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Sudan Tribune

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Unity state seeks return of party chair to governor Taban

By Ngor Arol Garang

October 26, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — Members of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), state government officials and local intellectuals alike today said they seeks return of party chairmanship to Governor Taban Deng Gai

Taban was voted out in a SPLM election he contested with Joseph Nguen Manytuel in 2008 months before SPLM May national convention which took place in Juba at Nyakuron culture centre.

Manytuel, who is minister of health in the government of Southern Sudan, got support from SPLA deputy commander in chief General Paulino Matip and GOSS Vice President Dr.Riek Machar.

Speaking from Bentiu, Capital of the Unity State, William Twil, a state senior member of the SPLM besides being an advisor to the governor on peace, border and reconciliation says citizens and members of the state government are seriously engaged in better alternatives to resolving immediate need to give back party chair to Governor Taban Deng Gai.

Twil said they he does not seek to sanction the current leader of the party at the state level for his failure but because he is often engaged in other national matters at the government of Southern Sudan level leaving little time to attend to party affairs at the state.

“We have in number of times tried to invite him chair pressing issues of the party but ended up hearing his presence out of the country following national assignments, he said adding that because of this commitment to other national pressing issues, we recommends state party position such as this be given to someone within the place of assignment.”

He continued to emphasize that the return of the chair particularly at this time to Taban is needed to prepare for upcoming general elections across the country.

“The chairman of any political party whether be it state or at national level suppose to spearhead party’s election campaign,” he said stressing that other political parties like the National Congress Party have already started their election strategic campaign activities in the area.

Joseph Nguen Manytuel is the only proposed candidate for gubernatorial position the unity state has repeatedly mentioned and given to the leadership of the SPLM.

A request the SPLM leader and president of the semi autonomous government of South Sudan, General Salva Kiir Mayardit was reluctant to answer positively.



  • [email protected]

    Unity state seeks return of party chair to governor Taban
    Governor Taban Deng Gai, is a real governor who understand politics and respects of oneself…you are the best!!!..

  • Rambang Deng
    Rambang Deng

    Unity state seeks return of party chair to governor Taban
    This Arab turned Dinka Taban Hussein will go to any length to please his like minded corrupt tribalist loafers in expense of The Nuers.

    I hate him and his bloody business with these corrupt tribalist Dinka.

    May God end their bloody business as quick as a blink of an eye, amin!

    Rambang Deng

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Unity state seeks return of party chair to governor Taban
    DR Riek Machar and Matip Nhial are all against Taban Deng Gai,but i don,t see their reasons. They said that “He is often engaged in other national matters at the government of Southern Sudan level leaving little time to attend to party affairs at the state”.
    You guys want him to enage in tribal issues in Nuer area that is what u need.
    Those traitors in Khartoum, Riek Machar and Matip are against governor Deng and they want to replace him with either with Riek wife or Health minster.

  • Nile

    Unity state seeks return of party chair to governor Taban
    Taban’s supporters really have gut to run their mouths again after all they done to innocent people in Bentiu. vast majority of people in Lich/Unity state don’t want Taban anymore to be the governor, let alone being given splm chairmanship. by the way, Party Chairmanship is something that a person must be elected to lead, so it’s not a simple seat that can be given a way easily. Taban supporters should understand that.

  • charles Riek
    charles Riek

    Unity state seeks return of party chair to governor Taban
    Woa so great.
    come common guys. Don’t you know that the Governor of Unity State is Dr Kiir Mayardit. Taban is just representer. I cann’t believe, 2% of Unity State is handing by Dr kiir. Shameful to Dr kiir fighting for small location and for his own resource. Bhar el gazal is now builds with the 2% of Unity State don’t you know guys. Sorry for those who are fighting for their own benefit not for NationalHood. Thouh Taban can return to SPLM chairperson not because is qualify but it is because Mr Stupid man will appointed him with Degree. Taban will die in Unity State no wonder surrounded by soldiers. Let me assure you guys. I hatred Taban and Kiir So much. These are the people who corrupt in the south presurise people with the use of money. South will nevewr been develops when kiir still in the Power. I don’t see why we are lead by useless person yet we have many interlectual which can bring development in the south Eg Dr Lam, DR SamSon, Mr Wani, Mr Pagan and DR Riek.
    see how beautiful our country is. I harted people about Kiir and Taban in the south.

  • naathdial

    Unity state seeks return of party chair to governor Taban
    Twil Had been bought by Arab son ( Taban ) to test the reaction of Unity State citizens.

    Let him go away. If the chair man is busy than let the deputy chair man go for the position. He is accessing SPLM memebers for nothing.A person like SPLM Secretary Tor Tonguor can not accept arab man to come to be the chair man again.

    Twil just eat you money. “Every dog has it own day” time will come for you.
    Taban had just killed children and women recently and million of people of Bentiu he and his friend Matip Nhial killing of 1997-1999 you want to bring him again. Your not seriouse people.The son of South Kordufan should go back.
    You peopel of Unity State has a chance now becuase his friend Goany Bileiu is not longer in Bentiu had been dumped away.Take that initiaves.

  • unity state boy
    unity state boy

    Unity state seeks return of party chair to governor Taban
    Unity stateboy
    You dinka people if you need Taban Deng ,you can take to Dinka area to rule you there, we the people of unity state we do,not want sach a person like taban ,taban is not name of nuer people,is name of arab,As well he know that is son of kir mayardit, you kir can take your son now.you guy let me advice you ,do,not talk abuot Dr Riak machar and Matiop Nhial, you need to dei or you need be live?
    by Unity stateboy

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