Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Is South Sudan’s road to prosperity bleak?

By Hon. Daniel Wuor Joak (MP)

October 19, 2009 — Since the inception of SPLM/A in July 1983, the Movement has been encountering numerous setbacks as results of wrong policies and directives made by different political actors who were by then wrangling for the top position of the Chairman & C-in-C, which culminated into lost of hundreds of thousands innocent Southern Sudanese communities without any exception. The sole objective in which thousands of Southern Sudanese from all walk of life to track thousands of miles up to Ethiopian border to liberate themselves from the york of oppressors the so-called minority clique regimes in Khartoum was about to be missed for personal greed of the competing personalities. Following the formation of SPLM/A, the fighting erupted between the Anya-Nya II and SPLM/A over the leadership of the Movement in which several thousands lives and property were lost as results of wrong policies and directives. It took the two factions nearly six years to resolve their outstanding differences with the help of the two mediators Uncle Daniel Koat Matthews – former Upper Nile Governor and Late David Dak Gai – former diplomat from Sudan Embassy in Tanzania who tirelessly reconciled them. Thank God to their efforts and wisdom!

In 1988, the unified SPLM/A leadership under late hero Col. Dr. John Garang de Mabior become the most powerful Movement all over the African continent, in which the SPLA had captured over twenty major towns and garrisons including Kapeota, Bor, Nasir,Akobo, Waat, Mangala, Ngangala, Nimule, Gameza, Torit, Lapon, Chukudum, Magwei, Polataka, Malut, Kurmuk, Gizan, Ulang, Jakow, Malual, Ler, Baliet, Adong etc. in less than six months. The capturing of the above-mentioned towns and garrisons from Sudan Armed Force (SAF) by the SPLA was because the movement at that time was morally united and determined. Those few selfish elements who used to preach “Gospel of Nonsense” or dividing the Southerners on ethnicity lines within the SPLA by trading with mischievous insults like the word “Nyagat” or GOS sponsored militias were proved wrong and they are still on the wrong side of the history of Southern Sudan. Let them be watchful and tied their lips properly. Otherwise time is running against them.

The 28th August 1991, was purely an SPLM/A internal wrangling for power and had nothing to do with ethnicity or tribalism. Yes, in the process of the split thousands of innocent lives and properties were lost on both sides. In January 2001, the same concern was resulted by the same political leaders who engineered the splits in 1991. The history should only judge the leaders involved and not the innocent communities whose sons and daughters participated on opposing factions of SPLA/M. Therefore, we should stop reminding ourselves of the past while our future is at stake.

With the current state of affairs throughout Southern Sudan, where clan has been fighting another clan, tribe against tribe, SPLA forces against certain tribes or SPLA against another SPLA unit, this is a complete state of anarchy and absent of law and order. We should not trade with cheap excuses by pointing our fingers very far while it is our make ups. The Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) has been spending 60% of its annual budgets to all its security organs for the last four years. Unfortunately, the security situation all over Southern Sudan is still worsening while hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent since 2006 – 2009 to improve security situation. The question is, where does the money go? Who are behind the misused of public resources? And what has the Government of Southern Sudan done about it?

High level of corruption and organized money laundering has been notified by Southern Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission and those responsible have been exposed. To everybody’s surprise, none of them have not been prosecuted nor dismissed from their positions. Some of such corrupt officials including constitutional post holders are still enjoying their immunities. Shame on such corrupt officials and their God Fathers who give them all the necessary protections on ethnicity and nepotism basis. Above all Shame on GOSS institutions which are still giving sanctuary to such criminals.

The situation in Western Upper Nile State where different SPLA units have been fighting themselves under commands of General Paulio Matip’s loyalists and that of State Governor Brigadier General Taban Deng Gai is a time bomb awaiting explosion if not handled most urgently. As quoted in the Bible goes “A divided house cannot stand”. The story will prove me right when I argued strongly about the position of 1st Lt. General Paulino Matip Nhial during the debate of SPLA Bill 2009, at Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly (SSLA) where I raised concern about his roles, functions and responsibilities. I made it clear that General Paulino Matip’s roles, functions and responsibilities should be spelt out clearly like any other post holder in the SPLA or else his position in the Army would be deleted and the holder of Deputy C-in-C be given another assignment as to avoid unnecessary conflict in the future. My position was very much welcomed by the majority in the Assembly but later on it was rejected by SPLM Caucus in the SSLA on ground that General Paulino might not appreciate it and the all thing was left unresolved.

The problem in Western Upper Nile State is a political one and therefore it needs a political solution. H.E President Salva Kiir Mayardit in his capacity as the Chairman of SPLM has all powers to summon all the key actors in Bentiu including the Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny, Deputy C-in-C General Paulino Matip Nhial, Governor Taban Deng Gai and H.E Dr. Joseph Nguen Monytuil to discuss the issues which are dividing people of Western Upper Nile State amicably. If the four actors could not compromise their hard-line positions the president can take his personal decision and chose a neutral person of his choice instead of fueling the conflict by keeping silent or siding with the State Governor. Western Upper Nile State is not for General Paulino Matip, Dr. Riek Machar, Taban Deng nor Joseph Monytuil as some short-sided look at it differently. It is for all the Southerners and whatever happen there it will also affect the entire Southern Sudan.

The same unfortunate situation is currently repeating itself in Upper Nile State where warnings have been expressed and several lives and property have been lost as a result of power wrangling over land issue between Dinka Padang on one hand and Shilluk community on the other. Some key Dinka senior GOSS officials and SPLA officers from Jonglei and Abyei are also involved by fueling the conflict in Upper Nile State on Padangism while GOSS President is using exactly the same tune as in Western Upper Nile without intervening to defuse the tension. He has always been quick in responding to the crisis in his home state Warap while ignoring the same problems affecting other Southern communities. President Salva Kiir has been reshuffling all the state governments of Greater Bhar El Gazel more than four times since GOSS was established in 2005, while turning blind eye and deaf hear on the other states in Southern Sudan where conflicts have resulted to death of thousands of lives and lost of property. He has made Southern Sudan to be a laughing stock in the eyes of international community with his way of taking things for granted. Some tribes are gradually losing interest in his government and prepare to join other Southern political parties instead of SPLM which he is acting as its Chairman.

The recent killings between Dinka Hol of Duk Padiet and Lou Nuer as well as Murle and Lou Nuer of Jonglei State are indications of state of lawlessness. Most of the security organs are badly corrupted and tribalised to the point of participating on behalf of their tribes instead of protecting public interest wherever conflicts occurred. The SPLA units in Western Equatoria are very vulnerable and unwilling to fight the Lord Resistance Army (LRA) forces because their needs are not fully addressed.

The recent fighting between Mundari and Bari communities on one hand and the Mundari and Dinka Bor on the other within the vicinity of the Southern capital Juba is a very discouraging for a government supposes to protect its own citizens against both internal and external aggressions. People are being killed on daily basis in Juba and no serious investigations have ever been carried out to apprehend and trial the offenders.

Leaders come and leaders go but the nations remain! The people of Southern Sudan should not let themselves be fooled around by leaders who have no love for their wellbeing. SPLA and other security organs should not be used as canon porters by few selfish leaders for their political gains while their actual tasks and duties are to defend the integrity of Southern Sudan from both internal and external threats. The reason why Southerners took up arms to liberate themselves from Arabs Fascists and Racists elements from Northern Sudan as from 1955 – 1972 and again from 1983 – 2005, is because they have been denied their basic human and political rights. If a leader fails his delegated duties and responsibilities he should give room to others to choose who to lead them instead of blocking their chances to a point of entering into Somali anarchy. CPA, Elections and ‘God knows’ Referendum should not be used as excuses to correct the ongoing messes in Southern Sudan. Let President Salva Kiir and his deputies know that they do not owned any Southerner except mare partnership based on mutual understanding and patriotism. I am sick and tired of seeing my own people killing themselves like wild animals and yet their supposed leaders are turning blind eyes and deaf hears on their plight for the sake of protecting their positions. We need change now!

The author of this article is an Honorable Member of Parliament from Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly (SSLA) representing Ulang Constituency, Upper Nile State – SPLM.

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