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Sudan Tribune

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Southern Sudan denies accusations against Kenyan minister

October 27, 2009 (NAIROBI) – Southern Sudan government denied allegations made by the Kenyan minister of Labor that he had been accused by southern Sudan officials of working for Khartoum government.

Gen. Oyay Deng Ajak and Lt. Gen. Gier Chuang Aluong answers questions from reporters in Nairobi on Tuesday 27, 2009 (photo Lomayat
Gen. Oyay Deng Ajak and Lt. Gen. Gier Chuang Aluong answers questions from reporters in Nairobi on Tuesday 27, 2009 (photo Lomayat
Kenyan Labor Minister John Munyes, who is also a Member of Parliament for Turkana North Constituency, threatened to quit cabinet if allegations leveled against him by southern Sudan officials are not cleared.

Citing a meeting between Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetang’ula and the officials, Munyes claimed the delegation, led by the Sudanese ambassador to Kenya Majok Guandong Thiep, accused him of being used by northern Sudan to fan conflict in Southern Sudan.

“We in the Government of South Sudan have not accused the Kenyan Minister of Labor or anybody in Kenya about anything. The people of Kenya and South Sudanese are brothers and sisters, and we in the Government of South Sudan have high regards for and to the people and the government of Kenya,” said GOSS minister of regional cooperation, Gen. Oyay Deng Ajak.

Ajak was speaking to the pres following a meeting between Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki and Sudan First Vice President and GOSS President Salva Kiir Maydrit today in Nairobi.

The minister Munyes, said a southern Sudanese official had accused him of being bankrolled by Khartoum to buy weapons and spy to destabilize them. He said the problem started when the government deployed military personnel at Nandapal near Lokichoggio to ensure peace between the Toposa and Turkana herders.

Last week the Kenyan army dismissed reports about the killing of 16 of its soldiers during clashes with the Sudanese Toposa tribe.

The Toposa who are based in eastern Equatoria near Sudan-Kenya border, have been living and grazing their animals on the Kenyan side of the border for some time. They clash often with the Kenyan Turkana tribe on the other side of the border.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Dinkas denies accusations against Kenyan minister
    Poor dinkas will never give up their madess of running around with false information. Why are you accussing Kenya minister without evidences to prove his guilty? You better talk about the frequence attack of innocent Toposa by turkana not minister.Before you where sheding your tears that garange was killed by Museveni and now your turning your ugly eyes on Kenya. Shame for having deaf ears and blind eyes for not getting the facts.

  • oshay

    Southern Sudan denies accusations against Kenyan minister
    The SPLM seems to be making a hobby of spreading false rumors.

  • Johnny

    Southern Sudan denies accusations against Kenyan minister
    The Resignation of Hon, Member for Turkana district will not hurt Kenya or Southern Sudan, but it will bring peace between Turkana and Taposa.
    Mr. Munye ruling of the regions has done nothing good to the people of southern Sudan since the inauguration. It’s heart breaking sometime because he is the only Turkana reprehensive with a mad vision for them. Should they be worry of who will replace him in the parliament? Probably, hiring some one from other part of Kenya is the possible solution.

    Bye Munye! Bye Hatred! Come peace!!!

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Southern Sudan denies accusations against Kenyan minister
    Let the remaining Dinkas in Kenya be smocked out!!!

    Those alegations is clearly comes from born to rule tribe.
    You better mess up with Sudanese else the remainig of your people will soon be detooth from Kenya!!!!!!!!!!

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • Time1

    Southern Sudan denies accusations against Kenyan minister
    Kenya and south Sudan have a good relations, they are our strong friends and brothers in the region so let us keep the relations strong, i want to thanks president Salva KIrr for visiting Kenya and holding talks with president Mwai Kibaki, true brotherhood and patriotism between the two countries.

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