Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM continues to boycott parliamentary session

October 25, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement said today it would pursue its boycott to the last parliamentary session before to hold next year election until its peace partner agree to fix a calendar for the disputed laws.

The SPLM withdrew from the National Assembly on Oct 19, saying it wants parliamentary schedule for the remaining laws of referendum and national security.

The southern Sudan party further said the current draft of security law enables the security apparatus to arrest, search and detain, adding all these are against the constitution.

Yasir Arman, the SPLM deputy secretary general for northern Sudan said that they resolved to not return to the Assembly until the government comes up with a timetable for reforms ahead of elections next year.

Ten days ago, the former foes of north and south agreed details of the conduct of the referendum, which will require two-thirds of registered electors to vote and allow southerners living in the north or abroad to vote.

The head of the SPLM block at the Assembly had said they would end their protest within a week. He further threatened if the National Congress Party does not show progress on the disputed issues, the SPLM would boycott the parliamentary session which will continue until November 30.

However, the National Congress Party challenged the SPLM saying that the continuation of the boycott would not help its cause.

On Monday the federal parliament is due to discuss a crucial reform of the national security law particularly the issue of the powers of arrest of the intelligence services.

The NCP is attempting to mobilize the opinion public holding debates and TV talk show to say it is crucial to maintain the status quo and with some guaranties for the arrested suspects. While the SPLM says such move is contrary to the 2005 peace agreement.



  • general Achinbenchien
    general Achinbenchien

    SPLM continues to boycott parliamentary session
    Good job SPLM, that is what we want. You can not share a room with evil which teeth and claws drip with blood of Sudanese people. Leave evil alone and seek chain to drag it into the sea of fire. NCP think that it can outmanupilate SPLM. No, no Bashir, SPLM is not Umma Party, nor is it DUP. This is a party with as sharp as the lion’s teeth. Drag your feet or weasel aroung, the end is near, your days are numbered. Time is coming when NCP will be comparable to nothing but Nazi of Germany. Good job Yasir, good job Pagan.
    Long Live SPLM. Long live Sudan!

    The General Achinbenchien

  • Trueman

    SPLM continues to boycott parliamentary session
    Conditions Riek Machar must fulfil to be SouthSudan president.

    1) He must convert to Dinka( i doubt if Dinka will accept him).

    2) Riek must accept and apologise for 1991 massacre.

    3) He must call Dinkas saviours

    4)He must acknowlegde Dinka as their brave and heros.

    5) Riek must accept Dr Garang as his hero.

    6)He must denounce and condemn Ngundeng prophesies as evilish and refute being called the anointed one.

    7)He must go to Dr Garang’s Bortown school and learn politics.

    8)He must believe in God and pray to Dinka for forgiveness.

    9)Riek must arrest his greed for power and believe in Dinka as a ticket to his leadership.

    10)He must not be slave-hearted as Arabs’ stooge.

    11)He must confess that he is Omar El bashir’s second wife.

    12)Riek must declare Nuer as second class to Dinka.

    13)He must believe in Dinka prophet KON Ajith.

    14)He must confess that he had a hand in Dr Garang’s death.

    15)Riek must vow to Kiir as his hero.

    16)Riek has to confess that he has a hand in Jonglei conflicts.

    All the above conditions can give Riek Machar the south presidency. He either accept them or go to hell with his evilish Nuer.

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    SPLM continues to boycott parliamentary session
    It is going to be good to go back to war with north this time, because some of idiots caring words “”New Sudan””” with hidden agenda with it. We have to bring back our land from those people who pretend that they are fighting for southerns right, but they went bush to fight us or take our land. Withdrawn of SPLM is good. We pray all the time, for war to break out again again. You will see those human animals were you will hid your agenda. signing Pigy as county with out asking who live or who own that place.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    SPLM continues to boycott parliamentary session
    It is obvious that the SPLA doesnt’t want elections to take place.They are just using the communist tactics of Yasir Arman and Pagan Amum.
    Few months back Pagan Amum said southerners will vote more than 90% for secession.Yesterday Mr.Flip flob rejected the quorum of 66% of registered voters.

    Let me explain this in more details:

    The population of South Sudan is about 8,000,000

    40% expected number of eligable voters 3.200,000

    Registered voters usually 50-60% 1,600,000

    The quorum of this is 2/3 ie 67% 1,072,000

    51% and you have your independent state 546,720

    percentage to the registered voters 34.17%

    percentage to eligable voters 17%

    sooooo easy yet Pagan Amum doesn’t want it !!! He can’t moblize just about 1/2 a million!!It is simple , Pagan doesn’t want the elections to take place, simply because he is going to loose the elections. He is immensly unpoppular witin his shuluk community and will not get a vote there.He wants to continue living in Khartoum in the fabulous Ryadh area,with the money of the marginalized people.

    The spla also wants to dely the elections, and if possible to continue ruling the SOUTH forever.Another five years and another six or seven billions untill the wells are dry and everyone of them with a fat foregin bank account,and even cash stuffed in big suit case and through any international airport.While letting the poor marginalized people of the South fighting and killing each other and simply blame the Jalabba, the Arabs or the Shimaleen

    He had tolerated the national security law for 5 years, what bother him now ? He can tolerate it only one year more and then he will have his own Independent New Sudan with the most humane national security law in the world..ALAS TO HELL WITH THE Jalabba.

    But the game is over ,electiions are coming wheather he likes it or not and the CPA must be implemented fully and in time and the world is watching, and we the JALABBA..we are fed up!!!

    The Americans were very clear and here it is :
    ((The policy also makes a rare nudge to the Government of South Sudan (GoSS) to “abide by its responsibilities under the terms of the CPA, and prioritize conflict mitigation and resolution, capacity-building, transparency and accountability, and service delivery”.))
    Moreover they know the communist ( Cubian style ) tactics which Pgan had learned during his long stay there !!!

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    SPLM continues to boycott parliamentary session
    To SPLM,,

    Why can’t you simply park and go back to South Sudan than just waisting time talking nonsense or pretending to boycott parliamentary session?

    Do you think NCP bother with what you are doing?

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • charles Riek
    charles Riek

    SPLM continues to boycott parliamentary session
    Great Job to demnshirt SPLM I wiah you can continuous like that to protection the life of southern. Not just corrupt in the south. this is well done. if central Government doesn’t want to provide National Security Laws in post coming election or in the Referendum boycott their packet Parlimentary. I appreciate your enffort this time.
    Well done

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