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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan calls on Khartoum to fully cooperate with US new policy

By James Gatdet Dak

October 22, 2009 (JUBA) – The Juba-based semi-autonomous Government of Southern Sudan has welcomed the new US policy on Sudan, and called on the Government of National Unity in Khartoum to fully cooperate with it.

South Sudan's Vice President Riek Machar (Reuters)
South Sudan’s Vice President Riek Machar (Reuters)
In a press statement on Wednesday, Southern Sudan’s Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar said the policy was positive and would result to the lifting of sanctions imposed on the country by the successive American administrations if Sudan responded positively.

He said there would be no logic to continue with the sanctions in the country if the issues highlighted in the policy were addressed and fully resolved.

Sudan would also be removed from the list of the states that sponsor terrorism if it practically cooperates with the policy, he added.

Dr. Machar, who is also the Deputy Chairperson of the ruling party in the South, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) explained that the new US policy would help his government in trying to speedily curb the ongoing inter and intra-tribal fighting in the region.

SPLM and its peace partner, the northern ruling National Congress Party (NCP), which signed the North-South peace deal in 2005, last week achieved a breakthrough by agreeing on the final draft bill for the conduct of the Southern Sudan referendum on secession in January 2011.

SPLM officials however accuse their northern partner of dragging its feet on implementing a number of other outstanding issues in the agreement, such as the North-South border demarcation and national security law needed for the conduct of the upcoming elections due in six months.

They also accuse them of arming certain groups to destabilize the region.

The US policy which calls for engagement with the Khartoum government spells out the use of ‘stick and carrot’ approach to deal with the regime.

It calls for a campaign of “pressure and incentives” to pressure Khartoum into pursuing peace in the troubled Darfur region, settling disputes with the semi-autonomous government in Southern Sudan and providing the United States greater cooperation in stemming international terrorism.

Washington said it would set strict time lines for the Sudanese President, Omer Hassan Al-Bashir to fulfill the conditions of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).



  • [email protected]

    South Sudan calls on Khartoum to fully cooperate with US new policy
    Why welcome a policy which is keeping our people poor and entire Africa!..We southern Sudanese fought for our own right and so we declare our own future not foreigners..American never send their sons and daughters and so somebody tell them off. They are a power nation but we are also powerful in own rights.

  • tiomdit_maker

    South Sudan calls on Khartoum to fully cooperate with US new policy
    Good Job Mr.Riek Machar Teny.The south sudan would be very happy if you would continuing believing south policy that will be great.And that too may qualify you to continued holding that position you ahd right now.

    But my only worry is the way you alway meandering like snak whenever you are given work to do.I am not yet believe in you until the job is done.Any way keep on negotiating with govt,but don’t used your stomach like you did in 1991.This times used your brain to resue your people in south sudan.Thank you. Tiop Maker.

  • Time1

    South Sudan calls on Khartoum to fully cooperate with US new policy
    Good job vice rpesident, this is the best US policy so far to address the issues facing peace implementation in Sudan, this is make things to move faster now after this new policy review, i would like to thank, Obama,Hillary and Gration for their h ardwork to support Sudan peace.

    Now Machar you have to ask the north NCP to cooperate with the south in terms of security, let them handover the LRA file if the interior minister in his recent visit really want peace and cooperation then let them handover LRA file, the same with Salah Gosh let them tell the south what they think they know about the LRA honestly, since Salah Gosh was responsible for training, arming,funding and logistical support to LRA, so her still have the LRA contacts and know alot, let them cooperate in brining LRA to justice, second let them also contribute in terms of intelligence only, this will bring some good spirit in terms of security cooperation, then all the other things, like border demarcation, security bill and elections for april next year has to be free and fair with all opposition parties given and free and fair platform on national tv, radio and internet to compaign and prepare for the elections .

  • kumkan

    South Sudan calls on Khartoum to fully cooperate with US new policy
    This is a positive start but lifting up the sanction now is risky so let the American know of when it should be ok to remove the sanction. NCP deserved what they got and I hope that the sanction should stay as it is until we stand as separate as Southerners.

  • Gatjang

    South Sudan calls on Khartoum to fully cooperate with US new policy
    I hate seeing this man.

    He is the catalyst of tribal war in Jonglei state. He created the war between Nuer and Dinka. Those 2 tribes will hate to see one another in the next 20 years. I am shock to see him speaking for the first time about tribal conflict and shame on him to say that the New US policy will reduce the tribal fighting. Dr. Riek have to apologize to the people of South Sudan and the people of Jonglei State (both Nuer & Dinka) before getting any post better than VP. Democratic transition recommend that you apologize.

    we are the people of South Sudan and the future of this country. Truth have to be spoken out before it is too late and before they can speak by themselves.

    By Gatjang de Deng.

    Poktap, Duk county.

  • M.Cool.J

    South Sudan calls on Khartoum to fully cooperate with US new policy
    I can’t blame humans some times we don’t know what is gonna be good for us and thereafter we cry when the opposite happens.Cooperating with the US new policy is not bad because if we were once in the list of countries that are supporting international terrorism,don’t you think we are gonna be left free?

    Let me try to add my adviece to that of Riak Machar for the sake of my brothers,the northerners that we cooperate with thst policy and we shall see what will happen.we are all Sudanese and we can’t blindfool you.

  • thieleling

    South Sudan calls on Khartoum to fully cooperate with US new policy
    Dear Readers,

    Obama’s new Administration policy said:

    “The policy also makes a rare nudge to the Government of South Sudan (GoSS) to “abide by its responsibilities under the terms of the CPA, and prioritize conflict mitigation and resolution, capacity-building, transparency and accountability, and service delivery”.

    “GoSS has been under increased scrutiny as ethnic violence flared in recent months and accusations of rampaging corruption and inefficiency within its ranks”.

    Dr. Riek “explained that the new US policy would help his government in trying to speedily curb the ongoing inter and intra-tribal fighting in the region” on this article.

    So, where did Dr. Machar go wrong? Dr. Riek wants to exercise responsiblity to stop the madness among south sudanese and urges Khartoum to do its part of the agreement. Kiir & his cronies tribalism is killing the CPA in south sudan. Unless Kiir tribal madness & corruptions stop, there is no CPA. This is what Dr. Riek & Obama Administration new policy are saying. But the cowards & tribalists are not getting it here. It doesn’t matter if you like Dr. Riek or not, it is about saving lives in south sudan. Wake up!!

    Obama Administration is run by smart, intelligence men and women who can smell Kiir’s filthy so-called cowboy hat in a distance, leave alone his incompetence in governing south sudan. Obama(the president), Biden(Vice- President),Hillary Clinton(state department),John Kerry(the Senate’s Foreign Affairs/ Relations Chairman) are all lawyers and have great vision for America & the world.

    Kiir’s intimidated by the new administration’s high intellectual caliber. Kiir needs to be real with the world, instead of his shallow, corrupted petty emotions that he always brings to former Bush Administration.

    This is why Kiir had been relegated to footnote status long ago by this particular smart & intelligence new American Administration. But Kiir is still hyped by his blinded loyal Dinkas followers as one of the greatest leaders.

    The truth is Kiir’s leadership hit the wall. Kiir will have couple of months here and there where he claims leadership, but big picture, long term, any intelligence person knows Kiir’s leadership ’s done. This is an opinion echoed by all competitive south sudanese parties & people, including even the new smart American administration except Kiir’s blinded loyalist Dinkas.

    Kiir now really commands little on the future of south sudanese. And beyond a name Salva Kiir, a Dinka, that sells to his few Dinka blinded loyalists, Kiir’s impact going forward as a leader is expected to be marginal at best.

    Therefore, Kiir is a leader on the verge of a fascinating final collapse that many tribalists like you want to avoid. But tribalist like you aren’t driven by Salva Kiir’s successes as leader, but through their kinship with him. That is very understandable. But that is not the correct way forward.

    Would you use violence to keep an incompetent leader(Kiir) in power that south sudanese reject or would you get out of their way? It is upto the tribalists like you if that is really what Kiir’s leadership amounts to, war among south sudanese.

  • Monyde Bai
    Monyde Bai

    South Sudan calls on Khartoum to fully cooperate with US new policy
    The arabs are not going to come to Jonglei as the did during the war and I can assure my fellow Lou Nuer that they can be wipped out by the Dinka Bor. My Fellow Lou you have been waging your war through coward hit and run tactics and that is not going to prevail over the Dinka Bor I can assure you. Dinka Bor I know them very well during the war they are most sophisticated, brave and well organize group in South Sudan. Now that they have given leadership to their cousins in Bhar el Ghazel, watch out they will definitely chase like flies till you come to our Equatoria or go to your Ethiopia where you came from. We who are educated knows where Lou came from. They came from Ethiopia and were settled by the Dinkas in Upper Nile. When they migrated from Ethiopia, they were chased out by the Ahmaras, Anyuaks and were not welcomed by the Shilluks or cholos due to Lou inhumane savagery. But the Dinkas were so sympathetic to Nuers situation of begging, homelessnes, unending hunger, destitution and miseries so the accommodated them. As a non Dinka, do not provoke the Dinkas and specially the Bor Dinka they do not forgive and forget easily and I can assure you because I lived with them during the war they will get you. Your whining now that they Dinka Bor is attacking you is just concoction and they will attack you I know because two weeks ago I was in Juba and the Dinka Bor had handed all government authority to their cousins in Bhar el Ghazel and they want to deal with you. Bor are able people, they can obtain arms, armunitions and raised an army without support from Khartoum and where are you going to turn to now that South is separating from the North? Lou or Nuer be very, very careful about the Bor Dinka and their conspiracies they are deep and you will be screwed easily at your Nuer land. There is enough evidences in history that these were the people who welcomed and accommodated you now that you are messing, they will depot and return you to Ethiopia so that you will be subjugated by the Ahmaras and Oromos as they are now doing to other Nuers who remained in Ethiopia.

  • Critic_Ngueny

    South Sudan calls on Khartoum to fully cooperate with US new policy
    I would like to request my dear barking dogs in Nuer community to behave like Dinka boy and critic_Ngueny.We always hit the nail on the head in stead of beating around the bushes for nothing.A real man has to talk like real real man.

    Dr.john Garang was man of the people but every human being has his or her own weaknesses .And the degree of the weakness has to be different from person to person.Among his people,there are those who have complains like me but where is he? so you have to stop talking against him otherwise you will join him very soon if you wish to talk to him face to face.Riak has done nothing good in Southern Sudan but we are just watching at him to do good things.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town.

  • charles Riek
    charles Riek

    South Sudan calls on Khartoum to fully cooperate with US new policy
    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Come back guys

    What contribution do you give to sudanese people if you are just remind yourself for past things. can you guys think twice before you act. we are not here for stupidity things that bring conflict to our people. the content of this meassage is about US policy I don’t see what bring the war that end for 11 year ago. let me single Gatjang out, its happen you are the president of South sudan, will you bring what happen between Dinka bor and Nuer. Read more about leadership so you should not think like a child. Be a man that can build peace in South Sudan. Otherwise Dr Riek has give great advice to Government of Sudan. I know if Sudan has been sacntion, do you guys think South Sudan is excluded? No I don’t think so. That is why we need to review our comment before we impose them to others people.

    Thanks you all for your comment and leave Dr Riek alone.

  • Critic_Ngueny

    South Sudan calls on Khartoum to fully cooperate with US new policy
    Sorry Charles Riak,

    You have to use tenses please.Your English makes laugh.

    Critic -Ngueny from Bor town

  • Brooke Obe
    Brooke Obe

    South Sudan calls on Khartoum to fully cooperate with US new policy
    Dr Riek Machar should be congratulated. Indeed, where are the middle level educated Dinka bloggers here? I agree that the quality of the Dinka contributions in this forum is well below standard. It will harm the position of the Dinka community in the long run. Remember, policy makers the world over are using this forum to gauge the feelings of the Southerners on different issues. So take care, my little friends.

  • Khoorayic2

    South Sudan calls on Khartoum to fully cooperate with US new policy
    Folks, although passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life, it is worth noting that “rattlesnake, if cornered will become so angry it will bite itself”. That is exactly what the harbouring of hate and resentment against others is “a biting of oneself”. You may think that you are harming others in holding those spite and hates, but the deeper harm is to yourself.

    Be free from mental bondage…….Instead of making laughing stock out of oneself on the net, why not seek knowledge. The man of knowledge is the one who recognises that what he knows is very little compared to what he doesn’t. And as a result he considers himself ignorant, and accordingly he increases his efforts to know more by going out in search of knowledge.

    In no way am I telling you to go to school [although majority of you will sure do with it], but to merely make an effort in really knowing your fellow South Sudanese [other tribes other than yours]. There got to be more to them than being bunch of TRIBALIST, DESERTERS, CORRUPT, GREEDY, SELFISH, ANIMALS….etc, as some of you persistently would like us to believe.

  • Ajak De Bultuong
    Ajak De Bultuong

    South Sudan calls on Khartoum to fully cooperate with US new policy
    Dear Northerners,
    Please note time has come for right to reveal it self in any mean, be it hock or cu-ruck it must go through the wall. time is enough for your suppression of Dafur and other marginalize parts of Sudan exception of Southern Sudan who had already cut off your poor administration which you manipulated the 1972 agreement in the capital of Ethiopia under the Unwise leadership of Joseph Lagu , this time round Dr. Garang and his teams wasn’t the same of the 1972 negotiators and therefore implementation of CPA as said by USA and others international bodies must be follow accordingly if not new policies of the Obama would wash out some of you.” follow them to Let us skip ICC indictment Mr. every things as you do call your self”. Hence, be careful for you become a fail leader in your time of your presidency.
    “Time and tied wait for no man” do what you ar told to do.

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    South Sudan calls on Khartoum to fully cooperate with US new policy
    Shame to us whether we are Dinka, Nuer or any other tribes which envolves to talk rubish on ineternet against the legal rights of Southern sudan.
    Do we know that the rubish things that we are exposing on the internet will cause us an irrelevant tribalistic amongst our people?. But we won’t escape from that mess.
    instead, we will smear that dirty smell on ourseles.
    why can’t we have one ambition or one goal which is known as “Southern Sudan legal rights to makes her independent is a must”.
    Please, stop stop these rubishes aceusation among ourselves and let’s concentrate on how we can really solve our matters and come out from these recessions of slavery of Bashir regime and Islamisation.
    Better for you to die instead of betroying your legal rights. we don’t know that we are harming our existing legal rights when we come on the internet and talk with rubish against that blocks our belovely rights in Southern Sudan.
    If we doubt about the leadership of both Raik Macher and Mr Kiir Mayardit, then let’s select Mr James Wani Iga who is (the Royal, honesty, truted and dedicated his ambition for Southern Sudan) to be our canadidate in 2010 general election instead of talking nonesense on the internet against our vaious tribes.


    Lok T simon.

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