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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan misses over $200 million with no clear records

By Ngor Arol Garang

November 2, 2009 (MALAKAL) — The Semi autonomous government of Southern Sudan acknowledged missing of some $200 million with no clear records showing how this money has been spent.

An internally displaced woman carrying her ration of food from the World Food Programme in the southern Sudanese town of Pibor  March 22, 209 (photo Mckulka UNMIS)
An internally displaced woman carrying her ration of food from the World Food Programme in the southern Sudanese town of Pibor March 22, 209 (photo Mckulka UNMIS)
This comes at a sensitive time the war ravaged region required food to feed thousands affected by tribal conflicts, poor harvest due to short rainfall in the region, hence prompted UN to appeal for food aid and warning that millions of people may face severe food shortage following poor rains.

Following a series of interviews with members of the press, David Deng Athorbei, minister of finance and economic planning Monday, said has been trying since taking office to follow the missing national fund allegedly located for purchase and deliveries of grains but could not get any clear information of how it has been spent.

The list of companies alleged to have been contracted by the ministry — under the period of Kuol Athian Mawien, former minister of finance and economic planning — to buy and deliver grains to various states in the region is nowhere found in the records, he said adding this must have been either organized stealing or lack of experience from the concerned ministry’s staff.

The minister said ministerial committee had found out the former minister, Kuol Athian Mawien, issued hundred of grain contracts to worth a total of $6.2 billion Sudanese pounds.

This discovery surprised everyone because former minister did not inform the southern Sudan assembly about the planned size of purchases, he said adding that region did not have enough budgets to honor the agreements.

He further said the same investigation committee revealed that $200 million to honor of the some contractors for grains and maize was released by the ministry.

However, the enigma is that finance officials at time of investigation could not find any single record indicating which contractors had received $200. It is not even clear how $200 million has been paid contractors in the absence of records.

“It is hard to understand how this much has been spent,” he said adding that there are people who accepted having been paid but there no records showing deliveries of grains for which they received money.

“Also there are people, who have actually delivered these commodities and have not been paid,” he said describing it as very complicated issue.

The whole annual budget for southern Sudan is only 3 billion pounds but the spending has exceeded.

On his part, former minister Kuol Athian denied vanishing of records saying if there are no records as being claimed, “where did the Committee get information that talks of the lost of$200 million,” he posed. He also said surprised by voices denying having informed parliament while he had been directed by both executive and legislature to consider buying grains and deliver them to the affected regions from the reserve funds.

According to the former minister, he said was stock pilling grains to stop severe food shortage by selling these commodities at lower government price in the states.

He reiterated there are records within the ministry.

Earlier, Athorbei said findings of the ministerial committee would be passed to an oversight committee in the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly to professionally assess whether it was organized money laundering.

He also said that the investigation committee revealed that some states signed contracts before receiving grains because the majority says senior state officials were actually involved in the din. This was why lots of documents for ghost companies were signed before delivery, he said.

He further added that investigation teams were dispatched to some states to find that some of the grains were freely given out to relatives for political campaigns by some state officials, others found sold while good number were left to rot.



  • thieleling

    South Sudan misses over $200 million with no clear records

    Anger over the corruption scandals ($ 2.7 billions recent & more) and Kiir’s ineffectiveness could lead to a military coup in south sudan. This is the only way to give a voice to the poor civilians being killed everyday by their own gov’t. Corruptions becomes the name of GOSS while the poor civilians are dying of hunger in thousands in south sudan. How can a gov’t steal $2.7 billions and more public money while its citizens are impoverised and in dire need?

  • general Achinbenchien
    general Achinbenchien

    South Sudan misses over $200 million with no clear records
    Law is law, you steal, you get caught, you go to prison. Mr. Athorbei, that how we the people of Southern Sudan want it done. Yes, tell us, where is $200 millions? Kuol Athian must explain clearly.

    The General Achinbenchien

  • oshay

    South Sudan misses over $200 million with no clear records
    AHAHAHAHAHA these corrupt dinka looters, and you think you can rule over southerners? You dinka cowboys think you can dominate the noble southern non dinka people.

    that 200 million could’ve done so much, it could’ve put every southern child in school AND university!!!!!!!!

  • Michael Madit Magot
    Michael Madit Magot

    South Sudan misses over $200 million with no clear records
    Former finance minister Kuol Athian Mawien must be brought to justice to answer where he put the $200 million.
    This must not go unanswered like the former minister Akuien Chol.
    They must not use the advantage of Kiir being from their clan to steal public funds.

    Teach them a lesson please!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    South Sudan misses over $200 million with no clear records
    Dear Finance Ministry,
    Those amount of $ should not be lost simply if you guys hire the competent finance majors or those who have business administration skills. we have a lot of people holding Bashlors Degrees that can take and manage the income statements, balance sheet, and cash flows effective and efficeintly. and even do the furher finacial fortforlio to the extent of acceptable managment. The loss of money is not that easy if we have the system of administration,but i am not blaming because Southern Sudan is at the introductory state. I rather advise those ministry to hire those who can do the job regardless of age, tribes, sex but as long he can do the job sucessfully.
    The loss of money is the crime and people are usually investigated if such inccident happened.

  • Nile

    South Sudan misses over $200 million with no clear records
    you gotta be kidding me!!! there is no other place to look at rather those Kiir’s chronies. they used the money for their own personal gains there is nothing to hide here. GoSS officials should by now know that ordinary southerners are not too naive to be misled in the media with these kind of nonsenses.
    the public funds were spent on fake contractors by Ministers who are very close to Salva Kiir. everybody knew this. it’s also clear that those ministers are not representing people but their own greediness. envision officials who didn’t even care of reporting the missing of 200 million dollars in the media.

  • Adam

    South Sudan misses over $200 million with no clear records
    Respected Readers,

    This is the kind of behavior that will destroy the hopes of the people. Whatever the case is, it is a bad smell. How could something like this ever happens? It is true that many donors are scared away to help the needy. This incidence reflects an immature and unqualified system. Those who are involved should be hanged in public and on air.

    Such crimes happen when wrong people are assigned posts to serve the poor, ignorant, diseased and starved. How SPLM/A will run an independent state with such corruption? An explanation should be issued to the people of Sudan, UN and donor countries.

    Because the smell was so bad to hide, this case is out to the public. I assumed there must be many stealing and/or mismanagements that will find the power and will to cover. I hope I am wrong.

    Let us wait and see how this serious case will be dealt with by our respected politicians. Cry my beloved motherland

    Adam Milawaki, Kansas

  • Allajabu

    South Sudan misses over $200 million with no clear records
    Dear David Deng Athorbai,

    I have sympathetic words for you dear comrade: you have guts to stand up to Mading Aweil bunch of thieves and lawless criminals, but they are doing it under watch of our President Salva Kiir Mayardit and I will not be surprise when they relieve you from that position sooner than later just in the name of reshuffle. Alas, Kuol Mawien Athian is a former finance minister Akuin Chol cousin and he was following the foodstep of his cousin in looting the resources of Southern Sudan in broad day light and has gut to defend his theft. Wow, the Mading Aweil in Bhar El Gazaal region had unleashed public fund embezzlers one after the other and when the masses question them, they point their fingures to the north. It is hearbreaking indeed that the sons of Malual Giirnyang one after the other has consistently show sign of thefts and embarrassment to Southern Sudan as they went on looting spree. The question is that, where is Salva Kiir to tell us what happened? Both Akuin Chol and Kuol Mawien Athian deserve firing squad without further investigation because there are enough evidence for death penalty. This is why the SPLA soldiers are not pay on time because somebody is stealing their salaries to buy mansion in Canada and Australia. I was shocked to learn recently that Majut Yak, the cousin of Salva Kiir who used to be Security guard in Canada had purchased multi-million dollar mansion with almost the size of Kenyan Lake Nakuru swimming pool in Canada with money he stole from Southern Sudan public funds. My friend, it is better to live and die with clean records than to jion Bhar El Gazaal cabal and regional mafia in bringing down our development and I appreciate that. I bet, the fat cats and thieves are increasing at speed of light in Juba but the southern sudan population is decreasing everyday as a result of killing. Thes guys completely either lack element of humanity or southern sudan is not in their hearts at all period.

    Professor Allajabu Al Dinkawi, the SPLM self-appointed Spokesperson in Kolnyang

  • junuby

    South Sudan misses over $200 million with no clear records
    $ 200 million WOLOLO that is too much, May our lord be with people of southern sudan.


    South Sudan misses over $200 million with no clear records
    Why Southern Sudanese people complain that $200 million get lose without record? Did Southern Sudanese people asked Salva Kiir, Riek Machar, Wani Igga and those of the SPLM corruptors who are always accused of embezzling or sending money to Abroad? According to me, the Ministers of Southern Sudan know how this money get lose.

    Everybody in the Southern Sudan parliament especially the Ministers have already made some investment for their own interest. How come that $ 200 million get lose without record? Whose blame is that? Is it for Salva Kiir or Riek Machar Teny? “Being governed is better than being undermined”.

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