Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
October 31, 2009 (JUBA) – The First Vice President of Sudan and the president of South Sudan Salva Kiir today urged Southerners to vote for independence in the 2011 referendum.
“You want to vote for unity so that you will become a second class in your own country, that is your choice,” said Kiir, speaking at Saint Teresa’s Catholic Cathedral.
This is the first time Kiir make such remarks though he has hinted in the past that secession is inevitable.
“If you would want to vote for independence so that you are a free person in your independent state, that will be your own choice. We will respect the choice of the people” he added.
Sudan’s longest two-decade civil war ended in a 2005 peace agreement that included a provision for a 2011 referendum for the southerners to choose if they wanted to remain in the country.
During a visit to Cairo this week, GoSS resident said that the South will be forced to succeed from the north in an upcoming referendum because North has intentionally failed to make unity attractive.
He also accused the government of failing to implement fully the peace agreement including the demarcation of the oil-rich border region between the north and the south.
The peace agreement is plagued with distrust between the two sides and has repeatedly threatened to unravel, bringing to the two sides to the brink of war.
Sudan is scheduled to conduct parliamentary and presidential elections in April 2010 as the first national elections that include South Sudan in four decades as well as the referendum.
These elections are seen as crucial for keeping peace but disputes in recent past have arisen between the two parties over referendum law and census results, which are the basis for drawing election constituencies. They also disagree over the rules for carrying out the referendum.
In Monday’s statement Kiir refused to postpone both the election and the referendum.
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
It is indeed welcoming news for southerners. but southerners should be careful because Arab money will play a very crucial role in the referendum.that is what I could say.
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
i support that South should be independent and i will vote for independence. and we will win even if OSHAY hangs himself. thank you your excellency Kiir. my vote is on independence, Long Live the struggle, long live the dead for the course, Long Live the New Sudan, Long Live the Children of South Sudan. Long Live SPLAAA OYEEEEEEE SPLM OYEEEEEEE
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
Our congratulation in advance!
We (north) at the end of the nation because of this problem so called south Sudan despite north has huge resources that suppose to put us infront of all the nations, british administartion did a big mistake by attaching the south to north and we paid really high price for nothing.
Ethiopia now much better without Eritrea and doing very well and Eritrea now is nothing than trouble maker in the region.
Thanks Mr. Kiir for your honesty and we strongly support you, now you need to concentrate on the south issues, forget about Darfour problem or east, they are no longer your business.
Absolutely we will celebrate your independence day because our happiness and pleasure come exactly from opposite site but gives the same meaning to us!
Good Luck.
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
It is something palpable to none spied Sudanese in general
Mr Outspoken
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
Nobody want to be second class in their own country, Mr president we with you 100 percent.. independent south will set everyone free and everybody should know that by now. SPLA Oyee free from jallaba Oyee
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
This is good news for Southern Sudanese who are in favour of independence. It seem like Salva Kiir is finally playing to his base. The rhetoric of Unity may have been scary to some. It is realistic for SPLM to call for independence because that is what they have the ability to achieve at the moment instead of a united, just and democractic Sudan. John Garang used to say that the current Islamic state can’t be maintained nor can we have purely African state in the Sudan given it diversity but he proposed two models. One is a just, democratic United Sudan or separation of the South if it can’t be accomodated by the current regime in Khartoum so the second options seem to be getting momentum.
Dividing Sudan into two or more may be compared to M & M proposition one in finance. Capital structure irrelevance principle state that in the absence of taxes, capital structure ( allocation of debt and equity) does not affect the value of the firm. In other words, if you had a pie and you divide it into two, you will have two halves of the same pie, not a bigger or a smaller pie from the original one. So let South separates peacefully because it doesn’t increase nor does it reduce the overall geographic size of Sudan.
Southerners should vote for SPLM in the upcoming elections because it is the only well organized party that can enforce the will of Southern Sudanese and other marginalized to make them realize their aspirations. Southerners and marginalized citizens should not be hoodwinked and left to drawn in the murky waters of politics without hope for their future. So don’t vote for NCP or fringe Southern parties that can’t help the cause of Southern Sudan and marginalized areas.
Rambang Deng
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
I salute you today for the first time in more than a month since the incident which killed scores of people here in Bentiu.
The independent of South Sudan and the preparation of governing an independent State must be our concern and not the fake unity which our Northern Sudanese brothers are still champions.
Mr.President, our Northern brothers are still in illusion of thinking that they can again deceive your administration and the rest of us ordinary Southerners as they did to the former South Sudan President Gen Joe Lagu by blackmailing Anya Nya-1 rebels with Lawyer Abel Alier. But we Southerners of today, unlike our previous brothers and sisters during The 1972 Addis Ababa Agreement, will be 100% behind you as you lead us in march toward the independence of our nation, The Federal Republic of the South Sudan.
Mr President, curve the rampant corruption which seem to be your administration’s nick name now in the region and around the world and also made some doubts in the minds of some Southerners, including myself, about our ability to govern ourselves.
Mr.President, grant the wishs of any community in Southern Sudan who ask your leadership to remove its commissioner or Governor. This is a serious issue as you are now perceived by some communities, including my own Bentiu community, as an occupied force who doesn’t care about the well beings of the community, but your own self interest.
Mr.President, the security situation in South Sudan now is very tense with civilians armed to the teeth and capable of butchering themselves in mass, this is unacceptable and must stop. You have to deploy troops in hot spots between tibes with Jonglei being one of the priorities. The troops must be station between Lou Nuer and Dinka Bor, Dinka Bor and Murles, Lou Nuer and Murle, Dinka Bor and Mundari. Those forces must not be led by an army officers from those communities, but from other non Jonglei residents as this may create bias and misstrust to the forces.Duplicate this Jonglei plan and implement it throught out Southern Sudan.
Mr President, the recent incident here in Bentiu was fuel by Nuer army officers who become Governor Taban’s stooges and dare to crash women and children with tanks, this is unacceptable and must stop. And the only way to stop this is by deploying non tribes members to each State in all 10 States plus Abyei. Example; a Nuer must not be the head commander in a State dominated or where the majority of the State residents are Nuers. This must be done to safe guard the interest of the ordinary people.
Rambang Deng
Bentiu, Unity State
South Sudan.
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
Jalabi we (southers) were against the unity of sudan from day one before sudanese independence, when British called both northerners and southerners to attended the confrence in juba in 1947,but jalaba didn’t respect their choice and that why Anyanya I started in Torit in 1955 before the independence of sudan in 1956, so we never wanted be in one country.
My friend I know for sure that one day south sudan is going to be a country because we don’t have anything in common.
May our Lord forgive those who put us in this situetion.
SPLA Oyeee SPLM Oyee South Sudan Oyee South Blurnlie Oyee South Cordufan Oyee
Akol Liai Mager
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
Everyone is entitle to his/her point of view including the President, I am totally convinced by two things:
1. The Vision of New Sudan has rapidly taken a complete stroke from its evolutionary Phase to a reality phase since last two years after Lam Akol’s hiden aims were uncovered.
Therefore, chances for the real change in Sudan are real and inevitable. The masses of New Sudan will surprise our President by exercising veto power to deny NIF, its Sectarian and Racist northern Allies parties from accessing power, and put SPLM Party in the National Parliament with the majority that will enable it to change the old system of Masters and Slaves into new system of all Masters. Then Southerners can take all their border’s rights walk away peacefully.
2. Three years ago, Ustaz Pagan Amum said I quote; “You run away from somebody only when you are weak.”
Well, Ustaz Amum might have been using that remark on a political exercise, but it is true that the weaker run away from the stronger in any conflict.
Now one should ask the following questions: One, who is weak now, the New Sudan masses, The Southern Sudanese, Or the SPLM, or a combination of all in front of Old Sudan forces? Or is it the opposite? I preferred the opposite is the weaker, but feel free to have yours.
Two, Has the SPLM and Mr President fully guaranteed a peaceful transition for Southern Sudan? Do we know what size and kind of a neighbour Southern Sudan is going to have? I always make Taiwan-China Neighbourhood and Georgia-Russia Neighbourhood styles as examples to argue that why don’t SPLM work so hard to resize or tame our next strange neighbour by now instead of tomorrow.
I strongly believe that both SPLM and Southern Sudanese are stronger now than ever and the weaker are on the other side of our world the NIF and its allies.
The border dispute with Old Sudan can only be won by New Sudan, or Nile Republic, or South Sudan, or whatever the new entity will be called if SPLM win next year elections; especially the federal ones and put its allies on power to be in charge of Old Sudan which will enventually become new Sudan2.
Yes, Southerners can run away from the defeated enemy if they are weak just to borrow Ustaz Amum’s words.
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
Dear Mr. President Kiir,
Thanks!! This is how a national leader should be. Based on your today political statement, you touched the hearts and minds of all south sudanese. South sudanese want to be independence through democratic deliveration or through bullets, whatever that makes it attainable. Put “new Sudan vision” into dustbin of history once and for all in your mind!! It is unattainable. But a smart rhetoric. Islam is not just a religion, but a way of life in North Sudan. This is the moment of truth for south sudan. South sudan’s realistic strategic vision is always Self-Determination. Any smart people in this world always go for their national self-interest. And the Independence of south sudan was why south sudanese died in their millions, not being second class citizens in a so-called united secular Sudan.
We, the south sudanese are waiting for the democratic provisions laid down by the CPA to carry out Referendum peacefully. If the NCP & the Jellaba breached this democratic process, then it is war. Self-Determination leading to independence south sudan is ever the likely popular rally cry for 90% or more of south sudanese populace. South sudanese thank you for speaking for their aspiration today.
Please don’t change your political stance on rallying the south sudanese public for their independence choice. Therefore, discontinue from today spending 80% of your time on politics of bombs and violence on south sudanese civilians.
The killing of innocent children and women is always what causes major world wars and even the current American declared war on terrorism because of the terrorists’ killings of innocent children and women in world trade bombing in New York. Men always died protecting their women & children in any society. Therefore these killings must stop before it is too late. The image of a tank killing a woman and a child recenlty in Bentiu could trigger social choas or civil war in south sudan. The SPLA’s tanks and heavy Artileries cannot be trained on south sudanese children and women. People don’t understand how this horrible image plants seed for future choas in south sudan. This is how uncontrollable wars begin.
Remember, you are not suposed to be spending much of your time on south sudan internal politics always acting like you are only a president for Bhar El Ghazal region. This is what turn off most south sudanese citizens from your leadership, not where you come from. You don’t have to offload your responsibility as a president for all south sudanese.
We all can support you if you carry out smart policies, think big and see the bigger picture of south sudan destiny. Quit listening to your poor obscured tribal analysis from your incompetent advisers. You are a president for all of south sudanese. Many thanks Mr. President Salva Kiir mayardit for your brave and courageous political statement today!! May God bless you and the people of south sudan!!
Otimoi Okyalaru Othunge
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
Thanks a million Mr. President Kiir and Congratulations for taking the courage to stand up voicing out the greatest desire for the majority of Sudanese people. In every elections and voting in the world, compaigns must be conducted prior to the actual voting time. Planning for how to conduct it must be planned, financial expenses must be calculated and a number of compaigners must be drawn and distributed to specific areas.
Amaizingly, for the Southern Sudanese citizens, we do not need planning to vote for our independence, we do not need financial expenses poor or rich; WE DO NEED MUTUAL CAMPAIGNS AS SOUTHERNERS FOR OUR INDEPENDENCE.
Stop assasination attempts within the SPLM/A on our own members who have devoted their time and lives for Southern Sudan at Post CPA that is happenning now in Juba, Southern Sudan. I do not think hooligans would be trying to assasinate ministers of our own government; only those ethnocentric ignorant politicians would dare to do so.
Please, Mr. President, try to embrace tolerance and discourage ethnocentricism practiced by your lower ranking community members. All what they are doing is defaming your best name, yet you are absolutely trying your best.
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
good, but you yourself as a president should not make this kind of statement. you know we have signed the peace accord (CPA) why not wait till the interim period is over? our right to choose our destiny doesn’t need too much lecture; partly because we already knew what we should vote for and when? just find those 2.7 billion dollars your Ministers had wasted on fake contractors.
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
As a nationalist, this is all I have been waiting for to hear. This is not policking, it is a matter of life and death. We have only one path to follow, the road to freedom. We can’t move in the other direction. Only stupid people blinded by self interests will be the only ones who do not love our freedom. But Sudan will never be the same again, and I will never be a citizen of a country that treats me as a second class citizen.
Oduck Bol
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
Good idea. Also,Politic was born by religion so you are good to go and give speech in the Church always.
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
Dear readers,
The South is now swimming in the same pool with the exception of few unionists who want to waste time on the so-called unrealistic New Sudan Vision. It was just for fun.
When this excellent vision to champion self-determination to independence started in 1991, many people misunderstood it including Salva kiir. Now it is okay. Let us match towards independence.
We don’t need to worry about the flag now because it will be changed in 2011. We need a flag that resembles our nation, not that talks about a failed united Sudan. The name of the army, SPLA will also be changed to either South Sudan Defense Forces or South Sudan Armed Forces. Even the name of the party, SPLM, will be changed because it will not match its intended meaninf of the whole Sudan. Which Sudan will it liberate if the South separates and becomes independent?
Nyaopun Aban Aban
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
It ‘s decision time. Welcome back to the camp of separatists of South Sudan. But, your words must remains as benchmark for tomorrow In fact, the patriotic Southerners have been missing you for long because of your obsession in the delusive New Sudan Ideology, which was buried in Machakos and Naivasha and rested in peace with late Dr. John Garang. Never steers the southerners to the flooding of incompetent government.
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
SPLA/M oyee! Southern Sudan Oyee!Kiir Mayardit oyee!
Enough is enough,I am very happy to the extent that I cannot even express my feeling to the public,It had been stated clearly by the late Dr.John Garang De mabior that,”if you want to be a second class citizens in your own country then the choice is yours”.And it has been mentioned again by Kiir Mayardit.Our leaders know what they are doing
Critic_Ngueny from Bor town
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
SPLA/M oyee! Southern Sudan Oyee!Kiir Mayardit oyee!
Enough is enough,I am very happy to the extent that I cannot even express my feeling to the public,It had been stated clearly by the late Dr.John Garang De mabior that,”if you want to be a second class citizens in your own country then the choice is yours”.And it has been mentioned again by Kiir Mayardit.Our leaders know what they are doing.
Shame on my barking dog logic and the whole of Equatoria wherever they are.Dinkas are born to rule and we shall be ruling you whether you like it or not.Kiir is not a coward as you always put it please.
Critic_Ngueny from Bor town
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
This is great! But why in God’s name are some discussants disparaging the man who provided Southerners with the CPA?
Dr. John Garang brought us the CPA-eclipsing the achievements of any other politician within the political environment- comparing the unwavering Dr. John Garang to the capricious Riek Machar (a man who received weapons and ammunition from the enemy).. is a great insult to our fallen hero.
Contrary to thieleling’s unfounded assertions, President Kirr is not “obeying” the wishes of Dr. Lam Akol or those of Dr. Riek Machar… he is merely voicing the political dispositions of our population.
There was nothing strategic about the Fashoda agreement. It allowed the SAF safe passage through territory controlled by Nasir to attack the SPLA. The split in 1991, and the material support that Khartoum offered the Nasir faction, enabled the government to regain the military initiative.
At this time the SPLA’s strategy was to contain the government’s thrust while at the same time trying to deal with Nasir faction forces operating in its rear. Troops were diverted to deal with Nyuon’s forces in Eastern Equotoria, to break the supply-line between him and Riek by securing Kongor, and to counter attacks emanating from the western Upper Nile and Kerubino’s bases in Abyei and Gogrial.
I refuse to let you bore us with your babblement via ridiculous claims.
In this site you provide only empty rhetoric and attempted distractions from your lack of evidence, and nothing more. Nasir was a complete failure- questioning Dr. John Garang was legitimate, however, military cooperation with the enemy is not! If you consider military collaborations with the enemy as “strategic”, this would be consistent with the confused, almost schizophrenic attitude towards liberation and collaboration, which Riek displayed from the beginning of the Nasir coup in August 1991 to his resignation from the government in February 2000.
In 1995, Dr. Riek Machar was the leader of a virtual movement, lacking any real substance or coherence. You should THANK Dr. John Garang for permitting Riek Machar’s return. Where would Riek Machar be, had it not been for Dr. John Garang’s grace? Nowhere! And you all know it.
The disintegration of Nasir faction was precipitated by the desertions of its representatives and men, en masse. All cited serious shortcomings in the “movement” in their reasons for leaving: the concentration of power in the hands of Riek, the lack of democratic institutions, and the rising level of violence against civilians. Such actions were an echo of the Nasir coup.
It had been responsible for human rights abuses and had allowed the perpetrators of abuses to go unpunished. It had NOT introduced greater democracy in its own institutions, and had made little to NO progress in the creation of administrative institutions, beyond the appointment of a short-lived appointment cabinet of ministers.
By mid-1994 Riek and the Nasir faction had failed to live up to its earlier humanitarian and democratic rhetoric.
Do you recall when Nyuon Bany announced Riek’s ‘dismissal’ and his formation of a new provisional executive council, just as Riek had earlier ‘dismissed’ Nyuon at the founding of SSIM?
Attempts by some commanders to create their own power bases within the faction had led to fighting between the two largest Nuer groups. Riek’s lasting legacy is the fomenting of civil war among the Nuer, and handling the oil-fields over to the government.
“Big_Logic_Boy”, why did you feel compelled to spoil this moment with your disingenuous distortions of history and of our movement?
I repeat:
For those who attempt to usurp our contribution, and depict us as cowards. You will forever remain permanently arrested in a quagmire of self-destructive hatred.
Oh, and just to preempt historical revisionist, the Nuer and Equotorians have NEVER transcended the Dinka within the SPLA- Lual Diing Wuol (alone) led a force of over 10, 000 recruits from Aweil in 1983 on their way to Ethiopia. I say, that blows Gatwech’s 2000 figure out of the water, does it not?
I have tried to promote the spirit of brotherhood, but I can no longer tolerate incessant, childish and insulting fabrications.
One minute the SPLA is begrudgedly termed a Dinka army, voraciously consolidating the Dinka ethnicity – and in the other, the Dinka were not present in the SPLA at all.
Feel free to further entertain us with bizarre excuses for your lies. Ps: You are delusional if you think that facts are up for compromise.
Duang David
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
Let’s go back in time, shall we.
Dr. Riek Machar formally signed a peace charter with President Bashir in Khartoum- the charter re-affirmed the unity of Sudan within its known boundaries, the federal system of the NIF (with its twenty-six states), and Sharia as the source of legislation.
Against this was a promise at the end of an unspecified period for a “referendum” for Southerners to “determine their political aspirations”.
The central paradox of Dr. Riek Machar and Nasir, was its military alliance with the government- it was a paradox that ultimately cost its leaders their political credibility and destroyed their wretched movement.
Dr. Riek Machar served the NIF’s long-term objectives- to entrench the Islamic State in the North- but they did NOT have the power to extract further concessions for themselves. Dr. Riek Machar relied on the Northern government for his continuation.
Collaboration between the Nasir faction and Khartoum was publicly formalised with the agreement between Dr. Lam Akol and Ali al-Hajj Muhammed at Frankfurt in January 1992. The two page document, which was released, made NO mention of independence, containing only a vague reference to deciding the special political and Constitutional status for the South in a future Referendum. Nevertheless, Dr. Riek Machar presented the agreement as a commitment to Self-Determination.
That the government did not intend this “referendum” to go so far was later made clear by Ali al-Hajj, when he declared that the Frankfurt agreement provided only for a “referendum” on the degree of decentralization in the South and did NOT compromise the unity of the country.
The Fashoda agreement was also pathetic!
The President of the Republic was to appoint the President of the Coordinating Council of Southern states who would nominate his cabinet and the governors of the Southern states for final appointment by the President of the Republic.
The version passed by the National Assembly in July gave the President of the Southern states Coordinating Council the right to nominate state governors to an Islamic Consultative Council, controlled by the speaker of the Assembly (Turabi), and the President of the Republic; they were thus answerable to their assemblies and the central government, rather than to the Coordinating Council, of which they became members.
Like the Frankfurt Agreement, the wording of the 1997 Agreement was subject entirely to the interpretation imposed on it by the government. It shared many of the same weaknesses as the Addis Ababa Agreement, in that its provisions were worded in such a way as to be open, and the powers devolved to the Southern states were highly qualified by Federal control. The Fashoda agreement incorporated the general principles of the peace charter(including the unity of Sudan).
There is NO relation between the Fashoda agreement and the CPA:
Nothing demonstrated the falsity of the ‘peace from within’ more than the continuation and expansion of the Nuer civil war. It was, in fact, the ‘peace from within’ which added fuel to the Nuer civil war. Prior to 1996 it had been confined mainly to factional fighting within Riek’s command in Upper Nile and Jonglei. After 1997 its focus shifted to the western Nuer in Unity State. Here, the power play between two western Nuer rivals, Riek Machar and Paulino Matip was fostered by the very government to which they were both allied, in that both were armed and allied to the Sudanese army.
kush Man
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
Mayor and fluctuation of Southern Sudan Mr. President, we want South Sudan to be brave gallant and courteous government for ever and ever. What’s more, vexingly to gaze forward for what’s going on in the Sudan as well as in the world; to be self independent is ours us the Southerners.
Consequently, I am willing, indeed eager, to speak on your behalf, I would like to bestow and alerting you that, stop random movement otherwise you will plummeted to achieve the best for us. Further more, those of Arabs they are gloomy, Endeavour to seek again; since they always like to give the gigantic amount of worth to the people, try hard to advice your advisors so that would not accepted such a ghastly.
That’s all for now keep on doing that.
Monykong Arop
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
Thank you Mr. President concerning for all Southerners’ that we should know about the future coming and support what is being delivered by our president and his executive as the government of Southern Sudan in general
SAYINGS:by Monykong Arop
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
THANK YOU MR. president for the move you’ve taken for indepedence and may lord bless you for this
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
To all literate brothers who do enjoy this site.let keep unity as first step to self detemination. everythings will be possible if we abundant tribalism. it become achronic hatred among many people. for example if adinka get aname gatwich, RamDeng, Theiling he will insult despite his good comment and the same happen to Nuer. My question to you will Dinka alone liberate southerner with out others tribes. or will Nuer do the same with out Dinkas. to me will never happen. only unity among ourselvies will set as free pliz let think big we are not kid. lets not cricise our leaders but give them moral through words of appreciation. With out them u will never learned how to read and write though we claimed to be wise than them.
David Glenn
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
All this is very good Mr.Prsident,however can you also treat us as first class citizens and explain to us the reality of the 2.7 billion dollars deal of grains,GRAINGATE,who is responsible ?
Daniel Khot Duoth
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
I absolutely support Vice Presedent Kiir for giving Southern freedom to choose for their future. I think that, this is something very important for everyone within our country. We all know that, there is no boubt for us to become second class in Sudan as whole. For instance, the Northern had been amended that, they will or shall not be rules by christianity system. So this is something we need to put attention on and vote for indepence for our next generation. Therefore, it is a good ideas for our leaders to learn northern idealogy and give choices to citizens of Southern to vote for referendum. By Daniel Khot Duoth
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
Mr president do you remember Dr grang said before ,this war is not about religion?so when you go to church and addressed or discussed your governmental issues , what do you think you sending message to the world .have you lost ur supporters or if not why dont you go some where( freedom square )and address people there you need to learn, dont be just like unresponsible father that dont know how to advice his kids.if this job is not ur standard step down brother,and you cant even talk about seperation in church this is against the christianity believes.
Ahmed Binouf
Think wisely guys and chose independence…….
Hello there,
I think as an intellectual Sudanese citizen, I have something to say as all of you have said their mind. Southern people have full right to be an independent country, that’s right, because as we are calling ourselves on the other part of the country that we are “Arab” we call at the same time our brothers in the South as “Negro” or in Arabic “Abeed”. Frankly, people of the North are dealing with Southern people as real low class, not even second class. You need to know Southern people that all these “Sudanese Arab” are talking to you normally out there, but when they go to their homes they call you “Abeed” and the next day they come to do business with you. Don’t trust them, think wisely and work on building your own country and then, when these Arab see that you have been good at it, they will come and join you or to ask you to unite again.
Think wisely guys and chose independence…….
Peter DeMun
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
Right. Now we are taking the right road to realising what we the Southerners want. It’s a bold statement made by a bold Southerner.
It’s feel good to finally hear one of our leaders say it aloud that Southerners should and MUST vote for their freedom.
Thank you Mr.President.
James Tut Biel
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
WAAW!! What a good decision taken by President Kiir to make people vote for separation. This is what most southereners prefer. many people do not want unity because we don’t want to remain under Arabs rule. You see for sure if people donot choose seperation, NCP will winn the comming election and we shall see what will happen.
It a nice idea, i like it and i plus my children will vote for separation not unity.
James Tut.
Matur Majok
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
Kiir was absolutelt right. he spoke to his people at right time and in the rigth place. but are Southerners ready to implement? i loook so far at the comments, there are variation of views in the comments. why?
Sudan’s Kiir calls on Southerners to choose independence
I have NEVER expressed support for Human rights abuses. Rather than employ indulgence, I will deconstruct it, limb by limb, your monstrosity of a lie.
Please either produce a quote of me condoning Human rights abuses, or admit that no such quote exists, and that you are distorting.
Failure to deliver is tantamount to lying.
Your post is a classic example of a straw man argument that bears no resemblance to what I actually stated.
Straw man arguments occur when you fail to address what was actually said and -substitute- your own, usually bad, arguments, place them in the mouths of other people…and then attack them.
All our political representatives (including Garang and Riek) have commited Human rights abuses. Your bias cannot accept this fact, can it?
By the year 2000, Riek NO longer had access to government ammunition and supplies.. he was now without a movement. He tried to regain the initiative by leaving Khartoum in December 1999 and resigning from the government two months later. But lacking any real support in his home area he moved to Nairobi, where he tried to maintain the appearance of a leader of a viable political movement.
The impact of the long-delayed reconciliation between Riek and Garang in January 2002 was muted by the fact, that Riek had very few troops to bring with him: he had alienated many of his former subordinates.
The dictionary definition of “obey” entails submission. Dr. John Garang could NEVER “obey” a man who was NO longer of political and military relevance.
Come back and argue when you’ve learned what the word “obey” means. At the rate you’re going, you will have to re-incarnate and try again in the next life.
The dictionary definition, requires no further justification.
It only requires reading comprehension.
Not my fault you’re innumerate and can’t read.
Regarding the motivations and objectives of Nasir faction:
Many Nuer who rallied to the Nasir commanders did so because they thought that now the Nuer would rule, as the Dinka were accussed of ruling before.
Attacks by Nuer on Dinka cattle camps in eastern Bahr el Ghazal, near the border with Upper Nile, only confirmed early suspicions that the real motives of the Nasir faction were tribal, whatever their public professions.
Get into the habit of confronting pieces of material and requests made of you, instead of cowering before them- only THEN, can you be in a position to judge whether I have answers or not.
Who are the “unfit” in South Sudan? Your comment is a reference to a community, isn’t it? A constant feature of your posts is the interjection of juvenile and tribally motivated venom.
Pseudoscience always achieves a reduction to absurdity if pursued far enough.
You are not a challenge, and you bore me.