Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan electoral board denies obstructing foreign observers activities

November 8, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The National Electoral Commission (NSC) dismissed a statement made by Carter center accusing the Sudanese electoral body of hampering the work of foreign observers to the voter registration process.

On November 2, Carter Center expressed concerns about the obstacles facing election observers, including delays in finalizing their accreditation procedures. It also mentioned delays in election preparations, as well as continued reports of harassment of political party and civil society activity.

The NEC secretary general, Jalal Mohamed Ahmed, said on Sunday that the electoral body had welcomed the Carter Center and provided it with the necessary authorizations. He further said the accreditations of some observers from the Center were delayed due to the long proceedings of residence permits.

The security authorities have received the required documents and approved it, he said. He further stressed that all the Carter Center staff are now allowed to carry out their duties normally, urging the center to clarify the truth about this issue.

The NEC officials told SUNA — despite the reports reflecting the delay and slow in the process — that voter registration was going well.

A picture of a government vehicle with electoral banner for the National Congress Party is circulating in the mailing lists and discussion forums to show the use of public vehicles by the ruling party in the electoral campaign.

However the NCP has denied the use of public means in the campaign saying it was not in need of means and potential of government to implement or finance its political campaign for the next election.

Mr. Majid Haj Amin officer of NCP political mobilization asked the opposition parties to produce the evidences proving these practices.



  • Gatwech

    Sudan electoral board denies obstructing foreign observers activities

    There is a brewing all time corruption in the ministry of finance on house rent allowance for this year.

    GOSS under Kiir leadership should understand that this is elections’ year. Six months from now are too soon. It has to do every thing to motivate people to register and vote for them. People are confused about the SPLM’s contradicting statements of boycotting elections and not nominating its candidates. Citizens are also fed up of the failure by the government to deliver.

    Look, I watched it on SSTV, heard it on radio and read it in newspapers a few months ago that the government resolved to pay house rent allowances to the civil servants beginning from January this year. Up to now nothing has materialized. Is this a joking government or what? How come a government makes a decision it cannot implement? Giving false hopes to citizens is dangerous and can backfire at the government. May be the money is there but those official thieves in the finance ministry want to delay the payment until accounts are closed by the end of the year and they eat the money for this year’s house rent allowance. Is this a behaviour of a government that goes for elections really?

    I hope Kiir will give some incentives to the government staff during this long holiday, otherwise people will just sit down, playing dominoes and cards and not bother to register to vote for a joking government.

  • thieleling

    Sudan electoral board denies obstructing foreign observers activities
    NCP/NIFers really succeeded in out witting the international community and ready to claim legitimacy after election. The sudanese and international have to give the credit where it belongs, Ali Osman Taha’s lawyering paid off big time. The NCP/NIF dodged the wrath of former President Bush who came close to overthrew the NIFers, but was prevented by intelligent men like Taha and the company. The CPA sugar-coated the NCP intentions in disguise. Now the real intention comes after the election. It is war or imposed united Sudan. And the world & SPLM would be just watching? Hmmmmn!!

    Now Carter Center will be one of those giving the NCP/NIFers legitimacy after election. The NEC, other international observers know for sure who is heading for election victory comes April 2010. Unless something internally happened in khartoum, the NCP triumphs over disorganized SPLM. Sudanese need to be realistic!! Even Obama Administration know what time it is through General Gration. But this win would be short-live unless the question of south sudan Referendum is properly addresses after this election by the mandated new gov’t in both juba & Khartoum.

  • mohammed osman
    mohammed osman

    Sudan electoral board denies obstructing foreign observers activities
    brother ali i agrees with your statements that we have to let this savages from south sudan go there way or they will push as backwards.

    We want to live in the north as pure Arabs and muslims,even this bvlack muslims in Darfur we do not need them anymore ,let them go too. we need a new president here in the nothern sudan, omer el basher is a war crimes man and he is not fit to be our leaders, even here in my area el jezeera untill now we have not seen a single registration officer, the government promised as that we will be registered, we raised our complains with local splm office but we have not heard naything since.

    We are not interested in this fraudulent election anymore,NCP party wants to take as for a ride but we are not fools,we know abuot the corruption inside NCP, it is time for northerns to speak out againist this dictator regime of omer el basher,elections is being rigged since ten years back and the same thing happens again now, we want a president who cares about we the Sudanese and will provide for our children, omer basher is selfish and only want to stay in power but not looking after the people, my aunty died of cancer two month ago, we begged the local hopital for medicine but we got nothing, cancer is now number one killer int his country and this corrupt government officials are only pocketing the money for themselves and their families , what about us the ordinary citizens who is going to help us?

    if we want democracy we have to fight for it , no one will give as our freedoms, this country has become hell on earth because of NCP oppressive and corrupt policies , allah help us.

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