Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

UN lauds Jonglei children rescue

By Philip Thon Aleu

November 6, 2009 (BOR) – United Nations Deputy Resident and
Humanitarian Coordinator for Southern Sudan, in a press release
Friday, commends Jonglei authorities for recovering abducted children
and calls more for efforts to halt kidnapping “wherever in Southern

The UN officer, Lise Grande, welcomes the rescue of 28 children by
Southern Sudan Police Service – the first ever child’s rights
protection successful operation in Jonglei state. Initiated by Akot
Maze Adikir, Pibor County Commissioner, in collaboration with local
chiefs and security agencies, the accumulative release of children
aged between 2 and 14, which started in September, 2009 restores hope
that the practice has a method to solve. 13 children were recovered in
September and 15 in October, 2009.

17 children, 9 Ethiopians from the Gambella Region and 8 Southern
Sudanese from Eastern and Central Equatoria states, were flown to Juba
Thursday October 29, 2009 aboard an UNMIS flight and handed over to
Government of Southern Sudan representatives and Ethiopian Consular

UNICEF is offering temporarily accommodation at Totto Chana
Center in Juba and working on registration and relevant documentation
to facilitate a family-tracing and consequent reunification with
parents, the UN statement released from Juba added.

Ms. Grande says the children currently in Juba will be united with
their families as soon as possible and she hopes that other children
still abduction “be released and that the practice of child abduction
is brought to a stop wherever…in Southern Sudan.”



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    UN lauds Jonglei children rescue
    This commissionary did awlsome job.
    The commissioner must escalate his administartion to others Murle residing in the bushes to stop that systems of abducting children.

  • Thon

    UN lauds Jonglei children rescue
    by thonh5.
    It is good news but let the kidnappers face justices so as to stay in apeaceful and conucive atmosphere.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    UN lauds Jonglei children rescue
    Liers, the children where rescued by Southern Sudan Police Service, not jungle authority. Please i told you 100 times not to turn the good work of other people to apprear on your crminal image. Those Southern Sudan Police Service were send by Riek and Igga not your dictator. See yourselves as lost community in South Sudan taking children of 2 years old, what would you do with babies of 2 years, this is a criminal act and you deserve to see ICC. This poor management of security in South Sudan result from the illiterate leadership. Dinkas are no body community in South, you have ruin the images of GOSS national and international with bad reputation, in USA dinkas, in UK dinkas, in Aus dinkas, in Uganda dinkas, in NZ dinkas all damaging the images of South Sudanese and their government, God has accidential create you by mistake. In South Sudan still the public fund and billions from USAID are being transfer into individual (dinkas) account for their own prosperity. I pity Southern Sudanese must do something. You always prove your stupidity and madness by committing crimes and acting barbaric national and international, where on earth can normal creature abducte a 2 years old child?

    DInkas should understand that on their day of storm neither nuer nor shilluk will give them a hand, because your no body community due to your wild behaviours. None of Equatorin is even willing to help you in any form. To me, if i see a dinkas starving or dying by roadside i will just help him/her because of her colour (black) but not their arab behaviours. That is why we liberate you from arabs just because we don’t like to see human being like you living slavery life, in fact the Bible says a human should never be a slave to another only to God. If you don’t change your behaviours change the way you treat the image of South Sudanese national and international, also you must hand over the government from illiterates to doctors and honourables. Since your born to ruin and lie, i wil not surprise if any of has intend to post his/her rubbish. Your culture is well known for crazy reputation. The same that the government is trying to bring it to the public. Your day is coming where every single of you will vomit the billions you consume to your individuals stomach while my people in South are suffering.

  • Deng Wel Deng
    Deng Wel Deng

    UN lauds Jonglei children rescue
    My especial thanks goes to the commissioner for his incredible work of retracing every single child that is wrongly own by these pathetic criminals. Children are God given and they should not be own through a barrel of a gun. These people who commits this barbaric act are people who don’t understand the peaceful coexistence among the communities and should remained indicted forever until they will be brought to book.

  • J.James

    UN lauds Jonglei children rescue
    Hi guys

    The truth is that, the rescue of kids was good thing because we don’t want children to be subjected by those criminals. However, it is not true that the children were recovered due to the police authority, it was an effort made by Murle intellectuals in their rejection to the child abduction exercise within the community.

    In that regard, Mr. Dinka Boy need to inform his tribal criminals to stop bringing children to Murle for sell because now murle will not accept children brought by Bor criminals for sell again. Please try to take your children this time to Congo or Zaire for sell there.

    That need to be followed carefully and seriously.

    God bless

    The writer watches closely.

  • Critic_Ngueny

    UN lauds Jonglei children rescue
    Dear brothers and sisters,

    Some people are mad but they are not aware of their madness.To hit the nail on the head,Logic is totally mad and if not then he will run amok.I went through his comments but it seems as if the comments were written by.

    Well done Mr.Akot Mazee,you are the only murle and I am very much sure about that if you don,t look out.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • J.James

    UN lauds Jonglei children rescue
    Mr Dinka Boy

    I have repeatedly pointed out that, Murle are not the type of people who like to gossip like divorce women trying to put others down for them to become falsely nice and innocent in the public. Your act appear to be like what Jesus said had been an habit for people of parachi in olden days.

    But if we want to tell the truth, I think good Bor man or women with very stable mind will not deny the fact of child trafficking by some Dinka Bor criminals to Murle land for sell or exchange for cattle.
    Mr. Dinka Boy we have a list of those who used to bring children to Murle. We know those people by names and physical appearance, some of them were identified in Gumuruk conferent of 2005.

    To mention for you few names from the list, people like the notorious Kur Alieng, and late Ajou were the well known criminals who used to smuggled both guns and children to Murle. And we have very good list of the people who are well known where they are about as we speak. You know Murle and Dibka Bor were together a lot and they know each others to the end.

    Dinka Boy, the list is underway for you to satisfy. hahaha!!!enjoy holiday homy.

    God bless

    The writer watches closely.

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