Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Three SPLM-DC leaders return to SPLM

By Ngor Arol Garang

November 3, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — Three leading members of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement for Democratic Change, led by the former foreign affairs minister, Dr. Lam Akol, officially confirmed their return to the SPLM citing lack of political vision in the new party.

Speaking at Kalkala suburb, west of Khartoum, Hassan Chuol, former member of parliament in the Unity state legislative assembly, said he regrets having departed a people’s party to one lacking political direction.

“The party objectives are not clear to any member except the chairman and this generated lots of questions to many members, even those who have remained behind,” he said adding that Southern Sudan is bigger than individual interest.

Two other members of the breakaway party also joined Chuol in returning to SPLM, namely, Malek Cook Dwach Liom, prominent member of the National Council and official member in SPLM-DC’s information department, and Uztaz Jiech Chuol Gai, financial secretary for the student league of SPLM.

“Members thought the party chairman intended real change as the name of the party says,” said Chuol. But he said he came to believe that the 2.5 million lives that were lost during the struggle [of the civil war] should not be “sold out” in the last minutes when the future of Southern Sudan is clear.

Chuol said he had been disappointed after a visit he paid to the SPLM-DC chairman at his house in Khartoum where they discussed different topics related to the objective of the party in presence of other people.

“We left very disappointed and with lots of doubts because the party we have joined has no clear direction.”

“As a politician besides being co-founder of SPLM-DC, I concluded that the party chair had hidden agendas contrary to the vision in the party’s drafted constitution.”

The formation of the SPLM-DC was being warmly welcomed by many of people across Sudan expecting that changes would be realized as it was being perceived as an independent party reflecting intellectual views. There were hopes that it would enable the Sudanese community to effectively participate in the realization of liberation objectives.

However, some Southern intellectuals rejected this view of the party and insinuated that SPLM-DC was formed in alliance with the National Congress Party (NCP) during Juba University Students Union’s election.

Earlier, Chuol said his hope from the very beginning was that the party would be inspired by the historic struggles of the oppressed people of Sudan, as was adopted in the Basic Rules of the party.

He said that the chairman “deviated from the right cause of our people and gathered weak deputies whose political approach is questionable.” In Chuol’s view, Lam Akol has developed an air of superiority and will not listen to anybody, even sleeping during discussion hours.



  • AK-47

    Three SPLM-DC leaders return to SPLM
    welcome back blind can see again…..

  • Allajabu

    Three SPLM-DC leaders return to SPLM
    Hahaha! I cannot stop laughing on this! My cheeks are really breaking apart!!! Where is Mr. Logic Boy to comment on this topic as to the ship is finally sinking. It seems like the sidekick of NIF regime has sink in a broad day light and the so called Dinka for Change as Logic coined it is nothing but a brainchild of Islamic and Arab world. Oh boy, every Southerner is awear of Lam Akol Ajawin motives: sell out Southern Sudan.

    Allajabu Al Dinkawi

  • Augustino

    Three SPLM-DC leaders return to SPLM
    thank you & welcome back.
    you have right to shoose your own party of political soundful but never return again as the movement in between will not help rather than sitting and discuss the wrong things together. thank you chuol and others for bravery decision. sure the lives of 2.5 million people need to be remember all the times of any decision that touches their death.
    join like a mad dogs,SPLM is for every one never fear or shy away.
    by: augustino in Australia

  • mikes

    Three SPLM-DC leaders return to SPLM
    Well done brothers.Actual your intelligence has return you back to clear direction,which is southern sudan.not by collaborating with Criminal regime in khatoum.I hope a wise man can’t be mislead by foolish leader like lam Akol,you welcome back to your people in south sudan.Lam have no clear objectives since he was with SPLA.How come he let himself be decieve by His enemy and Agree with them to be agaist his people.if you need leadership just come to south sudan and you will find away, not in khartoum>

  • Oracle

    Three SPLM-DC leaders return to SPLM
    This does not surprise true believers in the South Sudanese course. SPLM DC was formed due to one man’s overinflated ego of ruling the South. People like Lam Akol who think that they can be boss of everything and everyone often end up as slaves to their own dillusions. South Sudan needs leaders who are there for the common man and so far SPLM are doing 50% of that job. They are securing an independent state for us which is good, but they are robbing the public naked in broad daylight which will be their downfall. It is very possible to fight for a new country while at the same time starting to provide simple needs for the people of South Sudan. Hence the saying, “we can chew gum and walk at the same time”.

  • murlescrewed

    Three SPLM-DC leaders return to SPLM
    The prodigal sons return to their rightful place….at least they turned around before driven off the cliff by little nyagat called Lam.

    The so-called SPLM-DC is nothing more than a sinister tool by the jallabah regime to cause chaos in the South. Genuine political plurality is welcome but only if it offers an alternative to SPLM and help South. If the objective is to do harm to South’s fure, chances are that it will fail miserably.

  • oshay

    Three SPLM-DC leaders return to SPLM
    No loyalty, well I guess they went to the right party after all aha

  • mabook

    Three SPLM-DC leaders return to SPLM
    I can wait to see dr lam akol returning back to SPLA or going to NCP PARTY. this guy ;s really really sickbrian dr i never see

  • Critic_Ngueny

    Three SPLM-DC leaders return to SPLM
    SPLA/M oyee! Southern Sudan oyee!

    He who does not recognize reason can not be told reason.

    SPLA/M has a mission and vision for Southerners as well as the rests of the marginalized areas.Lam must go to the North otherwise.

    My dear politicians, it is good to be good than bad to be good.We shall forgive you for you have come back to your people in the SPLA/M.

    where are those confused elements of Lam Akol,why do you support what you don,t know if you are not mad?

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town.


    Three SPLM-DC leaders return to SPLM
    “The small baby cry and still return to the care of his mother regardless of whatever he is crying for”. First of all, I would like to thank those three Former leaders of SPLM/DC who came back as a result of insufficient law formation in SPLM/DC. As a matter of fact, I would like to said to those three Former leaders that welcome back to your original party which is SPLM/SPLA and at the same time, we will appreciate your view of understanding between the SPLM/SPLA and SPLM/DC. This is what we have been telling to our people that the formation of the multi-party is nothing. I know that SPLM/DC was formed for the purpose to reinforce or work together with Khartoum Government. That is why Khartoum Government sponsored or funded this part. Many parties within Southern Sudan were formed and failed to show a genuine dialogue with a clear formation of the party.

    I know that these three former leaders of SPLM/DC namely:
    1. Malek Cook Dwach Liom
    2.Jiech Chuol Gai
    3.Hussein Chuol. All of these three leaders will show or acknowledge that the SPLM/SPLA is a party with an equilibrium right of everyone in Southern Sudan. Dr Lam Akol is very clever person and that is why he indoctrinated those three people of Nuer in order to join his party. As you can see from those three leaders, all of them are Nuer and there is no one of Dinka. Dr Lam Akol, will still come back for the third-time. Anyway, I’m very glad for the coming of our dearest leaders from SPLM/DC since there is no reality in SPLM/DC.

    Remember that, not only those of the SPLM/DC will come back alone to the SPLM/SPLA, but those of the other extremist parties such as SPDF, SSDF and ERM(Equatorian Rebel Movement) will still come back although they resisted the SPLM/SPLA rules. Once again, welcome back and respect the move of the SPLM/SPLA.


  • machok lung
    machok lung

    Three SPLM-DC leaders return to SPLM
    itis still time for you guys to enjoy,continue loading your self with litttle money that the chairman have ,you know properly that,SPLM/DC is like kid which still not grow ,SPLM/DC has no proper Objectives ,No system ,No Policy for controlling ,guiding the party and members ,but you guys heard the name Change you were been attractive by the cover,now you are like awoman commited dultry and leaved her first husband and intened to look for the new husband , SPLM will not admit you becuase you commited adultry ,you are like sexy women who want ever man

    SPLM weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


  • Aketch

    Three SPLM-DC leaders return to SPLM
    ngoth!! what an embarrassing return of the so-called SPLM-DC leaders.How dare you have a gut you figureheads to openly revolt against your legitimate party the SPLA only to regretfully rejoin the party.Can you guess your true name in this case I mean you are a power-sought-after that’s why you came back giving falsfied excuses while in actual sense you forseen the likelihood of power monopolisation within your faction. yeah its good to be back and once more welcome to SPLM but my warning to SPLM and SPLA,”A SMALL LEAK WILL SINK A GREAT SHIP”.Stop power wrangle but remain vigilant.

    Deng Aketch

  • Johnny

    Three SPLM-DC leaders return to SPLM
    You these three stupid, you never realized that Lam Akol was alread a blind since the started of the SPLM movement?

    you are our brothers, welcome back to the party.

  • Deng Garang Akech
    Deng Garang Akech

    Three SPLM-DC leaders return to SPLM
    Dear readers,
    Let us all prayer for our friends,brothers and sisters who were losts and found,missled by name and discovered their direction of where they were going to, for the last 22 years of struggle!.God is great and always remember experiences is the best teacher of yourself-determination for Southern Sudan and his people.I will always encourage personal decision toward your destiny! Regardless of tribes and parties,Southern Sudan will serve all the parties after seperation,but not their interest to confuse our move toward our dreams.Our people first and security of the state need all of us.Finally I wouldn’t hide myself for you and anybody who think that it is insecured to mentioned his/her name,I Deng Garang ” remained friend of all friends and enemies of one another throughout ” as long as truth need to be put in place at all costs!

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