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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora

By Ngor Arol Garang

November 5, 2009 (MALAKAL) –The government of Southern Sudan today showed concern over the exclusion of major countries where major Southern Sudanese communities reside abroad.

Oyai Deng Ajak
Oyai Deng Ajak
Sudan launched a one month voter registration operation inside and outside the country. Ahead of general election scheduled to be held next April.

The National election commission released a list of countries where Sudanese in Diaspora can register as voters to participate in the forthcoming presidential election.

The countries include Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, Sultanate of Oman, Bahrain, the UK, Belgium (for all Western Europe) and Washington, New York, Los Angles for the USA.

Reacting to the selection, General Oyai Deng Ajak, the government of South Sudan’s minister of regional Cooperation, questioned the exclusion of nine states that border Sudan such as Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia Kenya, Uganda, where many South Sudanese lives as refugees.

The exclusion sparked skepticism from Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) to regard it as one the National Congress Party strategies to rig the elections by isolating the South.

John Duku, the Head of Mission at the GOSS liaison office in Nairobi, Kenya, said they were shocked by the list.

“We could not understand why NEC excluded the five countries such as Kenya where peace signed and is known for still hosting number Southern Sudanese;” he posed adding where the sub-Saharan African states are.

“If the elections are for the North alone then we have no problem but if the South is going to take part then these countries (Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Congo-Brazzaville and the Democratic Republic of Congo) must be included,” asked Mr. Duku.

Sudan’s long-delayed elections are meant to bring democratic transformation to the country ahead of the 2011 referendum for South Sudan, in accordance with the 2005 agreement that ended Africa’s longest-running civil war.

The NEC, the bi-partisan political body overseeing the implementation of elections, established state high committees in June, but it has yet to transfer adequate funding to them. Some of the committees claim they have not received funds for payment of voter registration officials.



  • Dengtaath

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora
    It is not only about those African country were left out, what about Australia?
    There are more than 20,000 South Sudan people living up here.
    The GOSS need to engage with NCP on that issue for sure.

  • Jamjamez

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora
    The Southern Sudanese should be careful at these witty decision by the NCP to exclude this countries where lots in thousands are found. Look especially Kenya where the peace was sign and still host millions of southern Sudanese, How will you accept this decision? It should not be like census where we warn you but still stick wit the decision. we should have reverse policies to keep them busy in the north while we take a positive steps in the south.

    Remember the fate of southern Sudan lies with you now and better futur will come with your decision now. Act right how and we will be pround tommorow. No decite anymore!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora
    What do you mean the neighbouring countries should be included, do you expect Ugandans, Conglese, Kenyans and Ethiopians to get invloved as part of South Sudan? now it is time to cry for people, but before who are the people behind the killing, attack, looting and ridding of cattle in South which result to lost of lives? I welcome the idea that our own brothers in neighbouring countries as refugees should come and participate, but why don’t you improve the situation in South, security is one. Those people panic to come because of dictatorship in South where some idiots believe to have own the power over others. Blame yourselves for the poor management of the government not people in refugee. Some Southern places are already occupied by criminals escpecially in Nimule, jebel kujur and other parts of Equatoria, so where to do you expect those refugees to come and live, just to vote for dictator while their land is being given to outsider. For those far ways such as USA, UK and others, they face financal problem for transport to South. And some are already cititzenship to these countries, so do we allow doul citizenship South?

  • thieleling

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora
    Brothers and sisters,

    Please blame Maulana Abel Alier, Kiir’s SPLM appointed NEC chairman for excluding sudanese diaspora in Kenya, Ethiopia, Congo, DRC, CAR, Uganda & the western countries like Australia ad Canada. The SPLM is the chairman of the national election in the person of Abel. This Dinka-Bor elder is killing south sudanese aspirations as he did in 1972. NCP gets a good friend in Abel Alier who will rig the election in NCP ‘s favor. Fortunately, there is hope for south sudanese, Abel is going to die before the election!!

  • Ajang Aguer Pageer
    Ajang Aguer Pageer

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora
    There are just two alternatives to that election potential scandal.The first one and the most credible one is to disfranchise the Sudanese in diaspora.The second option is to consider countries that house most Southern Sudanese like Australia and Newzealand,Canada,Kenya,Uganda and Ethiopia.

    Otherwise,everyone should get prepared for Al-Bashir as the next president of Sudan because the elections have already been rigged before polling.I am not exaggerating it but it’s a fact!!.For me,Choosing Abel Alier as the NEC chairman was a trick to silence southerners at the end of the elections as they will be told ‘It was one of you who was responsible for the elections,so everything has been done in favour of you!’

    I hope that isn’t SPLM’s indirect way of endorsing Albashir as he allegedly requested in the past.

  • Time1

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora
    This what we have all been talking about that NCP wants to rigged this election,

    This old man Abel Alier, this man is going to destroy south Sudan again like he did before, let us be careful, there is no joke here, Abel Alier is an Arab informaer, he has an Arab stamp in his buttocks if you people do not believe it.

    SPLM should not have picked Abel Alier as the chief of election comission, everybody know that we cannot live up to that job and he is always int he same bed with Arabs.

    NCP of Omer bashir have already planned to rig this coming elections, they think everyone is stupid to understand their game, why are they delaying to let in the international observers? why are they delaying they insisting on short time for registration and also they do not want to pass the nessecary bills which supports elections?

    Why only Arab world country like Egypt, U.A.E, Saudi Arabia and other have been included in this countries for election, why is this, what is special about this Arab countries, what about the African countries like Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Congo where you have a big number of Sudanese citizens there even more than in the Arab world.

    Why have this african countries been excluded, what is the reason for that while other countries have been included?

    This is the discrimination and marginalisations which Arab have been practising in Sudan and they still want to continue that way.

    This is a dirty tactic by NCP to rig the elections, They will have their own people in Arab world doing the elections then they will increase the number of votes int he boxes from those countries then claim that they won the elections, they are even excluding some constituencies inside Sudan, all areas with non NCP supporters are not being allowed to register, they tell them they do not have proper documents to register, so they elections is not going to be free and fair, Where is the promised democracy by NCP? This NCP are not serious about change in Sudan by any means.

    SPLM have to stand its ground here, please playing around with politics is not good for democracy in south Sudan and Sudan in general, unless Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Congo and Chad are added to this lists, there will be no elections, NCP has to understand that, we do not want the same mistakes which happened during the census to happen again.

    NCP has to stop playing and be transparent and allow a free and fair democratic elections otherwise there is still no change in Sudan.

  • Dengtaath

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora
    Theilieling, is not good to defuse people concentration when it comes to the nation issue, why would you pasted and posted such a big document like that? You and Door have really disappointed the forum for sure.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora

    It’s a waste of time and energy altogether at this time since the SPLM as a political party in the whole country should come clean and clear about who is going to contest for presidency of the country instead of running around the bush.

    The same froxy Mr. Abel Aliel, the chairman of NEC who hijacked the Addis Ababa Accord of 1972 and trashed the KPA through the support of his arabized Nubian gov’t/NIF are not reluctant to do the same scrap to CPA.

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora
    That is what I have been talking about everybody concern for his own interest. We value the people who live in refugee camps when it is our benefit which will get us to the leadership we want but Iam sure, after election nobody will bring their names. Shame on us. We thought we are rich by donating one million to other country while we have people who still living in refugee camps because they can not afford coming back to south Sudan. Let us help them first if we have hearts.

  • Grader

    Dr Riek M Teny Dhurgon deal in motion!!
    Now that it is a failure, it’s Abel and Kiir’s problem but Riek went unmentioned by Thieling,whore unlogic and other few in their mental capacity.

    Can you now shut up or else we’re going to treat you the same as NCP sympathisers on this forum

  • Gatwech

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora
    Dear readers,

    It is the old man, Abel Alier Akuay, the bought off Southerner by Jallaba who excluded the countries with big number of Southerners. Don’t cry to NCP. Abel Alier, the chairman of the National Elections Commission (NEC) is surely an enemy to the people of South Sudan.

    He was the same Abel who denied geographical constituency to the people of Abyei. This man is a curse to Southerners. I hope the people of Bor community will curse this name Alier not to call their children in that name and the church should remove the Abel part of it.

  • James Tut Biel
    James Tut Biel

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora
    We as Southern sudanese need a proper negotiation on this issue or else no 51% turnout votes if neighbouring Countries aren’t involved.


    James Tut.

  • Bol Mabith
    Bol Mabith

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora
    Thanks Oyai and Duku for the words you have spoken about voting.
    Many of our southerners are in those countries you said surely.
    If those five counties are not included, that means our voters will be very few.
    Oyai,you have been super with us in the last 21 one years of civil war in the south and if things are still like that,it means we have to go back to the war which is not good.
    You knows have much lives of civilians and martyres have died for that fight Oyai.
    Please our southerners,don,t be cheat like what happen before in the pass.
    Its good if they have considered those living in abroad to register and be part of our general election.
    We should not be cheat this time because ,we are now little bite educated then before.
    We knows how register our names and any matter concerning writing.
    Please leaders, don,t tortured our people in registeration of voters by not giving them the right amount of money according to the scale being said by GOSS.
    Bol Mabith Deng in Warrap State

  • Justin Chicago opiny
    Justin Chicago opiny

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora
    This should Open the eyes of southerners.As for referendum only people living in south sudan should vote otherwise you will see the same thing happening all the sudanese in the Arab countries will vote and the referendum will be rig. Rememeber the israel saying a good arab is a dead one. Put the election to rest untill all the Sudanese living in those coutries south of the sahara are also allowed to vote.We still have a sizable refugees in Kenya,Uganda ,The two Congo Central Africa,chad Ethiopia etc

  • Majoor Atem Deng
    Majoor Atem Deng

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora
    Many of those who live abroad were excluded by the NEC rules and procedures that was intentionlly masterminded by the NCP to increase the possibility of president Bashir re-election. The law allows only those who hold vaild passports and residency in the host countries excluing by that those who were displaced by the war in Egypt, Libya, Kenya, Uganda…ect, most of these citizens have expired passports and residency because they were trying to immigrate through the UNHRC, they are not supporters of the government gaven their long opposition to the NCP policies. The exclusion is a calculated effort to disfranchise them, a step to rig election in its early stage.

  • Deng Garang Akech
    Deng Garang Akech

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora
    It is not only countries mentioned,But the games is already known from the NCP and SPLM-DC against people of Sudan at large and in particular Southern Sudan as a state emerge to be form as soon as possible.Whether you like or not SOUTHERN SUDAN WILL BE A STATE BEFORE 2011 MINUS VOTES! We shall make it for you and don’t be surprise by that time if God wish!Please we tired Voice it out H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit with your parties in South Sudan.Peace is no longer attractive for us!. SO WHAT?

  • mohammed osman
    mohammed osman

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora
    First of all do not insults arabs you stupid ssavages and your American coward backers.

    Now,we the northerns we does not wants to vote for Omer basher , the man he is not sincere to the sudanese peoples,even here in the north we have been denied registrations,here in al Jezeera state our people is complains that they are not allows to register because they did not have their nationality papaers in order and the registration offer never came back tot hem again , but the splm office here condemn the election registrer as pro-ncp and deliberately refuse to register peoples who support others party than ncp.Thes elections it is not goings to be free for us northerns not just for southerns. this man al basher he wants to die as president of this country but we the brave northerns will not allow this selfish man to rule this country again, he only cares of himself and the power that he always wants in his hands.shames on you ncp peoples for you brings the shame on Sudan all the times.we northerns wants al mahdi or another candidates but not this war crimes man al basher.this is not the democracies we all been waiting for unfortunately.

  • Peter DeMun
    Peter DeMun

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora
    When are we going to get it: This election is for the Arabs and muslims. So, I’d suggest that we shut up. Let’s wait and vote for Free South Sudan.

    I for once would’t vote in this election. How come all living in W. Europe should go to Belgium?! Are all Northerners going to vote only in Khartoum?



  • choldit

    South Sudan upset by voter registration in Diaspora
    We the South Sudanese have to stop acting the way we are now. The talk about the number of the countries that will participate in the upcoming elections (April 2010 and January 2011) should not start now but year(s) ago. How can SPLM and GoSS be suprised by the look of the list of the countries that will participate in April 2010 election now (5 Nov.)? what was the plan in place for this?

    Also SPLM chapters leaders in foreign countries like Canada, New Zealand, Australia, USA, Europe and other place write trylessly asking the SPLM Secretary General and Foreign secretary of GOSS to act on OUT OF COUNTRY VOTING PROCESS but no concrete action has ever been taken both sectors of the GOSS, sometime not even responding to their letters. What does one can expect from NCP if we don’t act? asking UN to help process out of country vote process for majority in exile South Sudanese? I don’t thing so.

    We should not be naeive and young to miss such kind of simple games of political world and hold ministrial poses. It is shame on those guys who missed what they should have done a year ago and go on media now angery of NCP action. It is a game. The NCP has done its homework. Why not you? imagine Deng Alor and Abiel Alier are Southerners who are the heads of Foreign minister and NEC(Nation Electrol Commission) respectively and the NCP has done that in their watches but we are not keen to let them know that they let us down with SG and mainister of Regional Cooperation. I sometime force myself to appreciate people but this is not the right time for that.

    We should not have Dr. Riek negotiate the CPA, and play the trick of the day for election processes at the same time or bring Dr. Garang from death so that he can help us do this elementary things for us.

    I am really angery at the goverment of the day in the Southern Sudan for missing lot of simple things and rather try to undermine thier achievements for personal differencies. Thanks Kirr of ordering MPs to their constituencies and mobilise the people they claim to represent, though some of them may not be recognised because they never been to their consitituencies since the time they were appointed MPs.

    Sorry for hurting feelings and thoughts of people in the Governemnt Departments I mentioned but missing South Sudaneese votes in African countries and in the other major western countries like Austrialia, New Zealand, Canada, and others including some states in the USA is unforgiven weaknesses!!!

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