Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM’ Itto inspects voter registration in Western Equatoria

By Richard Ruati

November 8, 2009 (YAMBIO) — The Deputy Secretary General of the SPLM – southern sector Dr. Anna Itto paid a visit to the capital of Western Equaotira state on Thursday where she was received at Yambio Air strip by the Governor Jemma Nunu Kumba and the top State Government officials.

During a public address at the WES SPLM state secretariat, Dr. Itto appreciated the leadership and work of the SPLM in the state under the chairlady the Governor and the entire community of Western Equatoria State.

She urged all the SPLM supporters to stand firm and join hands together to exercise their democratic rights in the Western Equatoria state and Sudan as a whole, She said that the countdown has started and the Sudanese people remaining with thirteen months for referendum.

Meanwhile Dr. Anna Itto pointed out that, “this is time to put on jeans, boots and start majestic movement, if the SPLM does not succeed in this voting registration then the supporters have thrown away the 21 years of the struggle in the bush”.

She acknowledged that, her mission to Western Equatoria State is to assess the registration of the voters in the southern Sudan and the Abyei areas. She also dismissed the allegations that, some wrong elements who are still backbiting the Government of the southern Sudan of having accepted the 2008 census result and they also accuse the SPLM administration that they have forgotten their struggles.

The SPLM as a Government and as a party is ready to exercise the democratic tolerance and the SPLM need to reach all the levels of government in the Sudan, “the SPLM needs to join hands together to make sure that the citizens have registered.” “The SPLM need to register one hundred percent and every person should register since voting starts from registration.” said Dr. Anna Itto
However she said that, the Government of the SPLM is ready to protect the C.P.A and the freedom of its citizen in all levels of governance in the Sudan. She revealed that SPLM have been reorganized all over the world for its clear vision to the people of the Sudan.

Dr. Anna stressed that, her second mission is to meet with church leaders, the chiefs because they have contributed a lot in bringing peace to Sudan. The SPLM is the only party which will lead its citizen on the right path. She lamented that, since then the SPLM simpathisers have never ran away from their great party but continuing to move on with the party’s objective.


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