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Sudan Tribune

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US envoy departs Sudan amid growing NCP-SPLM tension

November 7, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The US special envoy to Sudan retired general Scott Gration left on Froday after failing to bridge differences between the two major partners in the government of National unity (GoNU).

Sudanese presidential adviser Nafie Ali Nafie (Al-Raed newspaper)
Sudanese presidential adviser Nafie Ali Nafie (Al-Raed newspaper)
The new development comes despite earlier indications that the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) were close to agreeing on disputed item of referendum and the census through Gration’s mediation.

The particularly sensitive issue of referendum is centered on the percentage of voters turnout required to recognize the self determination process valid and the percentage of ‘yes’ votes to declare an independent South Sudan.

The census dispute relates to the use of the one conducted last year which the South considers to be understating their numbers for the purposes of determining the geographical constituencies in the April 2010 elections.

SPLM suggested using the population percentages in post-elections census but the NCP rejects it.

It remains unclear what the next steps would be for both parties and the US administration which is working hard to prevent the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), it helped broker, from unraveling.

There is growing internal and regional concern that South Sudan may resort to a unilateral declaration of independence should the effort to agree on the referendum law fails.

But the powerful Sudanese presidential adviser Nafie Ali Nafie warned the South from undertaking this step.

“Any irresponsible or illegal move will find no respect…if the choice [through referendum] is separation then we will accept the new state and it will enjoy the full international support but anything else will mean that they fear that people of the South will chose unity” Nafie told reporters today in a press conference.

Nafie directed fierce criticism at the SPLM accusing it of violating the human rights of its citizens saying the South “is governed by the SPLM intelligence”.

“The [SPLA] intelligence is composed of isolated islands with no unified administration” he said.

Nafie accused the SPLA of attacking the NCP supporters in the South through “torture and arrests”.

He presented two NCP members in the South who recounted their experience of torture and harassment by the SPLA including continuous interrogation and water boarding.

Kamal Ebeid, another NCP leading figure, was quoted by Sudan official news agency (SUNA) as saying that the SPLM in it current form “cannot be a strategic partner to achieve peace and security in Sudan”.

On the current voter registration currently underway, the SPLM Deputy Secretary General told the UN sponsored Miraya FM radio the NCP is trying to “manipulate” the process.

Throughout Sudan it was reported that the turnout for the registration is low with expatriates complaining that the limited centers to register themselves as voters even in areas with a huge presence of them.

The former President Jimmy Carter’s foundation which is monitoring the elections expressed concern over the registration process and called on the Sudan’s National Election Commission (NEC) to “act immediately to accredit national and international observers as well as political party agents, and lift restrictions on observers’ freedom of movement”.

Parliamentary, presidential and state-level elections are due in April 2010, followed by a southern referendum on independence in January 2011, both part of a 2005 north-south peace accord that ended two decades of civil war.

Some observers have pointed out that the elections and subsequently the referendum will have to be delayed due to disagreements among the political parties on a number of laws and threats of boycott.



  • oshay

    US envoy departs Sudan amid growing NCP-SPLM tension
    The SPLM is a disgusting and abhorrent cabal of thugs. They are not fit to be associated with Sudan.

  • johnmaker

    US envoy departs Sudan amid growing NCP-SPLM tension
    That Why SPLM/A should open their toward NCP.This is the times the NCP would used the money they had been collecting during the war.I am urging Dr. Salva Kiir to removed Riek Machar from the negotiation and let him remain as a vice president of the south sudan.And somebody like Hon. Pagan shou;d replaced Riek.Because this times is not the times of stomach.Is the times of the people who are visionaries for the south,not foodies like Riek to Nogotiate the peace.Thank you.

  • Otong

    US envoy departs Sudan amid growing NCP-SPLM tension
    It’s has become very clear that Obama administration has fail to bridge the agreement between NCP/NIF and SPLA, that shows how weak is US special envoy to Sudan is, US needs to change the way they are dealing with NCP which only understands the force policy, as the president Bush administration used against NCP to bring peace to South Sudan, this policy should continue to fully implements CPA.

  • Kur

    US envoy departs Sudan amid growing NCP-SPLM tension
    Nafi and his NIF gangs are assuming that the People of South Sudan will be terrorized to accept second class citizenship again. No. We will move swiftly and with full force to defend our land and freedom.


  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    US envoy departs Sudan amid growing NCP-SPLM tension
    USA needs to use President Bush’s approach to resolve the genocide problem in Sudan otherwise your songs on to Bashir is heard by one ear and exited through the other. Jallaba only understands the tongue of a man of steel. President Obama, please wake up deal with these fundamentalists all over the world to make it a safe place for all mankind. There should be no trouble based on differences of civilisations, race, and religion. Things that are much entrenched in the political system of Khartoum Sudan.

  • mohammed osman
    mohammed osman

    US envoy departs Sudan amid growing NCP-SPLM tension
    Thes foolkish thief known as Ali el Nafi,t his man is really destroying this country, we the northerns want this man arrested first by ICC not even Omer el basher,this man Nafi Ali Nafi is the devil mingling between the sheeps in the bushes here.I just want to ask Nafi why the people in al Jezeera state and el kamleen region have been marginalized from registrations for elections, why elections officers always bypass our area or refuse to register our peoples, is it because they know we support the opposition or is it because we do not have rights in this country anymore? to hell with NCP and their corrutp chairman and his deputy.Everwhere there is rigging goings ons everytime , i do not see any democracy in Sudan unfortunately , where is all the promises of the CPA and ll the big talklings of the president about freedoms?

    As for south sudan, let them seperate now, this savages they are responsible for all our suffering , i hope allah to make them is burn in hell this infidels.

  • Adam

    US envoy departs Sudan amid growing NCP-SPLM tension
    SPLM should be eradicated from the political arena by just denying them what they wanted. They don’t want a separated south. They want a turmoil so they can continue with their policies of oppressing the poor people in the south and mismanage the resources. I am sure that the poor people of the south have good and inteligent leaders other than SPLM/A. They will never allow this junta to destroy the hopes of the southerners, whichever way they choose.

    SPLM/A rule of the south opens the wonds between tribes. They further participated in the political and security unrest in the south. While they cry for freedoms, democracy and development in the north, they behave contorary to that in the south. They think that all the people of the south are with them. It is not true. If they are sure, they must have worked hard to implement the CPA.

    True lovers of the motherland will deal with them peacefully and intellegently. War is not a solution. Southerners with all their walks should build a strong front againest SPLM/A to implement the CPA. Those who are propogating for hatred and rule of one tribe over the other tribes in the south are all impalanced, paranoic and selfish.

    O noble and honest southerners unite before it happens again. Only the half-educated and unexperienced are the ones who feed the tribalism and hatred. Please educate them. Give them lessons on sanity.

    Adam Milawaki, Kansas

  • Deng Garang Akech
    Deng Garang Akech

    US envoy departs Sudan amid growing NCP-SPLM tension
    Dear Dr Nafia Ali Nafia and his NCP party,should know that the CPA is no longer attractive from the very beginning.Therefore the question of Unity and Seperation of the south is knowns to all us ” without votes or election ” Southern Sudan must seperate in the present or absent of the two parties SPLM/NCP.For they are all responsible by not make peace attractives

  • Gatwech

    US envoy departs Sudan amid growing NCP-SPLM tension
    Dear readers,

    SPLM’s Dr. Riek Machar and NCP’s Ali Osman who discussed the referendum bill agreed on 51% to declare the South independent as long as 66% of voters show up and vote. The SPLM gangs like Pagan Amum who are looking for a crisis rejected the 66%. Now they get nothing better. Instead, Pagan is touring the west looking for the best liquor and beautiful white girls. The Americans like Gen. Scott Gration have quit. What else?

    Are we going to prematurely declare unilateral independence only to be recaptured since millions of dollars have been stolen to build mansions abroad instead of modern weapons for successful defense? The world will blame us for being stupid. SPLM has lost direction every where!

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