Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

The Lamophobia and scaremongering tactics

By Deng Bachech

November 1, 2009 — It’s about an election time, and a fierce political campaign amongst competing parties has begun. For better or worse, politicians will engage in cheap politics character assassinating the personalities of their opponents and say anything under the sun about them and their political platforms. The game has already begun, though. Some political parties, mainly the ruling ones, are feeling the heat of being stripped of power and are now looking for scapegoats to blame on anything they think would make them look good and likable, and get re-elected, if at all they were elected in the first place. And in particular, the SPLM Party has already found its black sheep to blame, that’s SPLM-DC and its leader Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin. There two fundamental factors in play that need the readers to know: (1) The fear of Dr. Lam Akol’s vast popularity, political experience, intelligence and wisdom, sound judgement and knowledge about the history of SPLM/A from A to Z, as an insider, irritates the doomed leadership of Kiir Mayardit—this factor is what I termed as Lamophobia; and (2) the 1991 Nasir Declaration and its aftermaths—a factor that often used to destroy Dr. Lam’s political career and reputation as well as the relevance of the SPLM-DC. The two factors are, however, intermingled.

Yesterday I wrote a piece about much of the mistakes and failures of the SPLM and why I think they are not a party worthy of a praise or crowned with leadership in the South, let alone the whole Sudan. But today I will concentrate heavily on their “weapons of destruction” and distraction—such as blame game, scaremongering, denial, deceit, and confusion. So I am here to shed light on their claims and bring the real truths to the surface so that people can have a better opportunity to judge for themselves.

The Lamophobia

On October 27, 2009, The Citizen newspaper ran a headline: “SPLM Insists Lam has Militia” calling him a “renegade”. And that “they [SPLM] have information that Lam Akol is building militias, which legally bars him from contesting in any election”. This statement came from none other than SPLM Deputy Chairman and Speak of the Government of Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly (SSLA), Mr. Wani Igga, speaking while on a campaign trail touring northern states. After a week, Kiir made the same allegations that SPLM-DC was “formed not to promote, but to destroy the south and image of its government.” I wonder what ‘image’ that His Excellency Dr. Kiir Mayardit was talking about, if not simply a bad publicity and repugnant scaremongering tactics. We all know the image of the government is already destroyed beyond repair by corruption, ineffectiveness, internal struggles and tribalism. What does he think left to be destroyed? As if his first scare tactic wasn’t enough to convince people, “baba” Wani Igga echoed the same tune that ‘it is important for Lam to pull out from militia groups’ formation to stand for election, according to National Elections ACT provision,” because the “NEA [provision] is clear that: No political party should have military wing.” And that if SPLM-DC is a legitimate political party, the ‘SPLM will ensure freedom of expression, protections and movement for any political party in southern Sudan”. Quite fascinating! You see, these people are really interesting and very funny to write about if one is a curious journalist or writer looking always for political nonsense, inconsistencies and contradictions to report.

Look, it was not long ago when a certain commander-administrator in the Office of President’s Special Branch—(a Security Organ)—issued a statement dated 21/09/2009 demanding the closure of SPLM-DC office in Wau, Western Bahr el Gazal state “with immediate effect on 24/09/2009” with a claim that the angry ‘SPLM Youth would harm SPLM-DC’ members”. Here if you connect the dots, you can’t fail to figure out their inconsistencies and contradictions. Legally and logically, if their intention was a matter of protecting the SPLM-DC members, who might not be the angry mob themselves, why not didn’t they apprehend the culprits (SPLM Youth) who demonstrated their ill-intentions to cause harm to innocent people and state security instead of punishing the victims? Second, what was the logic behind Wani Igga’s statement that “‘SPLM will ensure freedom of expression, protections and movement for any political party in southern Sudan” when the same office of the [SPLM] President closed down the office of a peaceful political party that poses no danger to state security? How ridiculous is that hypocritical justice.

Again as if their weapons of mass destruction had not run out of bullets to shower on SPLM-DC, The Citizen (on the 22nd of October, 2009) ran another headline: ‘Gier: We’re Watching SPLM-DC Militias”, that SPM-DC indeed has military wing. While briefing foreign dignitaries, ministers close to Kiir such as Gier Chuang, Luka Biong and Nhial Deng Nhial agreed that they “have a lot of information about it. We are trying our best to address the situation.” And that “they have discovered some members of the SPLM-DC who are in the National Assembly on the SPLM ticket”. In fact, there are no proofs that SPLM-DC has army nor are there any of their PMs in the National Assembly who support SPLM-DC behind closed doors. The only known fact is that: (1) they want to scare any liberal-minded SPLM PM in the assembly to shut up; (2) to deny their incompetence to contain the raging insecurity in the South; and (3) to deceive and confuse the general public from knowing the truth.

The 1991 Nasir Declaration and Its Aftermaths

A lot of talks and writings have been going on for quite a long time about the 1991 split and its consequences. And the soft targets of the split have always been Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin and Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon, being the two leaders who engineered the split of the SPLM into factions. However, I will not go into much details of why split happened, because if I dig deeper and expose all causes that would rekindle our bad memories and self-inflicted horrors of the liberation war we did unto ourselves more than the enemy did. And this would affect our unity as Southerners. Let bygone be bygone!

Yet, to protect the image and reputation of our dear doctors, although they are not at present in the same party, am here to make some few comments on their heroism for their attempts to inject democratic medicine in the system of the SPLM/A to keep it alive until these days. Especially their extraordinary work on the “the right to self-determination” and introduction of liberal democracy into SPLM/A’s revised manifesto (1994), which was unheard since 1983 although this never came about without consequences. But the real cause of the split was not thirst for “power” as some people wrongly interpreted to discredit the heroic achievements of our leaders (Dr. Riek and Dr. Lam) but it was because of: (1) Dr. Garang’s leadership ambitions; (2) the unclarity of both political and military strategy and methods to achieve movement’s goal; and (3) human rights abuses within the movement. Like I said earlier, I am not interested in going much into details about what went wrong in the movement by then which later provoked the Nasir Declaration since facts are already there registered in books and in our memories.

In conclusion, I caution the SPLM scaremongers and sycophants to find other ways to discredit and attack SPLM-DC, mainly its political platforms, and not to resort to cheap politics of character assassinating Dr. Lam’s integrity, credibility and personality, otherwise all hell will break loose in Southern Sudan before we reach our freedom. So let’s focus more on the present and the future direction of our nation, even though we differ on how to achieve our goals (justice, equality, freedom and democracy). The deciders are the electorate.

The author is an SPLM-DC Assistant Secretary for External Affairs, Khartoum. Always look for The Democrat newspaper editions where his commentaries and opinions appear on his column “The Discourse Corner”. He can be reached at [email protected].


  • Trueman

    The Lamophobia and scaremongering tactics
    Deng Bachech,

    A Nuer’s room or party is always where his food is cheap.
    I can’t help laughing when i went through your chaotic article.
    It was so chaotic that a chaoes Nuer is better off.

    Soon you will return to SPLM ashamed like Riek Machar.
    You will not betray us again that now your trick of food is discovered as the medicine or vaccine.

    Nuer with food! O God! help them!

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    The Lamophobia and scaremongering tactics
    Dear Deng Bachech,

    1. Lam Akol was a Lazorou of 21 Century, and Kiir Mayardit was Jesus Christ, and you brother Deng should have been Martha and Jesus followers who witnessed that miracle events.

    That was Mayardit who brought back Lam Akol from his political’s grave, so you ought to appreciate Mayardit just for that. Your failures to acknowledge Mayardit’s efforts for reviving Lam is a total lack of humane values and norms in your death and hatred camp brother Deng.

    2. Despite the fact that Jesus raised Lazorou from death, came another ending time for him to depart this world and he is not amongst us. So, Lam Akol is gone for good, and very soon the next year elections’ results will prove my view. I am afraid you will still blame SPLM folks for Lam’s disappearance in both federal and state Seats.

    The only alternatives for Lam Akol, which are very, very few are: (a) Make an agreement with NIF and go to his Militia base in Kenana, declare it an electrote Costituency to be voted to Khartoum’s Parliament by those militiamen. (b) Or ask his NIF bosses to grant him a Githena’s Popular Defence Forces base to stand uncontested candidate (They called it in Arabic “Puos be taskieh”)

    3. Politically, Lam Akol is finished because there is no Mayardit2 and the time devoted for a dream that he may come back again is a wasted time include this time I have taken to comment on a dead horse story.

    4. Brother Deng and Lam Akol, you got to worry about the death of a police Col. at Fatiap, it’s a bad news for Southern’s NIF supported militia groups. For sure, Adam’s death may bear unknown ramifications, and it would be wise to think of the SPLM shelter before current investigations results are revealed. Now, NIF leaders and the racist Khartoum newspapers are not using the names of these militiamen, instead they are using “Malitiate Al-Junuubiah”, but this will not go long.

    Jesus said “Jarusalem girls, please do not cry for me, cry for yourselves and your children,” you too Mr Deng, please mind your own future before that of Lam Akol if you need to secure my vote for your future or present leadership quest.

  • Time1

    The Lamophobia and scaremongering tactics
    We southerners have to love eachother and look beyond tribes, stop to hate another tribe or another leader, democracy is the only way tyhrough which every tribe or leader can prove that he or she is the best or is the most popular. Leave Lam Akol to practice what he think is good for him, if it is bad then he will not succeed, southerners have to learn to become free and democratic people from now not only after independence referendum, respect every persons views and ideas, no not involve in tribalism, nepotism inorder to stay in power. Tribalism and divisions of African tribes is a strategy that was developed by Europeans to keep African tribes from being able to live happily together or to agree on things among themselves, so by doing this it will make it easy to exploit the african tribes and keep that weak and stupid. Do southerners want to be stupid,m weak, divided, tribalists, and look like Somalia , Congo and other war ravaged nations who future are now uncertain?

    Southerners leaders have to get over their differences, no matter now the situation is, they have to sit down and see where the problem is and unite before referendum and also after, this is how south will become and great country, there is no any other way.

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