Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

UDP leader rots in prison in Aweil town

November 3, 2009 (AWEIL) — The leader of the United Democratic Party, Tong Lual Ayat, undergoes a non-accessible arrest in Aweil town, Capital of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State.

Tong formed a new party late last year and was officially registered and given certificate of registration by political affairs council in Khartoum in July 2009.

According to his wife, the UDP leader is arrested by state authorities since Thursday 29 October following return to Aweil to launch political activities of the party.

“Nobody is allowed to visit him from members of his relatives including mother and siblings except me who is also not allowed to call friends by phone,” his wife said.

She however said ignoring who is ordered his arrest or opened a case against him because Tong is arrested in private house guided only by elements she described as national intelligence and security services.

“He is arrested in house previously used to be an office for International organization called International Rescue Committee (IRC),” she stressed.

“If he is arrested for something connected to politics as I have heard from him why arrest him in a place not legally recognized by law,” she posed.

She also said his arrest came after a meeting with the Governor who asked her husband to bring an official registration from Juba.

However, Tong is reported to have told the governor that political parties are registered only in Khartoum not Juba as he demanded

The governor did not accept that the UDP leader starts his political activities and holds political meetings before to meet concerned authorities including the governor with relevant documents, his wife said.

A senior official from the office of the governor who declined to be named acknowledged Ayat’s detention by security forces but denied having seen an order of arrest from Governor Malong.

He further said security service had demanded him to show legal documents particularly official registration of his party from Juba.

“His failure to produce demanded documents contributed to his arrest”, he said. However he pledged that the state governor would release after the verification of his legal registration.

The country is preparing for the first free and fair elections in the country since over 24 years. Due to the civil war in this part of the country, Khartoum had in the past cancelled the electoral process several times.



  • Allajabu

    UDP leader rots in prison in Aweil town
    Thank you Gov. Malong Awan, this is how we are suppose to deal with those NIF inspired political parties. I am awaiting my Gov. Kuol Manyang to start arresting Agoot Alier Leek and other members of NIF party too because they don’t deserve to live with us in peace. They betrayed us big time during the war and they ought to be put behind the bar. This is the happiest day of my life.

    Self-appointed SPLM spokesman, Allajabu Al Dinkawi in Kolnyang Headquarters

  • oshay

    UDP leader rots in prison in Aweil town
    This is the democracy the SPLM bitches about all the time, imprison,torture and kill your political opponents. This is only the beginning for the suffering of Southerners under this criminal junta.

    This is why the noble Paulino Matip fought against these savage cowards.

  • Time1

    UDP leader rots in prison in Aweil town
    Let him Tong learn the hard way, some people do not want to follow the law here in Sudan, they always think they are above the law and constitutional orders,southerners have to learn to be law abiding citizens and live by the rule of law and constution, you cannot run a aparty and participate in political activities if you are not officially resgistered with the appropriate bodies, this is what the constitution says, you break the constitution then you face the consquences.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    UDP leader rots in prison in Aweil town
    Those parties must exercise their political rallies in Khartoum not in the South.
    We discourage those confuse Parties who just form the parties for the sake of it.
    Please the UDP leader should be set free with the warning that he should not exercise any contradicting issues with the SPLM.

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