Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

The politics of uncertainty

By Malek Cook Dwach

October 23, 2009 — I would like to comment on the politics of uncertainty and the prophets of doom whose writings does not contribute to any success to correct the political landscape in the country. I am so much worried that the truth can be spoken out so that the right of local citizen could be realized. for how long that we can be silent? let the youth and Students devote their time and energy in transforming the country either politically or socially now our culture is under threat because when you look carefully you will see a new phenomenon, this is a system where Girls and Boys adapt the Niggars styles not only that the Girls are also went further by using toxic cosmetics. this situation needs collective effort both from parents and the Government.

This behaviour was resulted from lack of direction from Government, clear policy and taking care for citizens depend entirely on Government responsibility but Sudan was engaged in wars for so long that is why a new culture emerged this is due to the fact that the generation considered no body care because the chance of survival and death are equal.

Sudan history has underwent so many bad stages resulted from marginalization by the central government( Khartoum regime ) since the independent of Sudan on 1/1/1956 from the neo-colonizers there was so many reasons for political backwardness of Southern Sudan these could be regarded as the lack of proper education in the place because the rate of illiteracy was very high, that contribute to more cheating by ruling small clique.
Who can be blame for this gross mistake committed because of lack of manpower.

Now the new chapter has been opened since the long civil war was staged that resulted in massive killing all over Sudan million lives were lost during struggle both sides of the conflicts South and North after the two sides acknowledged the disadvantages of war they resort to lay down arms so that the Sudanese people could have tasted the fruits of peace.

the consensus was reached that lead to the signing of comprehensive peace agreement in Naivasha that no one could denied that fact.

The semi-autonomous Southern Sudan is now running by its administration which is totally apparently to the government of national unity.
From this juncture who could be held responsible for the inter and intra clan fighting in Southern Sudan that resulted in killing of thousand lives of innocent people both children and women?

The answer could absolutely the government of Southern Sudan because the policy of disarmament could be carry out all over Southern Sudan to make sure the security that guarantee the safety of local vulnerable population is protected.

The author can be reached at [email protected]


  • Trueman

    The politics of uncertainty
    Conditions Riek Machar must fulfil to be SouthSudan president.

    1) He must convert to Dinka( i doubt if Dinka will accept him).

    2) Riek must accept and apologise for 1991 massacre.

    3) He must call Dinkas saviours

    4)He must acknowlegde Dinka as their brave and heros.

    5) Riek must accept Dr Garang as his hero.

    6)He must denounce and condemn Ngundeng prophesies as evilish and refute being called the anointed one.

    7)He must go to Dr Garang’s Bortown school and learn politics.

    8)He must believe in God and pray to Dinka for forgiveness.

    9)Riek must arrest his greed for power and believe in Dinka as a ticket to his leadership.

    10)He must not be slave-hearted as Arabs’ stooge.

    11)He must confess that he is Omar El bashir’s second wife.

    12)Riek must declare Nuer as second class to Dinka.

    13)He must believe in Dinka prophet KON Ajith.

    14)He must confess that he had a hand in Dr Garang’s death.

    15)Riek must vow to Kiir as his hero.

    16)Riek has to confess that he has a hand in Jonglei conflicts.

    All the above conditions can give Riek Machar the south presidency. He either accept them or go to hell with his evilish Nuer.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    The politics of uncertainty
    We had enough of dinkas and we have learnt a lot, right from abuse of power to stupidity promise of land in South. Voting for any dinkas is like heading to jungle while standing with none dinkas whether Lam, Riek and Igga will be the best route to prosperity. The future of South is there for us, but pointing out is the problems, it is hard to choose the right person to lead because of those dinkas hyenas in the gate. 3 people as mentioned above are the future of our nation. Because all of them especially Igga and Riek are obvious beside Lam for his new ngo, they have an idea where the power of the nation should be in the hands of voters not the leaders, every dog, chicken and living creature will have their rights including none living from been abused as well. So get the on truck and Kiir must exit to rule his dinkas in bor as long as killing doesn’t matter to them.

    A chair and a fouder of NGO is always a peace lover ie LOGIC BOY

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