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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM-NCP agree to cease hostile remarks over media

November 8, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) agreed to halt the exchange of hostile remarks that escalated over the last few weeks.

Pagan Amum, the secretary general of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) (AFP)
Pagan Amum, the secretary general of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) (AFP)
At a meeting in Khartoum between NCP delegation led by 2nd Vice President Ali Osman Taha and SPLM delegation led by Government of South Sudan (GoSS) Vice president Riek Machar they asserted the need to continue dialogue and bilateral meetings to reach “quick solutions”.

The Sudanese presidential assistant Nafie Ali Nafie told reporters afterwards that there are differences between the two sides “but should not be communicated to the media”.

The SPLM Secretary General Pagan Amum echoed Nafie’s call saying there needs to be “positive atmosphere” before the upcoming April 2010 presidential and parliamentary elections.

Amum further said that confidence building measures need to be put in place to reach national consensus.

Both peace partners are deadlocked over referendum law and the census results though officials have hinted that a resolution is within reach providing details.

The SPLM spokesperson Yen Mathew said that they will monitor the NCP adherence to an upcoming accord.

The particularly sensitive issue of referendum is centered on the percentage of voters turnout required to recognize the self determination process valid and the percentage of ‘yes’ votes to declare an independent South Sudan.

The census dispute relates to the use of the one conducted last year which the South considers to be understating their numbers for the purposes of determining the geographical constituencies in the April 2010 elections.

SPLM suggested using the population percentages in post-elections census but the NCP rejects it.

The US special envoy to Sudan Scott Gration left the country on Friday night after failing to bridge differences.

Nafie held a press conference on Saturday along with other NCP officials who accused the SPLM of failing to be “a strategic partner to achieve peace and security in Sudan”.



  • thieleling

    SPLM-NCP agree to cease hostile remarks over media

    Aha! The leader of the minority unionists cligue within SPLM does not know how to shut up. The semi-educated & semi-intellectual Pagan Amum would never shut his bid mouth up. NEVER!!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM-NCP agree to cease hostile remarks over media
    SPLM knows the reason behinde;therefore, those of Riek are carefully scrutinize in the refernedum laws negotaitions because Riek was known for betraying the South.

  • julius mowanga
    julius mowanga

    SPLM-NCP agree to cease hostile remarks over media
    It shows that,our so called “Leaders” are selfish,self-centered,opportunists, and corrupt.Otherwise,how come to agree to siden the media, and consequentailly blinden the People of Sudan.What a shame!!!!!!!111

    Peace Out

  • J.James

    SPLM-NCP agree to cease hostile remarks over media

    I want to announce that very soon I will quit this web site for ggod it hadcome to the point that, we are not any longer discuse Southern Sudan problems.

    Kids like Dinka Boy and Critic Ngueny are become tribal war-lords who don’t want to listen anything coming from the person who is not from their clan member.

    This kind of barren behaviors will not yield any fruit apart from hatred and divisions.

    Nationalistically, it is unacceptable for somebody who call himself intellectual to support his tribe’s leaders on daily basis. All of us have very qualified leaders who may lead the southern Sudan with decent approval rate.

    But supporting each others friends and relatives is not democratic way of handling political affairs. Some of you need to think the consequences of dividing Southern Sudan into 100 tribal functions, find out what will that mean for our future and our level in world view.

    Please let try to adapt the system where Nuer or Murle support Dinka candidates and Dinka jump to support Nuer or the candidates who come from other tribes. That way, we may call it democracy or nation as a whole. Otherwise I will participate at this discussion unless defensive basis.

    Let work on this.

    God bless

    The writer always watches closely.

  • Adam

    SPLM-NCP agree to cease hostile remarks over media
    Respected Readers,


    Positive atmosphere for confidence building. This is exactly what all Sudanese want. Now! For SPLM to achieve that it should have in mind that they should be “a strategic partners to the NCP”. Although there may be differences, but there must always be a clear “vision”. No united vision means no decision and consequently no mission. Period.

    The SPLM/A is to be blamed for the negative atmosphere and lack of confidence, which bite the political arena so hard. The decision-making mechanism in the SPLM is so immature. That is reflected in many dilemmas we’re witnessing. Who leads and takes final decisions is still to be worked out. This is true and it is the main cause of problems SPLM is suffering. CPA needs to be fully implemented and that requires a reform, determination, tolerance and deep understanding.

    Many, including myself, believe that the South is being ruled by the SPLA intelligent – not by a civilian government. Furthermore, SPLM is not tolerant with political opponents and suffocates any voice not in complete agreement with its jumble mumble. Unfortunately, SPLM embraces the concept that “an agreeable person is the one who agrees to SPLM opinion”. That is not correct. It leads to more chaos and hatred. For that reason, SPLM has to be tolerant and safeguards freedom of political activities to all, as CPA stated. All irresponsible behavior has to be terminated forever. Active and free political parties operating in the South will make a difference. They are indestructible and indispensable. They have supporters. They have resources and human power. They have a lot to do when referendum time comes. We need everybody then. Isn’t it?

    Can SPLM achieve “separation” (if it is its TRUE choice) and build a new nation without CPA? I doubt it. I read many emotional posts in this place and in many other places that southerners can declare independence from within parliament in Juba. That would be a political suicide. The new South Sudan needs support – a hell of support to be realized. The international and regional atmosphere are not favorable, especially in light of the current corruption and dilemma created by SPLM.

    O ye Southerners Unite!

    Adam Milawaki, Kansas

  • Critic_Ngueny

    SPLM-NCP agree to cease hostile remarks over media
    Dear J.James,

    Listen to Mr.Critic criticisms criticizing critical conditions critically in Southern Sudan (C.C.C.C.C).

    Dinka boy and I are not the problem to Southerners or Southern Sudan if you are really sane.

    It was stated clearly by the late Dr.John Garang de Mabior during Machakose talks in Kenya that,”Who is the problem,I being sat on is the problem or the person sitting on me.” We are not the problem but the people who normally talk against Dinkas are the problem.

    I must defend Dinkas wherever they are whether you like it or not.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • Critic_Ngueny

    SPLM-NCP agree to cease hostile remarks over media
    Dear J.James,

    A fool does not change but a wise person does.But remember,if a person has no mercy then you have to be merciless too.I tried to turn deaf ears to those useless comments from Logic dog,Kiim Deng,Gatewich,Busta2,Thieing and you too but you don,t want to change.

    For me to change or stop talking against Equatorians and Nuer community in response of what they say about Dinka community is like hiring of a vehicle to Heaven.

    Never mind ladies and gentlemen,a journey of thousand miles start with a step but he/she who is not taught by the parents has to be taught by the World.Those who normally talk against hard hearted and pure hearted people of Bor must change otherwise.

    peace comes as a result of war.Take Note of this please and we must teach them a lesson.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • Bazinguaboy

    SPLM-NCP agree to cease hostile remarks over media
    This is one hell of a good news that has taken a long time to come by. Does it show that the parties to the CPA are coming to their senses? only time will tell.
    The two sides have faltered in their efforts to make unity attractive and have instead propagated a message that only shows that it is hard to coexist and now, at the 11th hour, they are trying to give us a message of hope. The people of Sudan – and I mean Sudan with all its diversity as we know it – demand a lot better than these two parties could give us. Pick my mind … I think it is time for a more responsible leadership for all of us.

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    SPLM-NCP agree to cease hostile remarks over media
    See yourself and adjust your position with aims if you are from South or north before you open your mouth and abuse people who are on duty.Even though all leading GOSS are uneducated, then the legal rights of Southern Sudan in which they are working for is more educated than anybody claimant in the South.I mean ( soil or rights of Southern sudan is more educated than you who shout at people without knowing what you are doing is against your anus).
    what makes you to abuse Pagan Amum and he is a man on duty on your behalf. If you are more educated than Pagan Amum why can’t go and carry out the duty.
    Am not abusing you who shouting at people, but mind you, stop abusing. better for you to challenge the leaders when they are on wrong place doing the wrong things in the eyes of their people, with proper adjustment advice, but not abuse.
    I hope you are human being who can listening and not hearing just.


    Lok T. Simon

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