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Sudan Tribune

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Commissioner admits increased maternal mortality rate

October 21, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — Aweil East county commissioner, Diing Aher Ngong, Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, today acknowledged increased maternal mortality rate in the area.

Speaking from Aweil town, he said maternal mortality has remained a great challenge in rural and poor communities across his county territorial borders.

Monthly reports from county health authority director indicate that there is high maternal mortality in rural areas because people do not have access to medical services, he said.

The Millennium Development Goal strive for improvement of maternal health and encouraged governments work at making basic health facilities in rural communities easily accessible to the people a priority.

Earlier commissioner, said, although there is no proper budget as south depends entirely on 50% share of oil from the central government, the northern Bahr el Ghazal state Government is determined as is always aspired to provide cost- effective health services to everyone.

He added that villages, situated about 15 kilometers from Wanjok county headquarters from low lands and those in the far north of high lands, have never had clinic or access to basic health service since time memorial.

Clinic there are far reaching in the middle lands where number of relief organizations during war helped construct emergency clinics.

“It is in our priorities to construct clinics to alleviate suffering of our people of who used to travel long distance for medical services,” he said.



  • Ariec Path wol
    Ariec Path wol

    Commissioner admits increased maternal mortality rate
    The county commissioner of Aweil east is very right to say that his county is facing seriouse maternal mortality problems but mr COMMISSIONER put in your mind that the money you collect in every household can build the PHCC/PHCUs in your county but because you use this money for your own needs, that is why the above mentioned problems are happening every day in those areas which you mentioned.

    Try to adjust yourself so that you be come a good commissioner and do use the commmunity resoucses wisely.

  • joseph Deng De-Mabior
    joseph Deng De-Mabior

    Commissioner admits increased maternal mortality rate
    Dear Diing Aher ,

    I am seeing Alot building shops in Akuem market near to the road which are belong to you ,if you would have built those resources to the beneficairies that you found have no health facilities you would have been known in the county and estabilish the comcrate power to the commity in the future ,make sure that the power you are having is not for present you need to extend to the community and prise them to do something by them selves with little Help ,the help is the contribution ,like CDF money ,and the house hold taxs Paul Malong will not ask you when you are making develoment with Money you get from the county EG warawar market is big revenue by itself.

    there fore the SSRRC with collobration of you and the NGO on ground try to do something when you cooperate .

    development is aprocess not a gift ,i will very happy if you the young commissioner like this could do somethings better than others incase to bring other young people up when make something which will not foreget the community take me wrong if misquoted you, but i know your 20 metres by 10 metres shops in Akuem market.


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