Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

The dismantled Sudan

By Izzadine Abdul Rasoul

November 8, 2009 — The situations in Sudan have become complicated where the entire country which is ten times size of Egypt, is on the brink of collapse. Although there is no clear vision for the future existence of the entire country called Sudan. Yes indeed; the situations in Sudan became very complicated with a confusing political scene.

In the past there were times, where Sudanese from different ethnic group were in a way or another getting married from different parts of the country. Today these social activities have stopped because of uncertainty of the future of the country. The social activities of tribal intermarriages become less because of the lack of the sense of commonness and confidence as one nation, which is been created and widened by the Islamic extremists. Not only that but Sudanese as a nation now is divided in to clans and sects where the trust is utterly lost between them. Furthermore; the Sudanese became suspicious from each other, even those who belong to one family today never trust each other, because this member or that might be a security personal to spy for him or her. Majority of the Sudanese who were watching Sudan TV that day when a prominent figure belongs to the Islamist ruling party warned the Sudanese when he said; “ don’t think about playing dirty games about us we recruited your kids and wives to spy on you”. Those who are not living out of Sudan will say what a crap are you talking about? How can one family be against each other? The answer is: The Islamic Front Party who over took power through military coup, succeed by applying the policies of DIVIDE AND RULE and cutting of GOD provision from people. Also they use dirty cunning ways to discredit people who do not support their ideology, by bribes, tittle-tattle and threats of killing or torturing.

The minor of the major crimes mentioned above are brought by global Islamist groups who dreamed and planed to Islamize the entire continent of Africa by all available means, beginning with Sudan. The global Islamists who are mostly from Arab countries in the first place; fueled the twenty years war in South Sudan, Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains and now in Darfur where a proximately two millions and half innocent Sudanese were killed. The Sudan’s civilization project, as part of the Global Islamists scheme mixed with Arabs expansionists’ policies, aiming at converting Christians to Islam by all means including coercion and use of force; and farther legalizing their properties and their lands.

However; the global Islamists exploited the sexual obsession and deprivation as well that exists in Islamic countries, though inspired their fighters by giving them glad tidings that they will marry the white beautiful women from the heaven if they died in Jihad cause. The ideological jihad that imply total believe in life after death, have brain washed many people to die in South Sudan seeking Hurr-Ain (The white virgins with dark hair and wide eyes) with paradise of greenery and eternal shades. Nevertheless; later came the ideological mentor and the father of Jihad Sheikh Hassan Alturabi and refuted such things, describing his holly martyrs as carrions after many family lost their sons and beloved ones.

In Sudan we have seen thousands of martyrs’ marriage cases with “ Hurr Al Ain” where one of the Islamist sheikh specialized on such marriages comes in the night at the house of the martyr, in a van full of marriage stuff, then assemble the family of the deceased person, then the Sheik begins to tell the family that he has seen their son in the heaven looking very happy smiling and asked his family members to reach him. After then the Sheikh begins to do the marriage ceremonies and then the dancing music commences. The following is just one example; however there are thousands if not millions versions of such stories that are well known for the Sudanese. Most young people aged between 15-25 years old were killed in civil war for the exchange of beautiful white women. Therefore; the killing of black women of Sudan was not a big deal for the Islamist because they are useless for them. Because according to Islamists Ideology ALMIGHTY GOD promised to marry them white beautiful women in the heaven. “Please read any Islamic book that describes the “ Hurr”.Ain girls” they are all said to be white colors.

The death of such huge numbers of young people has created a generation gap, where we have in Sudan huge numbers of unmarried women who lost their marriage peers. So its no a surprise to fine very old man in Sudan married to a very young girl who looks to be like the grand daughter of the spouse when together.

Its very clear that the objectives of the Islamist are not to Islamize Africa solely, because they care for Africans, but because they need to exploit Africa for their own causes. Although; Africans need education, food and health care not training to kill innocent people or be killed with the name of any ideology.

Two weeks after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement CPA, with colleagues journalists we visited Kauda in South Kordofan, and when were asking commanders about their war experiences the well known SPLA commander who is a Muslim told me that in 1993 before he joined Sudan Peoples’ liberation Movement/ Army SPLM his village was under attack by Sudan Arm forces SAF. He said that there were some forces from Islamic and Arab countries fighting side by side with SAF. According to his information some were from Iran and other Arab countries. SPLA commander said that one of SAF commanders who was bushy beards and was not looking to be a Sudanese, stepped in the mosque where the villagers were hiding. That man asked his soldiers to hold the fire. Then he asked an old man among the group if the place they are hiding is a mosque and the old man answered with yes! The man told the congregation that they were told by the Government of Sudan that all the people living in the Nuba Mountain are infidels, therefore; the Jihadists came to kill them and inherit their properties and their lands.

This was the way the global Islamist were brought to Sudan to accomplish their mission of Jihad on Africans!

Then the Comprehensive Peace Agreement CPA marriage was imposed on both parties by the international community, where global Islamist believes that their mission in Africa and Sudan in particular is not yet accomplished. Hence; everybody witnesses that Khartoum is reluctant to implement the agreement on the ground because their objectives of signing the CPA was to bring Dr. John Garang, the very influential figure in Africa, in their circle and then swallow him as happened to the leaders of Addis Ababa Peace Agreement AAPA . However, those negotiated the CPA well predicted the intentions of Sudan North Arabs who are known for dishonor agreements, therefore SPLM/A negotiated self-autonomy as well as the referendum which are now the only hope for all people of the South Sudan after the CPA implementation is not respected.

Now, the only good news for people of South Sudan is a statement made by the Vice President/President of the Government of the South Sudan Lt. Gen Salva Kiir who said that; if the people of the South vote for the unity they will live as second class citizens and if they vote for the self-determination they will live as a free nation. Meanwhile on Tuesday 3 November 2009 in conference organized by UN, entitled the future of Sudan, the Sudan Foreign Minister Deng Alor in his speech said that if Southerners are opted for unity or separation they will unanimously chose separation. Is there a person who could blame these two men on their statement? Of course not; because if people of the north regard the people of the south as first class citizen of Sudan they would not have relegated to implement the agreement signed between them. Furthermore, NCP would have worked hard to make the unity attractive as stipulated on CPA.

The question is: can we be able to have free and fair election which was the only chance to elect a person from South Sudan as a President of all Sudan which might have healed the wound of the first class and the second class citizens. How can elections be conducted in the country where there is no freedom of expression, freedom of assemble? Few day ago, on passing the National Security laws the NCP members asked; how can National Security do its job if it has no rights to arrest and detain? This looks very naïve! The primary objectives and essence of National Security is found to protect the population from any harm not the vice-versa. The National Congress Party according to Hamdi Triangle is doing this because they want to separate the South Sudan, Darfur, Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile to continue ruling until they accomplish the global Islamization projects that is aimed on Africa.

To show more how Sudan as a country is dismantling; On 31 October 2009 the AU Member States of the African Union endorsed the idea of a special hybrid court for Darfur crime suspects to save Bashir from ICC; as Egyptian former foreign minister Ahmed Mahir put it honestly on an interview at Egyptian Akhbar Alyoum newspaper published on 31st October 2009. The man was brave enough to expose the deal of his boss the Former South African President Thabo Mbeki and the members who were chosen by their countries not by the committee specialized on issues of impunity and justice. It was not a surprise to see Egyptians working to save the man who offered them Halaib which is %100 Sudanese land which Egypt on the other hand called it as a red line and refused to be registered as constituency in Eastern Sudan. Not only just that, but the NCP has given a green light for the Egyptians to take the Sudanese sea port of Sawakin if Sudan is dismantled as its apparent now. What approves this speculation is the statement made by Egyptian scholar last month that the Eastern Sudan is historically belongs to Egypt. Unfortunately none of the NCP from top to bottom has refuted the Egyptian false claims. However, The Former Foreign Minster Mustafa Ismail was brave to say in one of his statements that Sudan has many problems that would not allow it to escalate another problem with the good neighbor Egypt. How comes you call the internal problems the major problems and your land confiscated by the foreign country as a minor problem? What kind of thinking is this?

The problem of the Sudanese in general is that, they lost self-confidence since the independent. Sudan is a country without identity, some believe they are Arabs therefore; they don’t see any problem if Sudan is shared with other Arabs. The Sudan Arabs gone so far even when refers anything to Arabs on Sudan media houses, they say “our brothers Arabs” and call the Southern Sudanese, Darfuris other Sudan African parts as friends. Also they believe that any solution to Sudan problems should come from Arab countries not from anywhere else; with an excuse that it’s against Arabs and the Muslims.

I believe that in North Sudan there are also those African groups who are oppressed because of their spoken African languages, such as Danagila, Mahas, Nubis and the Kunuz. However, they are better off than the rest of their African brothers in other parts of Sudan; because they excel the Sudanese Arabs like Shaigiya, and Jalleen in color. Any African speaking people in any bus or train that is going to the north Sudan was always harassed by north Arab speaking communities for speaking African languages in their communications. I couldn’t believe this until one day my friend journalist from Mahas tribe told me that his wifwe to be who was from Shaigia tribe left his home because his mother and father were communicating in Mahas when she was in the family house. She said that the parents did not respect her and that was the reason why she left.

I am telling such trivial stories for the Sudanese readers because we still don’t know each other, also there are unspoken issues that need to be addressed. Dr Francis Deng is always right when he said that the Sudanese problem is the unspoken.

If this is he Sudan! Who could put blame on the people of the South Sudan for choosing self-determination?

We are in time out period where National Congress Party has consumed all Sudan time, instead to build the nation, they dismantled the nation. The question I have asked in year 2000 when I was a trainee at Khartoum Monitor newspaper in letter to the editor I will repeat it today but in two folds and as follow:

Where will the Southerners who are the members of the National Congress Party, and the Northerners living in the South will go if the South Sudan secedes?
What will be the fate of the people of the Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains since the South Sudanese have already respectively decided self-determination?

The author is the Managing Editor of Citizen Newspaper – Sudan. He can be reached at [email protected]


  • murlescrewed

    The dismantled Sudan
    Great article indeed. Sudan could have and could still be saved from breaking up. However, it is now up to our Northern brothers to correct past injustices and make South feel comfortable that there is a real change.

    South can still remain economically and culturally united with North but I doubt there is not going to be a political unity. It is risky a chance for South to gamble on political unity when North is still in mental state of terror.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    The dismantled Sudan
    No interest of reading this Bible of yours, be short, specific and straight to the point.

  • Martin D Ajhak
    Martin D Ajhak

    The dismantled Sudan
    Good article but marriages between North – South brothers and sisters doesn’t constitude the priciples of a united country. If you Arabs belief so then we southerners doesn’t.

    Also it is too late to blame Arab regime of what they should have done to make unity attractive. Let’s wait for UDI ,,,

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    The dismantled Sudan
    Good for you for taking you time to write this artical.

    according to your question at last paragraph. I think that Blue Nile and Nuba Mountain should decid to have their own states because of the following reasons. First, when SPM ,Blue Nile and Nuba Mountain were fighting war with north, there were no clear agreement between them. Nuba mountain and Blue Nile were commited for Vision of New Sudan which is to make Sudan as democracy country for all nations of Sudan;however they have missed the meaning of Vision and that is their internal problems today . To day,if they decided to come with southerns I think they are going to be still a second class in view of southerns and they can see or hear what is going on in south right now and if they decided to remain with northerners it will be the same thing. They should create their own states in my point of view.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    The dismantled Sudan
    Dear Izzadine Abdul Rasoul,

    You comfortablly fit in the shoes of Tockmac Deng (Ali Abdullatif, William Deng Nhial and Dr John Garang De Mabior, you are wise, and a talent son of this nation, and I am proud of you.

    You have the abilities to reshape this country torn appart by mahdi, Al-Merghani Sectarian and Islamic separatists.

    You have demonstrated and have compltely convinced me how much you care, not only for our country the Sudan, but also how you care and love the Sudanese people.

    You are absolutely right Mr Izzadine by noting this I quote; “In the past there were times, where Sudanese from different ethnic group were in a way or another getting married from different parts of the country.”

    It was when the Arab were migrants and guesses in Sudan when the relationships between different ethnic groups was Sugar and Milk. These relationships continious to be so until all Egyptian sponsor Occupations of Sudan whether Turkey or England occupations that the Arabism and Islamism became abstacles in the Sudanese intermarriage relations in northern Sudan, and that’s where the problems of Sudan’s existing hatred and tribalism started.

    The Sectarian and Islamic agenda of the North became worst when they (UMMA, DUP & NIF) exported tribalism and Hatred to the South; especially during Nimery-Tombura’s Cokora Movement era in Equatoria late Seventies. The tribalist and hatred stegma the south suffers today is the consequences of bad goods exported to her by Northern Sectarian and Islamic parties.

    Now, given the fact that Southerners have determined and defended the Unity of Sudan for many decades, it is a time now for northerners to do what their countryparts in the south have done so far.

    It is this April 2010 elections that the northerners have a last chance to determine the unity or the disintegration of Sudan. If northerners vote for SPLM’ Presidential Candidate and Parliamentarian Candidates as I usually write on this web, northerners would succeed in making unity attractive, and if not, their voting for the separatists in the north will be a blessing for disintegration of Sudan and Southerners will just endorse that.

    CPA has made Sudan a two independence states now and the unity that still people talked about is the unity of Oil, South Blue Nile and Kordofan and this unity will not be there after 2010 elections results if the results favour northern separatist parties. Or, it could be extended to the a complete unity between South-North, People and Land if the Northern Voters vote for SPLM and the results of those elections confirm it.

    For those who rely on violence, insults and inappropriate dialogue you have right to do so, but I am afraid you may have little to achieve that can make you heroes.

    It is how much faith you have in your God, not mine, that influences your behaviour and so, be it. Too, it is how tolerance or intolerance that influences your interpersonal relationship with others, so if you are, be it.

    Bible says; “treat people the way you need to be treated”

  • Gatwech

    The dismantled Sudan
    Dear readers,

    The vision on self-determination for the South was the best ever carefully thought out by our nationalist sons and daughters. This self-determination will not only end in the South but will in the nearest future engulf Nuba Mountains, Darfur, the Beja East and Blue Nile. Sudan will surely split into four or five countries. It is a nation destined for disintegration. It is too deformed to be reformed. Those who tried to reform it and keep it united found out late that they were just chasing the wind they could not catch.

    It is illogical and doesn’t make any sense at all for a person to think that South and North can re-unite after separation. Kamic Isaac, you sounded foolish and naive if you just copied the poor vision of that sell-out Abyei man, Dr. Francis Mading Deng. His poor dream of hoping for a separated South to re-unite with the North in the future is foolish and was only meant as a way to get money from his northern masters.

    A wise man can never take Germany (East and West) that re-unite as a good example for the case of North and South Sudan. The two German states and their people have little that divided them in the first place. They shared every thing except ideology. What divided them could be only 10% but what re-united them could be 90%.

    While in Sudan, the things that divide the South and the North are 90% while what could unite them is only 10%.

    Look at North and South Korea, they have not re-united despite the fact that they are the same people; same body feature, small eyes, same color, language, culture, shared ancestry, etc, etc, but yet the ideology has divided them that they have not decided to reunite. There is however a possible that they can overcome the ideology and reunite. However, in Sudan it is not the ideology that divides the North and the South so much, it is more of identity coupled with its resultant injustices.

    Isaac, it is much easier for a tribally divided Dinka and Nuer to reunite because they share alot in common, but forget about South and North reuniting as one nation after separation. That will never happen. But may be cooperations on mutual interests can exist between the two would be neighboring nations.

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