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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan army free 46 Darfurians abducted by LRA rebels

By Manyang Mayom

October 25, 2009 (RUMBEK) — The Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) forces in Raja County of Western Bahr-El-Ghazal state has managed to free 46 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from Darfur abducted by Ugandan rebel Lord Resistant Army (LRA).

Southern Sudanese IPDs who have fled their homes during raids by Lord's Resistance Army (AFP)
Southern Sudanese IPDs who have fled their homes during raids by Lord’s Resistance Army (AFP)
LRA rebels attacked a camp of Darfur IPDs at Kor-El-Madia village, Raja County, in Western Bahr al-Ghazal state which has a long border with the troubled region of Darfur. The Ugandan rebels during their evening attack on October 21 killed three policemen from southern Sudan and two civilians.

“Today, Kor-El-madia is celebrating the return of 45 abductees who were finally reunited again with their families after they had being hostages of the troops of notorious LRA Joseph Konyi,” said the spokesperson of the southern Sudan army, Maj General Kuol Diem Kuol.

The number of the abducted IDPs from Kor-El-madia was unknown but yesterday the SPLA forces who were pursuing the LRA rebel, managed to get them as the LRA rebels run away leaving all the abductees people plus looted properties, he stressed.

Kuol said that among the 46 abducted people there was one autochthon from the region. “They forced him to guide them in their movement in the region threatening to kill him if he fails to show them directions,” he added.

However, the southern Sudan army spokesperson denied the capture of LRA members saying “No, the SPLA failed to arrest anyone of the Ugandan rebels, they have run away with three rifles confiscated from the three policemen killed during 21 October attack.”

He disclosed that more troops were already been dispatched to hunt the LRA rebels, adding the SPLA also will deploy more troops to protect civilians in southern Sudan.

The attack on Raja raises fears about the extension of the LRA activities to other parts of southern Sudan. The rebels increased also their attacks on civilians in the greater Equatoria province, particularly in the Western Equatoria state.

Ugandan, Congolese and Southern Sudan armies carried out an important military operation against the LRAcamps in Garamba forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Central Africa last December when Joseph Kony refused to sign a peace deal brokered by southern Sudan.

The reemergence of the LRA in different parts of southern Sudan may force the SPLA to consider an appropriate riposte, said a military source in southern Sudan.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    South Sudan army free 46 Darfurians abducted by LRA rebels
    Great job SPLA.
    Konyi must be hunt and then slaughtered .

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    South Sudan army free 46 Darfurians abducted by LRA rebels
    Beautiful work, if dinkas government is always capable of maintaining security then there will no be any problems in South. For now Kiir should learn from this example done by Hon Igga and Dr Riek, they have send the SPLA forces to resuce those victims of LRA not Kiir. Dinkas boy don’t sing like a mad chicken, the job was done by none dinkas so please send your thanks to the intelligent leaders from Equatoria and Nuer, don’t fool with simba long the way from Malakia to Munuki.

    A chairman and Founder of NGO is always a peace lover ie LOGIC BOY

  • general Achinbenchien
    general Achinbenchien

    South Sudan army free 46 Darfurians abducted by LRA rebels
    BACK OFF JOSEPH KONY! WAU NAR, you don’t get. This is Bhar El Ghazal! It is not Equatoria! Watch out! They will eat you alive Ugandan!

    SPLA Oyei, SPLA Oyei, SPLA oyei

  • oshay

    South Sudan army free 46 Darfurians abducted by LRA rebels
    Congratulations to the SPLA and I hope you finally get rid of this LRA scum.

  • Time1

    South Sudan army free 46 Darfurians abducted by LRA rebels
    LRA will be destroyed and killed all of them stupid animals, Ugandans Army also we need to keep watch of them too, we do not want them to pretend to be LRA while they also go around and kill civilians like they use to do before some years ago, can this LRA and UPDF take thier fight to Uganda please.

    I have an important question how does the LRA, which is a poorly equipt army with no military navigational equipments or skills, no maps or even no cars, how do they move very fast along the large long distances land between Sudan, to Congo, to Central African republic in just days or hours, with such swiftness and how do they know the jungle roads between All this countries?

    I smell something fishy from Ugandan Army or this someone working as LRA rebels, SPLA keep watchout on both groupsd on this Ugandan Army not to stab you in the back while they pretending to be LRA, both of them need to focus on solving their problem instead of killing foriegners.

  • pata mike
    pata mike

    South Sudan army free 46 Darfurians abducted by LRA rebels
    i do not think the SPLA rescued anyone. This story is a haoax intended to cover up shame

  • Time1

    South Sudan army free 46 Darfurians abducted by LRA rebels
    pata mike,

    how can LRA rebels and terrorists, with no vehicles, no maps, no petrol, no helicopters, no food, how can they run away with more than 46-50 civilians? are they carrying them in their back and running with them, how are they doing that when the SPLA gallant forces are coming after the LRA? so the LRA or whoever pretender this animals are who kidnap innocent people am sure when they heard and saw SPLA coming for them they left the kidnapped civilians then they fleed for their life and hide in their holes like Saddam hussein but they will be smoked out soon.

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    South Sudan army free 46 Darfurians abducted by LRA rebels
    Good job from SPLM party . That is what we want. It is not just sitting in the offices that is count but how many problems you solve or good things you did for people you lead that is count.

  • CatBlue

    South Sudan army free 46 Darfurians abducted by LRA rebels
    Congratulation SPLA, this is what is needed to be done to these fucken LRA, coward soldiers who don’t want to fight their war in Uganda. Did SPLA ever fought any war in Uganda during the time of civil in the Sudan? Soon the civilians in West Equatroria will be given free arms and you(LRA) will see.

  • Gatwech

    South Sudan army free 46 Darfurians abducted by LRA rebels
    SPLA Commander Kuol Deim Kuol is a liar,

    I have talked to three different people from different tribes in Wau, Western Bahr el Ghazal state.

    Here is the true story of the so-called abductees: These people were not abducted by the LRA. But their nearby villages were attacked and they fled the area. The true name Kuol Deim should have called them is IDPs, but not abductees. LRA never abandoned its abductees. This is why there was no even a single bullet shot to rescue the so-called abductees.

    The question is why didn’t SPLA spokesman Kuol Deim Kuol call the them IDPs as a result of the LRA attacks? The answer is simple to my guess. SPLA has been under pressure that they don’t fight the LRA. So Kuol came up with this distorted and fabricated this so-called rescue mission with the hope to get credit, but instead ended up an insulting hoax to the army. The people I talked to in Wau were suprised to read it in the internet. Shame!

  • brave heart
    brave heart

    South Sudan army free 46 Darfurians abducted by LRA rebels
    something ain’t right here.
    Lord resistant Army in Bar-El-Gazel? Come on boys tell me how Come they go that far, take a look at it and scrutunise it, and then get back to me because I doubt beyond human recognition. it must be another Arabs malittia I bet.

  • alvin ajou
    alvin ajou

    South Sudan army free 46 Darfurians abducted by LRA rebels
    Exactly, thats what our fellow brothers in the SPLA should do to protect our people instead of wasting time listening to that thing called paulino matip who looted our resources and gave them to Arabs to become more stronger and stronger as if they have fucked his mother.

  • Time1

    South Sudan army free 46 Darfurians abducted by LRA rebels

    Alot of you made a good point, how does LRA, with their bare foot, no vehicles, no maps, no knowledge of the region move across 1000mile area just within hours or days? Is that really position? That means this so called LRA are getting support from a more organized highly equip person.
    I am pointing my fingers at the Ugandan Army or the called UPDF , i think they are the one killing civilians so they can taint the image of the LRA because they want the whole region to support them to fight the LRA so that is why they the Ugandan Army is secretly covering up as LRA and killing civilians so the international community can joint them to fight LRA, it is a smart strategy but this is also terrorism by them which ICC should investigate, also SAF could be involve who knows, SPLA intelligence need to do more extra job when dealing with Ugandan Army,LRA and Arabs.

    SPLA keep watching UPDF and SAF movements without them knowing, you will know if any of them is also involved in killing civilians then report to ICC immediately so they can join Omer Bashir and Joseph kony.

  • Otim

    South Sudan army free 46 Darfurians abducted by LRA rebels
    Country men,we have been debating this LRA attacks and abduction recently,can any right minded person agree to this turn of events?Rescue with out a single bullet,none of LRA captured? Those those in the pictures looked abducted or been carrying any heavy loads?I can see clean,healthy smiling people in the pictures.

    I think the all saga been staged to get more support againts the LRA.If what we read about LRA,that they are brutall,cut their victims then am very suprised how these people look very happy and healty.There is alot of politics being played in our area with UPDF ever getting deeper in South Sudan,i am not very suprise if we get a permanent base of UPDF stuck in South Sudan.

  • kadogo2

    South Sudan army free 46 Darfurians abducted by LRA rebels
    Its better to be frightened, than to be uncertain about the truth. To be frank, those in the picture are not Darfurians, Am sure this picture was, when woman gathered in the health program called Hand washing day,it was in Bahr el Ghazal. So Deim, you are still under supervision, don’t be a liar, try to give us Accurate reports.
    Long live south sudan, long live SPLA.

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