ‘revenge attack’
    This could have been avoided if the GOSS had expedited its investigation in last month’s barbaric attack on the symbol of government and innocent civilians. The government is dragging its feet instead of acting fast to bring the Nuer militia leader to justice. Until the GOSS start acting like a government, there is likely to be anarchy in South.

    To Nuer militia who might be considering a retaliatory attack, the youth of Duk will now be ready to confront any evil-minded and confused militia coming to take revenge.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Seven people killed in fresh Jonglei ‘revenge attack’
    Who is the reporter of this article?.
    Mr Deputy Mar Nyuot, your report is not true.
    There is no retaliation that Duk-Padiet carried aganist Lou Nuer.
    You are tribalist in nature. Mr Mar you always talked with Chebetek Mabil- the militia leaders who carried the attack on Duk- Padiet in Sebtember.
    Now you want to confused Jonglei State for your nonsenses. But if that is true then its because people are adapt to others aggression.
    My advise to All Dinka( Bor, Twic,and Duk), you must be ready for fight because the deputy governor is fueling the tribal fight. Anyway, that is not new in Jonglei.

  • thieleling

    Seven people killed in fresh Jonglei ‘revenge attack’

    ’Dear all,

    “The fighting that took place yesterday night has taken a lot of lives. Civilian of Duke went and ambushed the Uror villages while the army were after them. After they attacked the villages, they return while the army were advancing from Duke toward the Uror. When the Uror villagers ran after their cattle, they met with the SPLA forces, and then they were told that we are coming to disarm you. According to the report, the civilian said we are running after our cattle that were just taken by the Dukean. The forces resisted to prevent the civilian of Uror to return their cattle back. After some minutes discussion with the army officers while the army are in the line some zero killos meter distance, the civilian clashes with the SPLA army. Then fighting took place between the army and the civilian. The army were defeated back to the distance by the civilian of Uror. Heavy casualities were about to be reported. The civilian took ten cars (small) pick up trucks and many heavy guns on the trucks.

    According to the report, the SPLA army based in those areas of Uror were so disappointed given to the incident. Because they supposed to protect the civilian and not to sided up with the one side. It has been confirmed that there is a great misunderstanding between the forces. Civilian on the other side were reported to put laws in their hands, and these might be the destructive move ever. The GoSS should intervene as soon or Jonglei will be the worse place within few days”.

    Source: ’splm-Diaspora’

  • Controller

    Seven people killed in fresh Jonglei ‘revenge attack’
    Cowardice Dinka Bors.
    This attacked on Lou Nuer soil was planned and carried out by these damn fools;Kuol Manyang and Hussein Mar Nyout who himself against Lou Nuer because Dinka Bors are his grandparents.

    When Lou Nuer attacked Duk-Padiet,these damn fools Koul Manyang and Hussein Mar Nyuot called the Lou Nuer Youths gangsters.

    Now Mr.Hussein Mar Nyuot called the attacked against lou Nuer by Dinka Bors militiamen and SPLA solders, is just a renvenge from Dinka Bors.

    Get out here idiots.We are coming to bor and we will get you and your uncle Kuol Manyang. I do not think LT. General Bol kong, LT. General Gatwech Dual,Lt. General Paulino Matip Nhial, LT. General John Luk Jock,LT. General Wang Chock, LT. General Taban Juch, LT. General Hoth Guorluak,LT. General General Yien Makuach, LT. General John Luk Bayak, LT. General Bidiit Deng, LT. General John Kutey Mut, LT. General Reath Malual Luak, LT. General Both tap, LT. General Yien Jiek, LT. General Yien Kuany,LT. General Doyak Chol, LT. General Chot riik. Dr. Riek Gai Kok.LT. General Malow Kulang, LT. General Tang Ginye, LT. GEneral Mabor Dhol, LT. General Koang Chol,LT. General John Mamuoor from Greater Equatooria,LT. General John Koong, Gabriel Yoal Dok and many others Commanders from Nuers side, will just down with out responsding this tupidly attacked carried out by Salva Kiir and Kuol Manyang against their own people.They will response it within a week, becase this war turn to be between the Greatest Tribe of Nuers and Dinka Bors like 1991. And the Greater Equatorians,Murles, Shuluk lead by Dr. Lam Akol will be on the side with Nuer.

    Nuer Together with Greater Equatoria, Murles and Shulluk, they will wipe out this garbage and cowardice tribe of Dinka Bors from the map of Jonglei State, for the good of their lives.

    You damn fools Dinka Bors, this time no more forgiven.

    will be facing a serious consequences than 1991 incident. Lou Nuer,Nuers, Greater Equatoria, Murles and Shulluk will kill all of you,unless you leave Jonglei state, before they start executing you.

    My dear Readers From Greater Equatorians, Murles, Shulluk and other tribes, we are sick and tired of this garbage tribe of Dinka Bors.

    My friends, no peace in Upper nile Region, we are not yet wipeout this garbage and cowardice tribe of Dinka Bors from the map of Jonglei State.

    sharing State with this garbage and cowardice tribe of Dinka Bors is a eminent disease and human being destruction in Upper Nile Region.

    Thank you all

  • Alem Peter
    Alem Peter

    Seven people killed in fresh Jonglei ‘revenge attack’
    H E Hussein Maar dupity Gov Jonglei state made himself to be journal(reporter) to report the clahese between Dinka Bor and Lou Nuer,morever some become rumours(false)


    Seven people killed in fresh Jonglei ‘revenge attack’
    Hey everybody, the condition in Sudan will never be solved through retaliation whether bervually or through physical fighting. When will some of us start to respond constructively to articles. Whether we are educated or not, Iam pretty sure some of us will never learn at all. Unfortunately, those who face the consequences are the innocent people who have done nothning wrong.They deserve to live in peace, they need our support but not “an ignation of a war”. It is the same hatred that we are showing here through our comments that causes fighting in our villages, can we all stop sensless comments and learn to be “equal than different.

  • Fascola

    Seven people killed in fresh Jonglei ‘revenge attack’
    You people of Junglei State (Mading-Bor and lau-Nuer) you are stupid people, why by this stupid behavior you will destroy our peace. Please you change this behavior and be like others protecting CPA.


    Seven people killed in fresh Jonglei ‘revenge attack’
    The ongoing killings and atrocities committed by certain communities towards others shall be judge by God almighty.he knows the reason why southerners fight and kill themselves.Oh God,forgive S.Sudan her wrong doings for they don’t know what they are doing make her to be a prosperous country of beautiful people.Amen

  • mohammed osman
    mohammed osman

    Seven people killed in fresh Jonglei ‘revenge attack’
    When will this slaves stop killing eachother, may be untill one man left standing,we Arabs is gave you your lands back,what else do you wants, foolish africans.

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